1-- Pfhl 402-- Suggested Answers

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God Wants-- Philippians Study Guide Answer Key Chapter 1 v. 1} servant, Jesus Christ / (Answers may vary about serving Jesus Christ or God.) [2/3] v. 2} (Answers may vary about grace and peace.) / (Answers may vary about obtaining or receiving grace and peace.) [3/3] vs. 3-5} thank, prayer, joy / (Answers may vary about what to do about a far away friend.) [3/3] v. 6} God the Father, good work, Christian, Jesus Christ, author (or starter), finisher (or completor) [6] v. 7} grace/resurrection, resurrection, Jesus Christ, died, our sins [6] vs. 8-11} love / desire, love, knowledge, judgment, approve, excellent, sincere, offending, fruits, righteousness, Jesus Christ, glory, praise, God [15] vs. 12-14} no, no/ (Answers may vary about Paul’s positive attitude in prison encouraging other Christians for sharing God’s Word.) / no fear, love, perfect love, fear / spirit of fear, of power, of love, of a sound mind [2/3/9] vs.15-17} (Answers may vary about various types of preaching and witnessing.) [3] vs. 18-20} not ashamed, Gospel, Christ, power, God, salvation, everyone, believes, (yes or no) [9] v. 21} (Answers may vary about proper Christian living and dying to self.) / (Answers may vary about eternal life.) / (Answers may vary about Jesus Christ victory over the death penalty of sin.) / (Answers may vary about learning to be content about living.) [3/3/3/3] v. 22} (yes or no) [1] v. 23} (Answers may vary about life after physical death.) [3] vs. 24-26} (a) needed (b) joy, faith (c) rejoicing, Jesus Christ, more abundant (d) yearned, Philippian [8] v. 27} manner of life, the Gospel of Christ / (Answers may vary about Christian living.) / stand fast, one spirit, one mind, together, faith, Gospel / (Answers may vary about Christian group activities for unity and the Gospel.) / meekness, righteousness, mercy, purity, peacemaking / (Answers may vary about how one can help increase Christian unity.) [2/3/6/3/5/3] v. 28} terrified, adversaries/ (yes or no) / (Answers may vary about reacting to an antagonist against spiritual ideas or righteous living.) / salvation, God [3/3/2] v. 29} Christ, believe on Him, suffer for / (Answers may vary about suffering and joy.) [3/3] Note: There are 128 points for Chapter 1. Chapter 2 vs. 1 & 2} keeps, perfected, know, in / in, even as He / (Answers may vary about Christ-like living.) / (Answers may vary about how “living in Christ” should encourage. a desire for Christian unity.) / (Answers may vary about God’s comforting and church unity.) / (Answers may vary about the Holy Spirit and church unity.) / (Answers may vary about tender-heartedness and compassion encouraging church unity.) / (Answers may vary about how one will maintain and increase unity with other special individuals.) / (Answers may vary about how one will be similar in ideas, love, and feelings with the special individuals.) / (Answers may vary about how a better personal relationship can bring joy to someone else.) / (Answers may vary about how improving relationships in churches can influence good community, changes.) [4/2/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3] v. 3} strife, vainglory / (Answers may vary about not doing things in strife and vainglory.) / (Answers may vary about how one can lessen strife.) / (Answers may vary about how one can avoid vainglory.) / (Answer.s may vary about how one can have esteemed others recently.) [2/3/3/3/3] v. 4} (Answers may vary about how one could have shown his or her concerns for others.) [3] v. 5} (Answers may vary about Jesus’ interests and concerns.) [3]


