1-- Wcof Divine Importance

  • May 2020
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Divine Importance from God for a True Christian (selected and responded to by Bill Stevenson) Note: Many of the following indicated Bible verses were from Jack Taylor's “Who We Are In Christ” list. So I have changed some of my responses to first person tense. I hope that you can identify personally too. Ephesians 1:4-14-- having been chosen before the foundation of the world future opportunity to be holy and without blame before God in agapè love predestined to adoption as a child of God by Jesus Christ according to the pleasure of God the Father being made divinely accepted in Jesus Christ having redemption (from the death penalty of violating God’s Law) through Jesus’ death having forgiveness of sins according to the riches of God’s grace much divine grace in all wisdom and prudence knowledge of the mystery of God’s will, according to His good purposed pleasure future deliverance from the sinful world having the inheritance of being predestined according to the purpose of Jesus Christ the capability of being to the praise of God’s glory sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise Who is the guarantee of the inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of God’s glory 1 Peter 2:3-10-- able to taste that Jesus is gracious able to come to Jesus Christ chosen by God and made precious becoming part of a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ having Scripture assurance of not being put to shame being able to see Jesus Christ as precious and not being offended able to keep God’s Word being part of a chosen royal priesthood and holy group of special people able to proclaim the praises of Jesus Christ Who called me to come out of sinful living to live in His marvelous truths being part of the people of God having obtained His mercy 1 Corinthians 6:15-20-- my body being a member of Jesus Christ, joined to the Lord being one spirit with Him my body being a temple of the Holy Spirit having the Holy Spirit inside me bought with a price (the death of Jesus Christ) able to glorify God in my body and spirit Romans 6:12-23-- able to not let sin reign or have dominion in my body and be obedient to its lusts able to present myself to God as being spiritually alive able to present my body parts to God as instruments of righteousness able to do obedience to God’s Law leading to righteousness (sanctification) for holiness set free from sin able to have fruit (say and do things resulting) future complete holiness and everlasting life God’s gift of eternal life instead of spiritual death Romans 8:26-God’s providence (involvement) in making happenings in my life result for good being called or appointed for God’s purpose 1 Corinthians 1:26-31-- able to realize what God has predestined for me to do being more special to God than the secular or worldly wise, mighty (powerful), and noble individuals having the capability to put to shame the worldly wise and put to shame the mighty or powerful being in Christ Jesus (learning the wisdom from God He taught), righteousness, sanctification, and redemption able to glory in God the Father Matthew 18:3-4-- converted to Christianity humbleness of faith like most children have, so that I don’t become spiritual prideful like the Pharisees 1 Corinthians 3:16-17-- having the indwelling of the Holy Spirit capability of not defiling my body and keeping it holy Hebrews 10:19-22-- capability of boldly being intimate with God the Father by living Christ-like being consecrated by Jesus Christ Who is the compassionate High Priest for the Church capability of “drawing near with a true heart in full assurance of faith” to God the Father without an evil conscience


