1 Week 32, Day 1: Monday, 10 August 2009 Job

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1 Week 32, Day 1: Monday, 10 August 2009 Job 1, 2 For what was Job known? (1:4) How would you describe Job’s love for his children? (1:5) What motivates you, your love for God or your desires for God’s blessings? Would your commitment to the Lord be the same without blessings? (1:9-11) Why would the Lord allow Satan to torment Job? (1:12) What was Job’s response to calamity? What you be yours? (1:20-22) Is there a limit to your love for God? (2:6) How do you respond when those closest to you abandon you and betray you? (2:9) What did Job’s wife believe was sustaining Job? (2:9) How committed were Job’s friends to caring for Job? (2:11-13) Proverbs 10 Remember 10:2, 3, 6, and 9 when you read Luke 12 tomorrow. What do you get if you lack judgment? (10:13) What is one way your sin hurts others? (10:17) What comes out of your mouth and what does that say about your heart? (10:6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18-21, 31, 32) Luke 11 What did the disciples admire about John’s disciples? (11:1) How was Jesus holding the disciples accountable in verse 11:4? Does God answer prayers? (11:11-13) What does it mean when the Bible says the kingdom of God is near? (11:20)

2 Who is blessed? (11:28) What does Jesus reveal about the final judgment (11:31, 32) Did Jesus avoid confrontation? (11:39-54) What does God desire more than ritual and sacrifice? (11:39-54; see also Hosea 6:6, Psalm 51:6, Matthew 9:3, and Matthew 12:7) Week 32, Day 2: Tuesday, 11 August 2009 Job 3, 4 What was Job’s understanding concerning what happens after death? (3:11-19) For what was Job known? (4:3-4) Is anyone innocent? Can anyone be good enough for God’s standard? (4:7) Was assumption is Eliphaz making about why Job is suffering? (4:7-21) Proverbs 11 How does Proverbs 4 relate to Luke 6? What guides the upright? Compare 11:3 with 1 Chronicles 29:17, Job 2:3, and Job 2:9. What traps the unfaithful? (10:6) Where does sin lead? (11:19) What makes a woman unattractive? (11:22) Luke 12 What was it about the Pharisees that Jesus condemned? (12:1) Is God intimately involved in every detail of your life? (12:7) Is your focus and are your goals earthly or heavenly? (12:15) Are your goals self-centered or God-centered? (12:20)

3 What should be your focus? (12:31) Should we live with a sense of urgency and expectation? (12:35) Will God hold everyone accountable? (12:48) Did Jesus come to bring peace on earth? (12:51) is God’s truth evident to those with eyes to see? (12:56) Week 32, Day 3: Wednesday, 12 August 2009 Job 5, 6 Wow! What is Eliphaz suggesting to Job about why his children were killed? (5:4) How easy is it to judge how others should act when we are not going through their circumstances? (5:8) Is it easy to misapply God’s truths when approaching a situation from the wrong perspective or motive? (5:9-27) What was Job’s greatest desire, more than life itself? (6:10) Had Job’s friends who initially ministered to him silently suddenly lost patience with his situation and compassion for him? (6:15) Why did Job’s friends begin to rebuke him? (6:21) Proverbs 12 How do you think Job’s wife made him feel in his time of distress? (12:4; see Job 2:9) What could Job’s friends have learned from Proverbs 12:23, 25? Luke 13 What does 13:2-5 and Job tell you about our ability to understand why some people suffer more than others? What does 13:6-8 reveal about God’s plan? Does God’s plan require human effort? (13:24)

4 What does 13:34 say about the relationship between God and man? (13:34) Week 32, Day 4: Thursday, 13 August 2009 Job 7, 8 Does life at times seem futile and meaningless? (7:1-4) What did Job know about God? (7:17-19) What did Job seek from God in his misery? (7:20, 21) Did Bildad have a heart for a mourning father? (8:4) Proverbs 13 What causes quarrels? (13:10) What do fools hate? (13:19) Compare with 13:5 How important is giving and receiving correction and discipline in a person’s life? (13:1, 13, 18, 24) Luke 14 Compare 14:8 with Proverbs 25:7 Does God expect us to give in ways that cannot be repaid? (14:14) What does it take to be a disciple of Jesus? (14:26, 27, 33) Week 32, Day 5: Friday, 14 August 2009 Job 9, 10 How can a mortal b righteous before God? (9:2; see Gen 15:6, Deut 9:6, Psalm 143:2, Eccl 7:20, Matt 5:20, Rom 1:17, Rom 2:13, Rom 3:10, Rom 3:20-22, Rom 4:24, Rom 5:17-21, Rom 9:30, Rom 10:3, 4, 1 Cor 1:30, 2 Cor 5:21, and Titus 3:5) How overwhelming is it to think that God is working against you? (9) Do you ever feel like giving up? (9:29) Is there someone to act as an arbitrator and mediator between you and God? (9:33,

5 1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 8:6, Hebrews 9:15, and Hebrews 12:24) Without God’s understanding and perspective, can life seem unfair, unjust, or meaningless in the face of pain and suffering? (10) Proverbs 14 Should knowledge be hard to obtain? (14:6) Compare 14:8 with 14:6. Does God expect you to make amends for your sin? (14:9) Who is wise? (14:16) What does your temper reveal about you? (14:29, 14: 16, 17; 15:18, 16:32, 17:27, 19:19, 21:19, 22:24, 29:11, 29:22, Eccl 7:9, 1 Cor 13:5, Eph 4:31, Col 3:8, Titus 1:7, and James 1:20) Luke 15 Why did Jesus associate with sinners? What was Jesus seeking that causes great rejoicing in heaven? (15:4-10) What was the son’s motive for returning to his father? (15:17-19) Who in this relationship displayed selfless love, the father or the son? (15:20-24). Was the older brother acting selflessly or selfishly? Where was his heart? (15:28-32) What can we learn from Luke 15 about our relationship with God and with others? Week 32, Day 6: Saturday, 15 August 2009 Job 11, 12 Are Zophar’s words generally true? Where does Zophar’s fail in his counsel to Job?: (11) How easy is it to give advice from a position of comfort? (12:5) On what do Job and Zophar agree? (12) Proverbs 15


Do your words bring healing? (15:4) Is obtaining righteousness an endless pursuit? (14:9) Are you ready to share the Gospel to others? (15:23) How does God respond to sinners? (15:8, 26, 29) How is life different for the proud and for the humble? (15:31-33) Psalm 91 Is there anything you are fearing or are you trusting completely in God? (91:1-6) Week 32, Day 7: Sunday, 16 August 2009 Job 13, 14 Do you ever find yourself desperately desiring to speak to God face to face? (13:3) Had Job lost his confidence in the Lord, despite feeling persecuted? Do you trust God in all matters even when they seem hopeless? (13:15) Can anyone bring a charge against you? (13:19) Is sin hindering your relationship with God? (13:23) Can man achieve purity? (14:4) What did Job believe about the afterlife and salvation? (14:10-17) Proverbs 16 What is the difference between how wise men and fools respond to rebukes? (9:8) Psalms 92, 93 Do you sing for joy and the works of God’s hands? How blessed do you feel in life? (92) Do you ever spend time in quiet meditation considering how awesome our Lord is? Do you ever consider how amazing it is that the Creator counts every hair on your head and paid the penalty of your sin with the sacrifice of His son Jesus Christ? How

7 should that change how we live? (93)

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