114 Microchip , Word Rok

  • November 2019
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March 5, 2006 Dear Editor in chief. Then the A.I. gave his opinion on natural evil: Perhaps another way…, pass law that those places where land slide, mud slide, avalanche, flood, fire, and earthquake zones are classified as accident or calamity prone area; and those areas should have policy on insurance for the specific calamity. Example in a mudslide prone area, every family in that mudslide prone area is encouraged to give a premium for mudslide insurance through cell phone money transfer technology. And example after 3 years if there is no calamity happened, the accumulated fund will be raffled using receipts numbers with full payment of contributions only and the winner will have it; but those servicing expenses will be paid but just enough determined by law and the rewarding of prizes should be through cell phone technology so that racketeering is avoided. Those that did not pay full or the contributions are lacking could be disqualified; only those members that contributed full for the one year premiums should be qualified for the raffle to encourage people to pay full of their obligations. The collection and rewarding should be through automation via cell phone and ATM technology to minimize racketeering and abuse or corruption; insurance should get just enough because they are using automation. If after the giving of the raffle there is a calamity happened and since the funds where returned perhaps those lucky people who won the raffles have still the money to augment some of the repairs but others should not expect that they should be paid; it is as if they are having some game of chance. But perhaps if the coverage of the insurance is large enough that example 50% of the accumulated fund is returned through raffle and the 50% is reserved for a unexpected calamity so perhaps 50% of the damages could be paid; and after another 3 years if still there is no calamity the 50% reserve should be returned in a form of raffle so that there is always 50% reserve fund. Perhaps the A.I. saw from TV a dog could now smell cancer sample; and the A.I. gave an opinion about it: I think there are now dogs that could be trained to smell sample of cancer molecules in a form of vapor; and samples given by people for determining cancer at the start could just be left behind on a corner or cubicle with licensed for cancer detection using the skill of a dog with also licensed as dog cancer expert detector using smelling; and with some fee so that to create employment and economic cycles. Perhaps in the near future the smelling organ of a dog could be well studied so that artificial or electronic smart smelling gadgets could be available in the market. Perhaps law makers could pass law that in every busy airport there should be a smart cancer detection using trained dog for any body willing to know his health condition with some fee to create another economic stimulus. Since the dog is not being paid the owner of the dog could have some sidelines as long as the dog is licensed to be as an expert on cancer detection through using smell. Perhaps not only cancer molecules or cancer sample but also other diseases like bird flu, aids, STD, or any disease sample that dogs should be trained to detect. Perhaps dog owners could create a million dollar industry on just detection of illnesses especially cancer. Again from TV show…! Then the A.I. noticed that microchip as small as half the stick of an ordinary standard match-stick could now be injected under the skin as tracking device of people or animal; and gave his opinion: Perhaps if this technology could be perfected there could be many things that this technology could do to lessen corruption, timidity, and laziness, lost

of property, misuse of government and private equipments, tools and so on. Example, employee could be verified if he is really on the site he is assigned to and not just fooling the management by creating some fictitious assignments. Work efficiency could be maximized. Perhaps equipments and vehicles could also have tracking devices so that those vehicles could really be on the exact place, time where it should be. Even using automation for tracking those equipments, tools, employee called smart tracking manager. So, if a person is not found on the right place, right time without proper authority the smart tracking manager could automatically give penalty or warnings or deductions on his salary or wage or pay slip and with note: if you repeat it again you will be demoted, or even be fired. Perhaps if the microchip would be a compulsory or mandatory or part of being a soldier perhaps, military coup could now be a thing of the pass. Anywhere the soldier goes or the military tank or the military truck goes, it is always verified by the smart tracking manager if the where about is authorized according to time and placed. Perhaps the smart tracking device should be smart sealed so that any attempt to tampered, or disallow the electronic signals from out and in of the smart tracking device through air not to go freely is a sign of a distress and perhaps another smart spy could know who is tampering the device or obstructing the signal and if someone is caught, he could be charged criminally of destroying private or government property, trespassing, or treason. With regards to military discipline the injection of smart tracking device depends on the policy makers if it should be a mandatory; or perhaps only those military personnel, officer and Special Force personnel with delicate and dangerous job should have it. But with regards to his right to have privacy, since it could be violated then his consent should be asked at the very start or that the gadget is needed and part of his job but he should be compensated for the damages or disturbance or for just using it. Or if at the start of the contract as being a soldier or as an employee of a company that person wanting to be part of the organization should have it or it is part of his job to have a smart tracking microchip then he has surrendered already his right to have full privacy in a way to have that job. Perhaps the new generation of the smart tracking device… is now being injected and it could be a smart identity microchip and it could be used to transfer cash, pay things, buy anything, etc. Example, a grocery store has a smart cashier that is connected to a universal ATM machine being practiced by almost all banks around the world and the universal ATM could acknowledge any customer to transfer electronic cash as long as the customer has consent electronically. So if perhaps the customer has a smartmicrochip-identity implanted in his skin that could be used as a verification of his consent electronically using wireless technology then there could be a transaction happened; or is closed because of electronic consent. Drawback: Professional robbers could easily force a person to transfer his cash electronically by intimidation anywhere and any time using portable ATM machines. And if pass into law that all registered vehicle, or valuable thing could have smart tracking device; then those stolen valuables having the tracking device is like a bait; and robbers, smugglers could easily be traced. Perhaps a father would let his young child to be injected to have a microchip tracking device to monitor his child’s where about and to easily trace kidnappers if his child is being kidnapped.

