138 June 24

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June 24, 2006 Dear Editor, A scholar asked: “Why it is that public leader sometimes quarrel and fight and even spank or box each other for solving ‘big’ problems; perhaps big money is involved. But those small things that are doable and could stimulate activeness and flow of cash, the politicians are sometimes timid to pass laws on how to counter attack those small extreme/s being created at the start of the problem- example: a) rail road accidents with truck passing by, b) bank robbery, c) identity theft, d) too much wire hanging in front of buildings, dilapidating business establishments that create eye sores, e) lack of energy because of high price of oil; lack of alternative energy, f) air and water, noise pollution, g) too much vehicle or traffic congestion, h) and others.” …then the S.I. answered: “Perhaps 20% of the efforts of politicians is concentrating on how to win the next term for political survival, 20%... is for his family’s well beings especially on how to earn more, 20%... is on how to support those people supporting him, 20%... is on how to relate to his fellow politicians especially on how to please their expectations, 20% of the efforts of politicians is concentrating on how to make and pass law/s. Sometimes during heated debates especially near where the microphone is located, the displeased fellow opponent/s would just or suddenly spank or box a politician delivering a controversial speech. Perhaps to balance and check the start of the problem of sudden boxing a fellow politician, why make a ruling that the flat form with microphone should have transparent unbreakable plastic guard so that boxing, spanking, throwing anything to a speaking law maker would be checked...! Sometimes there are also politicians who are not scientists or engineers or technicians or programmers or perhaps even philosophers or religious teachers or even at least undergraduate law students that’s why their perspectives on problems that needs technology, or science, law, good teachings are not well covered or discussed. Perhaps pass law that there should be a section in library in parliament specifically focusing on recent practical, marketable technologies, and another section in the library in parliament focusing for different good teachings of different good religious groups, and another section focusing for the laws of the land and international laws. There should be enough librarians that are experts on those fields so that politicians who are not well updated on current events could easily have access or could easily research and ask opinions on attacking any problem or extreme or start of chaos so that balancing considering ‘science, good teachings, and law’ could be enhanced... Perhaps using latest technology on researching could let other politicians be more up dated on any good idea especially using computer through internet. On the start of the extreme or problem about: a) rail road accident with truck or any vehicle passing by: perhaps pass law that every rail road crossing depending of the load of traffic, should have cheaper to expensive early warning device especially using automation; or combination of both- one as spare or stand by. Perhaps the cheapest is a set of sensors powered by a solar cell or batteries where the approaching train has also the sensor so that when the train is about 200m-1m going near the “smart train early device”, the “smart train early device” would let another instrument to keep on beaming, blinking light and producing alert sounds to warn approaching vehicles of danger. Another system

