13 Ways To Be Happy

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 201
  • Pages: 15
Love .1Allah and Be with Him Always

Make up .2 your mind to be happy.    Learn to find pleasure in simple .things

Make the .3 best of your circumstanc es.  No one has everything, and everyone has something Of sorrow intermingle d with gladness of . life The trick is To make the laughter

Don't take .4 • yourself too seriously. Don't think that somehow yo u should be protected From misfortune that befalls other .people

You can't .5 • please everybody. Don't let criticism .worry you

Don't let .6 • your neighbor set your standards. .Be yourself     

Do the .7 • things you enjoy doing but stay out .of debt        •

Never .8 borrow .trouble Imaginary things are harder to bear than .real ones    

Since hate .9 • poisons the soul, do not cherish jealousy, Avoid people who make you .unhappy    

Have .10 many interests. If you can't travel, read about new .places     

Don't .11 hold postmorte .ms Don't spend your time brooding  over sorrows or .mistakes Don't be one who never gets over .things   

Do what .12 you can for those less fortunate than .yourself   

Keep busy .13 .at something A busy person never has time     To be .unhappy

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