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ANALYSIS I have done a market field survey on big bazaar. I have surveyed around 100 respondents











questionnaire is prepared for the customers and data is obtained from them by moving around big bazaar and personally interacting with them. The customers gave me valuable information regarding their consumption pattern in big bazaar. I collected all those information and a proper analysis is done. All the analysis and its interpretations are discussed below. Each of the analysis is done as per the information obtained from the customers and a serious interpretation has been done to best of my effort.

Customer’s monthly income S. No 1 2 3 4

Particulars Higher income Group Middle Income Group Lower Income Group No Income Group Total

No. of Respondents 05 50 20 25 100

Percentage 05 50 20 25 100


5%5 Higher IncomeG Group (> Rs.60000)M


Middle IncomeG Group (Rs. 40000-60000)L 50%2 20%2

Lower IncomeG Group(Rs.10000-40000)N No Income Group (< Rs.10000)

Analysis: The above diagram shows the distribution of income level of customers coming in to big bazaar. Among the 350 respondents 50% of customers are of middle income level that is between Rs10000 – 40000 per month. Least number of customers visiting Big bazaar are the higher income level people (> Rs.60000 pm) that constitute only 5%. The lower income level of people coming to big bazaar constitutes of 20%. 25% of people belong to no income group which mostly consists of students. Interpretation: Big bazaar is the hub of shopping for middle level income group people because of its reasonable price on its each product category. The higher level income group people don’t prefer to do shopping in big bazaar as it doesn’t deal with branded products. The higher level income group people are very status conscious and their psychology is such type that they don’t prefer much to visit big bazaar as it

is a discounted store. The lower income group people come in to big bazaar as they get goods at a discounted price. Hence big bazaar should include branded products in its product category which will encourage higher income group people to come in to big bazaar. Probably not much of lower income group people come to big bazaar as they don’t like to have any shopping experience rather they just go for nearby store where they can get their necessity goods. Even they purchase goods on a regular basis on a small quantity. So they don’t have much interest to come to big bazaar and do shopping.

Customers visit Big Bazaar S. No 1 2 3 4

Particulars Weekly Monthly Quarterly On unplanned basis Total

No. of Respondents 29 34 23 14 100

Percentage 29 34 23 14 100

14% 29% Weekly Monthly 23%

Quarterly On a unplanned basis


Interpretation: From this I interpret that in big bazaar 34% customers visit monthly, 29% customer visit weekly 23% customers visit quarterly and 14% customers visit on planned basis , it means mostly customers visit weekly and monthly basis for purchase their requirements.

Apart from Big Bazaar visit retail outlet S. No 1 2


No. of Respondents 64 36 100

Yes No Total

Percentage 64 36 100

70% 60% 50% 40%





10% 0%

0 yes



Interpretation: From this I interpret that 64% customers of big bazaar visit other retail stores for their requirements and 36% customers of big bazaar generally do not visit other retail stores. It shows that customers satisfaction level is more bazaar.

in big

Purpose behind visiting big bazaar S. No 1 2 3

Particulars Shopping Outing Both Total

No. of Respondents 60 10 30 100

Percentage 60 10 30 100


30% Shopping Outing 60%




Out of the 350 respondents 60% of respondents visit big bazaar for

shopping, 10% for outing and 30% visit big bazaar for both the purposes.

Interpretation: From this I interpret that big bazaar is purely a shopping complex but it also facilitates a certain kind of ambience and decorum to the people that they also visit it for the purpose of outing. The infrastructure and ambience of big bazaar is so that people even like to go there even also they don’t have to purchase anything. People enjoy doing shopping in big bazaar. This is very nice for it as often customers.

Demand for other retail outlets in a mall S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6

Particulars Garment Outlet Footwear Outlet Food Court Entertainment Gift Corner Jewelers and Watches Total

No. of Respondents 65 20 30 20 10 10 100

Percentage 65 20 30 20 10 10 100


60% 50% 40% Series1

30% 20% 10%

Jewellery and Watches Store

Gift Corner


Food Court

Footwear Outlet

Garment Outlet


Analysis: The above graph shows that 65% of people visit garment outlet in a mall other than that of big bazaar. 30% of people also prefer to visit food court in a mall other than big bazaar. 20% of the people go to footwear outlet in a mall other than big bazaar. 20% of people also go to mall for entertainment purpose. Some people that are 10% each also visit gift corner store and jewellery & watches store in a mall other than big bazaar.

