111th Congress 1st Session

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  • Words: 321
  • Pages: 2


H. RES. 615

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Members who vote in favor of the establishment of a public, Federal Government run health insurance option are urged to forgo their right to participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) and agree to enroll under that public option.

IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JULY 8, 2009 Mr. FLEMING (for himself, Mr. WILSON of South Carolina, Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Mr. BARTLETT, Mr. LINDER, Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. SCALISE, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. BONNER, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. LUETKEMEYER, Mr. AKIN, Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Ms. FALLIN, Mr. COLE, Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. PENCE, Mr. HENSARLING, Mr. PITTS, Mr. POSEY, Mr. MARCHANT, Mrs. LUMMIS, Mr. BRADY of Texas, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. ROGERS of Alabama, Mr. POE of Texas, and Mr. BOUSTANY) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on House Administration


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Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Members who vote in favor of the establishment of a public, Federal Government run health insurance option are urged to forgo their right to participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) and agree to enroll under that public option. 1

Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Rep-

2 resentatives that Members who vote in favor of the estab-

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2 1 lishment of a public, Federal Government run health in2 surance option are urged to forgo their right to participate 3 in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program 4 (FEHBP) and agree to enroll under that public option.

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