12-cranial Cavity

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 3

Ann Nguyen -- NYUCD 2008 D1 Anatomy Notes -- Spring '05

• Superior Sagittal - located above the Falx Cerebri, along its superior attached border - begins anterior to Crista Galli, runs upward & backward, ends at the occipital protuberance - receives from cerebral veins - drains into Confluence of Sinuses • Inferior Sagittal - located below the Falx Cerebri, along its inferior free border - begins at the Crista Galli, runs upward and backward, ends at the Great Cerebral Vein of Galen / Straight Sinus - joins the Great Cerebral Vein of Galen to form the Straight Sinus - receives from small cerebral veins - drains into Straight Sinus  Confluence of Sinuses • Straight Sinus - located between the posteroinferior base of the Falx Cerebri and Tentorium Cerebelli - starts at the jxn of Inferior Sagittal Sinus & Great Cerebral Vein of Galen - proceeds posteroinferiorly towards the occipital - ends at the internal occipital protuberance - receives from Inferior Sagittal Sinus & Great Cerebral Vein of Galen - drains into Confluence of Sinuses • Confluence of Sinuses - located at the internal occipital protuberance - receives from the following: ○ Supeior Sagittal ○ Inferior Sagittal (via Straight Sinus) ○ Straight Sinus - drains into the following: ○ Transverse  Sigmoid ○ Occipital • Transverse Sinus (2) - transverse continuations of the Confluence of Sinuses at the occipital bone’s transverse sulcus - proceeds bilaterally anterolaterally towards the petrous temporal ridge - receives from Confluence of Sinuses - drains into Sigmoid Sinus • Sigmoid Sinus (2) - continuations of the Transverse Sinuses at the base of petrous temporal ridge - proceeds bilaterally medially towards Jugular Foramen - receives from Transverse Sinus - drains into Internal Jugular vein • Occipital Sinus - inferior continuation of the Confluence of Sinuses - starts at the internal occipital crest - proceeds anteroinferiorly along the base of the Tentorium Cerebelli - ends along the borders of the foramen magnum - receives from the Confluence of Sinuses - drains into vertebral venous plexus

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• Sphenoparietal Sinus - runs along the sphenoid’s lesser wing, where the anterior and middle cranial fossa meet e/o - drains into the Cavernous Sinus

Ann Nguyen -- NYUCD 2008 D1 Anatomy Notes -- Spring '05

• Cavernous Sinus (2) - plexiform arrangement located on both sides of the sella turcica, and occupies the Diaphragm Sellae - its lateral walls contain cranial nerves III, IV, V1, V2 - within the sinus = internal carotid artery, sympathetic plexus, CN VI - communicates w/ its partner sinus on the other side via the Intercavernous Sinus - receives from the following: ○ cerebral veins of the brain ○ Superior & Inferior Ophthalmic Veins ○ Sphenoparietal Sinus ○ communication with the Angular (Facial) Vein via Superior Ophthalmic Vein ○ communication with the Pterygoid Plexus via Shenoidal Emissary Veins - drains into the following: ○ Superior Petrosal Sinus ○ Inferior Petrosal Sinus ○ Basilar Sinus * Trigeminal Ganglion is located in this area * this is the only place in the body where blood vessel is covered on the outside w/ endothelium and inside w/ arterial blood • Superior Petrosal Sinus - located in the superior petrosal sulcus at the crest of the petrous temporal bone - receives from Cavernous Sinus - drains into Sigmoid Sinus • Inferior Petrosal Sinus - located in the inferior petrosal sulcus at the base of the petrous temporal bone - receives from Cavernous Sinus - drains into Internal Jugular Vein • Basilar Sinus - plexiform arrangement located at the clivus - receives from Cavernous Sinus, Inferior Petrosal Sinus - drains into the vertrbal plexus of veins thru the foramen magnum

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Ann Nguyen -- NYUCD 2008 D1 Anatomy Notes -- Spring '05

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