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SC.42 ES CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA ____________________ Forty-second meeting of the Standing Committee Lisbon (Portugal), 28 September-1 October 1999


Agenda item 1.

Opening remarks by the Chairman


Acceptance of credentials Regarding members and alternate members of the Committee: credentials were accepted from the delegations of 13 Parties and were not accepted from the delegation of one alternate member (United Republic of Tanzania). Regarding other Parties: credentials were accepted from the delegations of 24 Parties and were not received from the delegation of one Party (Hungary) Regarding non-Parties: credentials were accepted from one delegation (Grenada). Regarding organizations: credentials were accepted from the observers representing one organization (European Commission).


Adoption of the Agenda The provisional agenda was adopted.


Finance and administration

4.a)Report of the Finance Subcommittee Annexes 1 to 7 and Annex 9 of document Doc. SC.42.4 were accepted, and Annex 10 was endorsed. It was agreed that funds should be provided for: an enforcement workshop in Egypt; the SIDS workshops in the Caribbean and Oceania, referred to in paragraph 8 of document Doc. SC.42.9 (Rev.); and a regional meeting in Central and South America and the Caribbean (if donor funding is not available, up to a total of CHF 270,000 (USD 180,000) from the surplus balance. 4.b)Permit confirmation The recommendation in document Doc. SC.42.4.1 was accepted. 4.c) Letterhead of the Secretariat The Committee agreed that the present compromise approach (‘old’ CITES letterhead being used only on Notifications) should continue.


4.d)Report of UNEP Document Doc. SC.42.4.2 was noted. 4.e)Request for donor approval The request in document Doc. SC.42.4.3 was approved. 5.

Preparation of the Strategic Plan for the Convention The Standing Committee agreed that the Working Group on the Strategic Plan should continue its work on refining the document, taking into account the comments made during discussion. Document Doc. SC.42.5 Annex 1 (Rev.) was accepted.


Future meetings of the Conference of the Parties


Preparations for CoP11 (UNEP, Gigiri) Document Doc. SC.42.6.1 Annexes 1 and 2 were accepted, with a suggested change to the provisional working programme, to indicate that proposals relating to flora should be discussed before proposals relating to fauna. Following discussion of the draft Rules of Procedure in Annex 3, a revised version in document Doc. SC.42.6.1 Annex 3A (Rev.) was accepted with minor amendments. Regarding sponsorship of delegates, the following text was agreed: The Standing Committee decided that, at future meetings of the Conference of the Parties, sponsorship of delegates from Parties that are entitled to financial assistance would be allocated as follows: 1. when sufficient funds are available, sponsorship will be provided for two persons, regardless of the size of delegation; 2. in cases where funds are insufficient, delegations consisting of five or more persons will not receive financial assistance; 3. if funding is then still insufficient, delegations consisting of four persons will receive sponsorship for only one person; 4. delegates from a Party’s embassy or mission in the host country shall not count as delegation members for the purposes of points 1. to 3. above. This also applies to Ministers and/or other members of governments, who do not intend to be present throughout the whole meeting.

6.b) Organizational and procedural arrangements (Decisions 10.107, 10.108) The proposed solution in Paragraph 12 in the Annex of document Doc. SC.42.6.2 was reworded to read: “If the Secretariat receives a document longer than 12 pages, it will request the Party concerned to provide the translations.” With this amendment, the document was accepted. 7.

Decisions regarding (Decision 10.111)










Implementation of the Action Plan The Standing Committee recommended that the Secretariat continue its work on refining the document, taking into account the comments made during discussion.


Consolidation of Resolutions Concerning the draft consolidated resolution on cetaceans in document Doc. SC.42.7.1, Annex 1A and Annex 1B, the texts prepared by the Secretariat fully reflect the texts of existing Resolutions on the subject. These texts should now be forwarded for consideration at CoP11, with a reservation being expressed by the representative of Asia (Japan). The Committee agreed that the draft consolidated resolution on enforcement and compliance, in document Doc. SC.42.7.1 Annex 2B, should be forwarded for consideration at CoP11. The Committee agreed that the draft consolidated resolution on non-commercial loan, donation or exchange of museum and herbarium specimens, in document Doc. SC.42.7.1 Annex 3B, should be forwarded for consideration at CoP11 with the amendments indicated by the Secretariat.


