11-1 (what Are You Doing)

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Lesson Plan Date: Thursday October 16, 2008 Time: 3 (10:40-11:20) Class: 5-3 Teachers: Matthew (Native Teacher – NT) Ms. Hwang (Korean Teacher – KT) Unit: What are you doing? (Unit 11-?) Objectives: Materials:

The students will begin to use the “to be” verbs and be able to understand when to use them in everyday English. Textbook, computer with CD-Rom, pictures cards for Chp. 10 & 11

Introduction and Review (5 minutes) Do a short introduction and review to prepare the class with the previous day materials and teachers. This introduction will go as follows:  NT & KT: “Good morning students” Students (Ss) “Good morning Matthew Teacher…”  NT “How are you today?”  Ss “I’m fine, thank you”  NT: “How’s the weather today?”  Ss “It’s ________________”  NT: “Ok, very good!” Next, the KT will do a short review with what was studied in the previous class  KT “What did we study in textbook last class?”  SS “Do you want some more?”  KT “Right, we studied ‘Do you want some more?’ What are some other sentences we studied? We studied ‘Go ahead’.  SS ‘Go ahead’.  KT What else did we study?  SS ‘Help yourself’ Next, using the picture cards, go over some expressions with the picture cards with the class  KT [show the songpyeon card] Do you want some more songpyeong?  SS ‘Do you want some more songpyeong?  KT Oh, yes please

 SS Oh, yes please  KT Ok, together as a class, now you try to ask politely [show the bulgogi card]  SS ‘Do you want some bulgogi?  KT Very good class. Let’s say ‘Oh, no thanks’  SS ‘Oh, no thanks’  KT Ok, I need one student [show the pizza card]  S1 ‘Do you want some pizza?’  KT Very good, now the rest of the class ‘do you want some pizza?’ SS ‘Do you want some pizza?’ We can continue this game for 2-3 minutes. Look and Listen (10 minutes) Have students open the books to page 88. Ask the students some very easy questions about the picture  NT Who is she?  SS She is Ann.  NT Now her, who is she?  SS She is Ann’s Mother. Next, have the students watch the screen and have them listen very carefully to the predialog. Have some easy questions ready for the students after the dialog so they understand the questions about actions and ‘to be’ verbs. Next, the students will listen to the dialog between Julie and Mina. DIALOG Ann’s mom Where are you? Ann I’m here Ann’s mom What are you doing? Ann I’m washing my hands Ann’s mom We’re late. Hurry up. Ann’s mom [at school watching athletic competition] Where’s Nami? Ann Let’s see. She’s over there. Ann’s mom What’s she doing? Ann She’s doing Taekwondo. Ann’s mom Ahhh, Taekwondo Ann Look mom! She’s jumping and kicking. Ann & Ann’s mom Excellent

Then we will ask some question about the dialog  KT Who is she?  SS She is Ann KT Is she Julie?  SS No, she is Ann’s mother  NT Ok, at the start of the dialog, where are they?  SS They are at Ann’s house.  NT Ok, good. Do you remember what Ann’s mother ask?  SS ‘What are you doing?’  NT Good, let’s say that one more time  SS ‘What are you doing?’ Next, play the dialog one more time, and ask the students to focus on the action words. Then we will ask some question about the dialog  NT Do you remember what Ann’s mother says?  SS ‘What are you doing?’  NT Good, let’s say that one more time  SS ‘What are you doing?  NT Good. What did Ann say?  SS ‘I’m washing my hands’  NT At school, what did Ann’s mother say?  SS ‘What’s she doing?’  NT Good, now let’s say it one more time.  SS ‘What’s she doing?’  NT What does Ann say?  SS She is doing Taekwondo.  NT Good, she is doing Taekwondo. Next, play the dialog one more time, and go over the question “What are you doing?” and “What’s she doing?” and then the answers, using the video. 

Listen and Repeat (5 minutes) The teachers introduce the listen and repeat to the class and tell the student’s first to listen to dialog 1) Ann’s mother What are you doing? Ann I’m washing my hands. 2) Ann’s mother What’s she doing? Ann She’s jumping and kicking.

Then with the teacher’s help, the students practice the listen and repeat together as a class. Then the teacher splits the class (boys & girls, row-by-row) and then practice the listen and repeat. Then the teacher chooses two volunteers to practice the listen and repeat. The teacher can do this part 2 or 3 times with the students. After the first listen and repeat is completed, the teachers can do this with the second listen and repeat exercise. Video – What are you doing video? (5-10 minutes) Show the video from youtube of people asking ‘What are you doing?” and going over the answers http://kr.youtube.com/watch?v=JZMT-ms4Two Go over some of the answers from the video, using listen and repeat Game (5-10 minutes) Split the class by rows and put them in 3 groups. The teacher asks ‘what are you doing?’ and the student select the group and each student in the group has to say “I’m ____________” and they have to mimic the action. Should be like this:  NT Ok, select a card.  S1 [takes a card, it’s the ‘dancing’ card]  Class and teachers What are you doing?  G1 I’m dancing [do dancing action]  NT Very good group one, group 2, I need some to take a card.  S2 [takes a card, it’s the ‘kicking’ card]  Class and teachers What are you doing?  G2 I’m kicking [do kicking action] Continue the game until all the cards have been used or there is no time left in class. Wrap-Up Time to finish the class  NT “Ok, children we are finished English Class today.”  KT “Did you have fun today?”  Ss “Yes!!!!”  KT “Ok, goodbye students, say goodbye to Matthew Teacher”  Ss “Goodbye, goodbye Matthew Teacher  NT “Goodbye, see you next time.”

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