1-- The Law And Grace And Sanctification Comparisons

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 2
Law vs. Grace Galatians 2:21 (Author Unknown) ”I am not one of those who treats the grace of God as meaningless. For if we could be saved by keeping the law, then there was no need for Christ to die” THE LAW GRACE

was given by Moses in the Old Testament. came by way of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

THE LAW says Do this and you will live GRACE says Live and you will do THE LAW says Pay me what you owe me GRACE says I forgive all in Jesus Christ THE LAW says The consequence of sin is death GRACE says The gift of God is eternal life THE LAW says Sin and die GRACE says Believe in Jesus Christ and live THE LAW says Condemnation and death GRACE says Reconciliation and life. THE LAW says Develop a new heart and a new spirit. GRACE says A new heart will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you. THE LAW says Cursed are all who sin GRACE says You are blessed with forgiveness upon repentance THE LAW says What man must do for God GRACE says What God through Christ has done for you THE LAW says Disobey and die GRACE says Obey and live THE LAW says Obedience by fear of the consequences. GRACE says Obedience is a result of love THE LAW says Holiness is demanded GRACE says Holiness is a gift from God in Jesus Christ THE LAW says Earn your way to God GRACE says Embrace God's free gift THE LAW says Sacrifice to earn your way GRACE says Christ is our sacrifice THE LAW says You will be judged according to works GRACE says We are accepted in the Beloved Father, thank you for sending Your son Jesus Christ to usher in Grace and fulfill the Law. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!


For Sanctification (by Bill Stevenson) Jesus Christ did not come on Earth in Human form in the beginning of the New Testament times to only satisfy His Father’s death penalty of sin and He did not come to destroy all of the Old Testament Commandments by His unfair, necessary, crucifixion death for those who believe in the Gospel. [Matthew 5:17-20] His life exemplified perfect unselfish righteous living, obeying all of His Father’s expectations and hopes for human beings in living to loving Him and for His pleasure. As each true Christian gets to know Jesus Christ and the Bible better, he or she should gradually make changes in his or her thinking and doing in obeying more of the right attitude and action commandments found in the Word of God. Then he or she will be pleasing God the Father more and more because they love Him increasingly. Please read Philippians 2-3, Ephesians 1:4-14, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Ephesians 4:1-16, and 1 John 4:6-21 before going on. Jesus said to His disciples that if they love Him, they would keep His commandments and the Epistle writers indicated that true Christians should become more and more Christ-like by thinking and doing in moral and ethical ways-- Sanctification. Read John 14:6 & 21-24, 15:9-17 and 1 John 2:1-6 & 5:2-3 before going on. Most church-going Christians do not know what it takes to live a Heavenly lifestyle because they are not studying and their church leadership are not teaching the New Testament Gospels and Epistles verse by verse. I believe that this is because the commandments in the just mentioned Scripture are too convicting or/and controversial for most individuals. Usually just the stories in the Bible and prophecy are the only Bible teaching in most Christian churches. So I decided to collate a collection of the commandments that will help true Christians understand what changes are required before Jesus Christ comes back. Sanctification is not automatic!! Bad habits need to be stopped and replaced by good, God-pleasing habits. This implies that true Christianity is based on special relating, not just going through religious ceremonies and traditions in church. Poem that Teaches (Author Unknown) JUSTIFICATION frees from sin. SANCTIFICATION frees from the power of sin. GLORIFICATION frees from the presence of sin. JUSTIFICATION is for the repentant sinner. SANCTIFICATION is for the surrendered disciple. GLORIFICATION is for the victorious saint. JUSTIFICATION takes care of the past. SANCTIFICATION takes care of the present. GLORIFICATION takes care of the future. JUSTIFICATION changes the attitude. SANCTIFICATION changes the character. GLORIFICATION changes us from mortal to immortal. In JUSTIFICATION, Jesus is our Saviour. In SANCTIFICATION, Jesus is our Master. In GLORIFICATION, Jesus is our glorious King. JUSTIFICATION is our title to Heaven. SANCTIFICATION is our fitness for Heaven. GLORIFICATION is our entrance to Heaven.


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