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SUNSWEPT NEWS Volume 16, Issue 11

PASTOR’S PRAISE “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” I Thess. 5:18 I love the Thanksgiving season, because we are reminded to count our blessings and express gratitude to our Lord and to one another. This I do and give praise unto our wonderful Saviour for all His benefits toward us. I thank our Lord for each of you. Some of you labor so faithfully and do with all your might what you can to make this ministry what it is. Thank you, and I know our Lord is blessed and will also bless you. Our Harvest Day service will be on Sunday night, November 18th. Rusty Petty will be here with “Living Truth”. Most of you have heard them before and know that they will bless your heart and soul. A finger food style of eating will follow the song service. All

during the month of November, we will emphasize our Harvest Day offering. This year we are $13, 456.08 behind on our annual budget and with each week of low tithes and offerings, that figure grows. If our goal would be to catch up on this short fall, then to God be the glory for great things He has and WILL do! Please pray about this and ask our Lord what He would require of each of us. The deacons are in the process of interviewing some prospective men to be ordained before they will be presented to the Church for your vote. Pray for this very important decision. Thank you again for your expression of love to Eleanor and I as you always have done. We love you and praise God for you. Pressing on, Your Pastor, J.A.K.

November 2007

Reaching Out “2007, help prepare others for Heaven.”

We had a great youth revival, lives were changed, and decisions were made. I thank everyone for your prayers and support in this area of Outreach. Also, the “Way of the Master” class is going great. If you have not been able to come, I would encourage you to at-

We had 24 present at our O c t o b e r m e e t i n g . Bro. James brought a wonderful devotion from the book of Ecclesiastes. We enjoyed good food & fellowship— of course we always have that!

tend if at all possible. It Larry Hitesman r e a l l y Outreach Min. teaches us an easy and practical way to share our faith. The class is at 5:00 on Sunday nights in the sanctuary. Look forward to seeing you there. Love in Christ, Larry

We will meet Nov. 8th at 6:00 p.m. at the church for a potluck meal. We invite everyone 55+ who isn’t coming to attend for a time of good Christian fellowship. Till Next Time, B.G.P.

Sunswept Baptist Church PERMIT NO. 83 Sunswept Baptist Church PERMIT NO. 83 205 Sunswept Drive NON-PROFIT ORG 205 Sunswept Drive NON-PROFIT ORG Union City TN 38261 UNION CITY TN 38261 Union City TN 38261 UNION CITY TN 38261 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods and two of them fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered around the pit. When they saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all of their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?" The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time. This story teaches two lessons: 1. There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day. 2. A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill them. Be careful of what you say.

Speak life to those who cross your path. The power of words—it is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Anyone can speak words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in difficult times. Special is the individual who will take the time to encourage another. Be special to others.

It takes courage To refrain from gossip When others delight in it, To stand up for the absent person Who is being abused. It takes courage To live honestly Within your means, And not dishonestly On the means of others. It takes courage To be a Real man or a True woman, To hold fast to your ideals When it causes you To be looked upon As strange and peculiar. It takes courage To be talked about, And remain silent, When a word would justify you In the eyes of others, But which you dare not speak Because it would injure another. It takes courage To refuse to do something That is wrong Although everyone else May be doing it With attitudes as carefree As a summer song. It takes courage To live according To your own convictions, To deny yourself What you cannot afford. To love your neighbor As yourself, To follow the example Of our risen Lord! —Author Unknown

God’s timing is neat. It seems that God is at work in our church making us more conscious of the lost condition of the world and giving us a greater concern for it. We need that. Without a broken heart for the lost, we will not be effective witnesses if we witness at all. We are currently learning an effective way to witness on Sunday nights at 5 PM as we have been going through a Bible study called “The Way of the Master.” You are not too late to join the class. You should start now. You owe it to your lost family, friends, & neighbors to learn how to witness. Don’t wait until it’s too late to get busy telling them about Jesus. The youth ministry is also still rollin’. I like what I see the Lord doing in our students. We have a good group of teenagers who are becoming more and more committed to the Lord and His church. We have students getting up and coming to Sunday school leaving their parents behind. We have students coming every Wednesday Night at 6 PM to practice drama. We have been taking a good number to the Obion County Nursing Home every month to love on those people. We had 17 teenagers help at the annual Celebrate Life on October 31st to help run games and serve the children. Please encourage our youth every chance you get.

Got Questions? Call Brandon 885-8525

Express your appreciation f or the ir faithfulness because it will breed more of it. Mark your calendars for th e f oll o win g November activities: November 6 : Youth go to the Obion County Nursing Home. We will leave the church at 6 PM. Come and help us love on those sweet people. November 25: Stu dent-led service. Please come and support our youth as they lead worship & present drama. November 30: Third Day / Jars of Clay Concert in Murray, KY. We will leave around 5 PM. Tickets are $15 and there are only a few left. Don’t miss out. Special thanks: We had a great youth revival. Thanks to all those that attended, prayed for it, and helped set up for it. I especially appreciate Lacy & Shelia Clayton that helped coordinate food, Lee Wisdom for running the sound, and Danny & Sybil Leggett for staying late and helping clean up. Thanks also to the youth that came to pass out flyers about our Saturday night service. Stay tuned for more youth news and stuff going on. Thanks for your support. We are here for youth.

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