1-- Pfhl 170-- Basics For Christian Living-- Version 1

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Preparation for Heavenly Living Correspondence School http://www.geocities.com/bibleloverbill

PFHL Course 170-- Basics For Christian Living -- Fill-in-the-Blanks Version (by Bill Stevenson) Directions: Use the indicated Bible passages to carefully answer the questions and fill in the blanks. Each short answer line is usually for just one answer each. When a letter appears right before a short answer line, it is the first letter of the best answer word. Use separate paper for your answers. Copy all questions and the fill-in-the-blank sentences. Carefully label the answers. I have an answer key done in that way. After you complete the course, write an essay about what you learned. This assignment is worth 3 units, so write at least 4 quality pages (single spaced lines). Introduction This inductive Bible study includes no controversial questions or Bible verses which are controversial. All that has been written and referred to in this course is for encouraging every reader of it. Many of the Bible verses were from Jack Taylor's “Who We Are In Christ” list. So, this course should also increase your confidence in living a God-pleasing life in this mostly anti-Christian world. You will find doing “Basics For Christian Living” a good use of time either by yourself, with your closest friend, spouse, or/and with a small discussion group. Read and enjoy as much as you can. This course was the most spiritually meaningful one I have ever written or read. If you haven't memorized the order of the New Testament books, copy the Table of Contents in your Bible so that you can easily see which page each book starts for faster look-up of Bible verses. There are only a few Old Testament references. Divine Assurance (Part 1) 1.)

What does John 3:16 say our world received and why? (Don't answer from other knowledge and Bible verses.) (a) God's _________ ___________________ _________ (b) He _______ ___________ our ___________. Hannah gave her son Samuel when he was only three years old, who she thought could be her only child, to the Israelite high priest Eli (who had to disobedient sons) because of a vow she made to God after suffering much ridicule and scorn for being barren a long time. [Samuel 1] Because she was an Israelite, Moses' mother had to give up him when he was young and let him be raised in an Egyptian household. [Exodus 1:8-2:10] Read 1 John 4:9 & 10. If you had only one child and could not have any more, how much love would you have to have for someone in order to give him or her that special child to for even just 34-40 years (the approximate amount of time Jesus Christ was in human form on Earth and away from God the Father's side)? (c) ______________ What characteristics or qualifications would that foster parent have to have? (d) What kinds of people were in the world when Jesus Christ was born in a manger in Bethlehem, having to leave God the Father's side in Heaven? (e) Read Mark 15: 6-20. What kind of a person was Barabbas? (f) a p___________________ (g) a r____________________ leader (h) a m_____________________ Would you let your only child die so such a person could remain living? (i) ________ What about for Pilate, the chief priests, and the crowd who yelled for Barabbas to be freed? (j) ________ Would you want to die for such people? (k) _______ Read Matthew 26:24-28 & 36-54. What kind of love 1

does Jesus have? fully understanding, fully unselfish, and fully (l) s____________________



Read Isaiah 53. What kind of love does this Scripture passage say that God the Father has? unselfish, purposeful, and (m) e__________________ Reread the five different characteristics of divine love. This same love is given to all who believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior from eternal condemnation for disobeying God's laws. Read Romans 5 & 6 and 2 Corinthians 5:17-6:1 before going on. Reread John 3:16. What else does God give to true Christians? (a) _________________ ________ to love and be loved by Him. What is a main horror of front-page news besides politics and crime? (b) d__________ Do you fear about the just indicated happening to you? (c) _____ How many different ways could it happen to you tomorrow? (d) _______ How many different ways could it happen to you within the next hour? (e) _______ What would you rather think about? (f) e_____________ l_________ with God Read Romans 6:23, John 10:22-29, 2 Corinthians 1:22 & Ephesians 1:3-14, and 1 John 2:22-26. What does 1 John 5:11-15 mean to you? What kind of confidence or assurance can you have? I can absolutely knowing about having God-given (g) e_____________ l__________ with God and having every unselfish (h) p______________ r_______________ being responded to (answered) by God Almighty. Remember, these divine gifts can eliminate worry and stress about death and bring wonderful peace to a true Christian's mind. Reread Romans 5:1-11. Read Philippians 4:4-8 which the Apostle Paul wrote just before he was beheaded for his Christian beliefs and life style. Can you do such in all, most, or few situations? (i) _____________ On another piece of paper, list as many specific things you can think, say, and do which would satisfy Philippians 4:4-8 commands contrary to human nature. [Examples: from-the-“heart” compliments to a “significant other” in your life & compliments to an "enemy" or someone who irritates you a lot. (Doing the latter will make you feel better even if you never are able to speak them to the enemy or antagonist. Read Matthew 5:716 & 38-48 to find out why.)] Are you encouraged and revived yet? Proper courage for living the best we can requires being assured by what you know of the 100% promise keeping, loving God and what desires us to think and do. Review the first two groups of questions, answers, and Bible verses before going on. On another piece of paper, you might even make a list of what God's advice is for the best ways to think and to relate to others. For the first one, don't just say “believe in Jesus Christ”. Write all of the things the referred to Bible verses state or imply about believing in and on Jesus Christ. You won't regret this review time and you will be encouraged spiritually as much as your review effort is before continuing this course. This really is the most important part of this course. Why Did God Create You?