There could be always a negative counter measure on any positive creativity; but man should never surrender if negative sometimes could update its counter attack on positive things. What is important, man is doing something, and having some creativity on any new evil he encounters than just doing nothing; and jobs are created out of being creative. Some scientists believe that the forces of positive and the forces of negative are equal to have balance; or if one is greater than the other there is tilting, leaning happening either on the positive or the negative. But perhaps other believes that one should choose to where to tilt, to lean or to side; perhaps Jesus Christ in his crucifixion leaned on the right side; there should be some emphasis especially on what is good and what is right. Perhaps with regards to interpreting eating the “living bread” as the physical body of Jesus Christ being crucified continuously in a mystic way, perhaps without end or not once sacrifice or recycle in the form of a bread as “extra ordinary” interpretation-rather than as the word of God that strengthen the spirit and mold, control, run the mind, the brain, the thinking faculties, the reasoning ability, the conscious and unconscious mind, and create mind set base from the universal word- “ordinary” interpretation-, “living bread” could be interpreted as the spirit of Jesus Christ as son of God or as the “the Word was made flesh and dwells among us”; and only those worthy or without grievous sin should receive the symbolic or the reminder or the remembrance in the form of “bread” as also “ordinary” interpretation.” And words: “I am not worthy to receive you but say the word and I will be healed” before receiving the “mystic bread” practice by other religious group and other religious groups has different opinion or practice or belief could perhaps meet and compromise. Perhaps the word “you” is the mystic interpretation of a religious group as the repetition of crucifixion of Jesus; or changing the bread into the real mystic body and mystic blood of Jesus called transubstantiation. Perhaps while the word “word” from the sentence above is the faith or believing of a person that if Jesus says so it will happen. I think the key is you & word are both correct and one is not above or superior to the other. Perhaps what makes things blur or not clear or distort or deceptive is when something is becoming so mystery that it creates arguments, conflicts, misunderstanding, quarrel because one is more knowledgeable than the other because he is a member of a superior group; or you should join us because we are more correct; or one especially the perceived strong leader would command his followers to accuse others as infidels, heretics, evil doers because perhaps afraid that their group could be broken and the financial capacity of the group to survive is affected. But perhaps why just say “we respect your belief and please also respect our belief” or just say “I am sorry we stand to be corrected because the word is really that gives strength to the spirit” as perhaps could have some parallelism with the scenario during the time of Jesus when a group of people thought that they could be cannibals if they would eat the body of Jesus because Jesus is talking of his body to be eaten and some remain because Jesus has the Word. Or those wonders, “public miracles” perhaps in the past or during the time of Jesus were essential to prove that Jesus is really a prophet or a messenger of God; and when Jesus went up to heaven he warned his followers of future false prophets using wonders. But now what is more important is the word or specific, clear words to have positive outcome or result especially having counter weigh on those small extremes at the start example stampede, disorderliness, etc.; because small could become big problems.

