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2009 Graduates Every year, we are so blessed to have such wonderful seniors who are a part of the Lebanon Road family. Over the next few weeks, we will be taking a little time to recognize our seniors in their achievements and their outstanding character. Rachel Pugh will be graduating from David Lipscomb Campus School as The Graduate of Distinction with the Algebra II Award, the Geometry Award, the Scientific Investigation Award, and Cum Laude in Latin. She is a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta and a member of the Service club. Rachel received an academic scholarship to David Lipscomb

University and will be majoring in Nursing. Along with Rachel’s many academic achievements, she has also excelled in High School Softball. She has been All District in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. Rachel was a major contributor to her team winning District Champions in both 11th and 12th grade. Even in Softball, her schooling has been recognized by achieving All Academic Team in 11th and 12th grade. Leslie Frizzell is also graduating from David Lipscomb Campus School and will continue her education at Freed Hardeman University in the fall, majoring in education.

Leslie excelled in several areas. She was in the National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Standing Room Only—Drama Club, Art Club and Service Club. Leslie has spent her summers as a lifeguard at the Wave pool and is now working at the Dinner Bell. Rachel and Leslie have been strong participants in our youth group activities and great spiritual leaders to their peers. They always contribute in class with well-thought questions and responses. I am very proud of their accomplishments! I look forward to seeing what they will do for God’s Kingdom in the future! —JD Buckner

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Church of Christ 2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918 www.lebanonroadchurchofchrist.org

Volume 57, No.20

May 17, 2009

VBS: Just One Month Away! Our annual Vacation Bible School will be finishing one month from today (June 17)! We will begin on Sunday night, June 14, and we will be studying the life of Christ from a slightly different angle. Our theme is “AD 33 Tours: Walking Where Jesus Walked,” and our focus is on the culture behind Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Please take note that we are changing the time of our VBS this year. Each night (including Sunday and Wednesday) we will be starting at 6:30. For those with small children, this will be a great help. We know some work until 6 or later, but we are simply

trying out this time for one year to see if it helps our families. There are so many areas where help is needed, but we are “on track” for a great VBS! Our young people need to be inviting friends and neighbors, but they shouldn’t be the only ones inviting others. We all can encourage someone to attend. We are going to have four or five ladies in charge of snacks for each night, instead of having the same ladies over every night. They deserve to hear our speakers, too! If you can “coordinate” a night (Wednesday is already spoken for), please let

Adam Faughn me know. We will also have more information about refreshments available in the coming weeks. Above all, be praying for our VBS. Our teachers are hard at work, and they will make this a special week. Our adult speakers are preparing tremendous lessons. We have four speakers coming who truly love God’s Word and are excited about coming to Lebanon Road to encourage and teach us. Pray for each of these as the time draws near. Finally, make sure your calendar has “VBS” written across June 14-17. Your prayers and presence will help make “AD 33 Tours” a wonderful week!

Elders Johny Baker 758-7654 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Ted Fox 754-7607 Charles Myers 883-6837 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

Pulpit Minister Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister Harry Middleton 292-3164

Youth Minister Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

Sunday Sermon Preview AM: When I’m Not Selected PM: Hannah: A Portrait of Trust

JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

The Sick

Worship Leaders

Peggy Stewart is recovering at home following back surgery.

Sunday Morning (Contact: Bill 847-1113) Opening Prayer: Mark Pugh Closing Prayer: Cliff Wilson Read Scripture: Tony Grigsby Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: John Smith Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Lindon Stanley 1 Jimmy Owen 2 Joel Ledbetter 3 Joe Adams 4 Sonny Gossett 5 Tim Mullican 6 Ronnie Oakley 7 Bob Petty 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Tony 885-6391) Opening Prayer: Sammie Hunter Closing Prayer: Lon Keele Read Scripture: Rich Deppisch Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Scotty Studer Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) Wayne Gordon 1 Gary Schow 2

Sympathy We express our sympathy to Jean McIndoo on the passing of her mother, Dorothy Newman. Her funeral was Monday in Henderson, Kentucky. We also express our sympathy to Martha Wright at the passing of her brother-in-law, Paul Wright.

