11 June English Iv

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  • Words: 1,402
  • Pages: 42
English Dr. T.K. Jain. AFTERSCHOOOL M: 9414430763 [email protected] www.afterschool.tk www.afterschoool.tk


How many words can you mention having root scribe? • Scribe means to write • Inscribe, prescribe, proscribe, describe, script, scribble, postscript, subscribe, scripture, transcript, scripture, manuscript, circumscribe, conscription.


How many words can you mention having root vid /vis • Vid means to see • Vista, visionary, visage, adviser, vision, video, television, evident, provident, etc.


How many words can you mention having root theo • Theo means god. • Ahteist, theocracy, apotheosis, theology, etc.


How many words can you mention having root ver? • Ver means truth • Verdict, verify, veracious, verisimilitude, aver etc.


How many words can you mention having root vert/ vers? • Vert means turn • Revert, convert, divert, overt, traverse, extrovert, introvert, aversion, invert, subvert, revert, controversy


How many words can you mention having root vi • Vi means life. • Vivid, vivacious, viable, vivacious, vicarious, convivial, vivipary


How many words can you mention having root voc? • Voc means to call. • Vocal, advocate, invoke, convoke, revoke, evoke, avocation, vocation, equivocate, provocate,


How many words can you mention having root vol? • Vol means desire or wish\ • Voluntary, voluptuous, volition, malevolent (mal means bad), benevolent (bene means good),


How many words can you mention having root sed? • Sed/sess/sid means to sit, to plan, • Sedimantary, sedition, obsession, subside, sedulous, subsidiary, recession, residual, subsidy, session, dissident,resident, preside, assiduous, obsession, insidious, sedate etc. www.afterschoool.tk

How many words can you mention having root sec/seq? • Sec / seq means to follow • Sequence, sequel, consequence, second, non sequitor, obsequious, prosecute, etc.


How many words can you mention having root tract? • Tract means to drag or pull or manage / control • Contract, retract, distract, tractable, intractable, attract, protract, extract, etc.


How many words can you mention having root path? • Path/ pas / pat means disease / feeling • Pathology, pathetic, sympathy, empathy, pathos, compassionate, passion, antipathy, compatible, impassive, sociopath etc.


How many words can you mention having root phil?? • Phil means love. • Philology (logy means language), philosophy (sophy means knowledge & judgement), bibliophil, (biblo means book), philanthropy (anthro means mankind), philately,


How many words can you mention having root sanct? • Sanct means sacred / pious • Sanctity, sanctimonious, sanctuary, sacrament, sacrilege, sacrifice, sacrosanct, etc.


How many words can you mention having root plex ? • Plex / ply / plic means twist, tangle etc. • Complex, duplex, replica, explicit, supplicate, ply, comply, complexion, implicate, implicit, explicit, complicate, perplex etc.


How many words can you mention having root pun • Pun / pen means to pay / compensate • Punitive, punishment, compunction, repent, penitentiary, repine, impunity, penalty, penal, penance, etc.


How many words can you mention having root cern • Cern / cert / crim etc. mean to judge / decide • Concern, discern, secret, certain, ascertain, discriminate, concert, etc.


How many words can you mention having root chrono? • Chrono means time • Chronology (logy means study), chronicle, chronic, anachronism, chronometer, synchronise, anachronism, chronometer, etc.


How many words can you mention having root cis? • Cis means to cut • Scissors, precise, concise, exorcise, incisive etc.


How many words can you mention having root anti? • Anti means against • Antipathy (pathy means feeling), antiseptic, antidote, antibody etc.


How many words can you mention having root arch? • Arch means chief. • Archbishop, archipelago, archenemy, architect, monarch, anarchy, oligarchy, matriarch (matri means mother), patriarch (patri means father), hierarchy, etc.


How many words can you mention having root acr? • Acr / ac means sharp • Acid, ascribe, ascrimonious, acumen, acute, etc.


How many words can you mention having root amph? • Amph / amb means around • Amphitheatre, ambiguous, ambivalent, ambidexterous (dext means skills at hand), amphibian, • Ambassador, ambit, ambition etc.


