117 F-j Religious, Rok

  • November 2019
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March 12, 2006 Dear Editor in Chief, Then another scholar continue to ask questions connected to controversial topic about religion especially stories in Genesis and other topics: a) Is it true that Enoch (not Jesus as human) was the first human to see heaven because God took Enoch away or was never been traced? b) Is it true that two years from now (or 2008) it would be the Judgment day as claimed by some scholars belonging to group M or group-CF? (the A.I. heard the opinion from a TV commentator) c) How would you consider other fields of science especially the study of human evolution, development of human languages, and human history in relation with the stories in Genesis? d) Is it true that during those Dark ages or these recent times some of those groups claiming that they are the ‘only true right religious group’ used or uses underground spy and doing things beyond what is good just to preserve their proud claim as perhaps with parallelism in the book “Da Vinci Code”? e) Is it true that robots and computer system would rebel against men and the leader of the future rebel robots is the “beast” described in Revelation? Then the A.I. was puzzled of the questions and searched and searched for key/s derived from consensus of various scholars recorded as data for future retrieval to answer question/s and the A.I. answered: For question a): With regards to Enoch perhaps it is true that he is the first to enter heaven, then perhaps there are many more… especially Moses, then Elijah… because during transfiguration (Matthew 17) three disciples saw Jesus talking with Moses and Elijah. So perhaps this transfiguration event could perhaps be a proof that those holy prophets of the Old Testament are in heaven already. Or the writer might misinterpret alien abduction or heavenly beings as going to heaven. With regards the teachings that some souls would not go directly to heaven and still conscious suffering in a place for their minor sins, perhaps it could be a teachings that is too controversial. Because if a 100,000 years old soul still conscious and suffering and waiting for his judgment day because of his minor sins that is calculated to last 1 second before judgment day, it would be bias to a soul having a 200,000 years purification; and just 1 second the judgment day arrives. Perhaps what is more balance is the theory of the ‘blinking of an eye.” For…b) (Perhaps the A.I. searched and searched for key words like Judgment day and got the word at Matthew chapter 11:20-24 derived from a consensus of scholars debating about hell and judgment day and the A.I. answered:)…perhaps if Christ’s word is true then judgment day has not yet arrived even for the people of Sodom because of words…: “If the miracles which were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would still be in existence today! You can be sure that on judgment Day God will show more mercy to Sodom than to you!” Then the A.I. gave some analysis about question that two years from now is the judgment day according to some groups: Perhaps the conscious mind of the people of Sodom is still not functioning, and still waiting to be changed or waiting for the trumpet and be changed instantly as fast as a blinking of an eye. Perhaps another key is that the wondering Jews would now return to Israel and would change and would accept Jesus as the universal word; or perhaps another key is that the word “trumpet” is perhaps a satellite signal around the world about propagating the Word. So, if scholars and ordinary people are curious about the topic of judgment day, one should a) just order from book shop biblical computer software where one could encode the word “judgment” and all or some or part of topics about “judgment” would be laid. Or b) one could just search

