13730698 Psych Nursing Complete Edited Royal Pentagon

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 4,308
  • Pages: 31
-1Beliefs  Feelings  Behavior Therapeutic Communication Techniques • What you see, you say • What you hear, you say  restating Sigmund Freud • Father of Psychoanalysis • Structure of Personality (Id, Ego, Superego)

D mpulsive want to want PLEASURE

eat drink urinate defecate



PLEASURABLE PRINCIPLE Pain Avoidance It’s all “I”

UPER EGO hould not mall voice of God

Dominant ID Mania Antisocial Narcissistic

DOMINANT SUPER EGO Obsessive - compulsive Anorexia Nervosa


GO Xecutive Secretary

REALITY PRINCIPLE LIBIDO  sexual energy responsible for survival PSYCHOSEXUAL THEORY 1. ORAL STAGE • 0 – 18 Months old • Survival • I want to eat, sleep, urinate, defecate • ID formation


Impaired Reality Schizophrenia


Cry & Suck  mouth Child Cries Feed the Infant ↓ Successful

Ignore the Infant ↓ Unsuccessful ↓ Narcissistic

Defense Mechanism: o FIXATION  when a person is stuck in a certain developmental stage o REGRESSION  return to an earlier developmental stage •

EGO is develop in the 6th month 2. ANAL STAGE • Ateen – 3 years old (18 mos – 3 y.o.) • Toilet training • Super Ego develop Toilet Training Good Mother ↓ Successful

Bad Mother ↓ Unsuccessful



3. PHALLIC • • • •

Too Rigid Training ↓ Clean Organized Obedient ↓ OBSESSIVE – COMPULSSIVE (Anal Retentive)

3 – 6 y.o. Penis/ Vagina Parents is the significant person Called as Preschooler

Dirty Disorganized Disobedient ↓ ANTISOCIAL (Anal Expulsive)

Small S E


• • • • •

Oedipus Complex  little boy loves mommy Electra Complex  little girl loves daddy Identification  boy associates with daddy, girl assoc. with mommy Castration  fear of the little boy to daddy Penis Envy  envy of little girl towards daddy Dr. Karen Horney  opposition to penis envy •

Level of Awareness o Conscious  highest level of awareness o Preconscious  Tip of the tongue o Unconscious  deepest level of awareness

• •

Birth Trauma  First traumatic experience of child REPRESSION  unconscious forgetting of an anxiety provoking concept SUPRESSION  conscious forgetting of an anxiety provoking concept

4. LATENCY STAGE • 6 – 12 years old • SCHOOlatency • Sexual energy is dormant • Reading, Riting, Rithmetic • SUBLIMATION  placing sexual energies toward a more productive endeavors 5. GENITAL STAGE • 12 y. o. – above • Gising • Genital



ANTIANXIETY VLAST ME VAIB Valium – ate V Miltown - Meal Libreum - L Equanil – Aqua Kneel Ativan - Ate Guy Seraks – Sera Ulo Tranxene - Transit

Vistaril - largavista Attarax – Mga bato (rocks) Inderal – hindi ralph Busfar – sasakay ng bus


3 – 6 y.o. 6 – 12 y.o. 12 – 20 y.o. 20 – 25 y.o. 25 – 45 y.o. 45 y.o. and above

Trust Autonomy AU nal TO ilet training NO favorite word MY Initiative Industry Identity Intimacy Generativity Ego Integrity

Mistrust Shame/ doubt

Affecting Major Factor Feeding Toilet Training

Guilt Inferiority Role confusion Isolation Stagnation Despair

Independence In da-school Peer Love Parenting Reflection

MASLOW’S HEIRARCHY OF NEEDS 1. Physiologic Needs o Air, food, water, shelter, rest, sleep, activity and temperature maintenance that are crucial for survival 2. Safety and Security Needs o Safe in physical and psychological aspects 3. Love and Belonging Needs o Giving and receiving affection, attaining a place in a group, maintaining the feeling of belonging 4. Self – esteem Needs o Self esteem – feelings of independence, competence and self respect o Esteem from others – recognition, respect, appreciation