Interpretation: From this analysis I come to know that most of the people tend to visit garment outlets in a mall other than big bazaar as it has some exclusive branded outlets. People also go for footwear stores as malls have branded footwear stores in it. People go for watching movies to mall for entertainment. Yet a few people visits gift corners and jewellery stores in a mall. This is of course a threat for big bazaar that it is not able to attract customers from other retail outlets and retain them with it. Big bazaar should definitely include more of branded products in its product category in order to bring in the customers of mall to it and retain them with it. It can include some of the exclusive branded outlets of cloths and jewellery in it in order to attract the brand choosy customers.

Products mostly purchased by customers in big bazaar S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Particulars Clothes Grocery Food Item Leather Item Electronic Item Gift Item Any Other Item

No. of Respondents 60 70 50 25 15 10 10

Percentage 60 70 50 25 15 10 10

Any other Item Gift Item Electronic Item Leather Item


Food Item Grocery Clothes 0%


20% 40% 60% 80%

This chart clearly indicates that the demand for grocery that is 70% is

highest by the customers followed by clothes rated 60%. The next highest demand is for food items that is 50%. 25% demand is for leather items in big bazaar. Electronic items hold 15% of demand and gift items and other items has a demand of only 10% by the customers of big bazaar.

Interpretation: From this analysis I interpret that customers demand are high for grocery and clothes followed by food items in big bazaar. Electronic items have a little demand by the customers. Gift items and other items are not much in demand by the customers. I can interpret that clothes, grocery and food items are the major products which hold maximum number of customers. So big bazaar should maintain its low pricing and product quality to keep hold of the customers and also it should keep more qualitative products of gift and leather items so that people would go for more purchase of these items from it. Big bazaar has many local branded products of grocery and cloths and it is successfully selling it. It should also include branded products so that more sales can take place.

Expenditure pattern of customers coming in to big bazaar

S. No 1 2 3 4 5

Particulars Below Rs.500 /single visit 500-1000 /single visit 1000-1500 /single visit 1500-2000 /single visit More than 2000 /single visit Total

No. of Respondents 11 16 22 22 29 100

Percentage 11 16 22 22 29 100


11% 29% 16%

Below 500 500-1000 1000-1500 1500-2000 More than 2000



Analysis: We can clearly see from this graph that majority of the customers spend a lot in big bazaar that is 29% of people spend more than Rs2000 in a single visit to big bazaar. Equal number of people that is 22% of people each spend Rs 1000-1500 and Rs 1500-2000 respectively in a visit to big bazaar.16% of people spend Rs 5001000 and only 11% of customers are there who spends less than Rs500 in their visit to big bazaar.

Interpretation: From this I interpret that most of the customers purchase goods in bulk which leads them to spend a lot. Volume sales are high in big bazaar. Customers tend to purchase more goods from big bazaar as it provides goods at a discounted rate. Probably those persons who spend more in a visit to big bazaar are purchasing on a monthly basis. Those customers who are spending very less money that is below Rs 500 are mostly coming in just to move around big bazaar and spend time. In the process they used to spend money on food items and also purchase some products while roaming in it. Impulse buying behavior of customers comes in to play to a large extent. More discounts shall be provided to people who do bulk purchase. This will encourage people to purchase more products.

Time spent by customers in shopping in big bazaar S. No 1 2 3 4 5

Particulars Less than half an hour Half an hour to 1 hour 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours More than 2 hours Total

No. of Respondents 10 15 35 22 18 100

Percentage 10 15 35 22 18 100

35% 30% 25% 20%


Series 1



10% 5%


15% 10%

0% Less than Half an hour half an hour to 1 hour

1 hour to 1 1/2 hours

1 1/2 hours More than 2 to 2 hours hours

Analysis: People spend a lot of time in shopping in big bazaar. Majority of the respondents (35%) said that they spend at least 1 hour to 1 ½ hours in big bazaar. 22% respondents also said that they spend 1 ½ hours to 2 hours in their visit to big bazaar. Only 10% of people said that they spend very little time that is less than half an hour in big bazaar.