Read Ephesians 2:1-10, Matthew 22:36-39, Psalm 37, 1 John 4:7-5:3, and Romans 14:17-19. What does God want to show through true Christians? (a) Each and every day, a true Christian should do the God- (b) _____________________ good (c) w___________ instead of selfish actions. He or she should also daily think about, appreciate, and (d) l________ ________ much, much more than anyone or anything else and (e) _________ others he or she lives with by respecting, appreciating, cooperating with, and, if needed, helping them. Read Galatians 5:13-6:10 and Romans 12. If we love God, we will want to live for (f) _________ not ourselves. Read Galatians 2:20 and Proverbs 3:5 & 6. When on Earth in human form, Jesus Christ lived the last referred to Old Testament commandments: a main part of "the faith of Jesus Christ. See John 5:30-36. Therefore, part of living Matthew 22:36-39 is frequently (g) ________________ in God, frequently (h) ______________________ Him by recognizing providence (divine help-- special inspiration in thoughts for decisions, others' help, and unexpected good happenings) and yielding to Holy Spirit guidance. Read Romans 8. Now write a list of specific compliments and actions for encouraging/helping others who you would like the Holy Spirit to urge you to say and do. Be warned: all apparently

good statements and actions are not Holy Spirit urged or God-pleasing. Compliments said for selfish reasons can encourage recipients to become more prideful (which can even lead to divorce by encouraging independence thinking by one spouse). So think before you say or do anything. Ask yourself, why should you say or do it? Afterwards, could you say “to God be the glory”? Will God be pleased and give you joy and peace feelings? Also read Colossians 1:9-11 and Romans 15:1-7 before answering the list of encouraging/helping compliments and actions. Divine Assurance (Part 2) 5.)


Reread Romans 8. What do verses 1, 38, & 39 mean to you? (a) One successful, well-known, week-long Christian living seminar speaker has recommended many times to his audiences to memorize all of Romans 8. It is full of divine assurances. Romans 8:28 is my favorite and has maintained hope in my mind many, many times. I usually think of the assurance, all things eventually working out for the good for those who love God. Every promise that God has made to believers in the Bible requires loving Him or/and humbleness (no pride). Don't we usually put more conditions on those we make promises to? (b) _______ What are the most encouraging verses in Romans 8 for you? Please copy or paraphrase them here: (c) Read 1 Corinthians 15:58. What guarantee is stated? (d) What fantastic assurance do Philippians 1:6, Hebrews 12:1-11, 1 John 3, and 1 John 1:28 indicate? that God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit will help guide each Christian towards (e) b________________ completely as (f) r____________________ as his or her Lord (g) ________ __________ The main thought problem that pauses or stops this divine work in a Christian is coveting (wanting what others' have) or thinking things aren't fair. Read Psalm 37, James 4, Hebrews 13, Romans 8:28-29, and Philippians 4:11-19. What verses made gave or/and give you assurance that you don't need to covet or be jealous of wrong-doers? Please copy or paraphrase them at this point. (h) Read all of 1 Corinthians 15 carefully. What is the most important promise in the Christian Gospel? that every true (a) C_________________ who dies (b) p__________________ will be (c) r_________________ to Heaven, because Jesus Christ was (d) r_________________________ after His unjust crucifixion. Read Philippians 3 and Hebrews 3:6 & 14. What does the Apostle Paul indicate Christians should have as a top priority and why? to increase their (e) k______________ of (f) C___________ J___________ because He will change their vile (g) b____________ to be as (h) g____________ as His body Should a true Christian have fear of physical death? (i) ______ Read Hebrews 12:1-3 and 1 John 4:15-18. Divine Help (Part 1)



