101 Ways To Kill People

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,095
  • Pages: 3
101 Ways to Kill People By Phoebe and Benna 1) Suffocation 2) Hanging 3) Paper Cuts Everywhere 4) Shoot them in the head 5) Cut Limbs off slowly 6) Do the Volcano experiment inside them 7) Rusty spoons through liver 8) Paper cut them, then make then take a dip in vinegar 9) Give them one paper cut, then throw them in a pool full of hungry piranhas 10) Make them walk into a building full of Jews and yell ‘Hail Hitler!’ 11) Cut their head off (hardly any cleaning up later) 12) Mummify them, alive 13) Deprive them of sleep 14) Cover them in meat sauce and throw them in a cage with an starved tiger 15) Gouge their eyes out with spoons 16) Stick a metal pole through their head 17) Make them walk on burning hot coal 18) Bury them alive 19) Death by cheese grater 20) Throw them in front of a bus (or a really heavy moving object) 21) Make them drink fly spray 22) Make them drink, drink concentrate 23) Make them drink wet cement 24) Make them climb an electrocuted barbed wire fence 25) Wrap them in barbed wire and throw them around 26) Operate on them. Cut out their stomach (careful not to kill them) and make them eat lots of food 27) Do the whole Sweeny Todd thing, and turn them into meat pies 28) Make them think their in a horror movie and kill them in the end 29) Plant bamboo shoots in their stomachs 30) Feed them tons of ice cream (death by brain freeze) 31) Flash freeze them 32) Fiddle with their iPod when they’re not looking, making the volume really really loud 33) Give them an umbrella and tell them to be Mary Poppins on top of a ten storey building 34) Get them to pose for a photo and drop a pillar on them 35) Genetically modify a Venus fly trap so it grows really big and put them in a room with it 36) Make them walk into a bee farm without a suit 37) Force feed them McDonalds 38) Tie ropes to their arms and legs, tie the other ends to two jet planes, and fly the jet planes in opposite directions. 39) Death by faulty acupuncture 40) Turn back time and give them a ticket to Titanic 41) Paint their whole body so the paint seals and they can’t breathe 42) Give them an eyeball piercing 43) Human Guinea Pig

44) Take them to an animal testing lab, open all the cages and leave victim alone with them 45) Wrap them in lots of cello tape 46) Make them spend a day with Michael Jackson 47) Drop them into an electrocuted pool 48) Operate on them. Remove all the bones from their body and see how long they survive 49) Make them drink Nitro-glycerine and watch them light up like a Jack Lantern 50) Impale them on lots of keys 51) Tape their mouths and give them a cold =] 52) Get some claustrophobic people and make them go on an elevator that’s gets stuck halfway through 53) Pluck every strand of hair from their body one by one with a pair of tweezers 54) Strap them on a wood mill and watch them get cut in half 55) Put them in a maze with lots of mirrored walls and a roof and no way out 56) Re-enact the gladiator and make them face a tiger 57) Tie the ends of their hair to a fan and turn it on high 58) Tell them they’re Jesus and they can walk on water 59) Strap them on train tracks and wait till train comes (give them hope of survival) 60) Put them in a room with really hungry cannibals 61) Bribe a ghost to haunt them 62) Put them in a tank with a roof and slowly filling water 63) Put them in a jungle with lots of poisonous snakes 64) Make them eat sewing needles 65) Make them find the hay in the needle stack in an hour 66) Skin them alive and stick them in citric acid 67) Make them breathe in pure oxygen 68) Make them go scuba diving and pull them up really quickly, giving them air bubbles in their bloodstream 69) Kidnap a rich kid, cut his ears off, video tape it, show it to his parents and when they give you money, kill him anyway 70) Put them in a room full gun powder and drop a match in it 71) Make them bite their own tongue off and swallow it 72) Put them in a room full of scared skunks, so the stench overpowers the oxygen and they choke and die 73) Get someone with a really big penis and get him to have angry sex with victim (anal sex if victim is a male) 74) Get a lighter and burn holes in them slowly 75) Paper cut their eyeballs 76) Push them off a really tall building aiming for a powerpole 77) Strap them down and get a blind man to go crazy with a nail gun 78) Chops off their balls and leave them to bleed 79) Deep throat them until they choke 80) Cover them in batter and deep fry them in burning oil 81) Push them off the edge of a waterfall with spiky rocks at the bottom 82) Get an obese person to sit on them 83) Get a supermodel with really pointy stilettos to walk all over them 84) Put them in the middle of a really sensitive minefield 85) Starve them

86) Impale them with a spear 87) Make them choke on a ball point pen 88) Death by heater 89) Trap them in a sun bed 90) Choke them on fake Christmas decorations 91) Electrocute the toilet 92) Drown them in a septic tank 93) Sandpaper them to death 94) Death by bondage 95) Force them in a small box and hammer nails into it 96) Make them lie in the middle of a road. Get a hue steamroller and run them over starting at their feet 97) Nail them to a crucifix, upside down 98) Build them into a building and leave them there 99) Stick crayons in every hole till you hit the right spot 100)Put them in a box with some room, sticks nails in on every surface from the outside and throw the box down a really steep hill. 101)Force-feed them lots of sleeping pills. Make it look like suicide

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