-55. Self Actualization o One’s maximum potential and realize one’s abilities and qualities BEHAVIORAL MODELS 1. Ivan Pavlov • Classical Conditioning Model • All behavior are learned  Food  dog  Salivation  Bell  Food  Dog  Salivation  Bell  Salivation 2. B.F. Skinner • Operant Conditioning • All behaviors are unlearned • Reward (+ reinforcement) and Punishment (Reinforcement) BRAIN LOBES ACTION Frontal  Language, Learning, Personality, Judgment Temporal  hearing, smelling Parietal  Taste, touch Occipital  Vision Sensory Integration

Voluntary Motor Involuntary


AcetylCholine ↓ Brain  Spinal Cord  Motor Nerve  Muscle Fiber

INVOLUNTARY NERVOUS SYSTEM • Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic HR ↑ RR ↑ GI ↓ Constipation GU ↓ Urinary retention Neuro Epi/ Nor

Parasympathetic ↓ ↓ ↑ Diarrhea ↑ Urinary Frequency Acetyl Choline







Cogentin Artane Parlodel Akineton Benadryl Larodopa Eldepryl Symmetryl THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION • • • •

• • •

• • •

Therapeutic Offer your self  I’ll stay with you Silence Making observations o You seem sad Active listening o Nodding o Eye contact o Lean forward Who, what, when, where General leads o Go on, I’m listening, what else? Broad opening - best Opening line o How are you today? o How are you? Restating Clarrification Refocusing  we are talking

• • • • •

• • • • • •

Non-Therapeutic Don’t worry be happy Everything’s gonna be alright Ignoring the client Changing the subject Nice weather we’re having o Adjectives – value based perception, should not be use You are the most beautiful client Why Arguing Flattery You should do this now In my opinion

-7about the exam • Focusing  tell me about DEFENSE MECHANISMS  Fight for stress DISPLACEMENT • Transfer of feelings to a less • Boss shouts at threatening object rather than the you, you shout at one who provoke it your subordinate DENIAL • Failure to acknowledge an • “I’m not an unacceptable trait or situation alcoholic” DISSOCIATION • Psychological flight from self • “Sino ka, Sino ako?” • A type of amnesia REGRESSION • Return to an earlier developmental • Return to stage thumbsucking REPRESSION • Unconscious forgetting of an • Hindi ko maalala anxiety provoking concept RATIONALIZATION • Illogical reasoning for a socially • I drink because I unacceptable trait don’t want to waste the beer in • “sayang ang beer sa ref, kaya ko the ref ininum” REACTION • doing the opposite of your • sasabunutan FORMATION intention kita. . . ay kuklulutin lang kita • plastic UNDOING • Doing the opposite of what you • “ay pinatid kita, have done due to guilt halika punta kita sa clinic” • orocan, plastic, Tupperware IDENTIFICATION • Assume trait for personal, social, • Tulad niya occupational role PROJECTION • Attributing to others one’s • “hindi ako acceptable trait alcoholic, sila yon” • Pasa load INTROJECTION • Assume another person’s trait as • “ako din” your own • Not just you, me • too SUPPRESSION • Conscious forgetting of an anxiety • Hindi ko alam yan provoking concept SUBLIMATION • Placing sexual energies toward a • Angry at life, put more productive endeavors anger in singing CONVERSION • Repressed angers put towards • Biglang mangingig physical symptoms affecting nervous system leading to sensory numbness and motor paralysis COMPENSATION • Overachievement in one area to • Pilay pero cover a defective part magaling kumanta SUBSTITUTION • Replacing a difficult goal with a • Gusto ko more accessible one Disneyland.

