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The Graffiti Residence Hall Association

November 16th, 2009

Volume 1, Issue 5

T h a n k s g i v i n g B r e a k d ow n : My favorite holiday must be thanksgiving. There are four major aspects of Thanksgiving that give it right to trump getting candy, eggs, or presents. Starting with number four: Gravy. No thanksgiving is complete without this Thanksgiving staple. Reason number three: mashed Potatoes. The fluffy, delicious mashed potatoes that adorn my plate are required to accompany every bite of food to my mouth. Reason number two: Stuffing.

Nothin‟ is better than stuffin‟, except for number one. The number one reason that Thanksgiving is better than all the other holidays is Turkey. Some of you may say “but we eat Turkey on Christmas!” You are eating the Turkeys that didn‟t make the Thanksgiving cut! That is why thanksgiving rocks the face off the other holidays! By Andrew Hall, CNR

Holidays are coming Its college time again, Days for cheer and family fun But winter’s rushing in, Many travelers to places The days are getting colder, Everyone is happy to see The wind is much, much bolder. Smiling faces staring People glad they made it safe Classes are on the clock, Oh the holidays While our colds are running amok, Early classes make us want to cry, By Katelyn Kelsey, Eastside Rep As we ask ourselves, “Why? Why? Why?!” Is today the day we slip and fall? Maybe we should get on our hands and knees, and crawl. By Jenifer VonBargen, McConnell

Winter Fun-derland? Old Man Winters is coming fast this year! Here is a handy list of fun winter activities that are sure to keep you busy through to spring! Spot the Black Ice! – A fun game for your next chilly commute. See how many patches of black ice you can spot on the road before you skid over them! Get good enough and you may be able to keep your

driving license for the year! An especially fun game to play at 4-way intersections! Winter Pinball – This game is essentially the amateur version of Spot the Black Ice! In suran ce isn ‟t required to play, but highly recommended. By Cody Kinzer, Westside Rep

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS SARCASM (At least I hope it is) .

The trick or treaters may have left but some souvenirs have remained from their stay. Orange pumpkins, not the fruit. Rather the container used commonly to hold candy. My problem with this: THEY ARE SCATTERED everywhere in my hall. The bathroom, the lounge, no where seems safe…Will someone get them out of here? I am too lazy for such a task. By Mykeal Wheeler, Neely

In this issue: Four Major Players of Thanksgiving




What NOT to do in 1 your car….

Extra, Extra read all 2 about it! Holiday Season Cheer


Did you or your friends pull an allnighter?

Did you have fun doing something on or off campus?




people struggling with homesickness, printing page quotas, or managing meals?




Graffiti, SUBMIT pictures, or DRAW a cartoon! Hall points are awarded for each.

See back page for more details.

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Kerie Jo

We’re on the web! www.reshalls.org/content/graffiti-1

of guitars. At this point, I can‟t afford my personal favorite the Gibson ESDS Custom 1275. For everyone who is guitar name illiterate it‟s a double neck twelve string and six string combo that sounds absolutely amazing and was played by Jimmy Page the lead guitarist for Led Zeppelin. Overall I love to go this place where I‟m allowed to touch everything and am encouraged to blow my eardrums out while blasting out “Highway to Hell” on an 800 watt Marshall Fullstack.

Everyone has a favorite holiday. Some prefer Thanksgiving; the day where they can eat until stuffed. Others choose to take pride in celebrating the Fourth of July. However, as most of my friends already know, the Christmas season is my favorite holiday. “Why is this,” you might ask. My answer? I love shopping for my friends. Surprisingly enough, this is true. In my mind, December is the month that I can burn through cash, and not feel guilty about it. It is only November, and I have already started shopping for my closest friends! We all hear that Christmas is the season of giving. Unfortunately, most do not believe that. I hope that this Christmas season, you go out and buy a gift for your friends and family. It does not have to be anything overly extravagant. In fact, your friend may just be hoping for a matching friendship ring.

By Henry Guzman, Westside

By Krystle Stick, McCoy

M y F av o r i t e P l a c e . . . Well… I‟m back again! Today I‟m going to write about my favorite place, Guitar Center. You might be wondering what makes this guitar store so appealing? Well, I‟m here to tell you. The GC I usually hail to is a modest store that‟s home to about 200 guitars, 46 basses, 12 full drum kits and entire acoustic room that has a constant temperature of 73 degrees and 20 percent humidity. This all sounds good but what makes it truly spectacular is the entire store is hands on and they encourage you to play everything. I consistently go there to play a numerous amount

A H o l i d ay o f T h a n k f u l n e s s This year, find a sense of thankfulness in your life and have a safe trip home. Here‟s hoping that the turkey and stuffing that will fill your table this holiday season be filling an enjoyable. Remember to thank all your family and friends for being there with you and sharing a life of enjoyment. Happy Thanksgiving! By Tyler Woods, Syringa

Submit your to stuff mcc@reshalls .org or on r e s h a l l s .o r g the under Graffiti tab. If you are sendphotos, ing please don‟t embed them into Word– send them as separate a attachment.



With autumn leaves and sunny skies comes a new season of fall. This season brings not love or forgiveness but the holiday of thanks. It is when we as a community get together with family and friends to discuss what w e a re t ha nk fu l f o r . A s thanksgiving quietly approaches students are getting excited to go home and see family they probably haven‟t seen in a long time.



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So, just snip this out.

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[email protected]– Matthew

Welcome to the last issue of Graffiti until 2010! It‟s much too crazy during finals week to expect any sort of functioning on the nonstudy level. But to help out some of you with that… Is SUPER SECRET GIVEAWAY! I‟ve got five study baskets to give away, and one of them might contain a $20 Giftcard to the Bookstore. To enter just drop the form to the right in the RHA box. To enter into the „Grand Prize” category, you‟ll have to meet me in the RHA office anytime after 2 on a Wednesday (11/18) until 6 pm to hand deliver your ticket to me. Winners will be announced after “Fall Recess.” Happy Holidays!



Whichever you prefer to be contacted at for your prize)

Tel: 208.885.5948

The Smell of Finals is in the Air

The other day I saw the first flakes of winter… “SHIT” said my friend Kyle Fox. Kyle is from Portland and last year was his first ever real winter, needless to say he hated it. Now me and Kyle were walking back from the Rec center after a hard fought game of badminton, and it was bitter cold outside as the Moscow winter was trying sink its claws into our skin. A stiff wind swept around our ankles, blowing my basket ball shorts around and swooping up my legs to send a deep Moscow chill into my body. “Damn it‟s cold out son.” I said staring up at the full moon and noticing flakes. “Look son! It‟s God damn snowing!” “SHIT” was Kyle‟s reply. And as those first few flakes fell down onto the concrete, not enough to stick but still enough to be noticed, my soul was filled with warmth at the thought of tormenting my Portland friend through another harsh Moscow winter. By Josh Peters, Events Coordinator

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