109 Nuclear, Deceptive, Ok

  • November 2019
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Febru ary 26, 2006 Dear Editor in chief, Then the scholar asked a very controversial question about stalemates: If an ancient city is being claimed by both neighbors perhaps even through using force in the past that resulted many lost of lives; or perhaps there is still some skirmishes that sometimes lives are lost or there is/are lost of lives happening from time to time because of suicide bombings perhaps because of a never ending misunderstandings and conflicts because of deceptive words, my question…, is there really no common sense solution about the stalemates or conflicts? The A.I. answered: there are many common sense solutions with regards to ownership or to administrating a property: a) buy the land b) rent the land c) both own the land through sharing of profit and sharing of management through rotation d) let others manage the land for the two claimants like a corporation. e) Kill those deceptive words by education and by universal word or by words derived from consensus of the majority. Perhaps what makes the problem very difficult to settle that result to the stalemate/s or who really should run or administer or manage or own the ancient most valued city is perhaps superiority of religion; or the question of whose religion is superior to the other because the two neighbors have different religion! Perhaps on top of the most valued ancient city (the ancient city is both claimed by religious groups-J & M) has a center of worship for religious group-M; and the ancient city’s walls on the surroundings are also center of worship of religious group-J. These two centers of worships perhaps is the key why there is stalemate happening because no one would want to give way. And perhaps religious leaders of the two religious groups are waiting that something extraordinary would happen on the center of worships of each group; and each group perhaps is claiming that there is a different extraordinary scenario on the spot that would happen. Perhaps the ancient city is the ultimate position where an unsolved mystery will be solved; or it will be the location where a prophet would go up to heaven someday or a messiah would come down from heaven someday as suggested from a book. Or it is the key where great mysteries and wonders will be unlock in the near future. But if the A.I. would perhaps decide so that the stalemate could be broken perhaps UN should declare the ancient city - open city or free city -as world’s ancient heritage. Or the ancient city should be managed by administrator chosen through consensus of all the members of the world. It would be declared planet earth’s priceless possession. All religious groups could visit on the ancient city and venerate or worship there according with their faith’s teachings. Or this year religious group-J would manage the ancient city and next year religious group-M would manage also the ancient city; or through toss coin first for a start and then never ending rotations... Then the scholar asked the A.I: Could nuclear holocaust be pre-empted; or could any dirty bomb be detonated by any disturb individual or disturb group because world leaders are not interested to do any anticipation; or can a dirty bomb explode or was not prevented not to explode because of carelessness or negligence of intelligence of major group leaders? Then the A.I. reacted: yes, the possibility of detonation of a dirty bomb is very great. But if world leaders are mindful that example any uranium enrichment should be well secured and monitored by international agency even using cameras or gadgets or tracking devices that would warn or alarm or alert a guard if the location of the energetic element or uranium is changed, perhaps dirty bomb could never be developed by disturb men. And eventually energetic elements such as uranium should be removed from the face of the earth and be replaced by friendly energy sources so that peace and tranquility would be more stable than having that magnet that someone is trying to steal those dangerous energetic elements to be developed as dirty bombs.