From someone who might be mistaken,

From someone who might be mistaken,

Dog that could be trained to search or smell sample of cancer molecules Microchip the as tracking device as small as a half of a match stick. ! Perhaps like: Smart soldier, smart preacher, smart surgeon, smart engineer, smart architect, smart judge, smart teacher, smart model pupil with smart book & smart pen, smart car, smart house with smart appliances, smart motor bike, smart security guard, smart leader, smart black board, smart paper, smart scheduler, smart harvester, smart tracer, and so on…! Being smart of things is focusing, transforming traditional tool, and profession to a higher level and efficiency and performance using available technologies with the help of good teachings, and law. Distinction-rich % poor-bible Price protection-native income Strategy to consume more Real state , construction, multi leveling Seeming permanent things converted to be consumables and using multi leveling Blaming-God for blaming the leader Business opportunity’ may god allow this to happen: Internet fee per hour could be qualified to be a capital for a time frame for multileveling marketing; if fail could just be the fee for the service. If qualfied the usual net working would prevail. Education, engineering, architectural, real estate, medicine, on line marketing. ATM. Web site, security, agaisnt piracy, copy right, patent. Government-PPA ports &harbeor, inventory, taxes, etc. Tutorial, Bunos test, Always pray. Hard say if it would reach $100,000,000 and no body gets the wining the $100,000,000 would be divided so that there would be $10,000 win for 10,000 winners say from the covered period. Through cell phone. Care giving C This teaching might be true: Small pride vs, big pride MD Onive Smart street architect Dear Editor in chief, which one chance the opportunity. Money vs. care Magnet to be parasite vs. opportunity to be paid and to consume more Blood line, feed through cell phone technology a signal continouesly being sent to balanced piracy and internet copies. A billion dollar Conscientiousness-why not industry? drink to justify suicide bombing and kidnapping vs drink also wine Correction: Original ground to hard impermeable rock or ground Bottom line about globalization favoring the weak on agricultural stimulus is like 5 brothers where 4 brother have businesses already and profiting and still with farm lands; but he 5th brother has no business and struggling on his farmland and still being suffocate not to have the full return because the rich and powerful brothers still want more and more it like cockroach and crocodile and crabs. Pass law that in every tunnel there should be cell phone You can say anything for or against the personality of a Christ but if you go against his universal teachings like saying that Christ has evil spirit because of his good teachings it is a sin against then spirit which has no forgiveness. Deception or diverting the focus of the mind in other things instead on the focus on the word might be equal to “sin against ‘ humans with aided with built-in computer systems expert in balancing any extreme.

Is that true sick people are love for being punished done those people who are corrupt and allowed to live? Falling of hair vs. calamity victims! From previous letter: Quote: Perhaps, mighty people and people that believe on“might is right” could still help and should communicate with weakling people and ask him, help him to become also productive; rather than concentrate on those negatives that perhaps an ordinary person has…! Unquote. It would seem that one should pity people – extreme! Credit to US and Iraqis extremist I heard from a friend of a businessman that one secret of becoming rich and let desperate poor people to work is deliberately hurt his ego by using “bad words” 1900-we are on the thousand years 2000 the should be 2000, 1 day=a years, Jennifer. Jamie Perhaps Borderline, boundarties, Malaria, birds flu, Too much spending Perhaps being obese could create another economic stimulus by passing law that cholesterol pill could be bought now without prescription. And ! Perhaps like: Smart soldier, smart preacher, smart surgeon, smart engineer, smart architect, smart judge, smart teacher, smart model pupil with smart book & smart pen, smart car, smart house with smart appliances, smart motor bike, smart security guard, smart leader, smart black board, smart paper, smart scheduler, smart harvester, smart tracer, and so on…! Being smart of things is focusing, transforming traditional tool, and profession to a higher level and efficiency and performance using available technologies with the help of good teachings, and law. Distinction-rich % poor-bible Price protection-native income Strategy to consume more Real state , construction, multi leveling Seeming permanent things converted to be consumables and using multi leveling Blaming-God for blaming the leader Business opportunity’ may god allow this to happen: Internet fee per hour could be qualified to be a capital for a time frame for multileveling marketing; if fail could just be the fee for the service. If qualfied the usual net working would prevail. Education, engineering, architectural, real estate, medicine, on line marketing. ATM. Web site, security, agaisnt piracy, copy right, patent. Government-PPA ports &harbeor, inventory, taxes, etc. Tutorial, Bunos test, Always pray. Hard say if it would reach $100,000,000 and no body gets the wining the $100,000,000 would be divided so that there would be $10,000 win for 10,000 winners say from the covered period. Through cell phone. Care giving C This teaching might be true: Small pride vs, big pride MD Onive Smart street architect Dear Editor in chief, which one chance the opportunity. Money vs. care Magnet to be parasite vs. opportunity to be paid and to consume more Blood line, feed through cell phone technology a signal continouesly being sent to balanced piracy and internet copies. A billion dollar Conscientiousness-why not industry? drink to justify suicide bombing and kidnapping vs drink also wine Correction: Original ground to hard impermeable rock or ground Bottom line about globalization favoring the weak on agricultural stimulus is like 5 brothers where 4 brother have businesses already and profiting and still with farm lands; but he 5th brother has no business and struggling on his farmland and still being suffocate not to have the full return because the rich and powerful brothers still want more and more it like cockroach and crocodile and crabs. Pass law that in every tunnel there should be cell phone