would be alerted if the train’s device did not function; or the train has no sensor to warn the “smart train early warning device” near the crossing by using keys such as the vibration of the rail track, the weight of the train or the noise of the train so that another device could be triggered of one of the keys to alert the “smart train early warning device” that there is a train approaching. Perhaps the cost would just be $50-$500 and that the device could last for one year. Perhaps the average is an early warning device that could let a sign board light emphasizing the letters of the warning to blink or flash, and a loud sound of warning could be heard at a distance. The cost of the average device would be at least $500-$1000 with a life of one year. Then the expensive ones might be an early warning device that could let a barricade or a barricade pipe cross the road so that any vehicle would not attempt to cross the rail road called “train arm barricade”. The opening and closing or the “train arm barricade” should be automated or manned by a security trained personnel. Perhaps practical way of making a “train arm barricade” is by just assembling parts like: i) Assembly of pipes tampering from 3” diameter to ½” diameter and with a length of 8meters with “sign warnings,” ii) Hinge assembly attached to a good foundation iii) a counter weight to balance the weight of the arm pipe for minimizing the use of energy in closing and opening the arm barricade. iv) a transmission gear box to convert motion from a motor to desired needed motion to move the arm barricade v) an electric motor that have reverse rotation. vi) a sensor that could switch on and off the electric motor for reverse or forward motion; and a sensor ability to switch derived from example another device that when an approaching train 200m-1m presses the device and it triggers the switch to turn on through wire or wireless technology. Perhaps the cost of the whole assembly would not reach $1000-$2000 each unit. Since every rail road two units are needed then perhaps $2000-$4,000 is reasonable enough to have an automated early warning device for rail road and vehicle crossing. For b) bank robbery: pass a law that ‘smart early warning device” using the pressing of feet could be available at strategic locations in the bank. Perhaps a simple cell phone programmed to send distress messages to many neighboring police stations by just turning it on and the device could be switch on by using the foot so that even if people’s hands are showed up during hold ups at banks it could still be switch on and send messages automatically. Perhaps pass a law that all cell phone company should provide free text to a number for distress call especially if there is on going robbery. Example for “bank robbery,” the free number is ‘2222’; and a GPS system could locate the specific location of the bank. And the police could automatically verify the bank because there is a secret cell phone with camera technology mandated by law for every bank that could be remotely controlled by the authority in the police station and in case ‘2222’ is called then perhaps the idea is better than doing nothing or arguing which party is better. For c) identity theft through bank notes: perhaps all bank note to be in cash should be required by law to have: 1) signature of the owner and two signatures by the one in cashing the check at the back of the check, 2) two IDs of the one in cashing, 3a) either sending a text of consent or approval by the owner; and the bank could verify the cell phone number of the owner through “smart bank owner’s registry” or 4b) a phone call from the owner; and the bank could verifying the voice through “smart bank owner’s

registry” in voice mode. All services added to counter extreme of identity theft should be deducted from the owner’s account. For d) too much wire hanging in front of buildings that create eye sores, dilapidating buildings or stores that cause eyesores: since there is now internet that is wireless, perhaps pass law that internet should be wireless, “cable” TV should be wireless, ‘landline’ telephone should be wireless, and electric line should be embedded or underground. Wireless technology is cheaper than wire technology because one should need posts, wires, and things could easily be stolen, difficult to maintain. But through wireless many loopholes and manipulation could be checked, and repair is cheaper. For buildings and stores that are dilapidating and eyesores, pass law that if the store owner would not repair and make his building be good to the eye, his business permit would be canceled. Perhaps other business company could be interested to renovate it and the rent could be the payment; after the expenses of the renovations have been paid by the rent and considering also the interest, the owner could now be in charged again of the management. For e) lack of energy because of high price of oil; lack of alternative energy, pass law that “portable smart wind mill” and portable “solar cell” and hydrogen producer device through electrolysis should be a five-ten year target goal of every house unit or every establishment. For f) air and water pollution: pass law that polluting through air, water of any sort could now be like violating traffic rule; or with fine. Example: too much smoke from vehicles, too much smoke from house smoke’s outlet, too much smoke from factory’s smoke outlet, etc.,- any person could text the authority or gets a picture of the smoke through cell phone camera; and send the picture to the authority and the authority could verify things. And if there is apprehension or fine collected, a reward could be given to the tipster.” Perhaps a smart smoke tester could be created that could test what is really the allowable smoke that should go beyond the outlet... g) too much vehicle or traffic congestion. Pass a law that: i) every registered vehicle should have ‘smart congestion analyzer’ so that the vehicle could now know those points or destinations that are congested and the driver could do something to avoid congestion. ii) Pass law using color coding; or ending of numbers on the plate number of vehicles are the key to be allowed or not to be allowed to enter prone to congestion routes on specifics days. iii) entrance and exit ways of major buildings or offices where plenty of the loading and unloading are contributing to the congestion on a given hour should be restudied, then pass a law that people should learn to walk a little away from those entrance; or policy makers should try to open new entrances and exits. iv) Vehicle’s garage is now a requirement for registering vehicles. v) Vehicle should have life, so that after expiration of life, that vehicle is no longer allowed to register.” from RV

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