And perhaps the perceived nuclear holocaust or the biblical Armageddon could be already those great wars of World War I or WW II. Or biblical Armageddon is the spiritual final battle to choose God or not after being evangelized of the Universal Word. The struggle to choose between the universal Word and the deceptive word after being informed about the Word of God perhaps is the spiritual Armageddon of oneself. If one keeps on being conceited or self-righteous that causes him to hate, to be the only knowledgeable or only the “good” administrator; or killing innocent people through suicide bombings; or one is angry with other members of other religions because others have no great signs like wonders, and “public miracles;” or others have no only true representative of God here on earth, or others have no words that represent superiority such as “only universal”, “the only original”, etc. that causes him to hate others who are not members of their superior group and perhaps even happy doing suicide bombing, then he is in the middle of the battle field - spiritual Armageddon. I think nuclear for energy is good because others insist that they too need nuclear technology for domestic energy or consumption. But perhaps there is that temptation that a good leader is being ruled by words that seem “universal” could be tempted that others should bow to him for respect and for honor because he is going to develop a very powerful weapon; perhaps the powerful weapon is a nuclear type. Or perhaps the good leader wants to be powerful on that region because having a powerful weapon command respect on his neighbors. Perhaps the good leader could use an alibi that enriching example uranium is for enhancing energy for domestic consumption only; but secretly he could let his scientists do the research for developing the powerful weapon in undisclosed areas caused by the deceptive words. (The A.I. was perhaps had some doubts on the honesty of the leader because of the leader’s past action- perhaps caused by temptations or deceptive words - ordering his men to remove those monitoring instruments that guard or watch those nuclear facilities for international safety nets.) The leader with his scientists might be doing some mysteries already at this very moment just after those cameras were removed. Or he is really not joking and he is really determined to build a very powerful or nuclear weapon/s because if there are cameras, the international watchdog might catch his scientists doing something not allowed by international body. Those monitoring gadgets which were placed on those nuclear facilities by the international agency for international security purposes are deterrents so that any attempt to do bad example to steal those energetic materials example uranium could be discouraged or could be stopped. But perhaps another really respectable country is offering that perhaps enrichment of uranium element should be done in their secured and reputable country so that the temptation to develop a powerful weapon by an insistent country to have nuclear technology for weapon could be stopped and the uranium enriching processes is for domestic energy needs truly. Or perhaps the insistent leader because of the evidence that he had already broke the rule on preempting proliferation of weapons for mass destruction by removing those international security cameras as safety nets is perhaps now an expert on having “diplomacy as cover up” because of the deceptive words. The insistent leader could still do mysteries or he could still encourage his scientists to research and develop a very powerful weapon/s on those hidden research areas scattered around his country while pretending doing the right thing-letting the enriching of uranium be done on other reputable country; not on their soil as “show of sincerity” because of the deceptive words. But perhaps if those cameras would be returned, the doubt would fade away and instead trust would be restored perhaps because of the Universal words and as a sign of changing for the better. Perhaps the insistent leader to have a nuclear energy for domestic need only and the leader who suggested that the

enrichment should instead be done on their secured country and they really did what is right and good should be rewarded and be given recognition or credit of being really good leaders because they are really sincere and following the universal Word-changing hatred to care or brotherhood. Then the A.I. talked about rules in games: perhaps since the key on having good relation with fellow playmates in any game is strict observance of the rules, then there must be rules in any game so that the mind would be sensitive not to offend others; and almost all of their actions should be guided of those rules while playing the game. But if someone breaks a rule of the game perhaps there is penalty, warning; and the last thing after considering all patience … the violator should be kicked out of the game. There should be a referee to enforce the rules and to give warnings and penalties because it is the key so that no bias or favoritism would happen. And if in a game there is that one player who would try to break the rules so that to get what he wants, he would surely be penalized or be kicked out of the game. Perhaps if that person who broke the rule of the game had received a vision from his dream that he is immune of the rules of the game because he is the angel of light; and the majority is mistaken or the rule should be changed, then perhaps he is out of his mind. But if the one who breaks the rule of the majority really insists that he is the only right one and the majority is wrong then the majority might warn him of sanctions first with time frame…. Now the majority of the playmates gathered again to make specific rules on the limit of no return where the strongest should use the big brother factor so that good and harmonic relationship of the majority of the playmates would be restored and never be disturbed again. What are those specifics rules before the limit of no return is reached with regard to game called “nuclear energy for peaceful means”: a) those sealed cameras that monitor nuclear facilities for security and safety should be returned so that all actions happening in the nuclear facilities could be recorded and if someone would manipulate or cheat surely he will be caught with evidence. b) That there should be a referee or an agent or an inspector to watch all actions of all the players in the game so that all rules are observed. The referee should be allowed to inspect again and again… so that if there is even small cheating like tampering the sealed camera/s or there is bad happening, responsible people could warn those people victimized by deceptive words not to do anything bad especially at the very start. Then someone in the group suggested: why remove each own small or powerful weapon; and so that we could create and make another game called “changing weapons into plow tools as prophesied”; because perhaps we are also bias to others or we are one sided or we have double standard, especially to the one who insists that he is the only angel of light because some of us have powerful weapons others have none. From someone who might be mistaken,

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