04 Habitation Rocks

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 13
HABITATION PAY MORE INTEREST TO UNDERSTANDING YOUR HOME A good home offers comfort, shelter and protection.

Through the glacial and inter glacial periods during the Pleistocene – 2 million years ago, man moved in and out of caves that provided comfort, shelter and protection against the harsh conditions of Stone age life. Some of the earliest definitive evidence of cave dwellers dates from around 800,000 years ago at the site of Atapuerca in northern Spain. A single stone age cave in the lime stone of Lebanon was a stone age tool making site for probably 50000 years. It yielded a million pieces of flint, stone axes and arrow heads. The 100, 000 year old bones of Neanderthal man were first discovered in the Feldhofer caves in the valley of the Neander River in Germany in 1856. The bones of Cro Magnon man were also first discovered in a cave at the foot of a hill of Cro Magnon in France. The remains of Peking man were discovered in the collapsed caves of Chou-k’ou-tien in eastern China. Thor caves in the English Pennines provide reindeer bones left by Palaeolithic Man in the bottom layers followed above by beads and beakers of the Bronze Age and then fragments and pottery of the Iron Age.


Homo erectus

THE CAVE DWELLERS The bones of our forefathers preserved in caves bind us to our roots.

Neanderthal man.

Cro Magnon man


Bhimbetka (600 caves) identified by Dr V S Wakankar in 1958, When the melt of the Ice Age allowed man to wander out of caves, to forage and migrate, and when the human genome was still a bean that hadn't sprouted into sapiens, something big was happening in Bhimbetka. All kinds of Stone Age man (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Chalcolithic and Neolithic) had begun to draw their primordial wallpaper in these caves.


Caves at Ani, East Turkey provided shelter for man 4000 Years ago.

The Dead sea scrolls were found in these caves in Khirbet Kumran - Judaea west of Jordan’s Dead Sea

Mesa Verde West USA – Protective site for entire village

Goreme caves, Turkey Rain washed conical soft volcanic ash towers, hollowed out from inside as dwelling places

The complex layers of paintings found in rock-shelters in northeastern Zambia indicate: homes of stone-using hunters became the shrines of invading farmers.

Kanheri Caves once a monastery – 109 caves near Bombay stirred Swami Vivekananda deeply

Petra, Jordan - a monastery was carved into rock 2,000 years ago.


AJANTA CAVES( 30 caves carved out of the sides of a steep ravine) are famous for their frescoes, and also contain a significant amount of sculptural work. The caves were painted between the 2nd century BC and the 7th century AD on the feeling of the kinship of all living things.

Great Pyramid of Giza Between 2551 BC - 2528 BC, 2.3 million blocks were used to build the Great Pyramid, with an average weight of about 2.5 metric tons per block. The largest block weighs as much as 15 metric tons. Smooth exterior of the pyramid was made of a fine grade of white limestone that was quarried across the Nile. the Great Sphinx was carved from the bedrock where it stands around 2500 BC and is part of Giza's Khafre pyramid complex.

Stone Henge circular setting of large standing silicified sandstones surrounded by an earthwork beginning about 3100 BC by Neolithic, stone age people, construction with additions were made in 2100 BC and then in 1550 BC.

BUILDING WITH BRICKS ƒBlock of clay or other ceramic used for construction and decorative facing. ƒMay be dried in the sun but are more usually baked in a kiln. ƒThey cost relatively little, resist dampness and heat, and can last longer than stone. ƒSome bricks are made of special fireclays for use in fireplaces or ovens. ƒOthers may be made of glass or they may be textured or glazed. ƒFactory made in vast quantities, it continues to be a versatile building material. The oldest architectural remains in India are buildings of burnt brick found at Mohenjo-Daro and Harappā (now in Pakistan), 4500 years ago.

•Ishtar Gate in about 575 BC in Babylon, is made of glazed brick tiles. Mohenjo Daro

Temple of the Sun God made of layers of clay faced with stone. It stands more than 61 m (200 ft) high.

Persians and the Chinese built in brick, for example, the Great Wall of China.

The Taj Mahal is built of brick and covered with marble facing.

Village Bengal-Joyrambati

Mud Buildings in the Hadhramaut region of Yemen with bricks made of mud and grass.

Rock fortifications Jaisalmer,

Western wall - Jerusalem

High-rise structural systems of reinforced concrete. It all began with the French gardener Joseph Monier's 1867 patent for large concrete flowerpots reinforced with a cage of iron wires.

Cement – Primary raw materials calcium oxide, (CaO) – limestone and chalk, silica (SiO2) – Clays, shales, slates, and estuarine muds & alumina (Al2O3). Additional raw materials – silica sand, iron oxide (Fe2O3), - bauxite (containing Al[OH]3) ,gypsum, used to control the setting time of the cement kaolin, white clay (as the component for white cement)

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