09-683 Denial Of Bifurication

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 212
  • Pages: 1
Case 2:09-cv-00683-KSH-PS

Document 79

Filed 04/30/2009

Page 1 of 1

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEW JERSEY ______________________________________ : N.J. SAND HILL BAND, et al., : : Plaintiffs : : v. : : DE FACTO STATE, et al., : : Defendants : _____________________________________ :

Civil Action No. 09-683 (KSH)


This matter having come before the Court by submission filed as a "motion to bifurcate: and the Court having reviewed the submission; and it appearing that it is a response to the Order dated April 21, 2009, directing the plaintiff New Jersey Sandhill Band of Lenape and Cherokee Indians to provide its position concerning whether or not it needs to have counsel enter an appearance on its behalf; and the submission being considered for that purpose; IT IS THEREFORE ON THIS 28th day of April, 2009 ORDERED that the "motion to bifurcate" [Docket No. 77] shall be terminated and it shall be considered the plaintiff's position regarding the need for it to have counsel enter an appearance on its behalf; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all terms of the Order dated April 21, 2009, including the deadline for the defendants to provide their positions on this topic, shall remain in full force and effect.


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