0912 - December 2009

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December 2009 Newsletter St Ives Methodist Church 27, The Waits, St Ives, Cambridgeshire. PE27 5BY Minister: Rev Matt Finch Tel: 01480 462293 Mobile: 07968 692390 Email: [email protected]

Sunday Services 6th December


Rev Matt Finch

13th December


Derek Rutherford

20th December


Rev Matt Finch and Ruth Horton

FRIDAY 25 December


Christmas Day Service

27th December


Leonore Charlton

3rd January


Rev Matt Finch


Holy Communion

at the Free Church, St Ives

A loop system is in use in this church. In order to use this please put your hearing aid to the ‘T’ position.

A warm welcome to anyone who is visiting St Ives Methodist Church for the first time. Please stay for a free cup of tea or coffee in the church after the service. Children’s corner Activities are available at the back of church. Please feel free to join us at any time during the service.

Church Meetings St Ives Methodist Church (SIMC) run various groups that meet on different days of the week. For more details of a specific group’s events, please pick up a leaflet from the leaflet rack in the corridor opposite the kitchen. Day Mondays



2-4 pm

House Group


9:30 – 10am

Morning Prayers / A special time of reflection Communion


10Toddlers Group 11:30am

Meet other parents, have a chat


10 -12 noon

Open Door

Drop in for a cup of tea and a chat


2 pm

Afternoon Fellowship

Hymns, prayer, various speakers.

Thursdays rd

7:30 pm

Open Circle

Various speakers on topics of interest


7:30 pm


Young Adult group

(alternate weeks)


(1 and 3 )

Fellowship and Bible Study

A letter from the Minister... Will your turkey taste like Delia’s? Will your roast potatoes be a beautiful as Jamie’s? Will your presents be wrapped as beautifully as ‘Good Housekeeping’? As much as we strive for the perfect Christmas, I fear, many of us do not get there! If we look to the first Christmas it is not about perfection but God coming to the real world with all its struggles. Soon we will sing of the season of peace, goodwill, love for all and of giving. These are words of hope for a messy complicated world that cries out for the love of God. A proper Christmas is not about the tree being just right but fathoming that God chooses to come to our fragile world to heal and renew it. The Christmas story is not just well meaning words but it is God’s action. In the birth of the Jesus we see God not ignoring the world but becoming one of us to change it. ‘God with us’ means more than an abstract presence somewhere that we can feel if we think about it. It is the truth that Jesus knows what we are feeling because he experienced it. Just think Jesus was born into an occupied territory, without a home to call his own, born to a teenage mother, and lived as a refugee as he grew up! Jesus knows our world is not easy. At this festive time may you know the message of hope that comes wrapped up in cloths and laid in a manger. In the weakness of this child God comes to challenge the way this world works and offer a way to transform it; a liberation to the captive; a love for the unlovable, a peace to the distressed and wholeness to the broken. Whoever you are and whatever faces you may you know that the baby born in a manger is born for you. Every blessing this Christmas and New Year, Matt finch

Church Events Christmas Services with St Ives Methodist Church This December we are organising and participating in various Christmas services and events. We would love to invite you, your friends, neighbours and families to any or all of the events. You will be most welcome.

Remembering Service

Wed 9th


Wed 16th


Sunday 20th 4pm

Thurs 24th


Thurs 24th


Friday 25th 11am

A special service to remember those who are in our thoughts at Christmas time.

Taize Healing and Wholeness Service A reflective and meditative worship service.

Carol Service Come and join us singing traditional carols.

Nativity for Children The Christmas story for children.

Christmas Eve Communion At the Free Church, Market Hill, St Ives.

Christmas Day service At the Free Church, Market Hill, St Ives.

All of these dates can be found on our Christmas services postcard available at the back of church. Please take a postcard to give to friends and family.

Christmas Tree Festival Thank you to all of you who have been involved in making the Christmas Tree Festival a success. If you haven’t been able to attend and would like to, it will still be open on Sunday 6th December from 12:30 – 5pm at Huntingdon Methodist Church.

CATS Carol Service Folk from St Ives CATS regularly join our church on a Tuesday morning for an enjoyable social time. We are pleased to be hosting a special Carol service for the learning disabilities group in the Church on Tuesday 15th December at 1:30pm. All are very welcome. A light lunch is available for anyone who would like to join us, and tea and cakes will be served afterwards.

Open Circle Carol Service On Thursday 17th Dec at 7:30pm, Open Circle would like to invite you to a Carol Service, followed by mince pies. All are welcome. A collection will be made in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

A Nativity for Children This year we are doing a special Christmas Eve service for children and their families. At 4pm we will gather in the main church, sit on real straw bales, and hear the Christmas story with the help of puppets, crafts and carols! Please come along with your children, grandchildren or even great-grandchildren! Children are invited join in and come dressed up as either a shepherd, angel or king. If you are planning to come please let Wendy Williams know (830597), so we can make sure we have enough crafts to go round. There will be a mince pie and drink at the end.

