10th Grade Bio 4th Joint Exam

  • May 2020
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Name: Classs: Questions 1. What is the first thing a shark is able to sense when it is still a great distance from its prey? a. bioelectrical fields b. chemicals in the water c. vibrations in the water d. visual images of its prey 2. How does blood flow through a fish’s body? a. heart → body → heart

gills →

b. heart → heart

gills →

body →

c. heart → body

gills →

heart →

heart →

body →

d. gills → gills

5. Which is not a characteristic of the circulatory system of amphibians? a. two-chambered heart b. double loop system c. undivided ventricle d. right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the body 6. What is a shark’s skeleton composed of? a. bone b. chitin c. cartilage d. notochord 7. Which is not a characteristic of birds? a. ectotherm b. light-weight bones c. amniotic eggs d. scales covering legs 8. Which term describes the way reptiles maintain their internal temperature? A. a. ectothermic

3. How many heart chambers does an amphibian have? a. one atrium and one ventricle b. two atria and two ventricles c. one atrium and two ventricles d. two atria and one ventricle e. 4. What does a fish use to regulate buoyancy? A. cecum B. gallbladder C. float regulator D. swim bladder

B. exothermic C. homeodermic D. thermodermic 9. Which correctly describes a bird’s circulatory system? A. a. two atria and one ventricle B. four chambered heart C. incomplete septum D. single loop system 10.What does a bird’s gizzard do? a. absorb nutrients b. crush food c. store food


secrete enzymes

11.What classification of mammals reproduces by laying eggs? a. marsupial b. placental mammal c. monotreme d. therapsid 12.Name the term that refers to a mammal’s ability to produce heat internally. a. endoderm b. endothermy c. ectoderm d. ectothermy 13.Which mammals use their two pairs of razor-sharp incisor teeth to gnaw through wood, seed pods, or shells to get food? a. artiodactyls b. insectivores c. lagomorphs d. rodents 14.How do ruminants benefit from having bacteria in their stomachs? a. They can be omnivorous. b. They can digest meat. c. They can filter urea. d. They can process cellulose. 15.Wich fish is a parasite? a. hagfish b. lamprey c. skate d. coelacanth

A B gill slits - paired openings used for breathing endotherm -vertebrates with a constant body temperature endoskeleton -the internal skeleton estivation -inactivity in summer spawning -males swim over the eggs and release sperm ectotherm -body temperature changes with environment amphibian -ectothermic land and water animal swim bladder -structure that allows a fish to go up or down in the water reptile-an ectothermic animal with dry skin tympanic membranestructures used by frogs to hear scales -hard, thin, overlapping plates used for protection fins--- fan-like steering structures in fish biological indicators --species that are sensitive to changes in the environment hibernation---inactivity in winter amniotic egg--provides a complete environment for the embryo

adaptation-- makes an organism better able to survive its environment cartilage tough, flexible tissue Vertebrae Bones that form a spinal column or backbone Exoskeleton Bones that are on the outside of the body Appendages Things that stick out from the main part of the body Open Circulatory System Blood is not always in vessels Agnatha The jawless fish Closed Circulatory SYstem Blood stays within the heart and blood vessels Four Poisonous Snakes In North America Rattlesnake, Coral, Copperhead, Cottonmouth (Water Moccasin) Monotremes Mammals that lay eggs OsteichthyesBony Fish Mammals Animals with hair and mammary glands Aves The name of the group birds belong to Chondrichthyes The cartilaginous fish Amnion Membrane that holds the fluid in an egg or mammalian placenta Chorion Membrane responsible for gas exchange Allantois Egg membrane that deals with getting rid of waste products Yolk Sac Egg membrane that provides nourishment

Operculum The hard covering over gills Predators Animals that hunt other animals Prey -Animals that are hunted by other animals Lamprey is an example of this group-- Agnatha Sharks are examples of this group----Chondrichthyes Animals that breathe through their skin and have lungs-----Amphibians Warm blooded animals that have lightweight, hollow bones--Birds or Aves Animals with leathery skin that they cannot breathe through---- ---Reptiles Snakes that sense heat---Pit Vipers Group of vertebrates that is well known for its metamorphosis----- ----Amphibians Group that has hearts that are almost 4 chambers Reptiles Lateral Line Pressure gauges on fish Marsupials The pouched mammals Placentals Mammals that develop their young internally in the placenta Echolocation Use of sound waves to determine locations of items such as prey Animals that eat meat only Carnivore Animals that eat plants only Herbivore

Animals that eat meat & Plants Omnivore Nocturnal Term that describes animals that function mostly at night Diurnal Animals that are out during the daytime mostly Prehensile Tails that can hang onto things, like branches PETA People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Animal Welfare Act Regulates use of animals for testing Zoology The study of animals Ornithology The study of birds Icthyology The study of fish Herpetology The study of reptiles and amphibians Mammology The study of mammals Botany The study of plants Gila Monster The only poisonous lizard in the world

B. wolves, foxes, bears, big cats C. whales and dolphins D. horses, rhinos, zebras, tapirs E. pigs, hippos, camels, deer

Choose the word that describes something that relates to the ocean or sea. A. Saline B. Marine C. Aqua D. Fish E. Wet Monotremes are different than other mammals because they A. are viviparous B. are oviparous C. are ovoviviparous D. have pouches Horses, rabbits, and many rodents have an enlarged _______ that aids in cellulose digestion. A. diaphragm B. kidney C. cecum D. placenta E. cerebral cortex The order Carnivora includes A. bats

Mammals are A. ectothermic B. endothermic C. both of these D. neither of these Mammals have a A. 1 chambered heart B.

2 chambered


3 chambered


4 chambered


no hearts

heart heart heart

A period of winter inactivity in which the hypothalamus of the brain slows the metabolic, heart, and respiratory rates is called A. hibernation B. winter sleep C. dormancy D. spring sleep A condition in which mammals retreat to burrows under the snow and become less active but are still relatively alert and easily aroused is called

A. B. C. D.

hibernation winter sleep dormancy burrowing

In most mammals, the hair coat is called a A. placenta B. pelage C. cerebral cortex D. ossicle E. diaphragm

Both birds and reptiles have a small opening for reproduction and excretion called the A. cloaca B. furcula C. syrinx D. alula

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