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Pictorial Directory Doesn’t it make for some great memories when you are able to go back through old directories and “remember when?” Help us make our pictorial directory complete. The directory committee is working hard to make sure this is the best directory yet. Appointments are still available for Monday, April 13 and Tuesday, April14. Appointments are being made in the foyer prior to services, or you may call the office at 8836918.

Maybe you need a ride or don’t drive after dark. Don’t let this stop you. We have very capable volunteers who will pick you up and take you home. Each family will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and directory just for participating! The directory is a wonderful tool to assist each of us in getting to know one another and share information.

are able to look through the directory and see the different missions we support, our leaders in the church, youth activities, fellowship events and just the church family as a whole. Each of you is a vital part of the Lebanon Road family and the entire family is needed to make this project a complete success.

LEBANON ROAD CHURCH OF CHRIST Non-Profit Org US Postal Paid Nashville, TN

Current Resident or

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

Church of Christ 2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918 www.lebanonroadchurchofchrist.org

Volume 57, No.13

March 29, 2009 Elders

Philippians 1:3

Johny Baker 758-7654

Adam Faughn how thankful we are.

Directories are also a great outreach tool. Many times visitors ask if we have extra directories available. They

2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214

Lebanon Road

I try often to say something from the pulpit (or in this column) about how wonderful Lebanon Road is. This truly is a fantastic family of which I am blessed to be a part. Writing to a congregation he greatly loved, Paul said, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you” (Philippians 1:3). I know that feeling. We travel quite a bit, but our hearts are still here. Today is our 52nd Sunday at Lebanon Road. On March 31, we will complete our first year working alongside you in God’s army. There is simply no way we could truly tell you

First, we are thankful to God. We truly believe He is behind our “finding” Lebanon Road, and we know He is behind the work here. He truly is good, and we pray that He will continue to bless this congregation. Second, we are thankful for Jesus, who bought the Church. He is the only reason we have unity and love, and I’m thankful He left us an example to follow. Third, we are thankful for the Holy Spirit, Who inspired our guidebook, the Bible. He gave us all things we need to live, and inspired amazing men to write the words needed for our lives.

best preacher’s family any man could ever have. Leah is so supportive, and does a tremendous work in molding our two treasures. Finally, I’m thankful for each of you. We love all members of this congregation. While we still struggle to learn names, please know that we love you. Each one who worships, and all who work hard, are vital to the life of this congregation. One year is complete. If God blesses us with more, we will be grateful. From our elders, to our deacons, to each worker, we thank God for you!

Fourthly, I’m thankful for my family. Leah, Mary Carol and Turner are the

Sunday Sermon Preview AM: When We Preach (Adam Faughn) PM: (Young Men)

Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Ted Fox 754-7607 Charles Myers 883-6837 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

Pulpit Minister Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister Harry Middleton 292-3164

Youth Minister JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

The Sick

Worship Leaders

by Harry Middleton

JD’s Column

Ailene Crowell is at Imperial Manor room 223B. Curt Hickey will be having surgery on Tuesday at Centennial. Hilda Thomas is at McKendree Manor room 283N.

Sunday Morning (Contact: Carlos 889-3185) Opening Prayer: David Cook Closing Prayer: Johny Baker Read Scripture: Tim Roberts Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Scotty Studer Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Dewey Carpenter 1 Robert Cannon 2 Bob Butler 3 Ron Bacon 4 Philip Denny 5 Keith LeSuer 6 Tim Mullican 7 Lindon Stanley 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Marion 883-5038) Opening Prayer: Young Men Closing Prayer: Young Men Read Scripture: Young Men Sermon: Chris LaFever (Summer Intern) Song Leader: Young Men Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) Paul Smith 1 Jim Schroeder 2


Hello again, friends!

Sympathy We express our sympathy to both Martha Francis on the passing of her sister, Gay Martin, and to Edna Brown and the passing of her sister, Agnes Brown.

Thank You... To all my brothers and sisters in the Lord, I want to thank every one of you for the love, kindness, prayers, cards, phone calls and the food given to me while I was in the hospital and upon returning home. I love you all,

Tom Steen Don and I wish to thank everyone for your love and concern for us during our recent medical tests. Thanks for the calls, cards, but most of all your prayers. We are grateful to be a part of such a loving and caring congregation. Yours in Christ, Don & Margie Morris

Time Saver Supper Wednesday, April1 1st 5:30-6:30 Potato & Salad Bar with Cheese Muffins $4 per person $15 family max RSVP on your attendance card today

Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, April 5th Two Rivers Park 1 year olds—2nd grade Info sheets available in classrooms

Spring Golf Scramble Saturday, April 18th Ravenwood Country Club Sign ups are on the tables

Have you seen the Forest City, NC Mission Information Book ?

Wednesday, April 1st Read Scripture: Opening Prayer: Speaker: Song Leader:

(Contact: Billy 642-6817) Greg Holland Tommy Moore Adam Faughn Scotty Studer

The schedule to begin door knocking that was announced in this space last week had to be changed. The group met last Saturday and discussed the program and how it should look and be carried out. It was decided to wait until we had acquired a professional looking brochure to distribute, to totally familiarize ourselves with introduction and conversation at the door, to make sure our teams were arranged properly and to wait for help and suggestions from those who have distributed literature in Mississippi and Georgia. We have a meeting scheduled for 9:00 O’clock a.m. Saturday April 4, 2009. We have approximately twenty (20) who have expressed a desire to be a part of the program. We would love to have about twice that many for the meeting on the 4th. As I expressed and emphasized in my lesson last Sunday evening: It will demand gratitude for your own salvation; a since of responsibility such that the apostle Paul expressed in Romans 1:14-16 and First Corinthians 9:16; and a deep concern for the lost of the world! There will be no Visitation meeting tonight.

This weekend is our Spring Retreat at Short Mtn. Bible Camp. Our intern, Chris LaFever will be with us as we work at Short Mtn. I hope many of you are joining us this Saturday to help work at the camp. We need your help. Please pray we have a great and safe weekend. In conjunction with this weekend, the young men and Chris will also be conducting the services Sunday night. Please pray for our young men daily. Also, if there are any young men who would like to participate in the service, please let me know! Many have signed up to host devos for this year. Please continue to sign up! Thank you very much! --JD :) Hosts for Devos are needed on the following dates April 26th May 17th July 26th August 9th August 23rd September 13th September 27th October 4th October 18th November 29th

Mark Your Calendar...

Announcements: Harry Middleton & Earl Flynn

April 1: Time Saver Supper

Nursery Attendants: Kim Schow and Stephanie Hargrove

April 5: Easter Egg Hunt at Two Rivers

The Record

April 18: Spring Golf Scramble

April 8-14: Pictorial Directory Pictures taken April 19: After Taxes Dinner

Sunday Morning Worship:


Sunday Evening Worship:


Sunday Bible Study:


Wednesday Night:


July 5-10: Summer Camp at Valley View



July 20-26: Mission Trip to Beech Island, SC—See JD for more details

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May 8-9: Ladies Retreat at Cedars of Lebanon—Sign up Soon! June 14-17: VBS 2009

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