Churches Together Carol Singing Meet outside the Free Church at 11am on Friday 18th December to join CTSI Carol Singing, in aid of Christian Aid.

‘Breathe’ and ‘Phos’ You may have seen events called Phos and Breathe in the notices or heard on the grapevine of such things and perhaps wondered what on earth they are. Well to put your mind at rest they are two expressions of faith with in the life our church that seek to connect with people in their 20’s and 30’s. Phos meets every Sunday evening at Matt and Yaz’s- where we drink coffee, eat biscuits, share together in bible study, discussing questions about life and faith. It is a place for people of similar age to grow together. Breathe is a service that will be happening every other month in the new year. It is an act of worship that seeks to use multimedia, engage the senses and again make the Christian faith relevant to 20’s and 30’s who would not be able to understand what happens on a Sunday morning. If you have any more questions or would like to come along ask Matt Finch or a member of the Leadership Team.

Church Family News We were delighted to welcome into the family of the Church, by baptism on Nov. 15th, Rory Edward Fabian Harris- Sullivan. We were also enchanted by his two sisters sharing in the service,with Anushka playing the piano, and Alenska reading the lesson. What a talented family! We would like to extend a warm welcome to those who have recently joined us. It is good to see new faces in our midst and we look forward to getting to know you more in the coming weeks. Do speak to Matt, or one of our Stewards, if you would like more information about any of our Church activities. If you have news or announcements that you would like to share with the church family in the January Newsletter please contact Stuart Wilkinson.

Please Pray... As a church we believe that prayer makes a difference because God listens and answers. We continue to remember in our prayers all those who are housebound and unable to get to Church any longer. Particularly we remember Jim Dale, Ted and Jenny Woolford, and Connie and Ray Rogers. We also remember in prayer those of our fellowship who are unwell, undergoing tests and treatment, and all worried and anxious about their own health or that of loved ones. During the past months we have been mindful of David Turner, Bill Purvis, Bill Gurry, Nan Duplessis and Margaret Harris, but we also know there are many others who need the love and support of our Church family at this time. We pray for those who will be attending The Remembering Service this month, and for everyone for whom Christmas can be be a difficult time, especially those who are facing their first Christmas without a loved one. Please pray for those who have little this Christmas time. We think of families locally who are facing times of hardship, and those around the world who will receive no gifts. We are thankful for the help our church has been able to provide through shoeboxes and black bin donations, and we pray these gifts may be received as an outpouring of God’s love to a needy world. If there is anything that you would like to be prayed for please write it in the Prayer Book at the back of the church, let the Leadership Team know or contact [email protected] .

Notices The Black Bin St Ives Methodist Church would like to help families in need in our local community this Christmas time. If you are able to donate any of the following gifts they will be gratefully received: dry or tinned food, nappies, baby items, new toys/books, toiletries or cleaning products. Please place them in the black bin at the back of the church. If you missed it, listen to the church sermon from 15th November for further information.

Church Christmas Card If you would like to leave a Christmas message for members of our church family there is a communal Christmas card at the back of the church. Any Christmas donations will be gratefully received and will be used to support the work of The Methodist Church’s children’s charity, Action for Children.

Open Circle The Open Circle group would like to invite you to come along. Open Circle meet on the first and third Thursdays of the month, are open to both men and women and would be delighted to welcome new members. For more information please pick up a new programme at the Open Circle Carol Service or contact the President, Audrey Hedger on 01954 200418.

Thank you We would like to thank members of Open Circle for leading our worship on 22nd November. If you were unable to visit church for that service or if you would like to hear it again, please visit the church website or ask Stuart Wilkinson for a CD copy.

Foyer Project On Sunday 29th November Rev Matt Finch formally launched The Foyer Project, a major redevelopment of the front area of the church. Matt shared some of the thinking and theology behind the ideas for the front of the church. If you were not able to be at church on 29th November, please do listen to the recording of this message, either on the website, or CD copies are available to borrow. If you don’t already have one, please also pick up a Foyer Project booklet from church, or if a friend can’t collect one for you we can send you a copy in the post. The Leadership Team hope that this will be a time of renewal and excitement for the church. It is not simply an idea for making the church prettier. It is about finding God’s plans and purposes for us. To this end we encourage you to reflect and especially pray about the plans, keeping an eye on important meetings, and communicating your thoughts to the Leadership Team. If you would like to pray about the project and discuss the plans further there will be two meetings: Thursday 17th December 7:30pm or Wednesday 20th January 2010 7:30pm at St Ives Methodist Church. All are welcome. Please don’t worry if you can’t make one of the meetings as they will both be the same material and discussion and two dates are simply to enable more people to be involved. There will be more meetings in the future to share any significant developments or to discussion decisions that need to be made. The Leadership Team would welcome your feedback on the project. Please complete the blue feedback form inside the foyer booklet and place it in the box at the back of church. Please remember to write your name on your form as this will help us to reply to your comments.

