1 Red Robin Sample Report

  • November 2019
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Expense Report


Client Workroom

Red Robin International Beavercreek - #198 2671 Fairfield Commons - Beavercreek, OH 45431 PERFORMED BY J.C. & Associates LLC 3578 Hartsel Drive Unit E #352 Colorado Springs, CO 80920 PHONE: (719) 264-6402 FAX: (719) 637-8353

Date of Visit: February 08, 2007 Time In:1103AM- Out:1149AM SCORE SUMMARY OF INTERNAL AUDIT EVALUATION Description Telephone ambassador

Score 66.7%

Ambiance and Guest Perception


Guest Greeter


Server Experience Food Quality Manager on Duty Overall Evaluation Score SECTION 1: Telephone Ambassador Date Called: 02/08/2007 Time Called: 01:53 PM Team Member Name: Stephanie Description Was the telephone answered within 3 rings? (If no indicate number of Yes rings in comments) Did the team member identify him/herself of the Red Robin location No and extend a greeting? (e.g. "Thank you for calling the San Dimas Red

82.4% 100.0% 83.3% 90.44%

Robin, home of Smiling Burgers, this is Dave how may I help you?") (Greeting does not have to be exactly like the example but should exude friendliness.) When asked a question, did the team member demonstrate knowledge Yes of serving hours, menu items, pricing, directions of location, etc.? .(Write questions asked in comments) Did the team member exude a friendly, energetic, upbeat, and outgoing Yes on-stage attitude? Did the team member speak in a clear, attentive, accommodating, Yes patient fashion? ( in a clear and unhurried and easily understood voice) Did the team member enthusiastically encourage you to come to Red No Robin? (Sell the food and the concept)

SECTION 2: Ambience and Guest Perception Description Were the restrooms clean, stocked, free of odor and well maintained? Yes Were the menus, table tents, promotional materials, unworn and clean? Yes Was the background music at an appropriate volume level? (e.g. you can carry on a conversation and still hear the music clearly).


Was the television volume off on all sets? (including those in the restrooms)


Was the temperature and lighting comfortable?


Did the staff and management team exude high energy and a fun "onstage" feeling?


Did the overall cleanliness inside and outside of the building exceed your expectations?(If no, please leave comments)


Comments: Phones Stephanie answered after 1 ring, identifying the eatery, but not herself. I inquired as to the hours and directions, with each being given in a clear and concise manner. No statements were made, with respect to my visiting, and it was necessary for my to ask the employee for her name. Comments: Exterior/Interior The exterior was covered in several inches of snow, but the parking and sidewalks were clear. Every facet of the interior was "top shelf". From the foyer, through the bar, and into the dining areas, all aspects were clean, inviting, and orderly. Comments: Which restrooms did you visit? The men's restroom was clean, well stocked, and uniquely appointed. Comments: How would you rate the overall cleanliness of this restaurant? First rate's the only manner to accurately describe this Red Robin. SECTION 3: Hospitality

Description Did a "team member" greet and or catch you within 30 seconds?


Actual Time: 3 seconds If on a wait, was the actual wait time within 5 minutes of the quote?


Did the greeter walk you to the table at a comfortable pace and maintain dialogue with you during the walk?


Did the greeter extend a parting greet after seating you at the table? ("Jane will be with you in just a minute" or "Have a great meal")


Did any "team member" ask you how you enjoyed yourself and or extend a cheerful final greet as you exited Red Robin?


If you are with children, did the greeter treat the children respectfully N/A and offer kids menu, balloon, and crayons? Did the team member exude a friendly, energetic, upbeat, and outgoing Yes on-stage attitude? COMMENTS: Guest Greeter Missy (the name tag was quiet small, and attached slightly above her right breast, so I didn't wish to stare) or Crissy, immediately greeted me upon my entrance into the foyer area. She smilingly asked me to follow her, inquired as to the size of my party, and if I had a preference of booth or table; in that my guest cancelled, I requested the bar. We walked to the first available stool, she handed me a menu, and told me enjoy my lunch. COMMENTS: Overall, how memorable is the service you received from this one person and did this person enhance your visit to Red Robin? As with the case of cleanliness, Missy (Crissy) handled her duties with me in an admirable fashion. It's always pleasant to be treated special, so yes, she did enhance my visit. SECTION 4: Server Experience Server Name: Stephen Description Please enter the number of tables you observed your server taking care bartender of during your visit. Did someone greet you within thirty seconds?

Yes Actual Time: 13 seconds

Did your server greet you with a sincere energetic smile?


Did your server introduce him/herself and "thank you" for choosing Red Robin?


Did the server ask if this is your first time to Red Robin? Did they tour Yes the menu or point out features? Was your server knowledgeable of menu items, entrees and ingredients?


Did your server offer you the opportunity to place your entire order their first time at the table? (e.g. appetizer main dish, drink)


Was your non-alcoholic beverage delivered in less than 2 minutes?


( e.g. soda, coffee, tea, water not milkshakes or blended non-alcoholic drinks) Actual Time: 1 minute 34 seconds Did the server ask for I.D. if you ordered an alcoholic beverage and you are under the age of 39 ½?


