10-17-2006- Tsg-ym03

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Tumor Suppressor Genes “…in every normal cell there is a specific arrangement for inhibiting (growth), which allows the process of division only when the inhibition has been overcome by a special stimulus. To assume the presence of definite chromosomes which inhibit division, would harmonize best with my fundamental idea…(that) cells of tumors with unlimited growth would arise if those ‘inhibiting chromosomes’ were eliminated…” Theodor Boveri, 1911 “The Origin of Malignant Tumors”



Nat. Rev. Cancer 1:157-170, 2001



Karyotype analysis



Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH)



Cancer Informatics 2: 48-58, 2006

Knudson’s Two-Hit Model




Tumor suppressor genes -- Definition “ a gene that sustains unequivocal, biallelic lossof-function mutations resulting in the development of cancer” 1. biallelic, inactivating mutation 2. involved in both hereditary and sporadic cancers (exception: Brca1) 3. suppress tumor growth (exceptions: hMLH1, hMSH2)



Gatekeepers vs. Caretakers Gatekeeper pathway Caretaker pathway Mutation of a caretaker gene allele

Mutation of a 2nd caretaker-gene allele leads to genetic instability

Mutation of a gatekeepergene allele

Mutation of 2nd gatekeeper-gene allele leads to tumor initiation

Gatekeepers: genes that directly regulate the growth of tumors by inhibiting growth or promoting death (Rb, APC, p53, PTEN, p16, NF1 etc.) Caretakers: genes that involve in DNA repair and maintaining genome stability (hMLH1, hMSH2, p53, ATM, Brca etc) Landscapers: mutations that occur in the stromal cells surrounding the tumor, not in the tumor cells themselves (VHL, PTEN)  


Tumor Suppressor Genes and associated cancers






Cell Cycle Vertebrates Budding yeast

Cyclin B Clb1, 2, 3, 4 Cdk1 (Cdc2)

Cyclin D Cdk4, 6 Cln3

Clb5, 6 Cyclin A Cdk2



Cyclin E, Cdk2 Cln1, 2 

Cdk inhibitor proteins (CKI)



Cell Cycle Checkpoints Replication checkpoint DNA damage checkpoint G1/S checkpoint Intra-S checkpoint G2/M checkpoint Mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint



Structure domain of RB (Retinoblastoma)

Majority of tumor derived mutations occur in the pocket domain, and disrupt E2F binding.



Pocket proteins and E2Fs

Oncogene 24: 2796, 2005  


RB and G1 to S transition



Oncogene 24: 2796, 2005

RB and E2Fs -


Cyc E promoter


Oncogene 24: 2796, 2005

Rb and epigenetic control



Oncogene 20: 3128-3133, 2001

Mutations in the G1 to S checkpoint proteins in human cancers



p16 and ARF- two products from the INK4a locus



p53 - the guardian of genome



p53 domain structure and modification Activation domain



Sequence­specific DNA  binding domain




Tetramerization domain




N ­­ Activation, stabilization C ­­ DNA binding

Acetylation DNA binding  





Stress­induced cell cycle checkpoints DNA damage

Replication block

Rad17, Rad9, Rad1, Hus1 ATM + ATR CHK1


Cdc25 Cdk

Cell cycle arrest

p21 14­3­3 σ


p53 Bax, AIP1 PUMA


p53 and MDM2 p53 activates the expression of MDM2 gene MDM2 downregulates p53 through binding the N-teminus of p53 -blocks p53 mediated transactivation and promotes p53 degradation



p53 target genes



p53 isofroms



Mol. Cell 19: 719, 2005

Chemotherapeutic approach - using p53 to kill cancer cells Foster et al., Phamacological rescue of mutant p53 conformation and function. Science 286: 207, 1999. -- stabilization of p53 DNA binding domain Bykov et al., Restorationof the tumor suppressor funciton to mutant p53 by a low-molecular-weight compound. Nat. Med. 8: 282, 2002. -- PRIMA-1 restores DNA binding to mutant p53 Friedler et al., A peptide that binds and stabilizes p53 core domain: chaperone strategy for rescue of oncogenic mutants. PNAS 99: 937, 2002. -- CDB3 binds the p53 core domain, acts as a “chaperon”, and maintains p53 in active conformation



Science 286: 2507 (1999)


mAb1620 binding


Nat. Medicine 8: 282 (2002)

P53-null control






Nat. Medicine 8: 282 (2002) – Cont’d






Viral proteins that interact with RB and p53 p53


Adenovirus E1B 55 kD

Adenovirus E1A



SV40 large T Ag

SV40 large T Ag


JCV large T Ag


BKV large T Ag



WT1 and Wilms Tumor Wilms tumor: nephroblastoma, childhood kidney cancer WT1 gene expression is temporally and spatially regulated - developing kidney, spleen, gonads



WT1 protein

Non-classical TSG Haploinsufficiency (-/+) Epigenetic modification Insufficient protein level Dominant negative effects of the mutant protein Transcriptional silencing of the wild type allele Hemizygote in WT1 gene: genitourinary defect (RB hemizygote is normal) Other examples: p53, Arf, PTEN