Ephesians 3:8-12-- chosen to be able to learn of the unsearchable riches of Christ and the wisdom of God chosen to have boldness and confidence in accessing God the Father through faith in Jesus Christ Exodus 33:11-34:8-- being able to get specific instructions and understanding, abound in goodness and truth receive grace, and mercy, and forgiveness from God the Father 2 Corinthians 4:15-17-- capability of being examples of God’s grace that can cause thanksgiving to abound to the glory of Him capability of not giving up capability of being spiritually renewed everyday knowing that the daily afflictions are light (not overbearing) and are actually working for me “a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” Ephesians 2:7-10-- able to be public examples of exceeding riches of God’s grace and kindness being God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for pre-planned good works Romans 8:28-32-- God’s providence (involvement) in making happenings in my life result for good being called or appointed for God’s purpose being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ being justified and later glorified by God being freely blessed by God the Father 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 & 9:8-reconciled by God the Father to Himself through Jesus Christ given the ministry of reconciliation by God the Father forgiveness from God the Father for my wrongs capability of being an ambassador for Christ as if God is pleading through me able to receive all of the grace from God so that I have all my needs fulfilled and an abundance for every good work Galatians 2:20b & 5:1, 22-23-- having Christ Jesus live in me via the Holy Spirit and increasingly knowing Him capability of being able to stand firmly in the liberty (from sin) that Christ has given, never becoming entangled again with the bondage of sin being able to receive from the Holy Spirit agapè (everlasting and unselfish) love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control Ephesians 2:18-22-- able to have access to God the Father via the Holy Spirit because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross being a citizen, saint, and member of the household of God, no longer a stranger or foreigner being established on the foundations of Jesus Christ, the apostles, and the prophets able to be unified with other Christians so that God the Father can be more evident via the Holy Spirit Ephesians 4:13-15-- able to be unified with other Christians in faith and the knowledge of Jesus Christ capable of becoming perfect in spiritual maturity and righteousness in the stature measure of the fullness of Jesus Christ and the completeness found in Him capable of not being deceived by false, cunning, and crafty spiritual teachers and preachers able to speak the truth in agapè (everlasting and unselfish) love able to grow up (mature) into complete Christ-likeness Colossians 3:4 & 24-- guaranteed to be part of the resurrection of the righteous 1 Corinthians 15:35-57-- and in Heaven afterwards guaranteed to receive the reward of the inheritance of Jesus Christ because of serving Him 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7-- being part of God’s will of human being sanctification being able to abstain from sexual immorality as I learn how to keep my body in sanctification and honor, and not in passion and lust to avoid being defrauded called by God to holiness not uncleanness 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14 & 3:1-- being beloved by Jesus Christ chosen by God for Salvation through sanctification by the Holy Spirit and belief in the truth called by the Gospel for the obtaining of the glory of Jesus Christ able to be part of the spread and glorification of the Word of God


2 Timothy 1:9-10-- saved and called by God with a holy calling, not according to works but according to God’s purpose and grace being part of God’s grace given in Christ Jesus before time began, revealed by the His life on Earth Titus 2:14 & 3:4-7-- worthy of Jesus Christ dying for to redeem (purchase freedom) me from every unrighteous deed (all iniquity) worthy of Christ’s attention to be part of His church purification program chosen to be a member of the special people of Jesus Christ zealous for good works worthy (not by righteous works) of God’s kindness, mercy, and love, and salvation via Jesus Christ and the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit worthy of being justified by God’s grace and of becoming heirs according to the hope of eternal life Hebrews 6:4-6 & 10:39-- divinely and Scripturally assured to the saving of my soul without going back to a life of sin Hebrews 12:28-- able to increasingly receive and experience the Kingdom of God (involving righteousness, peace, and joy via the Holy Spirit-- Romans 14:17) which cannot be shaken able to ask for grace from God so that I can serve God acceptable with reverence and Godly fear 1 Peter 1:2-5 & 7-9-- elected according to the foreknowledge of God the Father to be obedient in sanctification being guided by the Holy Spirit begotten by God the Father according to His abundant mercy for me to have a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead divinely and Scripturally assured to being rewarded in Heaven, an inheritance which is incorruptible, undefiled, and never fading away and “kept by the power of God through faith for salvation to be revealed in the last time” my genuine faith is divinely considered more precious than gold and can be found to praise, honor, and glory at the Revelation of Jesus Christ (the Second Coming) having the Salvation, which is the saving of my soul and will be the end of my faith, was inquired and sought by God’s Old Testament prophets and was/is desired to be investigated by the angels 1 Peter 2:5 & 9-- chosen by God the Father to be lively like Christ and precious, part of the church, and a holy spiritual leader to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ chosen by God the Father to be part of a chosen and special group that is God’s people, a royal priesthood who can proclaim the praises of Jesus Christ and deliverance from a sinful life the people of God who have obtained divine mercy 1 John 2:1, 27, 3:1-2, & 4:17-- being defended by Jesus Christ to God the Father when I sin being anointed by God the Father being so loved by God that I should be called a child of His and know Him knowing that at the Second Coming that I will be like Him having agapè love perfected in me so that I will be able to have boldness in the Day of Judgment, because as God is, so I am in this world 1 John 5:20-- considered special enough by Jesus Christ to be blessed with understanding from Him (via Holy Spirit and the Bible) that I may know Him and be more in Him as I become more like Him Who is true Revelation 1:5 & 6-- truly loved by, spiritually washed (purified) from my sins, and made a spiritual king and priest to God the Father by Jesus Christ Who is “the faithful witness, the firstborn form the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the


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