#1 - Tech No Studies Syllabus

  • June 2020
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#1 – Technostudies Syllabus


Name_____________ Date______________ Per#______________

Purpose: To let you know the how the class is run and what is expected of you.

Directions: Read through the syllabus to get an idea of how the class is run. Then, complete #3 – Syllabus Interview. Animo Locke II Charter High School Teacher: Mr. Phillip Chardon E-mail: [email protected] http://technostudies.org Welcome! Hi Students!! I’m happy to have everyone in Technostudies! This sheet will give you everything you need to know about grading and expectations for this class. Technostudies Class Purpose 1. To make you familiar with basic technology and prepare you for a technological future. 2. To teach you the history of leadership and develop your leadership skills. Classroom Policies In my class, I will have very specific policies that will help make clear what I expect from you. 1. Homework If you do not bring in your homework, your grade drops to a F, and you have a lunch detention. Furthermore, to bring your grade back up, you need to come to office hours after school, and complete an extra credit project. In other words, do not miss homework! 2. Intervention If you miss 3 homeworks in a 5 week period, you will be put in Intervention. Intervention is a program to help you get your grades up. It occurs for 20 minutes after class. 3. Tardy to Class If you are tardy to class, you will receive a 15 minute detention. If you are tardy to class a second time, it is 30 minutes. This is to be served the same day you are tardy, after school. Lastly, this resets each week. 4. Uniform, Gum, Cell Phone This is the first warning about uniforms, gum, and cell phones. If you are out of uniform (shirt untucked, wearing any colors, shirt is not long enough) during my class, you will be required to get a loaner shirt. If you are chewing gum in my class, you have lunch detention for the rest of the week. . If I see your cell phone, I will confiscate it. None of this is acceptable in my class. 6. Thermostat I will be in charge of turning the air on and off. The room does need to be kept cool for the computers. Please prepare by bringing a sweatshirt if you get cold easily. Procedures Procedure for Entering into Class and Completing the Warm-Up 1. As you enter the class, pick up hand-outs from the bookshelf. 2. Enter class quietly, take out your notebook, and start filling out the objectives for the day, the Table of Contents, and answer the short answer question. 3. Log on to http://technostudies.org and answer the question in the comments area of the blog. Remain quiet until we begin.

#1 – Technostudies Syllabus

Procedure for Class Reading 1. Often, we will read as a class. 2. I will assign people to read the paragraphs before we begin reading. 3. Everyone will be expected to have their eyes on their paper, and take any notes I add to the paper 4. Procedure for Tests and Quizzes 1. Clear off your table top of everything except your pencil or pen. 2. No cheat sheets or notes, unless told in advance. 3. Any talking or cheating will result in a loss of credit. 4. You are expected to keep your folders up until you have completed the test. 5. When you finish your tests, stay seated. Turn over your test and remain silent. 6. If you have any questions, ask Mr. Chardon Procedure for Leaving Class 1. When told by Mr. Chardon, pack up your bag and clean up any trash. 2. Wait quietly to be dismissed by row. 3. When your row is dismissed, leave the room without disturbing the other students. Procedure for Absence 1. If you are absent, I will provide the work for you. 2. You have until the end of the week to get me back the work, or it will be considered late. Procedure for Bathroom Use 1. You will receive two bathroom passes for the quarter. 2. To use the passes, you must have them signed by me. 3. If you do not use your passes, you will receive extra points on your grade.

Notebook Materials You will be required to keep a 1.5” three-ring • 1.5” binder notebook. We will keep the table of contents and • Pen or pencil all of your papers in the notebook. After each unit, • Blank white-lined paper you will empty the notebook into a folder that I will keep in class. It is absolutely necessary to have this Notebook and keep it up to date. Grading Grade Scale 25% 15% 25% 20% 15%

Classwork Homework Projects Tests/Quizzes Midterm/Final


#1 – Technostudies Syllabus

93-100 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79


73-77 70-72 67-69 63-66 60-62 <60

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