1-- Ephesians 1 Study

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 280
  • Pages: 1
Ephesians 1 Study (by Bill Stevenson) *1.) Read Ephesians 1:1-2 and Galatians 2:20. ****What is being faithful in Christ Jesus? *2.) Read Ephesians 1:3-14. (In the KJV version, this passage is punctuated as one sentence.] ****Why should God be praised? ****What spiritual accomplishments of His should we be thankful for? ****What else are you thankful for? ****How many past tense verbs are there in this passage? ****How many pronouns (words that represent nouns) are there? ****How many times is the word “all” used and what does each usage mean? ****What is the major promise or guarantee for true Christians? ****What are God's purposes in being involved with humanity now? ****What excites you most about God's relationship to you? ****How do you know if you are “chosen”? ****When you are able to praise God freely, what are the reasons? ****How can you feel like praising Him much more often? *3.) Read Ephesians 1:15-23. ****In what ways do you think the Ephesus Christians showed their love for all the saints? ****How do you give thanks for such Christians? ****Why are they an encouragement to you? ****What do verses 17-19 mean to you? ****What kinds of wisdom and revelation are there? Describe some examples. *4.) What is the indicated resurrection power? Describe some examples in your Life. ****Why would you need such power in the future, for what possible situations? *5.) Read the rest of the first chapter. ****What does the position of Jesus Christ personally mean to you? ****What do you think Paul means by the word “church”? ****How do you think man-formed churches can be better “channels” for “God's pleasure”? ****How can you be such an improvement in your daily living?

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