100s Place Unit Lesson Plan

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  • Pages: 26
UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning Elementary Lesson Plan

UNLV Student: Lesson Plan Title:

Nicole Walker Unit Lesson 1’s, 10’s and 100’s place value lesson


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Ms. Wamsley 1’s, 10’s and 100’s place value lesson (small groups) 16 days (20 minutes each lesson) Steele ES

1.State Standard(s): 2.NBT.A.1: Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones. a. 100 can be thought of as a bundle of ten tens — called a "hundred." b. The numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight or nine hundreds (and 0 tens and 0 ones) 2.NBT.A.2 Count within 1000: skip count by 5’s, 10’s and 100’s. 2.NBT.3 3. Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. 2.NBT.A.4 Compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens, and one’s digits, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons. 2. Teaching Models: Direct and indirect instruction. Explicit instruction, and independent work, cooperative learning, Lemov Strategy #2 Targeted Questioning, Lemov Strategy #6 Affirmative Checking, Kagan Strategy, Sage and Scribe, Questioning DOK. 3. Objective(s):     

SWBAT understand how to distinguish between ones, tens, and hundreds. SWBAT interpret models to determine the combinations of hundreds, tens and ones in a number SWBAT write a three-digit number in terms of varied combinations of hundreds, tens and ones. SWBAT identify the place value of each digit in a three- digit number SWBAT interpret a model and write the number value

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SWBAT evaluate models of three-digit numbers to determine whether numbers are greater than, less than or equal to each other SWBAT express equalities and inequalities using proper notation SWBAT solve problems involving inequalities and justify solutions. SWBAT order numbers from greatest to least, and least to greatest by determining place value of each number in a two or three-digit number.

4. Materials and Technology Resources: Day One: Computer, screen, Video -Place Value Song for Kids, Ready, Common Core Teacher Resource Book, 23-Lesson 10 packets, 23 pieces of scratch paper, pencils. Day Two: White board, white board marker, Ready, Common Core Teacher Resource Book, 23Lesson 10 packets, 23 pieces of scratch paper, pencils. Day Three: Ready, Common Core Teacher Resource Book, 23-Lesson 10 packets, 23 pieces of scratch paper, pencils. Day Four: Ready, Common Core Teacher Resource Book, 23-Lesson 10 packets, 23 pieces of scratch paper, pencils. Day Five: 0-9 digit cards, Ready, Common Core Teacher Resource Book, 23-Lesson 10 packets, 23 pieces of scratch paper, pencils. Day Six: Ready, Common Core 23-Lesson 10 quizes, pencils. Day Seven: Ready, Common Core Teacher Resource Book, 23-Lesson 10 packets, 23 pieces of scratch paper, pencils. Day Eight: Ready, Common Core Teacher Resource Book, 23-Lesson 10 packets, 23 pieces of scratch paper, pencils.. Day Nine: Ready, Common Core Teacher Resource Book, 23-Lesson 10 packets, 23 pieces of scratch paper, pencils. Day Ten: 23-Lesson 11 Quizzes, pencils Day Eleven: Ready, Common Core Teacher Resource Book, 23-Lesson 10 packets, 23 pieces of scratch paper, pencils, 12- “roll it, make it expand it worksheets, 21 di, ELMO, screen. Day Twelve: Single digit number cards 0-9, Ready, Common Core Teacher Resource Book, 23Lesson 10 packets, 23 pieces of scratch paper, pencils. Day Thirteen: Single digit number cards 0-9, Ready, Common Core Teacher Resource Book, 23Lesson 10 packets, 23 pieces of scratch paper, pencils, closure ticket.

Day Fourteen: Ready, Common Core Teacher Resource Book, 23-Lesson 10 packets, 23 pieces of scratch paper, pencils. Day Fifteen: Ready, Common Core Teacher Resource Book, 23-Lesson 10 packets, 23 pieces of scratch paper, pencils. Day Sixteen: 23- Lesson 12, quizzes. 5. Instructional Procedures: Day One: a. (4 minutes) Motivation/Engagement – Video- Place Value Song for Kids  TW inform students we will be reviewing place value, specifically the 100’s place as we move into learning about the 1000’s place.  TW watch the video.  Students will be asked? o How many ones does it take to make 10? (DOK 1) o How many tens does it take to make 100? (DOK 1) o How many 100’s does it take to make 1000? (DOK 1)  TW inform students she will be working with them in small groups for a review. b.