How many words can you mention having root bel? • Bel means war / fight • Belligerent, bellicose, rebel, rebellious, antebellum (ante means before),


How many words can you mention having root cord? • Cord / card / cour means heart • Cordial, discard, accord, discord, courage, discourage, concord, cardiac, etc.


How many words can you mention having root cast? • Cast / chast means to cut. • Caste, castle, chaste, castigate etc.


How many words can you mention having root circu ? • Circu means around? • Circus, circle, circumscribe, circumlocate, circuit, circuitous, circumstance, circumvent, circumference, etc.


How many words can you mention having root ced? • Ced / cess means to go/ to yield / to stop • Session, exceed, cede, recede, concede, access etc.


How many words can you mention having root cant? • Cant / chant / cent means to sing • Enchant, chant, incentive, recant, accent, etc.


How many words can you mention having root capit? • Capit means head • Capitulate, capital, captain, capture, caption, recapitulate etc.


How many words can you mention having root dem? • Dem means public • Demagogue, democracy, etc.


Thanks Afterschoool conducts three year integrated PGPSE (after class 12th along with IAS / CA / CS) and 18 month PGPSE (Post Graduate Programme in Social Entrepreneurship) along with preparation for CS / CFP / CFA /CMA / FRM. This course is also available online also. It also conducts workshops on social entrepreneurship in schools and colleges all over India – start social entrepreneurship club in your institution today with the help from afterschoool and help us in developing society.


About AFTERSCHOOOL PGPSE – the best programme for developing great entrepreneurs Most flexible, adaptive but rigorous programme Available in distance learning mode Case study focused- latest cases Industry oriented practical curriculum Designed to make you entrepreneurs – not just an employee • Option to take up part time job – so earn while you learn • The only absolutely free course on internet • • • • •


Workshops from AFTERSCHOOOL • • • • • • • • •

IIF, Delhi CIPS, Jaipur ICSI Hyderabad Branch Gyan Vihar, Jaipur Apex Institute of Management, Jaipur Aravali Institute of Management, Jodhpur Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneshwar Pacific Institute, Udaipur Engineering College, Hyderabad


Flexible Specialisations: • • • • • • • • •

Spiritualising business and society Rural development and transformation HRD and Education, Social Development NGO and voluntary work Investment analysis,microfinance and inclusion Retail sector Hospital management and Health care Hospitality sector and culture and heritage Other sectors of high growth, high technology and social relevance


Salient features: • The only programme of its kind (in the whole world) • No publicity and low profile course • For those who want to achieve success in life – not just a degree • Indepth knowledge and expertise • Professional approac: World class approach • Strong intellectual and business capabilities • Flexible – you may stay for a month and continue the rest of the education by distance mode. • Scholarships for those from poor economic background • Latest and constantly changing curriculum – keeping pace with the time • Placement for those who are interested


Components • • • • • • • • • • •

Pedagogy curriculum and approach based on IIM Ahmedabad and ISB Hyderabad (the founder is alumnus from IIMA & ISB Hyderabad) Meditation, spiritualisation, and self development Essential softwares for business Business plan, Research projects Participation in conferences / seminars Workshops on leadership, team building etc. Written submissions of research projects/articles / papers Interview of entrepreneurs, writing biographies of entrepreneurs Editing of journals / newsletters Consultancy / research projects Assignments, communication skill workshops



• Case analysis • Quiz, seminars, workshops, games, • Visits to entrepreneurs and industrial visits • Presentations • Group discussions and group projects • Periodic self assessment • Mentoring and counselling


Branches • AFTERSCHOOOL will shortly open its branches in important cities in India including Delhi, Kota, Mumbai, Gurgaon and other important cities. Afterschooolians will be responsible for managing and developing these branches – and for promoting social entrepreneurs. www.afterschoool.tk

Case Studies • We want to write case studies on social entrepreneurs, first generation entrepreneurs, ethical entrepreneurs. Please help us in this process. Help us to be in touch with entrepreneurs, so that we may develop entrepreneurs. www.afterschoool.tk

www.afterschoool.tk social entrepreneurship for better society


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