105 Gambling,ok

  • November 2019
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February 11, 2006 Dear Editor in chief, Then the A.I. continued to give his opinion: Perhaps, for some group doing a perception through cartoon or portraying a revered prophet of a group through cartoons or expressing its opinion or freedom of speech through example cartoons to praise or to criticize is just a part of a work or a contribution or a master piece of a journalist. For other groups if the cartoon has malice in it especially if there is a lie or an exaggeration siding to negativism or to bring down the good name then it could be libelous. Perhaps, since the outcome of the protest against an opinion of a particular journalist or group is chaotic and perhaps aggravated by cleric/s who deliberately exaggerate things to boost their hidden agenda by leaking out the cartoon from a tolerant native land to other intolerant fundamentalist lands that the outcome resulted to damage some properties and the properties could be very expensive to rebuild, perhaps this outcome could let future journalists and leaders learn something from it. And perhaps this evil outcome because of a journalist daring comments through cartoon could be treated as an opportunity to turn the negative things into positive opportunities or to do something positive out from negative things. Perhaps others might call it balancing tactic or “feng sui” technique or common sense. With regards to freedom of speech that triggered another group to outburst their emotions because a revered prophet was downgrade, I think a libel suit could be charged to the publisher and author because one could express criticism with other group without hurting the emotions of people perhaps called responsible journalism and self censorship. And if there would be malice found in the opinion in the form of a cartoon or words there should be punishment and fine through international court. But if there is no malice at all with his criticism perhaps those people caught that instigated people to over react and those people that destroyed those public or private properties should be liable and be charged in national or international court for destruction of private properties if there would be concrete evidences and witnesses. And the author and the publishers should be commended for letting a deception or twisting that results to disorderliness or hating be corrected; and harmony, orderliness, cleanliness, beauty, good relation with men or brotherhood, peace, prosperity would rule or would prevail…! But if the cartoon as a constructive criticism or opinion was published in the author’s tolerant country and if example an activist or a cleric smuggled the cartoon and published it on intolerant country or countries and the outburst of emotions resulted to some damages of properties and resulted to some human accidents or killings, or that resulted to many deaths, perhaps the activist/s or cleric/s who incited people to be emotional and to destroy properties could now be liable in international court. Perhaps the innocent author should not be liable because he has no connection in leaking those controversial cartoons to other intolerant and fundamentalist land/s. Perhaps pass law that: a) all journalists or editors or news paper companies should give a certain percent of their income as insurance premium/s so that if there would be libel case against one’s work or contribution or master piece, or against those people who leak the opinion to other intolerant countries, any damage, attorneys fees could be paid by the insurance. This premium could enhance another economic stimulus so that attorneys could have added jobs or work. And if there were public properties destroyed indirectly caused by his contribution, the premiums perhaps could augment the contribution of other property insurance/s to reconstruct the destroyed properties or damaged structure/s. And if after example 1 year or 5 years his contributions or premiums was not used to pay damages it should be returned to him but with deduction for serving services; or could be converted into premium of other contributions for example for pension, or health, or car loan, or house loan, or for a lottery ticket, or trip or stocks; or dinner in a reputable restaurant, or for savings through automation. And perhaps another economic cycle could be created and could be boosted. Principle behind: traditional insurance-waiting to meet something bad to enjoy a benefit- is made better and easier and automated; no need to wait long and to meet something bad. Because it’s like combining insurance, time deposit, lottery, raffle and multi-leveling net working, winning in a contest.