(10 minutes) Ready Common Core Lesson 10, page 90 Introduction (three small groups of 7)

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TW provide each student with a lesson 10 packet SW be instructed to look at page 90 TW show page 90 under the Elmo SW be shown the 100-number block and informed there are many ways to count to 100. They will be asked: o What are the ways you think you can count to 100? (2’s, 5’s, 10’s) (DOK 1) SW be shown the 100-s table and asked to share with the class what they know about the number 100. SW read the think section of the page together. SW be directed to circle the groups of 10 in the 100 ones and compare to the book model. SW be directed to look at page 91 SW read the think section as a class SW will be asked to answer as a group how many 1’s, 10’s and hundreds each block has as the teacher and student fill in the blanks. TW read the ways to show 100 chart.

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SW be asked to discuss with a partner which ways to show 100 on the chart match each picture above the chart. TW make sure they understand the 10’s and 1's blocks are locked together. TW read the sentence under the chart and direct students’ attention to the bottom row of the chart (1 hundred + 0 tens + 0 ones) SW answer: o Why do you think there are two zeros after the 1 in 100? Zeros indicate no 10’s and no 1’s. (DOK 2) SW work with a partner to discuss the reflection question on page 90. SW be asked to share their answers with the class.

c. Closure: Kagan Pepper strategy (3 minutes).  SW be asked the following questions using the pepper and cold call strategy: o How many 1’s makes 100? (DOK 1) o How many 10’s makes 100? (DOK 1) o How many 100’s makes 100? (DOK 1) o How many 1’s makes 200? (DOK 1) o How many 10’s makes 200? (DOK 1) o How many 100’s makes 200? (DOK 1) 7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented.  Students who are struggling will be approached individually during group work for more in- depth instruction. 8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Formative:  Assess student’s understanding of hundreds by observing their partner work.  Assess student’s understanding of hundreds by observing class responses to questions.  Assess student’s understanding by observing responses to cold call pepper questions. summative: Quiz at the end of the unit. Day two: (10 minutes) Guided Instruction. Ready Common Core pages 92-93

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SW open packet to page 92 SW be instructed they will have time to work individually on problems 2-5. SW be directed to look at the first set of models and count them as a group. SW be asked: o How many groups of 100 are shown? 3 (DOK 1) SW continue counting to 900 by 100’s with teacher SW be asked: o How is counting by hundreds like counting by tens? (DOK 2) TW reinforce the concept that 3 hundreds indicates there are no one’s or tens in problem three by adding 100 + 100 + 100 on the paper. Remind them it is a simple addition problem. SW look at the second group of models and be asked: o How do these compare to the first model? ( groups of 10) (DOK 2) SW complete questions 4 and 5 independently. TW circulate during work. When problems are completed SW be asked: o Why doesn’t it make sense to write 300 instead of 3 on the first blank or 4 instead of 4 on the second blank? There aren’t 300 groups of one hundred and there are not 40 groups of ten. (DOK 3)

(10 minutes) Group work- Ready Common Core Lesson 10 page 93     

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SW be directed to page 93 SW be paired up SW work together to complete 6-8. TW circulate, listen, question and offer input. When work completed, SW be asked: o Why do you think there is a box around some of the tens? What does it represent? There are 10 tens in each box which represent 100. It makes it easier to count the group of 100. (DOK 2) SW will be directed to continue in pairs to work on Try It Another Way. SW come to the board to share their answers. TW explain the importance of the placement of the zero in the ones and tens place. TW have students write the number 206 on scratch paper. SW draw the models for 206. TW then write 26 and ask them to read it. SW draw the models SW will be asked: o Why is important to write the zero at the end of the 260? It makes the 26 mean 26 tens not 26 ones. (DOK 3)

c. Closure: Kagan Pepper strategy

(3 minutes). Exit ticket.  TW give the students 2 numbers and have them model them on scratch paper.