-8Enchanted nalang. STOP  GABA  Inhibitory Gamma Amino Butyric Acid GO  Epinephrine/ Norepinephrine Exitatory


Anticholinergic side effect Constipation Urinary Retention Dry Mouth Blurred Vision

Within 1 week Rebound phenomenon Seizure Abrupt


Dependence Withdrawal Drowsy No Alcohol No Coffee Develop Orthostatic Hypotension Prevetion of O.H. 1. Sit Down 2. Dangle feet 3. Stand Up Gradually

Gradually Tapered Dose



Vague sense of impending doom

Mild Moderate +1 +2 Widened acing Perceptual Field RN Meds Restless Enhanced Learning Capacity “You Seem Restless “

Severe +3 ont know what to say/do IRECTIVE

Panic +4 uicide afety Don’t touch client Respi Alkalosis Bown Bag


Assess Nx Dx

: Level of Anxiety : Ineffective Individual Coping Powerlessness Impaired Skin Integrity Planning/ Implementation:  ↓ level of anxiety  ↓ environmental Stimuli  Relaxation Technique • Showing pictures of flower, waterfalls • Hearing sounds of chirping birds Evaluation : Effective individual coping

ENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER months excessive worrying • Might be mild, moderate and severe anxiety S/Sx • Restless • Difficulty of concentration • Sleep Disorders • Palpitations • Edge of the seat • Easy fatigability


15 – 30 Minutes escalation of SNS AGORAPHOBIA  fear of open space/ public places SOCIAL PHOBIA  fear of public

POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Trauma Disaster Accident War Rape

Flashbacks VICTIMS  Survivors Nightmares

- 10 Earthquake Soldier 6 years old ↓ Assignments/ Homeworks ↓ No Assignments/ Homeworks ↓ You Think “Teacher may get angry”

↑ Anxiety ↓ “I am sick” ↓

SOMATOFORM > no pretension > no organic basis

MALINGERING pretending to be sick (Conscious) ↓ Absent

Escape from Teacher PRIMARY GAIN (Behavior ↓ anxiety)

> unconscious

Mama Care ↓ ↑ Attention SECONDARY GAIN

PSYCHOSOMATIC > Real pains/ illness > Real symptoms > 4 major types * Hypertension * Migraine * Stress Ulcer * Asthma

SOMATOFORM DISORDERS SOMATOFORM Nervous System CONVERSION DISORDER La Belle Indifference  emotional disattachment from disability

Illusion of structural defect BODY DYSMHORPIC DISORDER

Minor Discomfort Interpreted as major illness HYPOCHONDRIASIS “Maliit na butas, pinalalaki” Favorite Past Time: Doctor Hopping Nursing Focus: Feelings

- 11 -


Vasoconstriction Cerebral Artery ↓ Migraine

Left Gastric Artery ↓ Stress Ulcer

PNS ↓ Bronchoconstriction ↓ Asthma

OBSESSIVE – COMPULSIVE Belief/ thought Door Open Burglar may go inside

→ →

Feelings ↑ Anxiety

→ ↑ anxiety ↓ Returns to house (Action) ↓ Anxiety ← Compulsion Obsession (thought)

PHOBIA • • • •

Irrational fears Etiology o Knowledge o Experience Immediate Nursing Intervention  remove the stimuli SYSTEMATIC DESENSITIZATION o Gradual exposure to feared object


ANTIPSYCHOTIC AGENT SSTTCMHP Stelazine - sexy star Serentil – serena Thorazine – babaeng Tora Trilafon - tri-band phone

Clozaril – closed reel Mellaril – maraming reel Haldol – hahaha Prolixin – pero lick scene

- 12 -

ALCOHOLISM Etiology: Intergenerational Transmission • From one generation to another generation

Alcohol ↓ Blackout  awake but unaware ↓ Confabulation  inventing stories to ↑ self-esteem ↓ Denial  “I am not an alcoholic”

Dependence  “I can’t live without it” ↓ Enabling  significant other tolerates abusers Another term CO – DEPENDENCY TOLERANCE  ↑ Substance to achieve a previous effect DETOXIFICATION • Withdrawal with MD supervision • Check Alcohol, Mouthwash, Elixer void alcohol version therapy lcoholics Anonymous  self help group ntabuse  DISULFIRAM  Never drink alcohol ↓ 12 hour interval/ 12 h last alcohol intake

