04 - How Does Fourth Dimension Work

  • April 2020
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MISION CARISMATICA AL MUNDO www.mcmcolombia.org Cali: Administrador

¿HOW DOES FOURTH DIMENSION WORK? By: Jorge Villavicencio Introduction: Gen. 1:2 "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. " There are occasions when our lives are also disordered, empty and in darkness. The term “he moved on the face of the waters", in Hebrew it means incubation. Humanly we live limited by dimension of time, space and material thing, and in our human condition we cannot modify it. We can only make it from a superior dimension, that of the Holy Spirit and through achieving that the chaos, the disorder and the darkness are transformed in an order world and blessing in our life.

¿HOW DOES FOURTH DIMENSION WORK? | www.mcmcolombia.org

The Holy Spirit is a higher dimension and he can change the third dimension: The Holy Spirit is a higher authority that can change time, space or the material thing through the incubation which is the same thing that hen does with the eggs. Roman 5:17: "For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)." Only Jesus Christ, who then sent to us the Holy Spirit, can give us the authority to do what He did: to dominate on all the things. We should govern on the time, the space and the material thing, that is to say, on the third dimension. Ephesians 1:22-23 "And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that fillet all in all." We are those that we tell to the principalities and imperious what to make, not them to us. Ephesians 3:10: "To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God." The third dimension (the material thing) is visible; the fourth dimension (the spiritual thing) is invisible


HOW DOES IT WORKS: The fourth dimension is the power of the Holy Spirit. The invisible thing can govern the visible thing. All born again believer has the fourth dimension power in himself. EXAMPLES: Numbers 13:31-33; 14:1-9: The 10 spies were seen themselves as lobsters but Joshua was never in the third dimension. Genesis 15:5-6: Abram caught the vision that God gave him, he looked at the stars and he believed. Matthew 15:32-38: Jesus lived in the fourth dimension; his 12 still lived in third o'clock. Exodus 16. 8-13: Moses spoke to them saying that they looked for Jehovah that He would provide them.

Holy Spirit Thinking: My thoughts should govern on the third dimension through the word. I cannot renovate the mind on the outside of the Word. (Romans. 12:2) Change your way of thinking so that you change your way to live and end up knowing the will of God and his power. Anecdote: The genius of the automobile, Henry Ford, once conceived a revolutionary drawing for a new motor. We know it now as the V-8 motor. Ford was anxious of putting this new idea in production. He put some men to draw his ideas and then he presented them to the engineers. When the engineers examined the drawings, one to one had the same conclusion: their visionary boss didn't know much about the fundamental principles of engineering. They told him with all kindness that his dream was impossible. Ford said: "Manufacture it in any way". They answered: "But it is impossible". "Make it", Ford ordered, "and works until you achieve it, it doesn't care how long it is required." For six months they fought drawing after drawing, design after design. Nothing. Six more months. Nothing. A the end of the year, Ford met with his engineers, and once again they told him that what he wanted was impossible. Ford told

¿HOW DOES FOURTH DIMENSION WORK? | www.mcmcolombia.org



them to continue. They continued. And they discovered how to build a V-8 motor. Ford and his engineers lived under the same sky, but they didn't have the same horizon. Holy Spirit Visions and dreams : People without vision perish. Holy Spirit Faith: To use the Word of God. Holy Spirit Prayer: To pray the promises.

¿HOW DOES FOURTH DIMENSION WORK? | www.mcmcolombia.org

Holy Spirit Language: What you say will be made.


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