099 The Proper Way

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 739
  • Pages: 2
The Proper Way? I believe that one of the main lessons mankind will learn from history (unfortunately most likely in retrospect) is that they underestimated the extent to which they're being manipulated by God's Enemy. People usually tend to overestimate their own capacities and wisdom, and thus we fail to recognize early enough how easily we're allowing ourselves to be fooled by the Devil. One favorite device of the enemy of our souls is that he likes to trick us into seeing things differently than God does. For example, in God's eyes it was perfectly alright for Adam and Eve to be walking around stark naked in the Garden of Eden. Along came Lucy with his old attitude of, "I'll show'em the way thing ought to be run around this place" and changed their minds about that, to the extent that they even figured it would make sense to hide from God... If we're really kidding ourselves into thinking we have "evolved" into something brighter during the past 6000 years since that event, it just goes to show another classic example of what's stated above. Take for example the way we view different life-styles than our own, established, Western, widely recognized status quo, like that of polygamist faith communities such as the Fundamental Latter Day Saints who made headlines a while ago, or - much closer to my own home: the life-style of the Family International. The general image that is being conveyed about the life-style of such faith communities is so odd, so grossly different from the average, that one can't help but look down on "such people" with a frown, patting themselves on the shoulder for doing things "the proper way." One quote I specially like from the Family's founder David Berg is from his epistle, "Did God Make a Mistake?" - "To hell with the proper way!" (Of course, how well a radical non-conformist and iconoclast like Berg would be received in today's version of the movement he began, is another question, but I suppose it's one of those mysteries in history how it seems to be reserved for some that membership of the outfit they birthed would have been possible exclusively as its founder...) The problem with what we call the "proper way," the way that the vast majority has chosen, the great and wide broadway we trot down once we have chosen to enter in through the wide gate our leaders train us to pursue, is that it may seem right to us, but the end of it spells out death and destruction for millions of victims who happened to stand in our way, be it the "Amerikan Way," the "American Dream" or the "Western life-style" or simply the way we think it ought to be done.

The question is, how does God see things? And what will the history books of the future say about those who followed the "Führer" down the "proper way," as opposed to the strange little sects that dared to buck the tide? And where will you have stood? Will you have been one of the collaborators that will largely have to be ashamed of their conduct ("We simply followed orders") or will you be proud to have been one of the few that supported the Resistance? Perhaps the citizens of the final World Empire, namely God's Kingdom, will find out to their shock and awe that those weird communal life-styles of those weird sects and cults we all looked and frowned upon and thanked God every day that we weren't like them, turns out to be much closer to the way God had actually intended for people to live than the "each his own," "dog eat dog" life-style that we've come to consider "normal" in our pseudo-enlightened modern society... I was just talking to another "veteran from the 80s" last night, about how different things were back then. Nowadays, hardly any young folks move into communes anymore, because they're so used to having their own quarters with their own TV and their privacy, they're simply not capable of living socially anymore, the way people had to or simply chose to less than 3 decades ago. Maybe it's still different in your part of the world, but the trend, generally, is downhill, as far as "social" goes. People who live in communes are weird, period. Is the new consensus. "It's wicked to be naked." Does something ring a bell?

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