100 Things About Me

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,629
  • Pages: 6
1. My name is Rebekah Ruth Hopper. 2. I am a sinner. 3. I dated my husband for 9 years before we got married. 4. We met at church. 5. I wish I could plant something every day. 6. I really like to dig in the dirt and watch plants as they grow. 7. I am the youngest of 4 kids. 8. I have 2 older sisters and an older brother. 9. I’m not technical- I can barely operate our TV. 10.My husband does all of our laundry- there, I said it. Don’t judge me. {and ironing…yikes!} He’s kind of obsessed with it. 11.I really like to cook and bake. I’m not saying I’m good. I just like it. 12.I once worked in a tanning salon. I was not used for any advertisements for it. Hmm. 13.I’ve always thought that the one thing I know I can do is be a mom. 14.I teach kindergarten and love it more than I could have ever imagined. 15.I’ve been to Germany, Switzerland and Austria. 16.I’ve been to very few places in the U.S. 17.I have a big, nice camera and know I don’t use it to its potential but I’m working on it. 18.If I’m watching TV, it’s Food Network. 19.I don’t really watch much TV. 20.I am a natural blonde. It’s a crazy kind of blonde but it’s natural. 21.My favorite meal right now is beans, cornbread, and greens. 22.My sisters have babies and I love them in a crazy obsessive way. 23.I was way too obsessed with my grades in college. I wish I had chilled out a little bit. 24.I was a sorority girl in college.

25.I am a natural worrier. I am always worried about something. 26.I like to be a corresponding nut. But I mainly just write to my family. 27.Sometimes I’m a little sarcastic. 28.I really don’t care for sarcasm. 29.I’m extremely tender-hearted. Extremely. 30.I have to eat chocolate daily. {end of statement} 31.I am picky about cleaning my house. I clean it a lot. 32.I get excited when I look at the dates on yogurt at the store. I imagine what I will be doing on that date, what I will have done by then, or what the weather will be like. Haha! 33.I stalk people on the internet…beware. 34.I like to go on walks. 35.I can be mouthy- speak too quickly kinda thing. Working and praying ‘bout my mouth. 36.I can’t think of a food I don’t like. I like food. It’s good for me. 37.Sometimes I have ‘blonde’ moments but don’t call me out. That’s not nice. 38.I take a bath every night before I go to bed. I have to. Mostly to get the ‘school’ off, then to get warm, then to relax I guess. I’m in there for a purpose- and to read. 39.I like to read. ‘Romanticals’ are great, biographies, the Bible…and trashy magazines. I know. I love the library. 40.My favorite memories are fishing with Dallas in high school and college. 41.I secretly love that my husband watches wrestling. He knows any statistic about it and we have to DVR it every week… but it has been in so much of our history… and even more of his. Silly. But secretly sweet. {don’t tell him} 42.I openly dislike his ‘gaming’. {please tell him} 43.I drive a white Jeep Liberty. 44.When I interviewed for my job- I interviewed in one hour, in one room, with 16 principals. It was hard. I got hired! 45.For a chunk of my childhood, I was annoyingly referred to as ‘Q-Tip’.

46.I will never bungee jump or sky dive. Ever. 47.I am practical and tend to be more simplistic and reasonable than others my age. 48.My dream house is at the end of a long dirt road, through a field. It’s tiny and white and surrounded by trees. It has a screen door that slams shut, flowers in the ground, and a creek behind it. Dallas is sitting on the front step. 49.I’m still looking for my dream house. 50.I call my husband Wacky. He hates it. {I still call him Wacky though} 51.I went to 4 proms in high school/junior high. 52.Before we became ‘Logical Little Hoppers’, we were planning our first summer trip and were going back and forth between Hawaii and Mount Rushmore. Haha! 53.I have a crazy nose. My ‘smeller’ is very sensitive and connected to memories and moods. I have basket of scented lotions that were rotated in college. One was for rainy days, one for warm sunny days, one for winter… crazy I know. I even have the body wash from my honeymoon and smell it just to remember that trip. 54.I get car sick. Bad car sick. Please let me sit up front. One time I got car sick on the school bus coming home from school. 55.My feet look just like my Mom’s… and I love it. 56.I really like pretty dishes, china, etc. If it’s blue and white… I love it even more. 57.I am very critical of myself. 58.I need a hutch. 59.UNsweet tea, please. 60.I don’t really have one favorite movie. I like the girl movies… and some funny old ones 61.I love Bob Segar, James Taylor… and that mix in my car… ? 62.I knew what wedding dress I wanted before I ever went in the store. 63.I love my garden insanely. I love how dirt and water mix together and somethin’ pretty comes from it.