B1 Vitamin Deficiency ↓

or else: nausea, vomiting and hypotension Wernicke’s Encephalopathy → motor

Korsakoff’s Psychosis → memory


Delirium Tremens  24 – 72 h after last dose of alcohol ↓ untreated withdrawal syndrome ormocation  bugs crawling under the skin amily Therapy  mother, father, brother

- 13 -

AUTISM Autistic Savant  autistic with a special talent Assess • Appearance  flat affect, consistent movement • Behavior  repetitive, ritualistic • Communication  echolalia, incomprehensible Nx Dx • Impaired verbal communication • Impaired social interaction • Self mutilation • Risk for injury Planning/ Implementation • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs • Constancy, promote safety Evaluation • Expressive therapy  drawing, muscic etc • Enhanced communication • Improved social interaction • Safety


Onset Duration Settings Id Dominant

: 7 y.o. and below : 6 months and above : 2  House and school : Mom or RN will act as superego

ADHD → ↓ Glucose → Frontal Lobe → impaired judgement → ↑ ADHD S/Sx → Ritalin  Frontal Lobe → ↑ Judgement → ↓ ADHD S/Sx (stimulant) Assess • Appearance  dirty • Behavior  clumsy, impatient, easily distracted, hyperactive • Communication  talkative, blurts out in class Nx Dx • Risk for injury • Impaired social interaction Planning/ Implementation tructure  separate room for eating, playing, sleeping and etc chedule  time for everything

- 14 et limits  afety Evaluation • Minimize Risk for Injury • Improved social interaction • Safety Residual ADHD grows up not antisocial Meds: Ritalin, dexedrin, pemoline, adderal Best time to give: once a day: AFTER MEALS: prevent lost of appetite Don’t give at bedtime  STIMULANT  causes insomnia Give 6 hours prior bedtime if bid

EATING DISORDERS 18 mos. – 3 y.o. ↓ Toilet Training ↓ Clean Obedient Organized Thought I Am Fat

6 y.o.  class valedictorian/ model student ↓ social inactive/ no BF ↓ weighing

Feeling Behavior ↓ Self Esteem  Diet, Diet, Diet

Anorexia Nervosa Diet, diet, diet <85% of expected body 3 mos. ammenorhea Karen Carpenter

Eating Disorders Eating Pattern Weight Menstruation

Bulimia Eat, eat, vomit Normal weight Irregular menstruation Dao Ming Xi Da Ming Sugat/ suka Vomiting Dental caries Wounded knuckles Metabolic alkalosis Metabolic acidosis

Vomiting Fluid Volume Deficit  ARRHYTHMIA (fatal complication)

- 15 Diarrhea Interventions • Restore fluid and electrolyte balance • Collaborative regarding menu contract • Target weight gain • After meals: stay 30 mins – 1 hour




L evel 0.6 – 1.2 mEq/L Increase urination Tremors, fine hand Hydration 3 L/day Increase Uu  diarhea Mouth, dry

ausea, vomiting, diarrhea Lithium Toxicity a+


DOPAMINERGIC PLSE Parlodel Larodopa Symmetyl Eldepryl


Ego disintegration Impaired reality perception Genetic vulnerability Stress – Diathesis Model o Too much stress in the reality will lead client to escape it and go to the fantasy world Biological Theory o Dopamine level is High The exact cause is unknown ffect  appropriate, inappropriate, flat, blunt (incomplete emotion) mbivalence  torn between 2 opposing forces

- 16 utism ssociative Looseness Symptoms Negative Hypoactive Withdrawn Apathy

Positive Hyperactive Sociable Flight of Ideas Talkative

Assess : Content of Thought Nx Dx : Disturbed thought process Planning/ Implementation: • Present reality • Provide safety Evaluation : Improve thought process Assess : Hallucination/ Illusions Nx Dx : Disturbed sensory perception Planning/ Implementation: • Present reality • Provide safety Evaluation : Improve sensory perception Assess : Suspicious Nx Dx : Risk for other directive behavior Planning/ Implementation: • Present reality • Provide safety Evaluation : Eliminate/ minimize risk for other-directed violence Assess : Suicidal Nx Dx : Risk for self directive behavior Planning/ Implementation: • Present reality • Provide safety Evaluation : Eliminate/ minimize risk for self-directed violence Flight or Looseness I am going to the mall.