7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented.  Students who are struggling will be approached individually during group work for more in- depth instruction. 8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Formative:  Assess student’s understanding of hundreds by observing their partner work.  Assess student’s understanding of hundreds by observing class responses to questions.  Assess student’s understanding by observing responses to cold call pepper questions. summative: Quiz at the end of the unit. Day three: (10 minutes) Guided practice. Ready Common Core pages 94-95  

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SW open packet to page 94 SW be directed to problem 11 and asked: o What is the error Lana made in her homework problem? She did not write a zero in the tens place to show there are no separate tens. (DOK 3) o How would you help Lana understand what she did wrong? (DOK 2) SW read number 12 (Analyze) as a class. SW talk with partners about what each student did. (#13 Identify) TW add blank rows to the bottom of the chart on her worksheet. SW discuss and fill in the original problem blanks as a class. SW be asked: o Can you think of another way to show 256? (DOK 3) o How would you complete the row if there were 20 tens? (teacher puts 20 tens in one of the extra rows.) (DOK 2) o What if there were 126 ones in the one’s column? (teacher puts 126 ones in the next extra row) (DOK 2)

(10 minutes) Independent work - Ready Common Core Lesson 10 page 95      

SW be directed to page 95 SW be directed to complete the Put it together task independently SW be directed to draw rectangles or cylinders to represent the stacks of coins if they need to. Part C SW can use a drawing or equation to solve but must explain why they agree or disagree. (DOK 3) TW circulate, observe, and assist. SW share work if time permits.

(5 minutes). Closure. Exit ticket. (exit ticket will include two questions from book quiz)  Students will be provided an exit ticket face down on their desk.  SW be directed to turn over the ticket and answer the questions and turn over their paper when they are done.  TW pick up tickets as students complete them. 7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented.  Students who are struggling will be approached individually during group and individual work for more in- depth instruction. 8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Formative:  Assess student’s understanding of hundreds by observing their partner work.  Assess student’s understanding of hundreds by observing class responses to questions.  Assess student’s understanding by correcting exit ticket. summative: Quiz at the end of the unit. Day Four: (10 minutes) Review/Assessment

Day Five: (4 minutes) Motivation/Engagement –  TW discuss previous days work

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“we worked on how many tens make 100 in two different ways. We broke down three digit number into 100’s, 10’s and 1’s and we also broke down three digit numbers into 10’s and 1’s. Tell me why you think it is important we understand the number places in three digit numbers?” (DOK 2) TW cold call students. (10 minutes) Class workTW write questions on large poster sticky: o 457 will be written at the top of the sheet o Model the number above (students will be told to use flats, rods and cubes.) o Show two ways to write this number (SW be told use the two ways we did yesterday) o Explain your work

(10 minutes) Independent work (Done in small groups)- Ready Common Core Lesson 10 page 95      

SW be directed to page 95 SW be directed to complete the Put it together task independently SW be directed to draw rectangles or cylinders to represent the stacks of coins if they need to. Part C SW can use a drawing or equation to solve but must explain why they agree or disagree. (DOK 3) TW circulate, observe, and assist. SW share work if time permits.

(5 minutes). Closure. Exit ticket. (exit ticket will include two numbers that students must model.  TW give the students 2 numbers and have them model them on scratch paper. 7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented.  Students who are struggling will be approached individually during group and individual work for more in- depth instruction. 8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Formative:  Assess student’s understanding of hundreds by observing their partner work.  Assess student’s understanding of hundreds by observing class responses to

questions.  Assess student’s understanding by observing responses to cold call pepper questions.

Day Five: (5minutes) Introduction- Students as digits (class work)    

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SW be informed we will be reviewing place value for three-digit numbers. 10 SW be asked to come to the front of the class, and each given a number card from 0-9 SW be informed each student is holding a digit and that these 10 digits make up all numbers. They will be told the digit’s place in a number tells it’s value. SW be told we have worked with one-digit numbers, 2-digit numbers, three-digit numbers and next will be 4-digit numbers. The numbers can get very large for example if you read all the digits in this line you have 987,654,321. (nine hundred eighty-seven million, six hundred fifty-four thousand, three hundred and twentyone. Three students will stay and the other six will sit down. 764 will remain. SW be asked to read the number as a class. SW be asked as a class: o Who is holding the number in the 10’s place? o Who is holding the number in the 100’s place? o Who is holding the number in the 1’s place? SW be asked to discuss with table groups: o How many tens is (student in the 10’s place) holding? o How many hundreds is (student in the 100’s place) holding? o How many tens is (student in the 100’s place) holding? o How many tens are (student in the 100’s place and 10’s place) holding? Between each question SW be cold called at each table to answer the questions. Three students at the front will be told to sit down and TW have three more students come up. TW give them each a digit to make the number 503. SW be asked as a class: o Who is holding the number in the 10’s place? o Who is holding the number in the 100’s place? o Who is holding the number in the 1’s place? SW be asked to discuss with table groups: o How many tens is (student in the 10’s place) holding? o How many hundreds is (student in the 100’s place) holding? o How many tens is (student in the 100’s place) holding? o How many tens are (student in the 100’s place and 10’s place) holding? SW be asked to return to their desks and small group work will begin.

