The Graffiti Residence Hall Association
October 12th, 2009
In this issue:
Twas Sunday the 11th, I shall never forget Indeed a lovely morn’ till I had to shit
Beautiful Fall
Arson is not OK
I sauntered up to the lovely throne and let out a horrible groan The gleaming porcelain shone a shade of brown
Egg Nog.
Cute little faces will terrorize!
Restrooms and loo’s are just some of the names But the intent and the use is always the same
Tales of a Stranger 3
The toilet, my friend, my relief… Choking upon a wad of dung and tissue
Contact Info, Supersecret Stuff
Response: This is an Ag Town...
In Moscow: Fall=Winter
Submit your stuff! 4
Did you or your friends pull an allnighter? Did you have fun doing something on or off campus? Have advice for people struggling w i t h homesi ckness, pr i n ti n g pa ge quotas, or managing meals? WRITE for the Graffiti, SUBMIT pictures, or DRAW a cartoon! Hall points are awarded for each.
Volume 1, Issue 3
The deepest brown one can behold My spine tingled as though cold
It was a terrible sight to see But I assumed the responsible party might deal with it promptly So I retreated to avoid the misery Half a fortnight passed and the stench continued to grow The pungent odor assaulted my nostrils day and night I couldn’t bear the horror of this plight, so I took flight… TO THE 24-HOUR HELP DESK! A brave soul clad in blue soon arrived Armed only with a plunger, I hoped dearly he would survive A fearsome battle ensued but soon the toilet was no longer brown Thank the lord, I can finally sit down. By Connor (of the Engineering LLC)
all is a time of change. Things change because of nature or in other ways. The leaves start to change into bright colors that no one can resist looking at. Some of the leaves look like they could belong to the setting sun with their brilliant colors. Falling leaves are so fun to see because they colors look even more beautiful against the bright blue sky. Leaves on the ground are so fun to go run into and then throw up in the air. Everyone can do this and act like little kids. Other changes could include the weather getting colder to prepare for winter. Another change involves the kids or anyone that goes to school because they all return to school. A big change that happened to a lot of us this year was that some people moved out of state or at least out of their hometown to come to college for the first time. This was a huge change from people’s comfortable lives that they had been living before they came to college. Everyone should love the fall while it lasts because before you know it, the weather will change again. By Melisa Stilson
Another Notch... For Internet Stupidity So I was on a message board site called “Gamefaqs” a few years ago. The site is usually known for gamers sharing cheat codes for games but other topics occasionally pop up. A rather interesting topic popped up that night. Someone who called himself “Jediknight12345” was polling the board asking whether or not he should burn down his local church. I said no but the majority of my peers responded yes. The topic was soon closed but that isn’t the end of the story. Jediknight12345 came back a few days later bragging that he pulled off the feat. Jediknight12345 posted proof that he committed arson that night claiming that the message board told him to. Some other people on the message board alerted the local authorities and Jediknight12345 was arrested for arson. By Cody Kinzer
2 Spirits and Spooks All Hallow's Eve is just around the corner and Moscow is not just home to people and students but paranormal activity. Yes, some of us do know that Ridenbaugh is haunted. But that is not the only haunted school building here. It is said that Gooding Wing is haunted by ghosts. They mostly tend to the elevators. The Tower is also haunted. The Tower use to be an all girl resident hall in one point in time, but there are male ghosts haunting the
elevators there as well. There has been some recent paranormal activity in the Willey Wing. But there are other spots in Moscow that are haunted- Moscow is in a hot spot in the middle of a circle of haunted towns. There have been sitings in the cemeteries of poltergeists in Moscow and other places. So be careful on Halloween, the most activity happens at night. By Elizabeth Lockyer
Egg Nog I firmly believe that Egg Nog is the elixir of fall; once it arrives on the shelves of our supermarket refrigerators, the earth begins to show signs of autumn. Every aspect of egg nog can be viewed through nature; for example, the weather gets cold, much like the chilled egg nog in my glass. Little rodents begin to gather nuts for winter, very much like the nutmeg in my egg nog. People begin to get drunk with Thanksgiving and Christmas spirit of the holidays. This is representative of the whiskey mixed with my nog. Egg Nog is my favorite time of year! Andrew Hall
