134 June 20

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June 20, 2006 Dear Editor in Chief, Then a scholar reacted because he has some knowledge about emission of gasses example air pollution caused by solvents-that solvent’s and the likes fume is difficult to filter unlike carbon or smoke; so filtering air pollutants in the form of gaseous caused example by derivatives from solvents is really expensive or hard to filter; then asked: “What other wild guesses could you give so that to counter weigh the extreme of air pollution example caused by solvent fumes, etc.?”…then the A.I. because a new program was reinforced with more emphasis to science and counter attacking any extreme and would now decide to lay low on controversies about religion, the groups of scholars decided to call it S.I or “Smart Intelligence”; and the S.I. answered: “Since the key is invisible or gaseous, the opposite is to let it be visible by any means; or since other gaseous could be magnetized by other molecules to form a vapor or dust or mist or powder or have reaction that an invisible thing could now be made to be visible or be attracted to other fine minerals or to form like a smoke or carbon then that fine minerals that had attracted the gaseous solvent would now be similar to smoke or carbon. And those smokes could undergo the usual filtering as described on the previous suggestion on how to filter smoke or carbon. If the added mineral to trap the gaseous pollutant could now be filtered, washed, and reused again, then there could be cleaning or filtering cycle created. Perhaps those added minerals to catch those gaseous air pollutants might be: a) sprayed water or like a fog b) mist mixed with detergent or with any chemical.” Then a scholar asked: “How could a big dog mate with a small dog to procreate; mating seems impossible?” ...then the S.I. answered: “Perhaps a scientist could get some male egg cells from the small male dog and perhaps through artificial insemination the big female dog could fertilize her one egg with the inserted small dog’s male egg to become another breed of dog or ‘evolution’ or ‘changing’ of dog’s breed. Perhaps a cat and a tiger or a lion could be artificially bred at the laboratory to produce another evolution or change of specie or change of breed!” Then a scholar asked: “What is creation?” ...then the S.I. answered: “Perhaps creation is making out of nothing- example- “the Big Bang.” Big Bang theory is a scientific approach of how the universe has came to be and could be explained. Imagine very compressed materials perhaps bigger than a “ping-pong ball” exploded to create or to make our present vast universe. Perhaps seconds before what scientific explanation on the Big Bang theory that science could not explain is supernatural.” Then a scholar asked: “What is a supernatural?”…then the ‘smart intelligence’; or S.I. answered: “I think it is beyond physical law or beyond scientific explanation. One example is from nothing to something called creation. Creation is like ‘the supernatural.’ It instantly came to be because of a supernatural cause. Literal translation of the story of Adam & Eve is an example of creation. I think there are many examples of supernatural in the Bible: the dead became alive again because of prayer, walking on the surface of a deep body of water without sinking, going up of a human body to the sky like a superhero flying, a person could be present to two or more places at the same time, a person could pass through walls, a tumor or cancer, blindness, etc. that could be cured through medicine for several months is instantly healed perhaps 1 to 5 seconds because of a