(10 minutes) Ready Common Core Lesson 11, page 96. (small group work)     

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Group 1 will be told to come to the small group table. Group 2 will be told to work on I ready math on computers Group 3 will be told to work on their core math Lesson unit 4, day 6 pages 1 and 2. TW provide each student with a lesson 11 packet SW be asked: o Why isn’t the number 23 called a digit? (23 uses two symbols- a digit is only one symbol) (DOK 2) o Why might a student write two hundred and seventy-five as 200705? Why is it incorrect. (student wrote the numbers next to each other instead of putting the symbols in the correct places.) (DOK 2) SW be instructed to look at page 96 TW inform students the page will show them how to think about and write 3-digit numbers. SW read the problem at the top as a page. SW be asked: o Is the number of packs Jan buys the same as the number of balloons she buys? (each back contains more balloons, so they are not the same) (DOK 2) If students are struggling, TW use blocks to show what each bag would contain. SW complete a, b, c and d. SW be asked what numbers they wrote in each blank and why (cold call) (DOK 2) SW write numbers on scratch paper and TW ask the following: o (24) How many groups of ten are there in this number? How many groups of ones are there in this number? (DOK 1)

c. (3 minutes) Closure: Kagan Pepper strategy:  TW write numbers on the board and ask the following questions using the pepper and cold call strategy: o 240 – How many groups of 10’s are there in this number? (DOK 1) o 240 – How many groups of 1’s are there in this number? (DOK 1) o 240 - How many groups of 100’s are there in this number? (DOK 1) o 89 – How many groups of 100’s are there in this number? (DOK 1) o 203 – How many groups of hundreds are there in this number? (DOK 1) o 203 – How many groups of tens are there in this number? (DOK 1) o 203 – How many groups of ones are there in this number? (DOK 1) 7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

 Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented.  Students who are struggling will be approached individually during group work for more in- depth instruction. 8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Formative:  Assess student’s understanding of hundreds by observing their partner work.  Assess student’s understanding of hundreds by observing class responses to questions.  Assess student’s understanding by observing responses to cold call pepper questions. summative: Quiz at the end of the unit. Day Six: Ready, Common Core Lesson 10 quiz    

SW be provided quizzes face down. SW be informed they should complete the quiz independently. SW be directed to turn over the quiz and begin. SW be monitored. If students are looking at other’s papers, privacy folders will be provided.

7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented.  Students who are struggling will be approached individually during group work for more in- depth instruction. 8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Summative:  Assess student’s understanding of place value by grading the lesson 10 quiz. Students should be able to answer 3 of the 4 questions correctly.

Day Seven: Materials and Technology Resources: Ready, Common Core Teacher Resource Book, 23-Lesson 10 packets, 23 pieces of scratch paper, pencils, 12- “roll it, make it expand it recording sheets, 21 di, ELMO, screen. (15 minutes) Motivational Engagement: Dice-place value strategy

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Before the lessons TW write the different group stations on the board. Before the strategy begins the TW put three pairs of dice and four recording sheets on each table. TW place an example of the recording sheet under the ELMO TW inform students we will be doing a class activity before we split into small groups today. This activity will review expanded form. SW be informed of the strategy instructions: o “You will work in pairs to complete the sheet. You will take turns rolling the dice and you will each write the numbers on your sheet.” TW have two students come up to model the strategy. “Dravin will roll the dice. He has rolled a __. Moxie will write the number under the H on the sheet. Draven will roll the dice again. Moxie will write the number under the T on the sheet. Draven will roll the dice again. Moxie will write the number under the O. Draven will write the number in expanded notation using tens and ones only. Like this.”  TW will model writing the number out in the Make it row.  TW explain that the second row says “make it” and “not expand it” but we will be practicing expanded form for tens and ones, so they will do that in the row.  TW explain: o “Next Moxie will write the expanded form in 100’s, 10’s and 1’s in the last row and put the standard form number after the equal sign. Then you will switch places. Moxie will roll the dice, Draven will fill in the numbers, Moxie will expand the number using 10’s and 1’s only and Draven will complete the expanded form. I will leave this up here, so you can look at it if you get confused. Does anyone have any questions?”  SW pair up.  TW tell the students who they will be working with by going to each table and pairing up the students.  SW be directed to write both names of the student pairs on top of the sheet.  SW have 10 minutes to fill in the sheet.  TW collect the sheets.  SW be directed to their group station: o Group 1 Ms. Walker’s table

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o Group 2 o Group 3 

SW will be directed to switch after each 15 minute small group lesson.