Autumn Fayre So many church friends contributed gifts, produce, time and energy to make this a very successful event. It all came together on the day and resulted in a fantastic £932.30 being raised for church funds. Wendy Ware would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to Ruth for opening the Fayre, Jean and her helpers for producing the very popular lunches and everyone involved in any way. It wouldn’t happen without you.

Operation Christmas Child – Shoebox Appeal A grand total of 158 shoeboxes were collected! Thank you to Madge Harrison, Kay Hender and all who were involved in organising, wrapping, filling and collecting shoe boxes, including Thorndown School, the Tots Group and many many others. Thank you, everyone, for the tremendous difference that your hard work will make to many children this Christmas.

Church Theatre Trip to see ‘Les Misérables’ A huge thank you to Wendy Ware for organising the trip to see Les Misérables. All who went had a fantastic day out.

Mince pies for Christmas We are hoping to serve drinks and mince pies after our Carol service on Sun 20th Dec and after the Children’s Nativity on 24th Dec. Any contributions or offers of help would be appreciated, particularly on Christmas Eve. Please speak to Barbara or Maureen if you are able to offer any help. Many thanks !

Weekly Offerings for November 1st November 8th November 15th November

£529.11 £474.50 £672.75

22nd November 29th November

£483.14 £426.29

The Church Leadership Team There are several members of the church who have been appointed as Leadership Stewards of the church. These individuals meet together with our minister to discuss matters of development within the church. Areas of specific responsibility have now been allocated to members of the leadership team to reflect the gifts and talents they are able to offer to the church. Rev Matt Finch Minister (01480) 462293 [email protected] Don Moorman Yaz Finch Property and Finance Mission and Evangelism (01487) 842002 (01480) 462293 [email protected] [email protected] Pat Paddon Spirituality and Discipleship (01480) 496439 [email protected]

Wendy Williams Children and Families (01480) 830597 [email protected]

Margaret Harris Ministry to the Advanced in Years (01480) 436885 [email protected]

Stuart Wilkinson Communications (01480) 389623 [email protected]

Your Leadership Team aims to be approachable if you wish to discuss any matters relating to church affairs. Please do get in touch with them! The Leadership Team usually meet approximately once every six weeks, and beginning in next month’s newsletter, a summary of relevant issues discussed will now feature in this newsletter to keep the wider church informed of matters arising.

Newsletter Feedback In the summer, following wide consultation with the church, it was agreed to replace the magazine and weekly notice sheet with a monthly newsletter for a 4-month trial. Last month, a feedback form was included with the newsletter to gauge opinion of whether the monthly newsletter should continue. An overwhelming 92% of responses were favourable towards the monthly format continuing. The feedback has been valuable in knowing how to move forward with the newsletter. Our Leadership Steward with responsibility for communications, Stuart Wilkinson, addresses some points raised. Can we have different coloured paper to tell issues apart? What a good idea! This was always the intention, but due to initial supply difficulties obtaining differently coloured recycled non-bleached paper the early issues were all variations of yellow! You’ll happily see this matter has now been resolved and should provide distinction between issues.

Can we include the first week of the following month on the front? Yes, from the November issue this has now been included so it is always clear who will be preaching the following week – even if it’s the last week in the month.

We need better quality printing – it is not always easy to read. Unfortunately, we have been plagued with photocopier problems for some copies of the newsletter and used an ink-jet printer to get some copies printed in time. This printing was grey-looking and not as clear and high-contrast as photocopied printing which we will always aim to use each month, as it is both clearer and cheaper to print.

There needs to be information from the Leadership Stewards and the Church Council in the newsletter. I couldn’t agree more! We need clear and effective communication across the whole church. This matter is being addressed currently.

We need a “Who’s Who” section with contact information. This is certainly one piece of information that was in the old magazine that needs to still be available somewhere. This matter will be addressed in the new year with a new publication. Details to come next month.

I am unable to attend church some Sundays so am unable to collect a monthly newsletter. One of the intentions behind the monthly newsletter is to specifically be more inclusive to people who can’t turn up every week. The monthly newsletter is available throughout that month from the church, either from the stewards on the door on a Sunday morning, or throughout the week from the leaflet racks in the corridor. You may be able ask a friend or your pastoral visitor to pick up a copy for you. If this isn’t possible, and you don’t have access to our website or email then we are more than happy to post a copy to you every month.