Halloween:Tower Style It's the one night of the year Ghouls and Goblins walk between the shadows of the underworld and the Earth we stand on. They knock on doors and steal your candy and if you don't have any they teepee your house with toilet paper, break windows, and perform many other mischievous acts. The only thing that stops them is little children who dress up as dragons, and bumblebees. They scare the monsters away with their laughs and their cute little faces which is the death of any man. This year they are coming to The Tower of Terror for the ultimate
challenge. Prepare to have candy or be vanquished by these kids who show no fear. The 31st is almost here and this year your room will not be teepee'd instead your halls will change to the very nature of the underworld. Your residences will portray pumpkins and vampires that take over your walls and spiders will be crawling down your windows. This is your final warning they will be here soon prepare yourselves MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!! By Tyler Woods and Katie Rowan
3 Step Right Up. Late one November night in the beautiful country of Italy, of young American woman innocently eats an gelati and walks in a bar. A man sitting at the bar, drunk as a skunk might I add, tells here to make haste and eat her cool treat because it is not allowed in that said bar. So she, thinking that that was the owner hurries and shoves the thing down her throat. Then, after nearly gagging, she takes a seat next to the man who almost killed her and catches her breath. The bartender and the man then look at each other and laugh because the whole entire thing was a practical joke. She realizes that those chuckles were towards her and becomes mighty upset. She looks at the man and says: “that was not nice. You seem like a nice man and I was a fool to believe a man like you wouldn’t do that to a tourist.” And then she turns away. The man is then filled with remorse and buys her a drink. She’s still overcome with anger and doesn’t take it but just coldly says “thanks.” Yet she’s the kind of person not to stay mad for too long and decides not to take it too hard. She takes the drink, chats it up, and at the end of the conversation the man who made her eat so fast slipped her 20 Euros for all her troubles. What a crazy night she had. A gelati, a free drink, and 20 Euros. Anonymous
Think about some of the best kisses you have ever had. Normally they are with the ones you love, the people you truly care about. Now, imagine one of those kisses—the kind that every girl dreams of, from a complete stranger. Edmonton, Alberta is a pretty big city, and you often pass by people once and never, ever see them again. In a city like that, it is important to be noticed and make impressions on people. I was dressed in my finest clothes, ready for a night on the town with my friends. Walking to meet them, I noticed a boy on the
sidewalk. He had turned the corner the same time I had and was walking towards me. There weren’t many other people on this sidewalk, so my view of him was in no way obstructed. We made eye contact and, instead of the normal, awkward look at somebody and look away thing that normally happens, we held that eye contact. He had amazing green eyes and long eyelashes. As we got closer and closer, the gaze became more and more intense. I walked right up to him and said “hi!” Instead of a reply, he got even closer to me, brushed my hair behind my ear, held the back of my neck, and kissed me. Yes, one of those kisses that dreams are made of. The kind you never forget. Once the kiss was over, he said, “bye,” and walked out of my life forever. I used to take detours going anywhere to walk along that same road in order to “accidentally” brush into him, but he was never there. To this day, I still haven’t found him. And, to this day, I can still feel his hand on the back of my neck and his lips pressing against mine. Anonymous
When I was a freshman in high school I constantly wore a German mountaineer hat that somewhat looked as if it belonged to a leprechaun. One night at a football game I was thoroughly tackled but a drunken man, seeing as I live in Emmett, Idaho it’s a rather common occurrence. But, he scared the crap out of me when he obnoxiously yelled out, “I caught a leprechaun! Where are my wishes?”Seeing as I would have to explain to an incoherent drunkard that I wasn’t a leprechaun I came up with a story of how leprechauns don’t have magic on the weekend and seeing as it was Friday night and clearly the weekend I had no wishes to grant. I am glad he was easy to fool because I am sure he would have followed me around for the rest of the night. By Henry Guzman
