SCIENCE IN THE SERVICE OF MAN OR SCIENCE AND HUMANITY 1 he age we live in is an age of science and technology. The discoveries and inventions made by scientists have thoroughly changed our life. If we think of the old ages when there were no trains, no aeroplane no electric fans, no gas heaters, no pressure cooker and no refrigerator, we will really get frightened. We feel that how our forefathers live such a dull and monotonous life.* There were neither roads nor mechanical transport. People used to travel long distance by foot or on the back of their animals and took days and some times months to reach from one place to another. But now science has completely revolutionized our life. The facilities and inventions of scientists have made our life more comfortable and happy for us than it was in the past. 388 The Study of Edurntinn 389 The Study of Education Scientific inventions in the fields of agriculture have helped man to increase the production of food both in quality and quantity. Modern machines and implements have made the work of our farmers easier than it was in the past. Better methods of manoeuvring and sowing have been discovered due to which our farmer community has gained a lot of wealth. New methods of manufacturing clothes have been replaced by machines which can prepare a better quality of cloth in a little time. New and charming veracities of cloth have made life more lively and interesting. If we think of communication and locomotion, there are wonderful inventions. It is due to the blessing of scientific inventions in the fields of communication that the world has gained a status of global village. It has reduced distances. Locomotive engines, motor cars and aeroplanes cover long distance within no time. Similarly the steam ship sailing on the surface of the ocean cover long distance in hours or days. Air conditioned railways coaches have provided us with home like facility. We can fly around the globe in a few hours. In the same way, we can talk to a man sitting a pole a apart from us as if he is sitting behind the wall. Science has rendered valuable services to man in the field of medicine and medical profession. It has helped us to fight against the fatal diseases in an effective way. New and strange type of medical equipments and plants have been invented by the scientists to diagnose diseases. Similarly new medicine have been discovered to cure the deadly diseases fo/ which there was no treatment in the past. Disease like smallpox and tuberculoses have been brought under control. Inoculation against T.B measles, Diphtheria and Polio have helped us to avoid these deadly diseases.
Scientific inventions of domestic use have given us great comforts and pleasures. We have electric fans, room heater, air-conditioner and gas heater. There are electric lights refrigerators and many articles of domestic use. We have radio, T.V. VCR and computer CD'S for our entertainment. These are inventions which were only dreamt of by our forefathers. There are movable stairs and electric lifts to climb high buildings. The invention of printing press has its own uses. Interesting and useful books can be had on cheap prices. We have daily newspapers, magazines and digests to keep us informed with the evei'.'-ts happening around us. These are available only on nominal prices. It is true that science has given us so many facilities but if we think a while it has also enabled man to annihilate the world within a few seconds. The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the Second World War was also due to the invention of science i.e atom bombs. The invention of atom bombs hydrogen bombs and other lethal weapons are the disservice of science. Science being knowledge has power. However, it is now up to man whether he uses this power for constructive aims or destructive purposes. SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL PROBLEMS OF PAKISTAN .Pakistan just from inception had to face numerous problems of multiple nature. There was no education, no industry, no agriculture, and no trade and commerce. Unemployment, cast distinction, feudal supremacy, political and economic inequality were threatening our national solidarity. After the death of Quaid-e-Azam an^l Liqat Ali Khan a new problem of leadership was raised. However, with the passage of time some of these problems