Interpretation: As per the given data I interpret that customers are very product choosy now a days and that’s why they spend a lot of time in shopping in big bazaar. Probably customers might even be spending more time in big bazaar as it provides a very nice ambience and atmosphere for the people to shop in. Hence those persons who spend half an hour or less than half an hour in big bazaar are those persons who just come to purchase limited products and come only because of low pricing of products. People also spend much time in it but purchase very few goods. The sales personnel should focus on the people who take long time in shopping and purchases a lot and provide special kind of service to them as they are the major customers.

Comparison of footfalls in weekdays and weekends S. No 1 2

Particulars Weeks days Weekends Total

No. of Respondents 40 60 100

Percentage 40 60 100


40% Weeks days Weekends 60%

Analysis: The above graph shows that more number of people comes to big bazaar in weekends than that of week days .40% of people visits big bazaar in weekdays where as 60% of people visit big bazaar in weekends.

Interpretation: I can clearly interpret from this that most of the people tend to visit big bazaar in weekends rather than that of week days. There are more footfalls in big bazaar in weekends than that of week days. Though there is not much difference as 40% of people visit big bazaar in week days hence in weekends the footfall increases

by 10%. As people come more in weekends, so big bazaar should keep it open for more time in week ends. The infrastructure can be changed a bit in week ends so that customers can see more products clearly and can move around comfortably. In order to bring in more number of customers in week days big bazaar should provide some schemes in week days which will encourage people to come in to it in week days also. Hence the crowd is more in weekends and big bazaar should avail more parking spaces for its customers in weekends. It can make some temporary arrangement for parking every weekend. It should not spend much money in advertising and displaying of products in weekdays rather it should advertise and display products more in weekends as more number of people comes in weekends.

Customers preference of timing to visit big bazaar

S. No 1 2 3 4

Particulars 10 A.M - 1 P.M 1 P.M – 3 P.M 3 P.M – 6 P.M 6 P.M – 10 P.M Total

No. of Respondents 8 17 35 40 100

Percentage 8 17 35 40 100


17% 40%

10 A.M - 1 P.M 1 P.M – 3 P.M 3 P.M – 6 P.M 6 P.M – 10 P.M


Analysis: The above pie chart shows that most of the people prefer to visit big bazaar in evening time than that of the day time. Only 25% of people tend to visit big bazaar during day time while 75% of people tend to visit big bazaar during after noon time.

Interpretation: From the above analysis I interpret that evening time is the peak time for big bazaar and day time is the off peak time for big bazaar. There is more

number of people found in big bazaar during evening time than that of day time. Probably more of products are being sold during evening time in big bazaar than that of day time. Big bazaar shall provide some special offerings during day time so that more people should come in during day time. It could offer some special kind of product in daytime which will be not available during evening time. In this way it will bring in more number of people during day time for getting the special kind of products but along with that it will be able to sale other products as people do a lot of impulse buying at big bazaar.

Comparison of customers purchasing with planned list of products and purchasing products on unplanned basis S. No 1 2 3


No. of Respondents 50 40 10 100

Yes No Ever Total

Percentage 50 40 10 100



yes 50%

no ever


Analysis: As shown in the graph out of my total respondents of 350, 50% of customers come to big bazaar with a planned list of products. 40% of people come in to big bazaar without any planned list of products to be purchased from big bazaar.

Interpretation: As per the data obtained from the customers of big bazaar I interpret that most of the customers comes in to big bazaar with a planned list of products. Few customers come to big bazaar without any planned list of products and purchases products depending on their selection. These people basically come to the mall and hence get in to big bazaar. Depending on the product category and brand and quality of products they purchases goods. Some couples come to mall and go to food bazaar to have food together and to have chit chat among them. The customer who comes with a planned list of products purchases more products than that of the customers who comes without any planned list of products. So big bazaar should provide more variety and essential goods so that more number of people should come in with a planned list of products.

Brand preference of customers in big bazaar S. No 1 2 3

Particulars Yes No Depends on Category Total

No. of Respondents 10 50 40 100

Percentage 10 50 40 100



10% 40%

No 50%

Depends on category

Analysis: As seen in the above chart it is clearly known that only 10% of people come in to big bazaar with a list of brands in advance. 50% of people completely deny that they don’t prepare in list of brand in advance. 40% of people told that they prepare a list of brand depending on the product category.