Read Romans 5:1-3 & 12-17. Christians are (a) j______________________ by their (b) f___________ in Christ Jesus. Thus they each should have (c) p__________ with God Almighty (Who is 100% holy and righteous). What does “grace” mean to you and how does it help you to be positive in thinking? (d) What does “rejoice in hope of the glory of God... in tribulations also” mean to you? Reread Matthew 5:3-16 and Romans 8 before answering. (e) What do Galatians 2:20 and Romans 8:1-21 mean to you in regards to what true salvation does for each Christian? (f) Increasing your knowledge of Jesus Christ is the best way to get help to live righteously. Galatians 2:20 says that a Christian should be living “by the faith of the Son of God”. Another way we are helped is by being told the truth. Read Exodus 34:1-6, Deuteronomy 32:4, Psalm 91:1-6, Psalm 100:5, Psalm 119:137-144, Matthew 5:17-19, John 18:38, John 14:6-7, John 8:28-32, John 16:7-14, Ephesians 5:9 & Galatians 5:22-26, 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:16, and 3

Philippians 2:1-16. What are the two types of truth? (a) What are the differences between knowledge and wisdom? (b) What are the characteristics of and purposes for knowledge and wisdom promoted by nonChristians? (c) What are the characteristics of and purposes for knowledge and wisdom from God? (d) Can you think of the Holy Spirit as being the best teacher you can ever have and the Bible being the best book you can ever read? (e) ________ How did you read the best novel you ever read? (f) How did you read textbooks when studying for exams? (g) Do you read the Bible in those ways? (h) ___________ What did you think about and do when you were with your best teacher? (i) What did or do you think and do when you are in the same town or city as your best friend or/and spouse? (j) How much time do you spend communicating with God? {“a lot”, “as much as possible”, “between five and thirty minutes a day”, “at least one church meeting a week”, “rarely”, “usually just when I need special help”} (k) ____________________________________ How do you relate to God? Do you see Him as an image of a friendly, loving face of Jesus Christ? (l) What should be frequent thinking and action (or activity) desires of you for discovering the truth and wisdom, which are the best helps for living an unselfish life of much peace-of-mind and joy? (k) Divine Importance 9.)



Read Ephesians 1:3-14. A true Christian has been (a) c____________ by God (before history!) in order to be (b) h____________ (righteous) living in His everlasting (c) l___________. He or she is a very specially (d) a________________ child of God Almighty to (e) p__________ Him in words and actions. Because of divine grace due to Jesus Christ's sacrifice, a true Christian has been made completely (f) a _____________ by the perfect God (redeemed from the Old Testament laws' condemnations) and is able to receive and learn (g) a______ (h) w___________ [James 3:17] (including understanding God's will--1 John 5:20) and (i) p________________ (foresighted especially in being wise for disciplining and governing oneself). [See also 2 Corinthians 5: 17-21 and 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 & 15:1-28] His or her true salvation is (j) s_____________ (confirmed) which means the greatest (k) i_______________ of God's wonderful forever love and His wonderful Kingdom (righteousness, peace, and joy-- Romans 14:17). He or she just needs to keep on (l) t____________ in God and His Word. [In regards to the just mentioned, Proverbs 3:5 & 6, Psalm 37, 2 Corinthians 3:1-5, James 4:6-10, and 1 Peter 2:3-10 are very appropriate.] Read Romans 8:30, 1 Peter 2:9, and Revelation 1:5 & 6. The always-existing God thought that each true Christian was important enough to (a) p______________________ (plan for ministerial purpose before one's birth), (b) c_________ (specially choose), (c) j_____________ (make righteous) to be a (d) r____________ (e) p___________ (a spiritual leader, not an average person) for the purpose of (f) s______________ (or manifesting) by example the (g) p_________ (or excellencies) of Him. The perfect Jesus Christ (h) l___________ the future Christians so much that He shed His own (i) b____________ and died for spiritually washing them from their (j) s____________ and making them spiritual (k) k________ and (l) p___________ unto (m) __________ the Abba Father. [Also read Titus 2:11-14, John 15:13, and Ephesians 3:19 for more encouragement hopefully.] Did you ever wonder why most of the highly intellectuals, the great athletes, the very wealthy business people, the movie/TV stars, or the beautiful/handsome models are not consecrated Christians? Instead, God usually uses individuals with the following character qualities for important ministries. Read the Scripture passages and place the numbers which are in front of them