b) Pass international law that almost all democratic countries should also give certain international premium/s as insurance for reconstruction of properties damaged or destroyed by riots, crowd outburst anywhere in the world cause by an opinion of other country’s journalist that could be libelous for others and for some the opinion could be a constructive criticism so that another economic cycle could be created out of something negative. If almost all natural or man made evil could push men to have premiums for insurance and for example reconstruction of damaged buildings then when there is evil thing it would eventually be changed into something beautiful again because there is accumulated fund available and waiting to be consumed and people would be busy doing something good out of evil. Perhaps pass law that every embassy should have “smart riot camera” that if a religious leader or activist incites people to destroy property because of exaggerations and malicious act to enhance their hidden agenda perhaps to have a superior religious group, the people caught in the “smart riot camera” could be traced and could be charged in court and the photograph/s could be used as evidence/s and the leader/s who instigated or incited or provoked people to do bad could be traced also. The “smart riot camera” is programmed to get many zoomed head or facial expression or head or face feature of a person/s doing very bad thing like holding a bat and destroying the glass door of the building. Perhaps because the “smart riot camera” has a lock system when a person holding something example a bat and hitting something to destroy the property, the camera would get a whole picture of the body first even if he is moving, then the smart riot camera would search the head and take an enlarged or zoomed picture of the face or head. This installation of several “smart riot camera” on one building could let a target point has several angle of picture shots from different cameras for clarity. And again this creativity or innovation could let human be busy and could create another economic stimulus and could create economic dominos and cycle of cash. Perhaps the key in all economic prosperity whether local or international, small or big is the accumulation or gathering of fund to initiate an idea to create flow of cash, a work to happen, to push people to accomplish a task, to pay materials, pay labor from small to big economic primer/s to create another economic cycle or economic domino. And the key now in this electronic era to enhance economic success is to convert any small opportunity, small effort to create an economic stimulus or flow of cash especially using automation, ATM and cell phone technology or e-cash through cell phone. Perhaps pass law that pay slips or wages or salaries could be by just –electronic transfer through cell phone and ATM; and money could be transacted anytime, anywhere regardless of difficulties in distance. What are those accumulations of fund to finance project/s to create an economic cycle from small to big? Perhaps the oldest ways of accumulating fund for any project to happen are collection of alms, asking donations or alms, asking for volunteering of labor, collection of taxes, creating promissory notes, Treasury bond, etc. Accumulation of fund, delivery of funds, following specifics tasks to be paid as accomplishments from the fund are keys so that the project/s could be realized. What are traditional things that could accumulate fund or could push people to be insured? Perhaps, life insurance, property insurance -car, house, pension plan, college plan, health insurance, burial insurance, etc. are the traditional way of insuring life, property, health, studies and jobs. These traditional things that could insure could be categorized as big things. Perhaps an insured person would wait and wait until something very bad would happen to him to get the benefits; or those healthy insured people would pay the debt of the one or few insured people suffering of a very bad thing that happened like death, sickness, damaged on property; or there should be some savings or profits because the majority are healthy and giving premiums; few is spending the accumulated fund because of illness. This principle should be multiplied and should be applied even in some small ways and creative ways. Could insurance be also applicable to small things and time of waiting to enjoy the benefit is also shorter like example a game or a raffle prize or lottery or a prize received from a star or idol contest? Could the principle of insurance where the beneficiary would first meet an accident and could be combined with the principle of time deposit or saving, lottery games, sports, and multi-leveling networking? If law could be passed to combine the principle of insurance with the principle of time deposit, lottery and multi-leveling

networking from big contributions to small contributions and from services to professions, from lottery only to having combinations with entertainments, talk shows, debates, religious gathering, from waiting long time to waiting short time, then there could be many ways or combinations of economic accumulation of fund or economic systems so that economic cycles could be created; and also there would be many domino effects that could be created out from it or from them. Perhaps many innovators could create many businesses so that cash would flow and could be cycled from just combination of traditional economic stimuli such as insurances, lotteries, multi-leveling marketing, entertainment, education, profession, sports, etc. Example of small: if attending in a TV debate show, there would be an entrance fee or people would be asked to buy a ticket say worth $5 and 90% accumulated fund should be paid for the raffled ticket number that would win the jackpot; and the 10% is for paying those people who supervised the game. But if there would be no winner on that batch because the number has some difficulty to be targeted then the accumulated fund would be carried over to the next batch. Then after example three batches there is still no winner, the accumulated fund would automatically be distributed to some people who bought tickets through raffle for payment of insurance or premiums or membership fee for a multi-leveling networking or for another lottery ticket/s or for a trip, etc. The key for having more accumulated fund is the degree of difficulty so that the accumulated fund could grow just enough so that people would be eager to buy more tickets if prizes is becoming more valuable. Perhaps even people just watching a TV program could still join through cell phone technology or e-cash technology to buy ticket or buy raffle numbers to become a source for accumulation of fund for reward, prize, insurance, membership fee for a multi-leveling networking, stocks, cash to buy any new things needed for the family or for anything so that a small business could be created through automation perhaps with the help of e-cash or cell phone and ATM. From RVC

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