When entering a culture you know nothing about you believe you will do just fine, fit in, and rock out with the native culture. Well you would be wrong or at least I was. My first great journey took me from the small town of Coeur D’ Alene, Idaho and planted me in the middle of Japan, the land of the rising sun. After exiting the air port in a manner that can only be described as lost wondering mixed with broken English I met up with my cousin who would show me around Tokyo. That was quite the shocking experience as it took everything I knew as standard procedure, mixed it up, and represented itself in a foreign language both literally and metaphorically. I’m going to fast-forward my first six days for you and come to a story on my seventh. After a little under a week of traveling by bullet train up and down the country side of Japan, my aunt, uncle, and cousin decided to take me up to a small mountain side hotel. It was an exciting journey by vehicle where I got to see both monkeys and nearly have the vehicle I was riding in forced off a cliff by a Ford pick-up. It was gut wrenching but exciting as well. The country side was a beautiful mixture of jungle and mountain scenery. When arriving at the hotel we were introduced to a very nice hostess. She was taller than most Japanese women at 5’ 8” and didn’t speak a word of English, yet she would be one of the few native people I would get to have an extended conversation with. Through the next day in a half breakfast, lunch, and dinner became my most exciting parts of the day. Through the translation of my aunt and cousin I would learn about the woman’s heritage, her love for hunting, and her want of a college education after her formal education as a hostess. I learned the most about Japanese culture up to this point from my cousin, but through a complete stranger who I couldn’t even communicate with directly, I learned the views of Japanese culture outside of my simple views of Coeur D’ Alene, Idaho. By Stephen Weeks
Re sidence Hall A ssocia t ion Questions? Tel: 208.885.5948 or:
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Matthew Robb Hannah Josh Tasha Jamie Kerie Jo
Try Some Tea or Activity It’s tea season! I love the feel of a warm cup in my hand, steaming with a beverage rich in color. As I write, my Tazo “passion” beckons me with its warmth. There are lots of ways to stay cozy in Moscow, holing up at a coffee shop or lounge and playing some board games is always my favorite.
For this week’s SUPER SECRET hall points, just write me a 3-item list of your favorite games or fall/winter activities and drop it off at the RHA Office (Wallace basement) before 3 pm Friday, October 30th. Be sure to mark down your name and hall to get credit! Have a wonderful week.
We’re on the Web! Visit:
To the author of “Cowdung Discontent…” You do realize that you are living in an agricultural area right? Get with the program bub. Cows shit, so do humans! Human feces smells worse or at least it would if it weren’t for toilets. My point is that Moscow Idaho is an Ag town. That means you should be prepared for tractors on the highway, dust in the air during harvest, and yes: the sweet smell of cow poop at night when the winds change direction.
Top Left: Matt Baughman, Cody Kinzer, and Elizabeth Hess make a pit stop on the red carpet before their claiming their treat.
1. JP Schedin goes for a whopping $27 dollars to Chelsea Almas. Go Carter, Go. 2. Henry Guzman gets snazzy in his sweater-vest for the weirdest rock ever. 3. Grayson Stone and Steve Hanna show vandal Pride and… Spirit?
Date Auction!
RHA’s “Date @ 8” was a h u ge s uc c ess . Whether you were the auctioned or did the bidding, brownies and punch waited for you in the gussied up Garnet Room of the Wallace Basement. The fundraiser made over $300 for the November 2009 IACURH Conference.
Fall is Here… Ugh Anyone who has spent any amount of time in a Moscow winter knows they are inevitably filled with frost bite, broken tailbones and situational depression.
Next articles due: November 7th Theme: Holiday Season or Your Favorite Place
Submit your stuff to
[email protected] or on under the Graffiti tab. If you are sending photos, please don’t embed them into Word– send them as a separate attachment.
Moscow winter is essentially the death of nice weather, and fall is its hospice care- leaves begin to plunge, trees wither, and a dark circle of clouds close in from all angles until they finally and effectively shut off all sunlight.
As a side note: The Counseling and Testing Center has simulated sunlight for anyone needing a sunshine fix.
Winter is unavoidable. We all might as well make ourselves as comfortable as possible. Drink fluids, eat plenty of red Jell-O and try to find inner peace with unstoppable train barreling towards us. Good Luck! By Kevin Pugsley