I am going to the mall.

- 17 Where is the light? Go here. Mineral Water.

The mall is big. Big is the tree. The tree is tall.

Magical Thinking • Believes to have a magical power • I can turn you into a frog Echolalia  I repeat what you say  Parrots Echopraxia  I repeat what you do Word Salad  words, no rhyme Clang Association  words with rhyme : Dunk, plank, sunk Neologism  creation of new words Plinking, hustash • Clarification  done in case of neologism Delusion: Persecutory  NBI is out to get me/ someone will harm the client Religious  I am Jesus Christ Grandeur  I am the queen of the world. Ideas of reference  Nurses are talking about me. Concrete Association  pilosopo “what will you wear?” “clothes” Thought Blocking 

Stimulus Visual Auditory Tactile

Halucination s Absent X X X

Illusion Present √ √ √

In case of hallucinations do:

Hallucinations Acknowledgment • I know you the voices are real to you Reality orientation • But I don’t hear them

- 18 -

Diversion •

Lets go to the garden

But if nothing in the preceeding intervention are seen Assess what the voices are saying SCHIZOPRENIA

Disorganized • Sad but smiles o Inappropriate affect • No reaction o Flat affect • Flight of ideas o HEBEPHRENIC • Giggling • Positive and Negative classified S/Sx



• Ambivalence • Waxy Flexibility o Iniwan na posture, ganun forever • No – favorite word • Negativism

• Suspicious • Tendency to be violent Mistrust→Scared→Withdrawn Nrsg. Int: Develop trust • 1 to 1 • short interaction • frequent visit • foods in sealed container • meds wrapped for violent pt. • Doors open • Near the door • Don’t touch the pt. • Eye contact • 1 arms length away • call reinforcement


Residual • Mixed classification

• Can’t be classified 1st paranoid, then • No more positive •s/sx, disorganized then just withdrawn catatonic, etc etc

Normally Acetylcholine = ON

Dopamine = OFF

Your always ON With parkinsON

High Dopamine= Schizophrenia

- 19 -

Antipsychotics = makes Dopamine goes down ON

Extrapyramidal Side Effects • AKATHISIA o Restless, inability to sit o Makati siya, ahh kati siya • AKINESIA o Muscle rigidity o Ahh kiniss siya • DYSTONIA o 3 features  TORTICOLLIS • Wry neck Anticholinergic  OCULOGYRIC CRISIS • Drugs that will make the • Fixed stare AcH down  OPISTHOTUNOS o Artane • Arched back o Akineton • TARDIVE DYSKINESIA o Benadryl o Irreversible side effects of o Cogentin antipsychotics o Lip smacking Dopaminergic o Tongue protruding • Dopamine goes up o Cheeks puffing o Parlodel • NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT o Larodopa SYNDROME o Symmetryl o Hyperthermia among client o Eldepryl taking antipsychotic o Hyperthermia with muscle rigidity Other Side Effects • Photosensitivity o Sunscreen o Wide brimmed hat • Agranulocytosis o Report immediately Sore throat  1st sign to appear

- 20 -



Asendin – ascending Norpramin – sabaw ng knorr Tofranil – Tofu Sinequan – nood ng Sine Quan ang title Anafranil – kina Ana Praning Aventyl – kina Aven Til Midnight tayo Vivactil – Bye Back till next week Elavil – Eh love mo ba ako Prozac – Pero saka na Paxil - Taksil Zoloft – mag Solo ka BIPOLAR DISORDER – Mania more common • Female • 20 years old and above • Stressful life • Obese TASK Caregiver Role Strain Safety Impaired social interaction Safety ↓Self Actualization ↓Self Esteem