(12 minutes) Modeled and Guided Instruction – Common Core Ready, Lesson 11, page 98.

 TW have students turn to page 98 of the packet.  SW read problem at top of page 98 as a class.  TW remind students that a ten-dollar bill is equal to 10- one-dollar bills, so its value is 10 dollars.  TW inform students that a 100-dollar bill is equal to 100 – one-dollar bills, so its value is 100 dollars.  TW ask students to describe what the “Picture it” picture shows. o How many bills do you see? o Do the number of bills in the picture tell how much money Amir has? Explain. (each one-hundred-dollar bill is equal to 100 ones and the tendollar bill is equal to 10 ones, Amir has more money than 6$) (DOK 2)  SW write 100, 10 or 1 next to each bill  SW write 100, 10 or one next to each part of the quick drawing.  TW connect the place value chart in Model it to the quick drawing. There are two 100 hundred blocks in picture it, so we put two in the hundreds box on the place value chart. There is one ten block in the picture it so we put 1 in the tens box on the place value chart. There are three one’s block in the picture it, so we put the symbol 3 in the ones box on the chart.

Ready Common Core Lesson 11, page 99         

SW be instructed to look at page 99 SW read Connect It as a class. TW inform students the questions refer to the problem on page 98. TW inform students that in problem 3 hey are finding the combined value for each kind of bill. SW be asked as question 4 is completed: o Why does it make sense to add the values together? (DOK 2) SW read number 5 together then turn and talk with their partner about the answer. SW be directed to explain how they found their answer to number five to their partner, before they write it. (DOK 2) Students will work with their partner on question six. SW share their answers with the class.

c. (3 minutes) Closure: Kagan Pepper strategy  TW write a number chart on the board showing Hundreds, Tens and Ones boxes and ask the following questions using the pepper and cold call strategy: o If I have $200 and I ask for change in $10 bills only, how many $10 bils should I receive? (DOK 1) o If I have $400 and I ask for change in $10 bills only, how many $10 bills

should I receive? (DOK 1) o If I have $250 and I ask for change in $10 bills only, how many $10 bills should I receive? o If I have $480 and I ask for change in $10 bills only, how many $10 bills should I receive? 7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented.  Students who are struggling will be approached individually during group work for more in- depth instruction.  ELL’s can be provided with money from their native country whose denominations are powers of ten 8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Formative:  Assess student’s understanding of hundreds by observing their partner work.  Assess student’s understanding of hundreds by observing class responses to questions.  Assess student’s understanding by observing responses to cold call pepper questions. summative: Quiz at the end of the unit. Day Eight: (20 minutes) Guided Practice – Common Core Ready, Lesson 11, page 100.  TW have students turn to page 100 of the packet.  TW explain the example on page 100 to students. “you will fill in each box on the chart with the numbers stated in the problem. Let’s read it together, five hundred ninety-four. TW ask: o How many hundreds does the number she wrote have? 5 (DOK 1)  TW direct show students the number written in the chart under hundreds is 5. Then continue with the other boxes.  SW complete problems 7-9 on pages 100-101 independently (DOK 1, 2 and 3)  SW share answer 7 with their partner. Then with the group.  SW share answers 8 and 9 with the group. c. Closure: Review guided practice as a group.

7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented.  Students who are struggling will be approached individually during group work for more in- depth instruction.  ELL’s can be provided with money from their native country whose denominations are powers of ten 8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Formative:  Assess student’s understanding of place value by observing their partner work.  Assess student’s understanding of place value by observing class responses to questions.  Assess student’s understanding of place value by grading Independent Practice worksheet. Students should be able to complete sheet and correctly answer 5 out of six questions. Day Nine: (15-20 minutes) Review Lesson 11  TW provide each student with scratch paper  TW will tell students we have spent the last few weeks reviewing place value of 3digit numbers and we have talked about the values of these numbers as well as the value of 1, 10 and 100 dollar bills. Today we are going to review this information and take a quiz. It is important that you pay attention and ask questions about anything you do not understand. Let’s start with a riddle:  TW tell students she is thinking of a three digit number and then place the following riddle under the ELMO: o The hundreds digit has a value of 70 tens. The tens digit is more than 4. What could the number be?  SW be directed to answer each part of the riddle before they pick an answer.  SW be directed to pick the possible answers then go back and be sure the number fits the riddle.  TW instruct the students to pick the possible choices out of the following numbers she will write under the ELMO. o A. 783 o B. 543 o C. 730