PTEN HereditaryCowden disease Bannayan-Zonana Syndrome


SporadicGlioma Endometrial carcinoma Melanoma



Dual specificity phosphatasePIP3, P-Tyr


PI3K pathways regulated by PTEN



PTEN and p53

Cancer Cell 3: 97-99 (2003)  


NF1- Neurofibromin

Mutations cause neurofibromas and malignancies of the central and peripheral nervous system



Neurofibromin as Ras-GAP



von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)-1 Hereditary cancer syndrome

Bilateral, multifocal clear-cell renal carcinoma Bilateral, multifocal renal cysts Cerebellar and spinal hemangioblastoma Endolymphatic sac tumors Retinal angioma Panceratic cysts, microcystic adenomas, islet-cell tumors Pheochromocytoma Epididymal cystadenoma



von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)-2 E3 Ubiquitin ligase compexes

SCF - Skp1, Cul1, F-box VCB-Cul2 - VHL, Elongin B & C, Cul2



von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)-3 Normoxia




Colorectal Cancers Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) –hMLH1, hMSH2 Familiar adenomatous polyposis (FAP)-APC



Multiple hits to colorectal cancer Nuclear β-catenin and chromosomal instability

Nat. Rev. Cancer 5: 184-198, 2005  


APC and the Wnt signaling pathway



APC (Adenomatous Polyposis Coli)





Chromosome instability (CIN) associated with APC mutations

Localization of APC in kinetochores and centrosomes APC null cells have unattached kinetochores and supernumerary centrosomes



Loss of C-terminus creates imbalance of functions?



Ann. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 20: 337, 2004

Familial Breast Cancers Brca1 and Brca2



Features of Brca1 and Brca2 proteins







20-30% of hereditary

10-20% of hereditary

Hotspot mut.185delAG,

No hotspot mut.

5382insC Ovarian cancer

less ovarian cancer

-/- mice, embryonic lethal

embryonic lethal (some are viable)

-/- cells hypersensitive to IR



hypersensitive to IR

DSB repair in Brca-deficient cells

NHEJ: non-homologous end joining SSA: single-strand annealing HR: homologous recombination  


Putative roles of Brca1



Proposed model for Brca2 function in HR



Some molecular mechanisms underlying genetic specificity in cancer  Expression of cancer genes might be tissuespecific  Proteins could function differently depending on the cell type or/and developmental stage  Mutations might have cell-type-specific toxic effects  Functional redundancy in certain tissues  Synergistic interaction in different cancer genes  The tumorigenic effect depends on extrinsic stimuli Nat. Rev. Cancer 5: 649-655, 2005  


Modeling cancer in mice

Resource: http://emice.nci.nih.gov  


Colorectal Adenoma initiated by conditional targeting of the APC gene Science 278: 120, 1997 Site-specific recombination system - bacteriphage derived Cre-loxP Cre recombinase vs.

Creating mice with loxP sequence inserted in the intron region of the APC gene Cre introduced by adenoviral infection of the colon



Conditional biallelic Nf2 mutation in mouse promotes Schwannomas Genes & Dev. 14: 1617, 2000 NF2 (Merlin) -mutation causes schwannoma in human and osteosarcoma in mouse Nf2/loxP mouse X P0Cre (P0: schwann cell-specific promoter)

Conditional mutation of Brca1 and mammary tumors Nature Genet. 22: 37, 1999 Brca1Ko/Co Wap-Cre or Brca1Ko/Co MMTV-Cre Brca1Ko/Co MMTV-Cre Trp53+/A p53 mutant allele accelerates mammary gland tumor formation



Temporal dissection of p53 function in vitro and in vivo Nat. Genet. 37: 718, 2005 Knock-in model – the endogenous p53 gene is substituted by one encoding p53ERTAM, a p53 fusion whose function can be induced by 4-hydroxytamoxifen. Advantage – specific, rapid and reversible perturbation



Colony growth suppression assay

Flow cytometric analysis of cell cycle



References: The Genetic Basis of Human Cancer, 2nd Ed. by Vogelstein and Kinzler, McGrawHill pub. 2002 Tumor Suppressor Genes, Vol. I and Vol. II, by El-Deiry, Humana Press, 2003 Nature Rev. Cancer 1: 157, 2001 Cell 116: 235-246, 2004

Rb Cancer Cell 2: 103, 2002 Oncogene 24: 2796, 2005 P53 Nature Rev. Cancer 4:793, 2004 INK4a/ARF Mut. Res. 576: 22, 2005 APC and β-catenin Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 20: 337, 2004  


Ref. Cont’d PTEN Nat. Rev. Cancer 6: 184-192, 2006 NF1 Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 13: 20, 2003 Brca1 & Brca2 Nat. Rev. Cancer 4: 266, 2004 WT1 Nat. Rev. Cancer 5: 699-712, 2005 Mouse Modeling Oncogene 21: 5504, 2002