Interpretation: From this I interpret that customers don’t opt for much brand preference while purchasing products in big bazaar. A few customers search for brands but depending on the product category. Customers probably don’t decide for brands on products as there are not much of known branded products available at big bazaar. On product categories like grocery and clothes, big bazaar has many local

branded products. Customers purchase a lot of these as its cheap in price even though its quality is not so good. As most of the customers belong to lower class and middle class people, they purchase those local branded products as it gives them value for money. Different products of the same category have different prices. Quality of products varies with the price. This enables customization of products for various types of customers. Customers search for brands mostly in apparel section. Some customers also pre decides the brand on the local manufactured grocery and food products of big bazaar. Big bazaar should include more of the branded products in its each category so that customers have more options to choose among the brands. This will bring in more number of people to big bazaar which will definitely increase the sales.

Comparison of brand preference on different product category S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6

Particulars Clothes Grocery Gift Items Electronic Items Leather Items Any Other Item

No. of Respondents 40 40 33 25 02 12

45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

Percentage 40 40 33 25 02 12


o Cl

y s s m m m m er Ite c e e Ite t t r I I o r r e t f ic G he Gi ath on Ot r t y Le ec An El


Analysis: This graph shows that cloths and grocery are the only two items on which customers mostly prefer the brands that is 40% each. 33% brand preference is on gift items and 25% is on electronic items. Brand preference on leather items is 2% and 12% on any other item. Interpretation: From this I interpret that some of the products brand are pre decided in advance and for some of the products customers don’t at all pre decide any brand. As per electronic goods are concerned customers pre decide the brand as many branded electronic products are available in big bazaar. The customers pre decides brands on cloths and grocery most as big bazaar produces much of local brands and also have some well known branded products of clothes with it like flying machine jeans.

Mode of payment of customers in big bazaar S. No 1 2 3

Particulars Clothes Grocery Gift Items Total

No. of Respondents 55 19 26 100

Percentage 55 19 26 100

0 26% Cash Payment 55%

Credit Card Debit Card


Analysis: As per my study is concerned, out of the total respondents 55% of people make cash payment in big bazaar. 19% of them uses credit card as their mode of payment and 26% of the people makes payment in big bazaar through their debit card. Interpretation: As per the obtained data I interpret that more number of people makes cash payment in big bazaar. A fraction of people uses their credit card for payment in big bazaar and a very few people uses their debit card for payment. I can interpret that quick exchange of money for goods is done in big bazaar as most of the people mode of payment is cash payment. Hence sometimes big bazaar has to wait for a short time period as some of the customers make their payment through credit and debit card.

Comparison of factors which encourages customers to come in to big bazaar S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6

Particulars Price Service Ambience Product Variety Product Quality Convenience

No. of Respondents 60 40 50 65 20 35

Percentage 60 40 50 65 20 35

70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%



50% 40%

35% 20%


Analysis: People are mostly encouraged to come to big bazaar because of its cheap price and availability of variety of products. Around 65% of the total respondent said they are mostly encouraged to come to big bazaar as it has variety options. Even most of the customers said that they get goods there in a discounted price and so they come in to it. Many customers also said that they feel good about the service and ambience provided by big bazaar. Around 35% of customers also said that convenience is also another factor which leads them to come to big bazaar. Product

quality is rated at very low that is only 20% which encourages the customers to come to big bazaar.

Interpretation: From this analysis I interpret that big bazaar is a well known for its variety options. People mostly come to big bazaar as they get various kinds of products under one roof. It is also clearly known that big bazaar sales its goods at a discounted price as compared to the market. Even it provides a good service and ambience to its customers which encourages them to visit big bazaar more and more times. I can also interpret from this that big bazaar has located itself in a good place from where it is able to attract customers. As a hypermarket which is to be located far off the city, big bazaar has located itself in a good place from where it is convenient for people to visit big bazaar. Big bazaar should try and produce more qualitative products so that customers can get more satisfaction and would never think of not doing shopping in big bazaar.