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o D. 797 o E. 712 o F. 765 SW use scratch paper if necessary and solve the riddle as a table. TW cold call a student at each table and ask them to provide one of the correct answers until all correct answers are chosen. TW place a block model under the ELMO showing the number 357 SW be cold called to fill in the blanks for the following questions which will be shown under the ELMO: o __________ hundreds + __________tens + 7 ones o __________ +_________ + 6 SW repeat for the number 650 o __________ hundreds + 5 tens + _______ ones o __________ + 50 + _________ SW be asked to work in pairs. TW write the number 427 on the board and tell students she will write this in different ways. SW work together to determine which ways are incorrect: o 4+2+7 o four hundred twenty-seven o 42 tens and 7 ones o 427 ones TW will write the number 578 on the ELMO. TW will write: Hundreds Tens Ones SW answer as a class what number the teacher should write under each place. SW answer as a class what is the value of each number as she points to the 5 then, seven then 8. TW write the values on the board in the following form: 500 + 70 + 8 = SW answer what the total of these number is. TW remind students of the lesson we did last week where we talked about 10-dollar bills, 100-dollar bills and 1-dollar bills. TW cold call on a student and ask: o If I have 20 ten-dollar bills how much money do I have? o Why? If student is unable to answer TW ask student how many 10 dollar bills it takes to make $100. Then ask them the question again. SW will be directed to use scratch paper to record the following numbers and the TW

write the numbers on the board as she asks the following questions (cold call): o John has 30 ten-dollar bills. How much money does he have? o Moxie has 45 ten- dollar bills. How much money does she have? o Jayden has 30 ten-dollar bills and 7 one-dollar bills. How much money does he have?

(15 – 20 minutes) Quiz 11  SW be provided the quiz.  SW be directed to put their name on it.  SW be directed to read the directions carefully and watch for important words like value.  SW be reminded that sometimes there will be more than one answer, so they must read each answer carefully.  SW be instructed to go back and check their work carefully after they have finished.  SW be directed to sit quietly when they are done.  TW collect quizzes as students finish. (20 minutes). Independent Practice Worksheet     

TW provide students with work sheet. SW read all questions as a class. SW 8-10 minutes to complete the worksheet. TW circulate and observe. TW collect worksheet for grading.

7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented.  Students who are struggling will be approached individually during group work for more in- depth instruction.  ELL’s can be provided with money from their native country whose denominations are powers of ten 8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Formative:  Assess student’s understanding of place value by grading Independent Practice worksheet. Students should be able to complete sheet and correctly answer 5 out of six questions.

summative: Quiz at the end of the unit. Day Ten: **** Fun strategy??????****** Place Value Riddle Cards -Students answer place value riddles using show me strategy. Place Value Students (15 minutes) Lesson 11 Quiz.    

TW provide each student with the quiz face down. TW ask students to turn over their papers and begin. SW have 10- 15 minutes to complete the quiz and turn over their papers. (DOK 1, 2, 3) TW collect quizzes for grading.

7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented. 8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Summative:  Assess student’s understanding of place value by grading quiz. Students should be able to complete quiz and answer 4 out of 5 questions correctly.

Day Eleven: (10 minutes) Motivation/Engagement –Comparing numbers card game-Ready Common Core, Lesson 12, Pg. 104  (Prior to lesson) TW make a set of all the three- digit number cards from Activity Sheet 8. (for each pair of students). Cards will be placed on each table.  SW be paired for game.  SW be instructed to divide their cards into two equal piles and place them face down.  SW each take a pile of cards.  SW in each pair will turn up the first card on the pile and compare the numbers.  The student with the greater number will keep both cards.  When the first pile has been gone through. If time permits SW repeat the game with

the person with the lesser then number keeping the cards.  SW be asked: o How did you know if your number was greater than or less than your partner’s number? (students should be able to compare the tens place. You can use the hundreds chart to reinforce concept) (DOK 2) d. (10 minutes) Ready Common Core Lesson 12, page 104 Introduction       

 