Risk for injury/ other directed violence ↓ Eating finger food

↓ Sleep Private room

Lithium – 2 – 4 weeks before effect


↑ Sex Anxiety

- 21 -

↓SE → ↑Compensation → ↑interfere ADLs, ↑ harm others ↑SE → ↓Compensation → ↓interfere ADLs, ↓ harm others TASK → increases client’s self esteem • • •

Gross motor skills via sublimation Escorted walk outdoors Punching bag

No group games  compition will increase anxiety 3 or more signs confirms disorder G F S P E E D

randiose light of ideas leeplessness ressured speech xagerated SE xtraneous stimuli (easily distracted) istractibility

PERSONALITY DISORDERS SCHIZOID • I don’t want people • Believes he can stand on his own • Never had a best friend • Avoid groups and social activities  no enjoyment • Cares more about computers and pets AVOIDANT • I avoid people, I fear criticism • Have talent but no confidence ANTISOCIAL • I break the law as motto

- 22 • • •

As a child,: steal, lie, always get reprimanded Adult – grand robbery, illegal activitist against the law, drug addiction, drives fast, unsafe sex, thrill seeker Good talker, charmer, witty manipulator

BORDERLINE – my life is an emptyglass

Dependent • I can’t live without you • ↓ self esteem • poor decision making skills Histrionic • excited, dramatic but manipulative • center of attention Narcissistic • I love myself • Insensitive, arrogant • I am the best Obsessive – Compulsive • I am organized • Perfectionist • Provide time to do rituals Paranoid • Suspicious Passive Aggressive • Always say yes but resistance is hidden

- 23 -

Serotonin   MAO kills Serotonin

↑MAO  ↓ Serotonin   ↓MAO  ↑ Serotonin   ↓ Serotonin

1st Line of Drug Prescribed

ANTIDEPRESSANTS wo – 4 weeks wo neurotransmitter RI


ide effects low EROTONIN







to 4 weeks NHIBITOR PPZ

Higher incidence of Side effects Serotonin/ Epi affected NHIBITOR ANTSAVE


All neurotransmitter affected Highest Side effects Avoid tyramine rich food ↓ may lead to HYPERTENSIVE CRISES

TYRAMINE RICH FOODS vocado ged Cheese eer hocolate




Antidepressant ↓ Anticholinergic Side Effects (Syphathetic) ↓ Male Erectile Dysfunction

- 24 -

ermented Foods ickles reserved Foods oy Sauce

- 25 -

Antidepressant  no effect  ECT ELECROCONVULSIVE THERAPY • Pre o Informed consent o NPO 6 – 8 hours prior • Meds o Atropine  dry mouth o Barbituate  Sedative o Succinylcholine  muscle relaxant, prevent seizure • Post o Side-lying – lateral o S/E  headache, dizziness,  TEMPORARY MEMORY LOSS  distinct sign • 70 – 110 volts • 20 – 30 seconds • ½ hour asleep post


SUBSTANCE ABUSE Downers (ABONM INE) Alcohol Barbituates Opiates Narcotics Marijuana Uppers (CHA) Cocaine Hallucinogen Amphetamines

Morph Code Hero

NARCAN  antidote

- 26 OVERDOSE Alcohol


Cocaine HR RR BP LOC


Bradycardia Bradypnea Pupil constriction

Moist mouth Constipation Hypotension Coma Asleep Weight gain


Tachycardia Tachypnea Pupil Dilation Dry mouth Hypertension Seizure Awake Weight Loss

 Psych well being NARCAN  Narcotic Antagonist  narcotic overdose

DETOXIFICATION  withdrawal with MD Supervision METHADONE

Withdrawal  reverse of effect or opposite of overdose

DEPRESSION  ↓ Serotonin, if unresponsive to drugs, ECT

The Grief Process • Denial  no! this can’t be true • Anger  why me, why me, why now • Bargaining  if something happens, then I’ll give something back • Depression  I’m down 2 weeks or more s/sx  major depression • Acceptance  client acts according to situation

- 27 -

↓Self Actualization ↓Self Esteem withdrawn


Risk for self directed violence Eating




Sensitivity to client needs

SUICIDE Verbal • I wont be a problem anymore • This is my last day on earth • I’ll soon be gone