vs. 6-8} humbleness, obedience / (Answers may vary about how one relates to humbleness and obedience.) / (Answers may vary about how one thinks he or she can be Christ-like.) / (Answers may vary about how a Christian can be obedient to death.) [2/3/3/3] vs. 9-11} (Answers may vary about the meaning of the name of Jesus) / (Answers may vary about witnessing.) / Every, should, every, should, Jesus Christ, Lord / (Answers may vary about the meaning of the word “Lord”.) / new, submit, older / all, subject, humility, resists, proud, grace, humble / Humble, mighty, God, may exalt, due time, all, upon, cares for / (Answers may vary about Jesus’ humbleness, Christian submission, and God’s exaltation of Jesus and Christians.) / (Answers may vary about when God probably exalts Christians.) [3/3/7/3/3/7/8/3/3] v. 12} (yes or no) / (yes or no) / (Answers may vary about desiring to obey God.) / in the Bible/ (Answers may vary about “working out one’s salvation”.) [1/1/3/3] v. 13} (yes or no) / (Answers may vary about God’s good pleasure.) [1/3] v. 14} all, without / (Answers may vary about what one thinks about murmurings and disputings.) [2/3] v.15} (Answers may vary about the meaning of “blameless”.) / (Answers may vary about what one thinks Paul is saying Christian living is.) [3/3] v. 16} (Answers may vary about what “the Word of life” means.) / (Answers may vary about witnessing.)/ (Answers may vary about saying good things about someone else.) / Paul was busy writing letters to Christians. / (Answers may vary about righteous living.) / (Answers may vary about helping others.) [1/3/2/2/3] vs. 17 & 18} (yes or no) / (Answers may vary about having or not having joy and peace in times of impending tragedy.) [1/3] v. 19} (Answers may vary about Paul hoping to decide as Jesus desired.) / (Answers may vary about how one decides what to do.) / (Answers may vary about unselfish hopes and relying on the Lord.) / good news about their spiritual growth / (Answers may vary about good news about other people.) / (Answers may vary about giving news about oneself and others.) [2/2/3/2/3/3] v. 20} (yes or no) / (Answers may vary about being a dependable friend and helper.) [1/3] v. 21} (Answers may vary about selfishness.) [3] vs. 22 & 23} reputation, helper, son, Christian, Gospel / (yes or no) [5/1] v. 24} freedom, Philippi, other Christians / yes or no) / (Answers may vary about showing compassion.) [3/1/3] vs. 25-30} brother, compassion, soldier, messenger / grace, every, not, think, more highly, ought, think, think soberly, everyone, faith / kindly, love, giving preference / same mind/ not, high, associate, humble / not, opinion / nigh unto death/ rejoice, gladness / (yes or no) [4/9/3/1/4/2/1/2/1] Chapter conclusion} (Answers may vary about the theme or main purpose of Philippians 2-- Christian unity or humbleness.) [2] Note: There are 206 points for Chapter 2. Chapter 3 v. 1} Rejoice in the Lord / themselves, others / humble, prideful /yes or no) [1/2/2/1] v. 2} (Answers may vary about true Christian leaders not rebuking false religious teaching and preaching.) [3] v. 3} without hands / putting off, sins, flesh, trust-believing, true Gospel / (a) We should worship God in the Spirit. (b) We should rejoice in Christ Jesus. (c) We should have no confidence in the flesh. / (Answers may vary about worshipping God, rejoicing in Jesus, and not trusting one’s mind or body.) [1/5/3/3] vs. 4-6} (Answers may vary about the Apostle Paul’s life as Saul before he accepted Jesus Christ as the Messiah.) [3]