TW provide each student with a lesson 11 packet SW be instructed to look at page 104 TW show page 104 under the Elmo SW read “Compare hundreds and tens” as a class. TW call notice that there are three bean bags. SW will be told: each number represents a digit and when you put them next to each other they form a number. SW be asked: o What is the greatest number each person can make? (421, 97) (DOK 1) o Whose number has more hundreds? (Kim, because Jon only has two bags on the board) (DOK 1) o What other numbers could Kim have made with her tosses? Write on board- 412, 241, 214, 142, 124) (DOK 1) o What other numbers could Jon have made? (79)? (DOK 1) o Why is there only one other number Jon could make? (DOK 2) ***If students are struggling, they can use quick drawings of hundreds, tens and ones. SW work together to answer questions a.b.c and d. o a. What is the greatest number Kim can make? Why? Talk with your partner then share with the group. (DOK 1) o b. One of Jon’s bean bags did not land on the board so he can only use two numbers. What is the greatest number and why? (cold call) (DOK 1) o c. How many hundreds, tens, and ones are in each number? (cold call for each blank) (DOK 1) o Compare the numbers. Which has more hundreds? Talk with your table and then share? (DOK 2)

(3 minutes) Closure: Kagan Pepper strategy  Numbers will be written on the board and SW be asked the following questions using the pepper and cold call strategy:

o (3 and 2) What is the greatest number I can make with these digits? (DOK 1) o (1, 4 and 7) What is the greatest number I can make with these digits? (DOK 1) o (9, 0, and 2) What is the greatest number I can make with these digits? (DOK 1) o (2,1 and 4) What is the smallest number I can make with these digits?  TW inform students in our next lesson we will be discussing less and greater than more and reviewing the symbols we use to show less than and greater than. 7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented.  Students who are struggling will be approached individually during group work for more in- depth instruction. 8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Formative:  Assess student’s understanding of place value by observing their partner work.  Assess student’s understanding of place value by observing class responses to questions.  Assess student’s understanding by observing responses to cold call pepper questions. summative: Quiz at the end of the unit. Day Twelve: (10 minutes) Motivational engagement: Make the largest number whole class strategy.        

TW explain the strategy to students. 3 SW be picked to come to the front of the class, and each will be given a onedigit number they will not show the class. SW be told the three students will turn and as table groups they will discuss which student has to be in which number place to make the largest number. S with numbers will show the numbers to the class. Table groups will be told they can talk with each other to decide in what order to place the 3 students. SW be told they should start by deciding which student should be in the hundreds place, then tens, then ones. SW have 1 minute to discuss TW select a table and have them send one student up to politely move the students in the correct spots while the other students as a group direct them.

 

SW be cold called at the table to answer: o Why did you put the students in that order? (DOK 2) The process will be repeated until each table has had a turn to place students.

(8 minutes) Find Out More- Ready Common Core, Lesson 12, page 105.     

 

(Prior to lesson) TW will place scratch paper on student’s desk SW open packet to page 105 TW put page 105 on the Elmo SW read Find Out More as a class. SW be asked: o How can thinking of 421 as tens and ones help you compare the numbers? (Since there are 42 tens in 421, you can compare those with the 9 tens in 97. 42 tens are more than 9 tens, so 421 is greater than 97) (DOK 2) TW remind students of the less than greater than alligator strategy by referring them to the picture. o Why can’t you use the equal sign to compare the numbers 421 and 97? (DOK 2) SW work with their partner to answer the reflect question. (base ten blocks can be used) SW discuss the responses as a class.

(2 minutes) Closure Kagan Show Me strategy  SW be instructed to take a piece of scratch paper.  TW call out numbers and the students will write them beside each other with a space between.  TW model how this will be written.  TW will call the first number and then ask students to put the correct less than or greater than symbol between the numbers. o 312 and 213 o 472 and 569 o 798 and 901 o 709 and 810 o 455 and 544  TW call out show me.  TW check students work and put correct answer on the board.  If students have answer incorrect TW discuss the error with the class. 7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented.  Students who are struggling will be approached individually during group work for more in- depth instruction.

8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Formative:  Assess student’s understanding of comparing three-digit numbers by observing their partner work.  Assess student’s understanding of comparing three-digit numbers by observing class responses to questions during show me strategy.  Assess student’s understanding of comparing three-digit numbers by observing responses to cold call pepper questions. summative: Quiz at the end of the unit. Day Thirteen: (10 minutes) Modeled and Guided Instruction. Ready Common Core, Lesson 12 pages 106-107.    