Responsibilities of members of the Plants Committee The Standing Committee accepted document Doc. SC.42.8 and requested the Secretariat to review the terms of reference of existing intersessional Committees and to submit proposals to CoP11 regarding their structure, remit and resources, consistent with the goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan, allowing sufficient flexibility for the operation of each Committee.


Small island developing States (Decision 10.112) Document Doc. SC.42.9 (Rev.) was noted.


Issues relating to species


Bears (Decision 10.65) Document Doc. SC.42.10.1 was accepted.


Elephants Documents Doc. SC. and Doc. SC. were noted.


Tiger The Committee agreed to the following approach regarding conservation of the tiger: 1. The reports of the technical missions should be transmitted by the Secretary General and the Chairman, as adapted by the Committee, to each of the range and consumer States visited, with a request to: a)

take urgent action to implement recommendations relating directly to CITES controls on trade in tiger specimens; and


consider whether recommendations.









2. The Committee should identify where political/high level missions are justified, and will “add value”, i.e. not only where it wishes further action to be taken by the State concerned but also where it can provide encouragement, especially by raising the profile of CITES and tiger conservation. 3. The members of the high-level missions and the Secretariat should prepare an overview for the CoP, including a draft action plan. Contributions to the plan should be sought from all tiger range and significant consumer States (and not only the States visited). The plan should focus on costed priorities falling within CITES principal terms of reference. 4. The Secretary General and the Chairman should seek donor funding for the action plan before CoP11, including personal approaches to key institutions, e.g. World Bank, GEF, European Commission and the Turner Foundation. 5. The report of the Technical Mission, and subsequently the draft action plan, should be formally transmitted to international bodies with a key interest in conserving tigers, including the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Global Tiger Forum and IUCN. 10.c) i)

Regarding Decision 10.66, document Doc. SC.42.10.3 was accepted, subject to arrangements set out by the Chairman.

10.c) ii)

Regarding the technical missions, document Doc. SC.42.10.4 was accepted.

10.c) iii)

Regarding the political missions, it was agreed that political missions would be made to China, India and Japan.


Rhinoceroses: indicators of conservation success (Resolution Conf. 9.14) The following was agreed. 1. The Standing Committee, taking account of the status of rhinoceros populations, continues to support the development of a standardized monitoring system for rhinoceros populations in Asia and Africa. 2. The Secretariat, in conjunction with the Management Authorities of rhinoceros range States and other parties involved in rhinoceros conservation, should assess the status and compatibility of existing monitoring systems for all key populations of all five species of rhinoceros and should inform the Standing Committee accordingly. 3. The Secretariat should further refine the proposal to establish a standardized monitoring system, which should aim to achieve maximum synergy with existing monitoring systems and to enhance national capacity to implement the system. 4. The Standing Committee requests TRAFFIC to further develop the monitoring of trade in rhinoceros parts and derivatives in end-user markets. 5. The Secretariat should submit a revised proposal for consideration at CoP11 (or the next ordinary meeting of the Standing Committee).


Approval of new projects The project proposal on conservation of caiman llanero (Crocodylus intermedius) in Colombia, in document Doc. SC.42.10.6, was approved.


10.e) i)

Status of projects presented at the 41st meeting Document Doc. SC. was accepted as an information document. It was agreed that projects for which funding is being sought should be regularly reviewed to confirm their continued need.

10.e) ii)

Status of implementation of projects Document Doc. SC. was accepted as an information document.


Review of the criteria for amendment of Appendices I and II (Resolution Conf. 9.24) A revised proposal will be submitted for consideration at CoP11, taking into account the discussion in the Committee meeting.


Implementation of the Convention in individual countries


National legislation project: progress and future development The Standing Committee endorsed the strategy outlined in document Doc. SC.42.12.1, noting that the process would still include the possibility to recommend suspensions of trade.