healer’s action or personal prayer. Another example is an almost perfect crime that no body knows the location of the dead body could be known by a psychic person. Examples on the negative side of supernatural are: witchcrafts, Voodoos, etc. Witchcraft could be researched in the internet. A person who uses evil invisible forces to inflict evil things on others that science can not explain is perhaps a witch. Unexplained embedded external thing like embedded nails on human muscle is an example of witchcraft.” Then a scholar asked: “What is evolution?” …then the S.I. answered: “I think it is evolving or changing from simple thing to complex things because of other influences or causes or many causes. But there are many types of influences or causes of changing or evolving, example: a) caused by breeding, b) caused or influenced by environment, by food intakes, and by activities done. c) Caused by gene’s accidents, d) Caused by gene’s alteration because of parent’s observation and aspiration during pregnancy. e) Caused by regeneration, cause by stimulation or thinking or dreaming to have ‘one’ for selfpreservation or self-defense mechanism or to counter extreme/s especially during fetus development or reproduction process. f) Caused by adaptation and long period of time. g) Caused by combinations of: a), b), c), d), e), f). h) Now, caused by engineering genetics, stem cell manipulation, and cloning. Thinking or dreaming is perhaps cause by natural and supernatural. It is an extension of God’s manifestation or God’s presence or God’s extension. Perhaps evolution or changing is caused by combination of many causes of cause: (a-f); or called “Many Causes”. Example: a) Breeding- breeding a big dog to a small dog called dog “bs”. And breeding again dog “b-s” to a small dog to form dog “bs-s” and again and again combination of breeds and new breeds and there is/are changes happening on the specie/s or called series of evolving or series of changing through breeding, b) Caused or influenced by environment: example-whales are believed to be animals like cows but because of lack of food they begin to look food on the sea or oceans and adapt on the new environment and develop fins. c) Caused by gene’s accidents: example of products of gene’s accident: albino, mongoloid, donkey, retarded, a tribe with two finger toes, a tribe with tail, etc. d) caused by gene’s alternation because of parent’s aspiration or observation especially during pregnancy: example- the incident where perhaps Jacob assisted in changing the color of the hair of the sheep and the goats- from white parents to black young lamb and spotted young goats by influencing those parent animals by desired styles during mating...called ‘Jacob’s way to change animal’ or “Jacob’s way….or Jacobination” (Genesis 30:37-43). The key why mere parent’s observation of his environment or object while mating could influence the developing fetus is that the power of the mind through vision of parents is really an extension of being ‘created unto the image and likeness of God’; the developing fetus or fertilized egg if changed or altered by mere observation of other external objects during mating is a proof that the mind of parent has power to influence like what a ‘supernatural does” in creating things by just thinking or aspiring or dreaming. Jacob got the idea from a dream because of an angel. It does not mean that the process where the developing of fertilized egg could be influenced by the observation of the parent on external object during mating had happened only during the time of Jacob. That process where there is changing happening in the developing of fertilized eggs because of observation of parents on objects while mating have been happening from the start of ‘evolution’ or ‘changing or enhancing

breeding’. e) Caused by regeneration: stimulation or thinking or dreaming to have ‘one’ for self-preservation or self-defense mechanism or to counter extreme/s especially during pregnancy or mating: Perhaps those animal’s armor, camouflage- skin color of some fishes, re-growing of cut tail, cut foot, cut hand etc. are really influenced by observation or aspirations of parents and combination of few causes. Perhaps the parent specie might observe accidentally something while mating that their offspring was influenced or affected - example to have a hardened skin as armor because their enemies keep on attacking them, or to develop a gland where a chemical could poison an enemy, etc. f) Caused by adaptation and long period of time: gradual changing through long period of time. A small changing through time might eventually be a different change for a long time. g) Caused by combinations of: a), b), c), d), e), f): Example-African people with small built, medium built, large built with dark skin because exposure to sun light by their ancestors and due to abundance or lack of food, too much or lack of workout or manual activities; their parents might be two big parents to produce large built offspring, while two small parents to produce small offspring. People have white skin perhaps was caused because their ancestors were not exposed to sunlight. With regards replacing wings to fly again, replacing long legs to jump again, perhaps these abilities were the results of ‘many causes’ of changing or evolving. Then another scholar asked: “Could scientist design dog- example a dog with long ear, no hair, no tail?” Then the S.I. answered: “Yes, because of breeding engineering and genetic engineering. Example- a dog could be bred to have many hairs or no hair or have long ears or have short ear, etc. by just choosing and combination of desired parents to produce desired offspring. And breeding especially dogs is now a profession. And if mutation and accident in breeding and regeneration and adaptation are happening and some weird results are happening or called “monster” or ‘albino’ or ‘mongoloid’ or ‘donkey’ or a human with two fingers or two finger toes or a human with tail or a human who is a dwarf, etc. then evolution or changes happen on specie; and literal ‘creation’ could be out of science. But supernatural causes or ‘creation’ happen only on those start; or cells being instructed by other external force like example a brain wave of the pregnant mother and on some occasions where things should be different as desired by a supernatural architect to be what the architect wants: example regeneration ability. Or natural causes are causes that could be explained through science because it acts that way by nature; and supernatural causes are causes beyond science especially it causes the very start called creation. But “monsters” are always checked by nature to die or should live short; it is caused by nature. Code/s embedded on DNA is/are programmed to be balanced or to have beauty or symmetry. Perhaps enzymes from other things to boost hormones of another thing to be stimulated to have healthy growth are just stimulators so that lazy codes could be instructed to become active. From RV

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