The articles are good. I like the “please pray” page. Prayer is an important part of our church and that should be reflected in the newsletter. Several positive comments were made about the prayer page. Please do send in items for prayer so these can be included and the prayer part of the newsletter can grow.

It is clear and easy to find information. The newsletter is intended to be as accessible as possible, using fonts and layouts which are easy on the eye and not burdensome for those with restricted sight. Large print copies are also available, and the zoom feature on the website allows text size to be increased even further on-screen if desired.

The Leadership Team have decided to continue with a monthly newsletter following the positive reception of the trial-run. The newsletter will continue for the foreseeable future. As our church continues to grow and develop, should it be felt that a weekly bulletin of some description is more appropriate then this will be reinstated. Our church communication will hopefully constantly change and adapt to suit the circumstances we find ourselves in at any given point. Should you have any comments you’d like to make about the newsletter, or church communication generally, do let the Leadership Team know. It is feedback like this that helps us to make sure we are being effective.

December:feature Each month the newsletter will include a special feature about one particular part of our church. This month, we look at how you can make sure you have a FAIRTRADE Christmas. St Ives Methodist Church is an accredited Fairtrade Church. Many members will know that for many years, St Ives Methodist Church ran a regular Fairtrade stall and Mary Gatehouse, Ann Collingwood and others worked tirelessly to keep Fairtrade on all our minds. Due to the success of churches across the country doing the same thing, Fairtrade has become a well known recognised brand, and rather than need to run our own stalls we can direct people to the huge range of fairtrade products available from our supermarkets and high street shops, and the excellent Just Sharing Fair Trade shop at The Free Church in town. We’ll be serving plenty of fairtrade tea and coffee this Christmas time – as we do all year round – but what else can we buy this year to make our Christmas a Fairtrade Christmas? Waitrose and Co-op both sell excellent Fairtrade Mince Pies – but the great news is that they’re already selling fast. We can show the supermarkets they need more Fairtrade stock for next year!

The Co-op’s Fairtrade Fruit Christmas Pudding also comes highly recommended. According to Zest Magazine, “...there's enough dried fruit in this to count as a fruit portion. There's also a higher proportion of raisins than in many other puds, which makes it slightly higher in iron - one portion supplies 7% of your RDA. With 60% Fairtrade ingredients, this is a good choice for an ethical Christmas.” If you’re looking for fairtrade crafts and gifts, the Just Sharing shop has many ideas, including hand-crafted decorations, nativity scenes, wooden toys and a selection of handmade cards – including those made of paper made from water hyacinth or even elephant dung! Traidcraft have been pioneering Fairtrade since 1979. Founded as a Christian response to poverty, they have been at the forefront of the Fairtrade movement and still are today. St Ives Methodist Church now even have their own online Fairtrade shop at www.simc.co.uk/fairtrade - with over 700 Fairtrade products! However and wherever you shop this Christmas, make it Fairtrade! Forthcoming notices: If you would like a notice to go into the next monthly Newsletter, please contact Stuart Wilkinson. Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01480 389623 Write in the purple notice book at the back of the church. Deadline for the next issue: 11am Tuesday 29th December

Sun 6th Tues 8th Tues 8th Tues 8th Tues 8th Tues 8th Wed 9th

7:30pm 9:30am 10 – 11:30am 10 – 12 noon 2:00pm 3:30pm-5pm 7pm

Phos Morning Prayers / Communion Parents and Toddlers Open Door Afternoon Fellowship: Own arrangements Circle of Light (drop in session) Remembering Service

Sun 13th Mon 14th Tues 15th Tues 15th Tues 15th Tues 15th Wed 16th Thurs 17th Thurs 17th

7:30pm 2pm 9:30am 10 – 11:30am 10 – 12 noon 1:30pm 7pm 7:30pm 7:30pm

‘Breathe’ service, St Ives Methodist Church House Group (3 Clare Court) Morning Prayers / Communion Parents and Toddlers Open Door CATS Carol Service Taize Healing and Wholeness Service Open Circle: Carol Service and Mince Pies Foyer Project Prayer and Discussion meeting

Sun 20th Sun 20th Thurs 24th Thurs 24th Fri 25th

4pm 7:30pm 4pm 11pm 11am

Christmas Carol Service Phos Nativity for Children Christmas Eve Communion at the Free Church Christmas Day Service at the Free Church

Church activities resume in the new year We wish you and your family a peaceful Christmas and New Year.. Printed on non-bleached 100% Recycled Paper

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