64.The smell of clean clothes makes me very happy. 65.I drink coffee every morning. It’s a have to. 66.I am seeing every day how God is working in my life. 67.I love wearing dresses. 68.Anne is definitely my favorite on the Today Show. 69.Martha Stewart makes my skin crawl. So fierce and not gracious. 70.I don’t think I’m that girly. I like my nails painted {nude} but I’m not obsessive over other stuff. 71.One time in college I went to the Veteran’s Hospital to get some blood work done. Turns out you have to be a veteran… who knew? 72.I don’t do blood and needles. If I say I’m going to pass out be ready to catch me- I’m serious. 73.I have a lot of funny stories about my older brother when we were little. He tortured me. 74.I am not dramatic. I’ll forget before I could ever repeat anything. 75.I really don’t like birds. It stems from my Momma, she used to say that they carried deadly diseases and that I needed to put shoes on. Gross. 76.I remember painting my sisters’ toes when I was little and they were in High School or home from college. Thank you for letting me do that- I loved it. 77.I plan my days around meals. Embarrassing I know, but I have to eat. I won’t leave on a trip without knowing if I need to eat before or when we get there. It drives Dal nuts and makes me sound like a piggy-poo. 78.My favorite part of my wedding day {besides vowing myself of course} was the bridal brunch. My sisters had done it all and my family was there. It was great. 79.I love being Libby Baker’s granddaughter. 80.I have a blog. I don’t tell anyone about it. It’s personal and I don’t want everyone reading it. One person at my school knows about it and I made her sign in blood on a contract that she wouldn’t tell anyone. {not really in blood, and I only told her because she has one too} 81.My favorite season is Fall.

82.I’ve been working on this list for months. This was not easy for me. 83.I believe in clean and tidy. It makes me giddy. 84.I use this laptop and turn it off. Then I remember something I wanted to do or look at and have to turn it back on and shut it down when I’m done. It’s a horrible cycle, don’t let yourself get sucked in. I have to get away from it or it will happen for hours. 85.My bed is made daily. Always. No holidays. I can’t focus unless I know it’s made. 86.I love cooking for boys. I get to cook that stuff that is unhealthy and ridiculous… and they gobble it up. Requests make my heart soar. 87.I can recite the giver of almost any wedding gift. I am proud of that fact and very thankful for our goodies. 88.If I think I hurt your feelings I will apologize. If I don’t apologize it’s because I had no idea. Please tell me, and I’ll gladly apologize, then I will cry really hard for whatever it was-it will be ugly. 89.I can play the piano. {I think…I haven’t played in awhile} 90.I am not that interesting and having difficulties with these last ones… 91.I don’t answer my phone. I don’t know why! So don’t be offended I’m just weird like that. 92.I believe in the library. They give so much to the community. I think it’s a personal little adventure in learning. You can do a lot in a library. 93.I’ll beat you on guitar hero. Try me. 94.I have a whole lotta’ fun with my Mom, Aunt, and Muh. 95.It’s physically impossible for me to sleep in. Not gonna happen. 96.I refuse to scrapbook. 97.I pray when I drive. It’s a quiet, private time. Odd but I like it. 98.I love quilts. Wish I could make them. 99.I only subscribe to Southern Living Magazine. 100.I have a puny immune system. I catch everything.

I can’t believe I finished this. It wasn’t easy for me to think of 100 facts about me. These are random and just show a bit of myself but it was interesting for me and I hope for you!

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