06_09_25-- Sanctification And Sabbath Keeping

  • May 2020
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February 4, 1999 Eric, In your (and other’s?) paper(s) on Sanctification, you and others write only one of the definitions of it and most of the references you refer to are not appropriate for your theories. You contradict yourself when you stated several times that Sanctification is done at true Christian Salvation, state in other places about living righteously after Salvation is Sanctification, and state in other places about the Sanctification blessings after Salvation. You also indicate in many places that becoming sanctified [more and more Christ-like (righteous or God-pleasing)] is not instant or automatic or natural. Your paper is not in logical and easy-to-understand order, and is very sarcastic. Also, I never said or wrote that Sanctification comes from the Law or Sabbath-keeping or any type of self-righteous living. It is also not from the Holy Spirit as you contend without any Bible verses that state such; the Holy Spirit will guide any trusting and obedient believer to complete Sanctification. Remember the hymn, “Trust and Obey” and “I Surrender All”. Those are not songs just for Salvation!! Why did Jesus even have to learn obedience when He was in human form? I can claim to be saved, Heaven-bound, and possess eternal life without being 100% righteous or sanctified because of many many verses. Your (or your friend’s or wife’s?) “Bottom Line” statement on the last page is not grammatically or theologically correct and the following death-bed conversion statement is not appropriate to the issue. Believe it or not, we have very few differences about the true Christian doctrines of Salvation and Sanctification? But you have an attitude problem and a serious misunderstanding of the reasons why it is best for Christians to keep the Sabbath with the right attitudes and purposes. Such is wonderful and you are missing out. Your note on the small yellow papers is full of false accusations as your recent writings to me, which is not Christlike or Holy Spirit-like. You haven’t read my courses about Christian living and you obviously did not understand the limited purposes of the papers I gave you!! The Great Commission includes teaching for the sanctifying of believers. You liked and approved everything I gave you before I told you what church I was attending. The change is because I informed you that I have been very blessed keeping the Sabbath since July 18th. I will now do 2 Timothy 3:23, Titus 3:9-11, and 2 Timothy 3:5 in relation to you. I am ready for the Second Coming even though I am not become complete sanctified yet; I don’t think you are ready for the Second Coming or even to be ordained. Nancy is not a college graduate, but she said that you don’t write as if you are very educated. I had a hard time with those papers you gave me to edit because of such lack. I am not stating any condemnation, but I pray for your sake that you will understand the exhortations stated and implied in this letter and my past responses to your criticisms. Sincerely, Bill 2 Peter 3:14-18

A Poem That Teaches JUSTIFICATION frees from sin. SANCTIFICATION frees from the power of sin. GLORIFICATION frees from the presence of sin. JUSTIFICATION is for the repentant sinner. SANCTIFICATION is for the surrendered disciple. GLORIFICATION is for the victorious saint. JUSTIFICATION takes care of the past. SANCTIFICATION takes care of the present. GLORIFICATION takes care of the future. JUSTIFICATION changes the attitude. SANCTIFICATION changes the character. GLORIFICATION changes us from mortal to immortal. In JUSTIFICATION, Jesus is our Saviour. In SANCTIFICATION, Jesus is our Lord (Master). In GLORIFICATION, Jesus is our glorious King. JUSTIFICATION is our title to Heaven. SANCTIFICATION is our fitness for Heaven. GLORIFICATION is our entrance to Heaven.

-Author Unknown

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