Implementation of Decisions 10.18 and 10.64 Egypt was congratulated for the adoption of legislation enabling it to implement the Convention fully. The Committee noted that, there being no confirmation of the adoption of the new legislation to implement CITES in Guyana, the recommendation to suspend trade in specimens of CITES species with Guyana would be sent to the Parties by the Secretariat on 30 September 1999. It was noted that, in the absence of any apparent progress towards the adoption of legislation to implement the Convention in Senegal, the recommendation to suspend trade in specimens of CITES species with Senegal would be sent to the Parties by the Secretariat on 30 October 1999.


Stricter domestic measures (Decision 10.103) Document Doc. SC.42.12.3 was accepted.


Enforcement matters Document Doc. SC.42.12.4 was noted.


Import and export controls It was agreed that document Doc. SC.42.12.5 should be deferred for discussion after CoP11.


Implementation of Resolutions Document Doc. SC.42.12.6 was accepted.


Smuggling of specimens of CITES-listed species by diplomats


Document Doc. SC.42.12.7 was noted. 13.

Transport of live animals (Resolution Conf. 10.21) Document Doc. SC.42.13 was noted.


Guidelines for the preparation and submission of annual reports (Decision 10.131) Document Doc. SC.42.14 was accepted.


Cross-border movement of live animals (Decision 10.142) The Standing Committee agreed that the Working Group established at SC 40 did not need to continue its work. The Secretariat was asked to prepare a document for CoP11 that would be available for consideration at the 43rd meeting of the Standing Committee.


Traditional medicine (Decision 10.143) Document Doc. SC.42.16 was accepted.


Synergy between the biodiversity-related convention (Decision 10.63) and relations with other organizations Document Doc. SC.42.17 was noted.


Trade in bushmeat (No decision.)


Organization of work of the Committee until CoP11; time and venue of the next meeting Next meeting: April 2000, Gigiri, Kenya.



SC.42 ES Annex First meeting of the Finance Subcommittee of the Standing Committee Lisbon (Portugal), 27 September 1999 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

1. CITES Trust Fund – Status of Contributions as of 30 June 1999 Document Doc. SC.42.4 Annex 1. The Finance Subcommittee recommended that the Standing Committee accept the document. 2. CITES Trust Fund – Income, Expenditure and Accumulated Fund Balances as of 30 June 1999 (in CHF) It was recommended that Document Doc. SC.42.4 Annex 2 be accepted for information. 3. CITES Trust Fund – Certified Accounts for 1998 and 4. UNEP/CITES Secretariat – 1998 Expenditures (Final) – in CHF Document Doc. SC.42.4 Annexes 3 and 4. The Finance Subcommittee recommended that the Standing Committee accept these annexes. 5. UNEP/CITES Secretariat – 1999 Expenditures to 30 June (Provisional) – in CHF The Secretariat outlined changes to the original document Doc. SC.42.4 Annex 5, presented in document Doc. SC. 42.4 Annex 5 (Rev.). 6. Additional Funds for Priority Activities (1999) The Finance Subcommittee recommended that the Standing Committee approve budget lines for: 1115: 1116: 1117: 3306:

Legal and Trade Policy Analyst (P4) Senior Capacity Building Officer (P4) Senior Enforcement Officer (P4) SIDS Implementation.

It was noted that budget lines 1118, Senior Enforcement Officer (P4) and 1311, Permit and Data Assessment Assistant (G5) had been approved at SC40. 7. CITES Trust Fund - Estimated Financial Requirements for the Operations of the UNEP/CITES Secretariat in the Year 2000 – in CHF The Finance Subcommittee recommended that the Standing Committee adopt document Doc. SC.42.4 Annex 7 (Rev.) with modifications to reflect the agreement in 6 above. 8. CITES Banking Arrangements Document Doc. SC.42.4 Annex 8 was deferred for discussion in the Standing Committee under Agenda Item 4d).


9. CITES Trust Fund - Estimated Financial Requirements for the Operations of the Secretariat for the Medium-term Plan 2001 – 2005 The Finance Subcommittee supported the medium-term budget as presented, taking account of the reservations discussed in item 6 above. 10. Classification Review of Posts in the Secretariat The Finance Subcommittee recommended that the Standing Committee adopt document Doc. SC.42.4. Annex 10.


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