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he play tennis last Sunday? A) Did B) Does C) Do

2. A) Are 3.



he playing tennis now? B) Does

you wash it yesterday ? A) Do B) Does

25. A :

D) Are

C) Is

D) Did

C) Did

D) Are

I going to wash it tonight. A) do B) am C) are

D) do

We A) do

D) did

having dinner at the moment. B) is C) are


you have a dinner at this time every evening? A) Did B) Do C) Does D) Are


What A) is

your parents going to do when they retire? B) do C) are D) did


When A) did

your parents first meet? B) does C) do


What time A) does

10. Look A) on

Maria usually arrive at school? B) is C) do that picture. Isn’t it beautiful? B) at C) in

11. What have we got A) at B) of

D) did

D) by


12. Our hotel is fifty meters A) of B) in 13. What is the longest river A) at B) on

C) for

D) from

the sea. C) than

D) from

the world? C) in

14. France is bigger England. A) from B) on 15. I’m looking A) about

D) are

C) like

D) at

D) than

Jane. Do you know where she is? B) for C) at D) in

16. Can you buy me a bottle A) of / at B) at / of

lemonade C) from / at

the shop? D) from / of

17. Maria is her sister in many ways. They’re both beautiful and intelligent. A) from B) like C) of

D) about

18. What did you do the weekend? A) of B) in C) at

D) for

19. A) In

Saturday night we went to a party. B) On C) At

20. I going out, because it A) ‘m not / is B) amn’t / is 21.

D) For

going to rain. B) isn’t / am D) aren’t / is

you going wash your car this afternoon? A) Are / too B) Are / to C) ‘re / to D) Am / to

22. She going to the post office some stamps. A) is / to buy B) is / for buying C) ‘s / for to buy D) * / buy 23. I’m A) go C) going

home early next week.

24. What the weather A) were / like C) is / like

B) going for going D) going to in Las Vegas the day before yesterday. B) was/as D) was/like

is the weather like ? is sunny & warm. But yesterday cold. A) What / today / it / was B) How / today / it / was C) What / it / today / * D) How / it / today / was B:

26. A : What we B: go swimming. A) will / do / Let me C) would / do / Let her

? B) shall / do / Let’s D) shall / do / Let me

27. A: What is the weather like tomorrow? B: Sunny. we go on picnic? A) going to / Shall B) going to be / Will C) going to be / Are D) going to be / Shall 28. A : are you going to eat? B : Pizza. A: ’re you going to eat? B : In the cafeteria. A) Where / What C) What / When

B) What / Where D) Who / Whom

29. A : is Jim going to get married? B : Next month. A: is he going to marry? B : His colleague. A) What time / Who B) Who / Where C) When / Whom D) Where / * 30. A: are you going to the chemist’s? B: I’m going to the chemist’s some medicine. A) Why / too buy B) Why / to buy C) When / two buy D) Where / buy 31. A: is Pittsburg Ohio? B: About 500 kilometers. A) How long / from B) How far / from C) How big / off D) How small / since 32. German is English. A) like / then

English in some ways, but it is more difficult B) as / that

33. Nicola’s to Liverpool A) coming / visit C) going to come / to visit

C) like / than

D) like / like

his grandparents. B) to come/visit D) coming / to visit

A) What 21.

- Question forms (Why-how many- how much) - Why questions










“ did the first man walk on the moon?” “In 1969.” A) When B) Where C) Who

A driver. A) care B) careful careful

He drives too A) fastly

23. How many languages A) do B) are

C) Which

D) Why

C) biggest

D) the

C) carefully

D) Have

D) done

your mother speak? C) does D) is

you go shopping last? B) does C) are

do you weigh? A) How many B) How

26. Smoking is a A) badly

habit. B) worth

D) did

C) How much

D) What

C) worst

D) bad

27. The team played and lost the match. A) badly B) worth C) worst

D) bad

28. Please listen A) careful

C) care

D) carely

C) easily

D) easiest

D) the . B) carefully

. B) quicker

C) quickly

. B) fast

D) the

29. The homework was the A) easy B) easier


C) faster

D) fastest

30. Peter’s very A) goodly

C) at

D) about

31. I know the Prime Minister A) good B) best

What happened the end of the story? A) on B) in C) at

D) from

32. My husband’s a cook. A) bad B) worst

The train leaves platform 9. A) of B) at C) from

D) for

33. Teachers work , but they don’t earn much money. A) hardly B) harder C) hard D) hardest

What is the story ? A) of B) on

10. “ did you buy your new jacket?” “At supermarket.” A) What B) Where

C) When

D) How

B) How D) Which one

12. “ did you buy?” “A new jacket.” A) Who B) When 13 . did you buy with? A) Which one B) Why

C) How much

C) When

B) What

D) What

D) Who

15. “ did you go?” “To buy some new clothes.” A) When B) Why 16. “ did you go?” “To the shops.” A) When B) Why 17. “ did you go?” “By car.” A) When B) Why 18. “

C) When

C) Where

C) Where

C) How much

do you want to B) Where

19. “ is she?” “Our cousin.” A) Who B) What

C) How

D) What

C) How

D) Where

D) best

. C) better

D) well

C) badly

D) worse

meal for many people. B) quickly C) quicker

D) quickest

. C) exciter

D) excitely

36. The teacher was when nobody did the homework. A) annoyed B) annoying C) annoy D) annoys

14. “ did you go?” “This morning.”

A) Why

34. Lunch is a A) quick

at tennis. He won the game. B) well C) good

35. Life in New York is very A) excited B) exciting

11. “ did you pay ?” “$ 1000.” A) How many C) How much

A) Why

C) do

D) How

D) What


A dog. A) bigger than B) big biggest

She ran A) quick quickly

you do last night? B) did

24. When A) do

“ did she marry?” “She married to John.” A) What B) Who

C) How many

you like learning English? A) Does B) Are C) Do

22. What A) does

- Adverbs and adjectives

B) How much

37. The news is very . A) worried B) worrying worringly

C) worry


38. Everybody was very about you. A) worried B) worrying C) worry worringly


39. The game of tennis was very A) tired B) tire

. C) tiring

D) tires

40. “ did the story take place?” “A long time ago.” A) How many B) What

C) Where

D) When

D) How

D) How

D) How

D) How

41. We use adverbs the beginning and the end of a sentence, but sometimes the middle of a sentence. A) at / in B) in / at C) on / at 42. A train leaves A) from / to from

D) at / on

Berlin and arrives Bonn in time. B) from / in C) from / at D) in /

43. A plane arrived the airport . A) in / late B) at / lately C) at / late lately 44. What is the story ? A) in B) from

C) off

D) in /

D) about

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