Services of the sales personnel in Big Bazaar S. No 1 2 3 4 5

Particulars Very Good Good Average Poor Very Poor Total

No. of Respondents 17 29 36 13 05 100

Percentage 17 29 36 13 05 100

40% 35% 30% 25% 20%

36% 29%

15% 10%





0% Very good




Very poor

Interpretation: From this I interpret that 36% customers realize service of sale personnel in Big Bazaar is OK, 29%

realize good, 17% realize Very Good, 13%

realize Poor and 5% customers is very dissatisfied with sales personnel’s Bazaar.

in Big

Customers’ mode of transport to big bazaar S. No 1 2 3 4

Particulars Hired Vehicle Two-wheeler Four-wheeler Any Other Total


No. of Respondents 10 40 35 15 100

Percentage 10 40 35 15 100


Hired Vehicle 35%


Two-wheeler Four-wheeler Any Other

Analysis: Around 40% of the total respondent of comes in to big bazaar with their own two wheelers. The second majority of people consist of people riding four wheeler and coming in to big bazaar. Only 15% of people of the total respondent visits big bazaar on hired vehicles. 10% customers of the total respondent comes in any other mode of transport. Interpretation: From the above data I interpret that there are more number of four wheelers coming found in big bazaar than that of two wheelers. People prefer more to go to big bazaar in four wheelers than that of two wheelers. A few people are found who comes in to big bazaar with a hire vehicle. Probably they might be the tourists.

Parking space availability in big bazaar S. No 1 2 3

Particulars Less than adequate Adequate More than adequate Total

No. of Respondents 45 45 10 100

Percentage 45 45 10 100


10% Less than adequate 45%


Adequate More than adequate

Analysis: As it is shown in pie chart most of the people say big bazaar does not provide adequate parking space. Equal number of people also says that adequate space is provided for parking big bazaar. Only 10% of people say that more than adequate space is available for parking in big bazaar. Interpretation: Analyzing the above data, I interpret that customers are not satisfied with the parking space availability provided by big bazaar. Hence it’s a threat for big bazaar as it may loose its customers because of less parking space availability. Even though many customers say adequate space is available for parking in big bazaar but also it is a threat for big bazaar as it is seen more number of people are expected to come in to big bazaar. In holidays probably it will be very difficult for customers to park their vehicle in big bazaar.

Customers preference towards Kirana store S. No 1 2

Particulars Yes No Total

No. of Respondents 65 35 100

Percentage 65 35 100


yes 65%


Analysis: Out of my total respondent of 350 customers, 65% of them says they go to their nearby kirana store and 35% said that they don’t at all go to any kirana store. This shows that majority of people go to kirana store even though they visit big bazaar. But some customers are there who never goes to any kirana store. Interpretation: As per the given data I analyze that most number of people tend to purchase goods from nearby kirana store even if they come to big bazaar. I can conclude from this that a kirana store is a competitor of big bazaar. Some customers never go for shopping in kirana store as of it does not have much variety option

available with it. Probably they are more interested in having a shopping experience rather than to just go and purchase goods from kirana store. Comparison of Big bazaar with any Kirana store

Shopping Price





















Big Bazar Kirana Store

120 100 80 60 40 20 0






Big bazaar



Kirana store



25 0



e ice rv ice riety a lity enc enc e enc e i Pr Va Qu ve n per i mbi Se x n A Co ing E p op h S

Analysis: The above graph shows the comparison of different factors between big bazaar and a nearby kirana store. 70% of people say big bazaar provides goods at a

cheaper price as compared to that of a kirana store. 50% of people say big bazaar provides better service and another 50% of them say kirana store provides better service. Each and every customer that is 100% agrees that there are more variety of products available at big bazaar than that of kirana store. As per quality of goods is concerned 60% of the customer say kirana store provides better qualitative products while 40% of the customers say big bazaar also provides qualitative products. 75% people say it is more convenient for them to go to a kirana store while 25% of them say going to big bazaar is more convenient for them. 90% of respondents said it is a good shopping experience at big bazaar while 105 of them said that they also have a good shopping experience at kirana store. As per ambience is concerned 95% of customers said big bazaar provides much nice ambience than big bazaar while 5% of them said that ambience provided by kirana store is also equivalent to that of big bazaar.

Interpretation: I interpreted from this that a kirana store is one of the competitor of big bazaar. It is a threat for big bazaar as some of the attributes of a kirana store provides more satisfaction to customers. Big bazaar should try to improve on each of its attributes and out compete the kirana store so that it can convert the customers of kirana store to be the customers of big bazaar.