You can say anything for or against the personality of a Christ but if you go against his universal teachings like saying that Christ has evil spirit because of his good teachings it is a sin against then spirit which has no forgiveness. Deception or diverting the focus of the mind in other things instead on the focus on the word might be equal to “sin against ‘ humans with aided with built-in computer systems expert in balancing any extreme. Is that true sick people are love for being punished done those people who are corrupt and allowed to live? Falling of hair vs. calamity victims! From previous letter: Quote: Perhaps, mighty people and people that believe on“might is right” could still help and should communicate with weakling people and ask him, help him to become also productive; rather than concentrate on those negatives that perhaps an ordinary person has…! Unquote. It would seem that one should pity people – extreme! Credit to US and Iraqis extremist I heard from a friend of a businessman that one secret of becoming rich and let desperate poor people to work is deliberately hurt his ego by using “bad words” 1900-we are on the thousand years 2000 the should be 2000, 1 day=a years, Jennifer. Jamie , obesity Borderline, boundarties, The beast, contributor If finger print of a man can let a man withdraw and deposite and transact business, perhaps pass alw that eyes, face, number of phone can too transact business. Perhaps Perhaps balanced result means considering all aspects in life economic, social, and spiritual, health, and others from small to big. Perhaps chaotic procession of icon, chaotic religious ritual, chaotic protests that resulted to stampede and lost of lives, perhaps, is a result of weak leadership; and weak leadership should strive to be have strong leadership because it is a challenge to his being the leader to place counter measure to any imbalance that produce small chaos at the start even if it is small. Or perhaps after three attempts that the small chaos is never removed perhaps pass law that the ritual should be replaced by another near perfect ritual; or no ritual at all is better than having a chaotic one. Principle behind: be perfect as my heavenly father is perfect. Or perhaps the A.I. is misinterpreting things; because if almost all things are near perfect then it is called too perfect which is perhaps another extreme. If there will be new heaven and new earth or new paradise after the a great war called Armageddon or a very great war or great nuclear holocaust and there will be survivors because some people will live on a biosphere here on earth and on other planets perhaps those biospheres are the new Noah’s Arks. If there are atheist scientists there on those biospheres then not all people that were saved are religious. Since the key is inside the Noah Ark there are good people or believers then those biosphere that has atheist scientist who survive the nuclear holocaust is not the new Noah’s Ark. Perhaps the New Noah’s Ark might not be those biosphere because the bible always talked of spirituality or goodness perhaps since 8 people were only the survivors of the millions of people during the time of Noah, and the bible always use parallelisms perhaps if there are example three billion on earth now perhaps only few thousands will be saved after the great war or Armageddon to continue cycle of life in the new paradise, what can you comment on this? The A.I. answered: Since with confidence that with regards to religion there is only one thought one purpose that is love or even to love ones enemy; or one has no obligation to others except to love then about your long question my answer is just my opinion and I am not claiming that this is the true interpretation of Armageddon. My opinion is the Armageddon is the Great War between Words vs. words. If the word of God is the sword or that can strengthened the spirit the opposite are perhaps swords that weaken the spirit. And since physical death is the limit of no return and during his time life there is a spiritual warfare going in his fights or struggle perhaps it is Armageddon is his decision to side with the word or the side with those deceptive words then if one dies without repenting he lost his

chances but if he repent and change for the better he wins. Another interpretation is perhaps there is nuclear war and 90% of earth population will die and the survivors are the new good people to continue life. But the scientist reacted those survivors are not 100% good perhaps some of them bad people so if violate the key word-survivor are the holy or good people. Perhaps there is really one true church or group of religious people and if you are a member you will be saved. I think the key so that there will be peace especially between human relations is the word- “forgive and forget” which for other people is very hard to do even if they always pray unconsciously or consciously the Lord’s Prayer and arrive at: “…forgive us we forgive those who sin against us…” Perhaps some people love justice first before mercy! Then when someone dies forgetting to forgive someone especially his enemies, he still hopes that he will go to heaven because he chooses to be a “justice enforcer” rather than a charity enforcer. Perhaps a justice enforcer is never forgiving and still thinks that he can be forgiven. Keys: Rev. 13:5 “The beast was allowed to make proud claims which were insulting to God and it were permitted to have authority for forty-two months.” Rev.19:13 the robe he wore was covered with blood. His name is the “Word of God.” Mark 9:38 John said to him, “Teacher, we saw a man who was driving out demons in your name, and we told him to stop, because he doesn’t belong to our group.” Rev. 19:19-21: Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered to fight against the one who was riding the horse and against his army. The beast was taken prisoner, together with the false prophet who had performed miracles that he had deceived those who had worshiped the image of the beast. Mark 13: 21-23: “then, if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah! or, ‘Look, there he is!’—do not believe him. For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear. They will perform miracles and wonders in order to deceive even God’s chosen people, if possible Perhaps being obese could create another economic stimulus by passing law that cholesterol pill could be bought now without prescription. And Hunger-evil “Smart raw leaf converter to edible food” it is a smart machine where anything that could be eaten by a cow or a goat such as those leaf could be converted to an edible food or food supplement compress on a capsule. Coup de tat-ignition is connected to the mother-central office. Intensify intelligence; reward system. Smart gadgets, etc. tracking system device. God’s act-man was hanged but did not fall for several times and was release because it was God’s act or intervention.

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