after the appropriate special character qualities a specially thought of by God Christians has. Each passage may indicate more than one character quality. (1) Exodus 33:11-34:8 (2) Matthew 18:3 & 4 (3) Romans 12 (4) Hebrews 10:19-25 (5) 1 John 1:9 (6) 1 Corinthians 3:16 & 17 (a) converted (fully accepted the Gospel)-- ____________ (b) humble-- ____________ (c) appreciative of God-- ____________ (d) pure in mind-- ____________ (e) pure in body-- ____________ (f) obedient to God-- ____________ (g) committed to others-- ____________ Reread Romans 12:1-3, 1 Corinthians 1:30 & 31, 2 Corinthians 4:7-10, 2 Timothy 1:7-9, and 1 Peter 2:21-25 to obtain the words for the following: A true Christian is to only glory in the Lord and not his or her own accomplishments, because he or she is specially chosen by God for being a channel of Christ Jesus' (a) w_______________, (b) r____________________, and (c) p___________. What does this mean to you? (d) What very important thing do true Christians have to look forward to? Read 1 John 3:1-3, Romans 8:28-30, 2 Thessalonians 2:13 & 14, and Colossians 3:1-17. (e) Now read 1 Corinthians 6:2 & 3. What important position will each true Christian then be given by God? (f) [Read Titus 2 for some more of the important things God-honored, pre-ordained Christians are supposed to do while waiting for the Second Coming of Christ Jesus.] Divine Help (Part 2)





What are God the Father's desires and reason for aiding believers? What is required of the latter? Read Romans 8:32 and Matthew 6:25-33. (a) & (b) Reread Romans 14:17 and James 1:2-12. What does God want to give to Christians? (c) ____________________ (d) _____________ (e) _________ (f) _______________ (g) p_______________ & c______________________ in good character (h) _____________ (i) __________________ (j) ____________________________________ What are the requirements for these gifts? (k) Now read 2 Peter 1 and relate it to the James 1 passage. (l) What are the highlights of the former passage? What are the toughest requirements/responsibilities for divine help? (m) Read Isaiah 40:29-31 and 2 Corinthians 12:7-11a. What do these verses mean to you? (a) Read Romans 8:26, John 16:13-15, and 1 Corinthians 2:12. How does the Holy Spirit want to help disciples of Jesus Christ? in their (b) w_____________________ and (c) c________________ w__________ G_________ (d) g_____________ them to a_________ t____________ especially in (e) g_______________ Jesus Christ [In Philippians, Apostle Paul stated that the most important thing is to know the just mentioned. See also Colossians 1:5-28.] Read Romans 8:35-39. What won't God allow to happen to true Christians? (a) Read 2 Thessalonians 3-5 and Hebrews 12:1-3. How does Jesus Christ help? (b) Read Hebrews 12:4-14 and James 1:12-18. Why does God help us sometimes by letting bad things happen to us as apparent punishment? (c) Why should you not blame God for bad things that happen to you in situations where you are quite sure you did not sin against Him or His Commandments? What other reasons could there be? (d) According to 1 Thessalonians 5:21-24, what does God desire to do for every true Christian? (e) Read 2 Thessalonians 3:3, 2 Timothy 4:18, and Titus 2:11-12. How does God encourage a Christian to make a commitment to holiness? (f) Read Matthew 7:7-27, 1 John 3:22 & 5:14-15. What are the two requirements for God's help? (a) _________ (b) _____________________________________________________________ 5


Read Ephesians 3:20, Philippians 4:19, and Jude 24-25. What kinds of confidence can a humble Christian have? (c), (d), & (e) Read also Hebrews 4:16, 6:13-20, & 13:5 & 6, Romans 8, and 1 John 5:14-15. Read Romans 5:1, John 14:27, and Philippians 4:7. What does God want to give His children so that they can endure living in this world full of unrest and turmoil? (a) Read also 2 Timothy 1:7 and Hebrews 13:5-6. According to 2 Corinthians 1:3-6, what doe God have a lot of for especially Christians in tribulation and sufferings? (b) _________________ and _________________ Read also 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 and Hebrews 4:14-16. Read John 14:15-17, James 1:2-4, 1 Peter 1:7, Hebrews 1:14, and Mark 1:13. What do these verses mean to you in relation to God helping. (c) How do God's commandments in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Philippians 4:8, and Ephesians 6:11-18 help Christians to say and do things properly in response to opposition? (d) What does this mean to you? (e) Reread Philippians 4:13. What kind of success will God help Christians have? Read also Romans 8:28, 1 Corinthians 15:55-58, 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 & 4:15-17. (f) success in becoming _____________________________________________ in having no fear of _____________, in doing _______________________________________ especially ______________________________________ and ___________________________________ How do you think the Holy Spirit helps this indicated spiritual success? (g) What About Understanding and Caring for Other People?


What does Romans 14 tell you about God's will for a Christian to understand others? (a) How can you improve understanding others better? (b) What different religious traditions and beliefs of relatives and friends should a Christian not condemn? (Just mention general areas of possible concern.) (c) What ideas and habits of others should a Christian not tolerate? (d) How does 1 Corinthians 13 relate to the last two questions/answers? (e)

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