Comparison of Big bazaar with others Organized retailers based on following points Shopping























Bazaar Other Organized Retailers

60 55 50 45 40

Big bazaarO. Org. Retails Series 2



Interpretation: I interpreted from this that other organized stores is another competitors of big bazaar. It is a threat for big bazaar as some of the attributes of other organized stores store provides more satisfaction to customers. Big bazaar should try to improve on each of its attributes and out compete the other organized stores.

Questionnaire PART-1 1. Name: 2. Age: 3. Gender: 4. Address: 5. Qualification: 6. Profession: 7. Ph. 8. What’s your monthly income? a) Below 10,000 b) 20,000 – 40,000 c) 40,000 – 60,000 d) More than 60,000 PART-2

1.How frequently do you visit Big Bazaar? a) Weekly b) Monthly c) Quarterly d) On unplanned basis 2.Apart from Big Bazaar do you intend to visit any other retail outlet in a Mall? a) Yes

b) No

2.(a). If yes then what are the other retail outlets do you intend to visit in a mall? e) Garment Outlet f) Footwear Outlet g) Food Court h) Entertainment i) Gift Corner j) Jewellery and Watches store

2. What is the purpose behind visiting Big Bazaar? a) Shopping b) Outing c) Others 3. What type of products do you mostly purchase in Big Bazaar? a) Cloths

e) Electronic Item

b) Grocery

f) Gift Item

c) Food Item

g) Any other Item

d) Leather Item 4. On an average how much amount of money do you spend in a visit to Big Bazaar? a) Below 500 b) 500 – 1000 c) 1000 – 1500 d) 1500 – 2000 e) More than 2000 5. How much time do you spend in a visit to Big Bazaar? a) Less than half an hour b) Half an hour to 1 hour c) 1 hour to 1 ½ hours d) 1 ½ hours to 2 hours e) More than 2 hours 6. Which days of the week do you prefer to visit Big Bazaar? a) Week days b) Weekends 7. Which time of the day do you mostly prefer to visit Big Bazaar? a) 10am – 1pm b) 1pm - 3pm c) 3pm-6pm d) 6pm – 10pm 10. Do you go with a planned list of products to be purchased from Big Bazaar? a) Yes

b) No

c)some time

11. Do you prepare a list of brands in advance when you visit to Big Bazaar? a) Yes

b) No

c) Depends on category

12. In which categories of products do you pre-decide the brands? a) Cloths b) Leather Items c) Electronic Items d) Grocery e) Gift Items f) Any other Item 13.

What is your mode of payment in Big Bazaar?

a) Cash payment

b) Credit Card

c)Debit Card

14. What encourages you to visit Big Bazaar? a. Price b. Service c


c. Product Variety d. Product Quality e. Convenience 15. How would you rate the services of the sales personnel in Big Bazaar on a 1 – 5 scale? Very good Good Ok Poor Very poor 16.Which type of

your convenience to Big Bazaar?

a) Hired vehicle b) Two-wheeler c) Four-wheeler d) Any other 17.How is the parking space availability in Big Bazaar? a) Less than adequate

b) Adequate c) More than adequate 18.Do you go to Kirana store? a) Yes b) No

I. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

19.Compare your nearest Kirana store with Big Bazaar. a) Price Kirana store II. Big Bazaar b) Service Kirana store II. Big Bazaar c) Variety Kirana store II. Big Bazaar d) Quality Kirana store II. Big Bazaar e) Convenience Kirana store II. Big Bazaar f) Shopping Experience Kirana store II. Big Bazaar g) Ambience Kirana store II. Big Bazaar 20.Compare others organized retail stores with Big Bazaar on the following parameters. a) Price 1.Big Bazaar II. Others Organized Retailer b) Service 1.Big Bazaar

II. Others Organized Retailer c) Variety

1.Big Bazaar

II. Others Organized Retailer d) Quality

1.Big Bazaar

II. Others Organized Retailer e) Convenience

1.Big Bazaar

II. Others Organized Retailer f) Shopping Experience

1.Big Bazaar

II. Others Organized Retailer g) Ambience

1.Big Bazaar

II. Others Organized Retailer


Bibliography BOOKS

 Kotler Philip, marketing management,


education, 12th

edition)  Malhotra K. Naresh, marketing research (An applied orientation), Research design, (Prentice hall of India pvt. 5th edition)  Tapan K. Panda, Marketing Management, Excel Publications.




Retail seminar. In

Literature review on Big Bazaar.com


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