Non Verbal • Take this ring, its yours (giving of valuable) • Sudden change in mood

Who will commit Suicide? Sex – Male (more successful)/ female (hesitant) Age – 15 –24 y/o or above 45 Depression Patient with previous attempt ETOH – ethanol - alcoholics Rirrational Social support lacking Organized plan  greater risk No family Sickness, terminal SUICIDE TRIAD • Loss of spouse • Loss of job • Aloneness Is Patient is SUICIDAL; nurse should: DIE • Direct question – “Are you going to commit suicide?” • Irregular interval of visit to pt. room • Early AM and period of endorsement – the time pt’s commit suicide Best approach for suicidal pt. : Direct approach Nursing Management: Close surveillance Hospital area majority sucide will happens at: • weekends 1- 3 am Sunday • Weekend  less staff personnel • Early AM  every one is asleep

- 28 -

Give simple task. Don’t give complex  may cause depression ex. Jigsaw • Water plants • Wash the dishes except sharps CHILD ABUSE (think B) • Burns, bruise, bone fractures, BUNGI! • Don’t bathe the child, don’t brush teet. Body of evidence will be lost • Bantay Bata 163 LEVELS OF MENTAL RETARDATION • Profound o < 20 o thinks like an infants o can’t be trained ero – 2 y/o o stay with the patient ensorimotor • Severe evere o 20 – 35 • Moderate Modera e o 35 – 50 hirtyfive – 50 o can be train rainable wo – 7 y/o o mental age is 2 – 7 y/o o pre-operational stage • Mild o 50 – 70 o meantal age is 7 – 12 o educable o can go to school • Borderline o 70 - 90 • Normal o 90 – 100 JOHN PIAGET’S COGNITIVE THEORY 0–2 Sensorimotor Baby can sense, see, perceive and hear. Object permanence 2–4 Preconceptual Language 4–7 Intuitive Unidimentional classification characteristic. Child can fix toys according to size, color, height = one at a time 7 – 12 Conservation Multidimensional Concrete Association Formal Good abstract thinking. Can interpret words 12 ↑ Operation

- 29 ALZHEIMER NOMIA  don’t know name of objects GNOSIA  problem with senses PHASIA  can’t say it PRAXIA  can’t do it Cocaine  Nasal Septum perforation Marijuana  impaired Lung Structure eroine withdrawal ikab atsing u hu hu CRITICAL REVIEW

TEST TAKING TECHNIQUES 1. Assess the answer, use circle 2. Initial priority TRUST

Air food, water

3. 4.

5. 6.


air ABC Good Word/ Bad Word S Technique eek support it tay upervised ee = observed eem = notice assi t feeling 2 same answer/ 2 same mistake Words to watch out for Inappropriate Most Not included Except All but one Umbrella


- 30 RELATIONSHIP Preorientation Self awareness

Orientation Trust Setting Contract Resistance





PRACTICE OF NURSING Level of Prevention 1



Healthy Ill Community Demog. Crisis Intervention

Relapse AA

SELF HELP GROUPS nique niversality r not alone RESTATE  exact words REFLECT  use other words DEPRESSION Endogenous Internal Chemical

Reactive external

Barbituate withdrawal  LIBRIUM (Chloridiazepoxide) TOFRANIL  Antidepressant/ Anticholinergic  pupil dilation  midriasis Catharsis  Feelings Free Association  Ideas ATTITUDE THERAPIES Active friendliness  ask permission assive Friendliness aranoid anipulative nic atter of Fact

- 31 No Demand  Depressed Kind Firmness  Anorexic Crisis  4 – 6 weeks Goal  Return the client to the pre-crisis level of functioning PSC Perception  what do you think about it? Coping  what will you do about it? Support  who will be there for you? Kulit kulit kulit kulit  Perseveration  stick to 1 topic Ulit Ulit Ulit  Verbigeration DISSOCIATION Dissociative Amnesia  don’t know themselves Fugue  Far Dissociative Identity Disorder Multiple Personality D.O.

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