Was your alcoholic beverage delivered in less than 4 minutes? (e.g. milkshakes, alcoholic drinks and blended non-alcoholic drinks)


Was your appetizer delivered in less than 8 minutes?

N/A Actual Time:

Did your server consistently anticipate your needs by refilling your beverage when glasses are ¾ empty?


Did you server take ten minutes or less from entrée order to entrée delivery? (If you ordered an appetizer please add 3 minutes to total time)


Actual Time: 4 minutes 18 seconds After your entrée is delivered, did your server check back with you within one minute or immediately after your have taken your first bite?


Actual Time: 11 seconds Was your food order correct and complete?


Did your server check back with you throughout your meal


Did your server clear and maintains table promptly and consistently?


Did your server present the dessert card with guest check BEFORE the No first person in your party was finished eating? Did your server pick up payment and return your receipt or change within 2 minutes of you setting it down?


Actual Time: 1 minute 15 seconds If you were with children, did your server provide interaction with your child, listening to their needs?


Did your server exude a friendly, energetic, upbeat outgoing "onstage" attitude?


Did your server project an accommodating, attentive, helpful and patient manner?


Did vacated tables appear to be reset within one minute of guest leaving?


If there is a problem, the server takes the initiative to try to resolve the N/A problem to your satisfaction. (explain how this person demonstrated problem solving skills in the comments). Was the fry refills offered if your meal included fries?


COMMENTS: Server Steve immediately greeted me, but neglected to introduce himself, nor thank me for choosing Red Robin. He asked if I'd like anything to drink; I chose a mocha malt, and ice water. After serving

my malt, Steve and I chatted about the various entrees available, and I settled upon chicken ensenada. Upon its delivery, Steve frequently, but not to excess, checked back to determine if I'd further needs. During my lunch, no refills were offered for my malt, but my water glass was refreshed on 2 occasions. In addition, the subject of dessert never entered any of our chats. At the conclusion of my lunch, Steve was on the spot with both my receipt and the credit card transaction. COMMENTS: Overall, how memorable is the service you received from this one person and did this person enhance your visit to Red Robin? Steve attended me in an excellent fashion, as I don't like pesty servers. SECTION 5: Food Quality Description Was the plating, garnish and presentation distinctive, eye catching and Yes stimulating to your appetite? Did the food look and taste exceptionally fresh and made with the highest quality of ingredients?


Was the taste and seasonings distinctive, making this a memorable and Yes enjoyable experience? If you order a burger, is it smiling with all ingredients visible and neatly wrapped?


Was your hot items hot/ Cold items Cold?


Was the portion sizes and quantity served generous and memorable?


SECTION 6: Food Quality - Specific Please list each item you ordered and rank the item based on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest. Item Name





Taste Chicken Ensenada






Mocha Malt






COMMENTS: How does the selection compare to similar selections offered at other like restaurants? As to the Chicken Ensenada, the food was beutifully arranged, and that's stating alot, as I'm not a diner who's appearance oriented; I've no recollection of ever seeing a nicer looking platter. As for taste, it was unusually, but deliciously seasoned. Add in the sauces, and wow. The salad was in keeping with the trend toward the delectably unique. A savory blend of the garden's fruits, accented by curled taco strips, it was a welcome companion to my grilled chicken breast.

SECTION 7: Manager on Duty Description Was the manager well groomed, neat, wearing logo Red Robin attire, Yes professional in appearance and conduct? Was the manager visible on floor and moving throughout the restaurant?


Did the manager demonstrate a helpful and attentive attitude towards Yes guests and team members? Did the manager greet your table or other tables?


Did the manager exude a friendly, energetic, upbeat, outgoing "onstage" attitude?


Was the manager alert to happenings? (Visually scans tables, front door, staff and guests faces to ensure that standards are being met)


COMMENTS: Manager The manager, in blue shirt, was constantly rotating between the kitchen, dining area, and foyer, but didn't enter the bar area where I sat. He seemed to be directing his staff with a wry smile, and occasional word.

SECTION 8: Intent to Return Description a. Overall, how memorable was your experience at this Red Robin on your visit? From beginning to end, it was a great experience. b. Based on your experience, how motivated would you be to return to this Red Robin on your own? I will return again soon. c. Based on your experience, how likely would you be to recommend Red Robin to others? I would definitely recommend this restaurant to others. d. Based on your experience, how does this Red Robin compare to its similar competition? It far exceeds the competition. SECTION 9: Overall experience From the initial greeting, through the delicious food, to an invitation to return, I thoroughly enjoyed this experience. I could write another 1000 characters, but, it all comes down to this. Today, I found a new eatery. SECTION 10: Strategies & Recommendations 1) It would have been a nice touch if the manager could have greeted me at my table. SECTION 11: Shopper Information Description Indicate your age range:


Your occupation:

Retired salesman and business owner

Where is your favorite dining spot?


Have you been to this Red Robin before?


What did you like most about your experience?

The great food

Indicate the percentage full the restaurant was when entering:


Receipt itemization matches everything ordered (Nothing added or deleted):

That's correct

How many people in your party?


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