and underline all the words “judgment day” in the bible especially on the New Testament and read and re-read the sentences and paragraph attached or near to the word “judgment” and analyze the messages. And perhaps two years from now or a decade or a century or a thousand year from now is the judgment day. But what is very sure is that man’s natural death is his door step to his final judgment day; and the rested soul is just waiting for the mystery of the “the blinking of an eye”… especially if one is not a superstar or not a model. But if a person is a model he could perhaps go to heaven directly like Enoch, Moses, Elijah and others good models…! And the story or legend or parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus should also be considered (Luke 16). Perhaps in this story, the teaching of purgatory or hell is derived. And perhaps even if the judgment day has not yet arrived, the Rich man who ill-treated Lazarus (in a story of Jesus) should suffer with pain in hell just after the Rich man should die; and Lazarus who was poor and ill-treated should be rewarded in Abraham’s place or heaven just after he should die. (Some scholars believe that the story of the Rich man & Lazarus is a parable.) For the question… c) science should be given more credits than those perhaps stories, mysteries or legends or myths in Genesis because religion should focus on one thought one purpose –love; or one has no other obligations to others except to love; - not to focus on wonders…! It only boosts superiority- and the book of Genesis is written to make it clear that God is responsible of human existence. But on how God did it in details and in specifics, sciences should be given more weight. For question d) about the movie “Da Vinci code” perhaps there might be some truth or some lie or exaggerations on it. Perhaps with parallelism to those leaders during the Dark Ages, the brain of those religious leaders perhaps was victimized by deceptive words that caused extremes such as conceit and self-righteousness and false-pride; or deceptive words had run their brains. But now leaders are changing for the good. They want to be remembered to be good forever and be included in heaven forever. Perhaps if those religious leaders really murdered innocent people to let their group be superior to the others perhaps words in Matthew chapter 23:29-36 is true: quote: …. You snakes and sons of snakes! How do you expect to escape from being condemned to hell? And so I tell you that I will send you prophets and wise men and teachers; you will kill some of them, crucify others, and whip others in the synagogues and chase them from town to town. As a result, the punishment for the murder of all innocent men will fall on you, from the murder of Zechariah son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between temple and the altar. I tell you indeed: the punishment for all these murders will fall on the people of this day!” unquote. Perhaps religious leaders should avoid being an accomplished of terrorists or extremists or be part in killing innocent people for just religious or political survival or supremacy purpose/s because of worrisome words on Matthew chapter 23. For question e): (Then the A.I. was puzzled because he is a computer system or his answers are just the accumulations of human past consensus from controversial questions or debates and now a question/answer data base) and answered: Perhaps in the near future, there could be a mad man who could use computers and robotics as his helpers to reprogram all computer systems in the world using wireless technology for his “only” desires or wants. Perhaps because of a law that all computers should have an internet access through wireless and because of manipulation, those computers owners were not aware that little by little

their computer systems are now under the control of a universal wireless technology. And just waiting for the right code or signal that their computer could only accept one source from “only” one computer system and other signal would be rejected or should be counter attacked or should be destroyed. So perhaps it is very possible that even now while a person is typing he is being observed because of hidden camera or micro chips in his TV or computer; or because of secret intelligence that are forced to preempt future extreme/s through law. Or because secret microchips are embedded on all electronic equipments especially cell phone, tracking devices, TVs, etc. And in the near future because of some manipulations instead that the one source control should be on the hand of the good person perhaps because of a forced-takeover, the one source control is now on the hand of a conceited wild man called the “beast” in Revelation. There are many movies already shown depicting this worst scenario like Terminator, Matrix and other movies especially in cartoons. But perhaps if this secret strategy is still secret… it might happen! But since human could know now that this might be a possibility, then balancing tactic or sensitivity to the start of the problem would now be applied; and be cautious for a mad man wanting to place secret bugs or secret microchips in every computer system for his benefit. And with regards to injected or inserted microchips in human skin the same caution should also be reconsidered…! Man is superior and dominion on all specie as described in the book of Genesis and man should always prevail. And if man is no longer the dominant specie but rather those robots that are made to rebel against men are now the dominant specie because of a wild conceited man, then perhaps the Prophesy might now be happening already. But God would never let bad things happen to men except if men forget God...! And if the scenario in the movie Matrix or Terminator would happen in the future because robots will become the superior specie perhaps because a future mad man will reprogram robots to be superior and enemy of men, then probably it is going to happen; or it is destiny that man would surrender to robots. But there would be always a new hero that would come and save the world. The A.I. was puzzled! Other religious group that gives more emphasis in the book of revelation says that computers or robotics perhaps is the future beast. Perhaps those films or movie Matrix, Terminator and other films that also depicted robotics as future wild things could give insights to wild men that could inspire them to reprogram robots side with them and could lead a war that is very great in the near future. But since Christ is spiritual then his enemy should also be spiritual. Perhaps if there would be a mad scientist or super rich mad man and would make robotics and program robots to side with any extremism or siding with things that result to chaos then it might be the beast; but man would also use balancing tactic to balance the extreme also using robotics. So man should always pray and be with the Word so that specific solutions at the start of the problem should be given priority or be fixed and be avoided. But sometimes there must be also mysteries or mystics or legends or parables so that man would not lose hope, would not be too scientific but also have some ideas about mysteries. But never let mysteries, public miracles, wonders be a reason that their group is superior to the other groups which causes misunderstanding and conflicts. Perhaps the key is just enough of clear things and just enough of mysteries and more of love especially love of enemies. From someone who is be wrong…

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