vs. 7-12} (Answers may vary about Paul’s attitude of counting his past knowledge and accomplishments before his conversion as vain and know Christ as excellent.) [3] v. 8} Jesus Christ / (Answers may vary about learning of Jesus Christ.) [1/3] v. 9} (Answers may vary about “winning Christ and being “found in Christ”.) / (Answers may vary about “dying to self-righteousness”.) [3/3] v. 10} (Answers may vary about being truly born again and resurrected from or above sin.) / the bondage of sin / (Answers may vary about Christian suffering.) / (Answers may vary about Jesus dying for our griefs, sorrows, and sins.) [3/1/3/3] vs. 7 & 12a} glory, Lord Jesus Christ, by, world, crucified, me, I, world / (Answers may vary about true Christian living.) [8/3] vs. 8, 9, & 12b} (Answers may vary about how one can follow Jesus.) [3] v. 13} (Answers may vary about not fully understanding about having the righteousness of God and the power of resurrection. Also, about being made conformable unto Jesus’ death.) / (yes or no) / (Answers may vary about bad memories.) / (Answers may vary about how one thinks he or she can accomplish his or her goals for the future.) [3/1/2/3] v. 14} (Answers may vary about what one thinks about what the “prize of the high calling” of God in Christ Jesus is.) / (Answers may vary about what one thinks should be their future commitment.) [3/3] vs. 15 & 16} (Answers may vary about what the students think Paul was telling the Philippian Christians to be like-minded about their future Christian commitments.) / reveals/ swift, hear, slow, speak, slow, wrath [3/3/1/5] v. 17} (Answers may vary about what one thinks Christian teacher and leader requirements are.) / (Answers may vary about true Christian leaders.) / their ways of living / (Answers may vary about how to discern proper Christian living of leaders.) [3/3/1/3] vs. 18 & 19} (Answers may vary about what one thinks are ways to become an enemy of the cross of Christ.) / eternal separation from God and eternal punishment / by putting food and /or drink as top priority for partaking/ when one brags about actions which are sins / (Answers may vary about what secular things one thinks he or she is still interested in.) / (Answers may vary about how one thinks he or she can avoid becoming too worldly or how they think they can become more spiritual.) [3/2/2/2/2/3] v. 20 rich, mercy, great love, sins, quickened, Christ, grace, saved, raised, made, in Christ Jesus / (Answers may vary about the proper confidence true Christians should have because of their above world, spiritual citizenship.) [11/3] v. 21} He will change their vile bodies and fashion them or make them like His glorious body. He will subdue all things unto Himself. He will rule instead of the worldly governments. / (Answers may vary and can be just “yes” or “no”.) [3/1] Note: There are 130 points for Chapter 3. Chapter 4 v. 1} beloved, longed for / Stand fast, Lord / (Answers may vary about keeping and defending spiritual convictions.) [2/2/3] vs. 2 & 3} (a) Overcome, differences, opinion, be, same mind / (b) Help other Christians, differences / restore, gentleness, tempted / not loving or getting along together / (Answers may vary about being encouraged to dislike or not cooperate with someone else.) / (Answers may vary about how to help someone respect and cooperate with someone else.) / (Answers may vary about helping hard working Christians.) / the Book in Heaven in which are put the names of all true Christians [5/2/3/2/3/3/3/2] v. 4} Rejoice in the Lord/ worse/ salvation, eternal life [1/1/2] v. 5} (Answers may vary about how one can be satisfied with less, be reasonable, or be forbearing.) / everywhere [3/1]


v. 6} v. 7}

(a) every, ask God, prayer, supplication, thanksgiving (b) anxious, anything (or nothing) [8] peace, passes, understanding / keep, heart, mind, Jesus Christ / (Answers may vary about God giving peace after one prays and keeps him or her from thinking about or doing something wrong.) [7/3] v. 8} truth, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, praiseworthy / (Answers may vary about the good things one wants to think about.) [8/3] v. 9} (Answers may vary about what one thinks Paul is suggesting that the Philippi an Christians do with Biblical teaching and examples.) [3] v. l0} (Answers may vary about what one has done or can do for his or her Bible teachers.) [3] vs. 11 & 12} contentment, learn, adapt to [3] v. 13} help, strength, Jesus Christ, worrying [4] v. 14} praying, pray, encourage [3] vs. 15-18} appreciative, satisfied, needs [3] v. 19} all, needs [2] v. 20} glory / (Answers may vary about how one can give God glory.) [1/3] vs. 21 & 22} Greet, every Christian, Christians/ (Answers may vary about being friendly to Christians and thinking about other Christians who are away.) [3/3] v. 23} grace of Jesus Christ / (Answers may vary about in examples of the grace of Jesus.) [2/3] Goal(s) verse (Answers may vary.) [2] Course Conclusion compassion or loyalty / (Answers may vary about related idea to the key word.) / unity or humbleness / (Answers may vary about related idea to the key word.) / Christ / (Answers may vary about related idea to the key word.) / contentment / (Answers may vary about related idea to the key word.) / rejoice [1/2/1/2/1/2/1/2] Note: There are 117 points for Chapter 4.


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