         

SW open packet to page 106 SW read the problem at the top of page 106 as a group. SW be asked: o Which number are you supposed to find, the greater or the lesser? (the lesser) (DOK 1) SW be directed to look at the models in Picture it and asked the following questions: o How are the numbers shown by these models different from the numbers you compared on the first page of the lesson? (equal number of hundreds) (DOK 2) o What might you do to decide which number is the lesser number when the hundreds are the same? (look at the tens) (DOK 2) TW compare the models in picture it to expanded notation in model it. SW be asked: o How can the numbers on this page be written as tens and ones? (35 tens and 2 ones; 32 tens and 8 ones) (DOK 1) TW have students turn to page 107 SW read connect it as a class TW inform students questions refer to problems on the previous page. After problem 4 SW be asked to write a different number sentence to compare the two same numbers using lesser than or greater than symbol. SW read number 5 together. SW talk with their partner to answer and explain the question. SW share their discussion with the class. SW complete question 6 independently and share answers with the class.

(5 minutes). Closure: Exit ticket. (exit ticket will be 5 3- digit greater than less than questions)  Students will be provided an exit ticket face down on their desk.  SW be directed to turn over the ticket and answer the questions and turn over their paper when they are done.  TW pick up tickets as students complete them. 7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented.  Students who are struggling will be approached individually during group and individual work for more in- depth instruction. 8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Formative:  Assess student’s understanding of comparing three-digit numbers by observing their partner work.  Asses student’s understanding of comparing three-digit numbers by correcting their exit tickets. Students should be able to complete 4 out of 5 questions correctly. summative: Quiz at the end of the unit. Day Fourteen: (10 minutes) Modeled and Guided Instruction. More Ways to Compare Three-Digit Numbers, Ready Common Core, Lesson 12 pages 108-109.    

 

SW open packet to page 108 SW read the problem at the top of page 108 as a class. SW be asked: o What number are we going to find, the greater or the lesser? (DOK 1) TW call attention to the models in Picture it. “We have four one hundreds, 6 tens, and 7 ones in the first model and we have 4 hundreds, 6 tens and 3 ones in the second. o How are these models different from the other models we have seen? (equal 110’s and 10’s) (DOK 2) TW compare the model it chart to the picture it model. SW be asked: o How can thinking about the number of tens and ones help you decide which of these numbers is greater? (since they both have 46 tens, the ones place will tell you which is greater) (DOK 2) SW read connect it as a class.

   

For problem 9 the two sentences will be written on the board. A SW be chosen to read the number sentence and say the direction of the inequality sign. SW complete Try it question 12 with their partner and share with the class. SW be asked: o How did you know which direction to draw the sign? (DOK 2)

(5 minutes). Exit ticket. (exit ticket will be 5 3- digit greater than less than questions)  Students will be provided an exit ticket face down on their desk.  SW be directed to turn over the ticket and answer the questions and turn over their paper when they are done.  TW pick up tickets as students complete them. or Fun Strategy- two students will be called to the front of the class and given a card with a threedigit number on it. Other students will be asked which student has the greater number. (cold call). Those students will sit, and others will be called, and the procedure will be repeated.

7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented.  Students who are struggling will be approached individually during group and individual work for more in- depth instruction. 8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Formative:  Assess student’s understanding of comparing three-digit numbers by observing their partner work.  Asses student’s understanding of comparing three-digit numbers by correcting their exit tickets. Students should be able to complete 4 out of 5 questions correctly. summative: Quiz at the end of the unit. Day Fifteen: (10 minutes) Guided and Independent Practice, Ready Common Core, Lesson 12 pages 110-113. 

SW open packet to page 110

    

TW review the first example question with the students. TW inform students that using a visual or number model may help. SW complete questions 13-15 independently TW circulate, observe and assist. Once students have completed the questions, they will share their answers with their partners.

(10 minutes) Independent practice. Ready Common Core, Lesson 12 pages 112-114.   

SW be directed to turn to page 112 of the packet. SW be informed they will complete pages 112-114 independently SW turn in the packet to the teacher when they have completed the independent practice.

(3 minutes). Closure. Final discussion  

Students will be asked to share any questions they have had about the lesson. Students will be asked to share one thing they learned during the lesson. (cold call)

Day Sixteen: (15 minutes) Lesson 12 quiz.    

TW provide each student with the quiz face down. TW ask students to turn over their papers and begin. SW have 10- 15 minutes to complete the quiz and turn over their papers. (DOK 1, 2, 3) TW collect quizzes for grading.

7. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:  Any IEP’s will be reviewed for appropriate accommodations prior to the lesson being presented. 8. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning: a. Summative:  Assess student’s understanding of place value by grading quiz. Students should be able to complete quiz and answer 4 out of 5 questions correctly.

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