1-- Pre-germany-- About Hatred And Anger

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 669
  • Pages: 1
More in Response to My Trip I knew that there was something more to write in response to my recent museum and castle seeing and it finally came to me today (three plus days since we came home). More e-mails from a friend at church full of hatred against USA and Israel which I had to respond to slowly caused me to think about the following. Also CNN news was again full of hatred related events. (I hadn’t seen any TV news for the five days.) • The positive things we saw were the inventions for better communication, transportation, and movie making. Those were the results of individuals who had compassion for others. Also we learned of the compassion that Philipp I of Hessen had for the reformers and he risked at least his reputation by arranging for the important Marburg Colloquy. • The negative things we saw were the castle ruins, suits of armor and crude weapons, the story of Gutenberg after his success in inventing the printing press being sued resulting to poverty by a jealous “friend”, and the information about Luther and the other reformers fear for their lives. The following two items came to me a long time ago, but are still true: Man's # 1 Sickness - Hatred Why is there so much hatred in the world? Does God condone hatred? These two questions, I am sure, have stimulated much thought. Hatred has caused me a lot of grief especially when I realize it is based on selfishness and assumption of truth. The arguing, the misunderstanding, and/or the fighting, which branch out from hatred, seem so childish or immature. The original sin of Adam and Eve was not hatred, but directly involved was selfishness and assumption of truth. And later on, Cain hated Abel due to selfishness and assumption of truth. Also, the Old Testament and the secular accounts of history are full of crime, unethical business, and wars based on selfishness and assumption of truth. But where hatred grieves me the most is in and between families and churches, usually over minor issues. Now it is easy to point to the Bible prophecies about people' s behavior and say, “oh we are just in the Last Days”. It is also easy to say, “We should hate what God hates and forget about those doomed sinners.” But many of us are very sensitive and concerned, especially in regards to our families and former friends. We need fundamental, Bible-believing friends, families, and/or churches to encourage and stand with us in relation to Luke 6:22-23, Matthew 5:43-48, and John 15:10-27. Please take time to read those passages of God's Word. Then become ready to constantly and sincerely encourage true Christian believers because every one of them is being hated in some way. The only cure or solution to hatred is God's compassionate love, which He wants to give to us forever. Seven Types of Anger 1.) One is verbal and physical abuse and is usually put-up with as if it were normal. 2.) One is because of very selfish reasons and usually is done to hurt or stop a relationship. It can and usually has violent results. 3.) One is religious or prejudicial for purposes of influencing others to stop certain relationships with certain types of people. 4.) One is just childish immaturity (no age limit) because one doesn’t get what they want. 5.) One is due to self discouragement, usually because of too high expectations. 6.) One usually results from frustration due to impatience, misunderstandings, untruthfulness, or lack of cooperation, usually with a spouse. It will never result in physical violence because of agapè (God’s special love defined in 1 Corinthians 13). 7.) One is the just or righteous reaction against what displeases God. Note:

Anger of any type temporarily stops peace, happiness, fun, and joy. A true Christian should be trying to eliminate the first six types of anger and only have the seventh one. “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

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