Thank You Dear Lebanon Road church family, Please accept our thanks for the prayers, the beautiful plant, the cards all the visitors at the funeral home and the delicious meal served to us after the funeral. We appreciate everything so much. Roberta Peach and Family Words cannot express how grateful we are for the many calls, cards, visits and meals. Your encouraging words have been a great blessing. Thank you for “storming Heaven’s gate” on Jeremy’s behalf. God Is

Good, Heather Shea & Jeremy Lamb I just want to say thank you for the prayers, visits, calls, food and cards during my recent surgery. Love,

Estelle Sullivan Dear Lebanon Road Members, Thank you so much for the prayers, cards and phone calls during my recent back surgery and recovery. Jerri Cox Wilhite

Congregational Potluck Sunday, May 17th Immediately following Bible Class Bring your favorite dishes and enjoy lunch together. Drinks and paper products will be furnished.

Vacation Bible School “Walking Where Jesus Walked” June 14-17 Page 2

Wednesday, May 20th Read Scripture: Opening Prayer: Speaker: Song Leader:

by Harry Middleton

(Contact: Tim 883-4343) Alan Witt Jim Schroeder Adam Faughn Philip Autry

Announcements: Harry Middleton - Charles Myers Nursery Attendants Nancy & Jessica Markwood

THE FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRAYER Prayer is composed of four elements: supplication, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise. Supplication is an earnest entreaty. “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints” (Ephesians 6:18). Intercession is an appeal in behalf of others. “Now I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me” (Romans 15:30). “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you” (2 Thessalonians 3:1). Thanksgiving is an expression of gratitude for favors received. “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20). “Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:1718). Praise is the sincere outpouring of adoration. Jesus, in the model prayer, said, “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed by thy name” (Matthew 6:9).


Mark Your Calendar... May17: Potluck following Bible class May 17: Heartland—Scotty Studer, Philip Autry, Tom Brown and Jack Steele May 17: Camp meeting at 4:30 for ALL camp staff May 31: Graduation Banquet

The Record

June 14-17: VBS 2009 - 6:30PM each night!!!

Sunday Morning Worship:


Sunday Evening Worship:


Sunday Bible Study:


Wednesday Night:




July 1: Special Prayer Service—More details to follow July 5-10: Summer Camp at Valley View July 20-26: Mission Trip to Beech Island, SC— See JD for more details

JD’s Column Hello to you this week! It is my privilege this week to note the achievements of many of our young people. Here are some of their achievements in no particular order. Jessica Markwood: Distinguished Scholar, Principal’s List 4.0+GPA, President’s Award for Educational Excellence, Excellence in School Theatre for Outstanding Ensemble, Excellence in Prop Leadership. Mallory Reaves: Distinguished Scholar, Principal’s List 4.0+GPA, President’s Award for Educational Excellence. Ashley Witt: French I Award. John Thomas Baker: Straight A’s last Semester. Madelyn Hill: Perfect attendance, Inducted into the National Honors Society. Joseph Barefoot: National Honor Society, Sophomore class Bible Award. Rebecca Hill: Graduating with Honors. Jarrod Barefoot: Perfect Attendance and Honors. Rachel Pugh: The Graduate of Distinction, AllAcademic Athletic Team for Fast Pitch Softball, Academic Scholarship to Lipscomb University. Kayla Roberts: Perfect Attendance, Home Room Representative, State Recognition for Duke Talent Identification Program, FAME Drama Club Service Award. Tori Schow: National Junior Honors Society, Student Council Representative, Principal’s List/ Honor Roll All Year, Christian Character Award Winner. Courtney Roberts: Department Awards for Honors Chemistry, Honors Latin II, and Honors Algebra II, National Latin Exam Gold Award, Fifth Place in TN for Latin Vocabulary, Fourth Place in TN for Latin II reading Comprehension, First in TN for Latin Certamen Team. Cassidy Schow: Student Council Representative, Principal’s List/Honor Roll All Year, PE Award for Best Sportsmanship. Nathan Pugh: Top Tenor Award We know more members of our youth group received awards and those listed achieved even more this year than what is written. We are so proud of our young people. Thank you very much for being so wonderful! --JD :) Page 3

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