031507`www Parks Sfgov Org`wcm Recpark`rpc Agenda

  • August 2019
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RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION “CULTIVATING THE FUTURE OF SAN FRANCISCO” NOTICE OF RULE CHANGE TO BE HEARD AT THE 825TH REGULAR MEETING OF THE RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 2007, 2:00 P.M. CITY HALL, ROOM 416 RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION BYLAWS Discussion and possible action to amend the Recreation and Park Commission Bylaws to:1) change the regular meeting date to the first and third Thursday of each month and 2) amend the “Rules of Order” to include two new items – “Agenda Setting” and “Communications”. (ACTION ITEM)

RULES OF THE RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND TERMS OF OFFICE The Recreation and Park Commission shall elect a President and Vice President at its Regular Meeting in January of each year. The term of the office shall be one year. In the event of the death, resignation, removal or disability of the President, the Vice President shall preside until an election for President can be held at the next Regular meeting of the Recreation and Park Commission. In the event of the death, resignation, removal or disability of the Vice President, the President will designate a member of the Commission to serve as the Vice President until an election can be held. Upon the failure or inability of the President to designate a Vice President, the most senior Commissioner in terms of service shall act as Vice President until an election can be held.


To preside at all Commission meetings.


To create or abolish Committees and to appoint all Committees and their members.


To set the agenda for Commission meetings in consultation with the General Manager. All Commissioners may, through the Commission Secretary, recommend items for placement on the Commission agenda.


The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President, or when the President designates the Vice President to act in his or her place. In the absence of both the President and the Vice President, the most senior Commissioner in terms of service shall act as President.

MEETINGS It is the goal of the Commission to distribute notices seven days prior to the date of the Regular Meeting in order to give the public adequate notice. Failure to meet this goal shall not prevent the Commission from holding a meeting that is otherwise noticed in accordance with state and

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local law. The meeting notices must contain a meaningful description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. The agenda shall specify the time and location of the meeting and shall be posted at the front entry to McLaren Lodge, 501 Stanyan Street, on the Department website and with the Government Information Center at the San Francisco Public Library. Attendance Policy As each individual Commissioner’s expertise is highly respected and a critical function to a qualitative outcome on setting policy, it is the goal of the members of this Commission to have full attendance at all meetings. Unless excused, all members of the Commission shall be in attendance for each regular, special or recessed meeting of the Commission. No member shall leave the Commission meeting while in session without permission of the presiding officer. Prior notification of absence from a Commission meeting constitutes an excused absence. An absence due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness or an emergency shall also qualify as an excused absence where the member reports such absence to the Commission Secretary as soon as reasonably possible. If a Commissioner misses a meeting without contacting the Commission Secretary in advance or when a Commissioner has missed three meetings in a fiscal year, whether the absence is excused for any reason other than illness or an emergency, the Commission Secretary shall contact the Mayor’s commissions’ liaison. Moreover, the Commission Secretary shall, at the end of each fiscal year, submit an annual report to the Mayor’s office with a copy to each Commissioner, detailing commission attendance. In the event of any conflict between any provision of this policy and any provision of a City ordinance or other applicable law (collectively, "Laws") governing the Policy Body that establish more stringent attendance requirements for members of the Policy Body, the conflicting provision of such Laws shall govern. Special Meetings The Commission will issue notices of Special meetings of the Commission 72 hours prior to the date of the Special Meeting. The Special Meeting shall be held at the regular meeting place City Hall, (Room 416) except that the Commission may designate an alternate meeting place provided that the notice designating the alternate meeting place is issued 15 days prior to the date of the Special Meeting. Regular Meetings Regular meetings of the Recreation and Park Commission shall be held on the First and Third Thursday of each month at City Hall, (Room 416) at 2:00 P.M., except when the President decides that is not necessary to convene the regular meeting. If the regularly scheduled meeting falls on a Legal Holiday, the meeting must take place on the next business day after the Holiday. If the Commission cancels its regular meeting and, instead, holds a Special Meeting on a Thursday other than the First or Third Thursday of the month, the Commission will make every effort to approve the Special Meeting at an earlier regular monthly meeting and to provide public notice at least two weeks in advance of the Special Meeting. It is the intention of the Commission to exercise this option sparingly and only when it is required for the most efficient operation of the Department. Recording of Meetings

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Regular Meetings or Special Meetings of the Commission shall be recorded. The recording of those portions of the meeting held in open session shall be a public record subject to inspection and shall not be erased or destroyed for at least thirty calendar days. Committee meetings need not be recorded. Minutes of Meetings The Commission Office shall maintain written minutes of Commission meetings. Draft minutes of each meeting shall be available for inspection and copying upon request no later than ten working days after the date of the meeting. The Committees of the Commission shall not maintain written minutes of the proceedings but shall keep an action calendar detailing the action taken by the Committee. Public Testimony Members of the public shall be allowed to give testimony at Commission and Committee meetings on any item on the agenda prior to or during consideration of that item by the Recreation and Park Commission or any of its Committees. Except where the limit is waived by the President, public testimony shall be limited to three members per speaker. here reasonable under the circumstances, the President may limit public testimony to less than three minutes per person. Public Comment At each meeting there shall be an opportunity for members of the public to directly address the Commission or Committee on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission or Committee but that do not appear on the agenda. Except where the limit is waived by the President, public comment is limited to three minutes per speaker. Where reasonable under the circumstances, the President may limit public comment to less than three minutes per person. Rules and Regulations The Recreation and Park Committee shall conduct a public hearing prior to the adoption, amendment or repeal of any rule or regulation. At least ten days’ notice shall be given for such hearing.

QUORUM Four members shall constitute a quorum. The only official business that can be transacted in the absence of a quorum is: (1) to take measures to obtain a quorum; (2) to fix the time to which to adjourn; (3) to take a recess; or (4) to adjourn.

RULES OF ORDER All meetings shall be considered in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. The Commission shall exercise its powers and perform its duties in compliance with all applicable provisions of California’s Ralph M. Brown Act, the San Francisco Charter and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance.

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VOTE Each member of the Commission present at the meeting must vote for or against a particular question put before them, unless excused from voting by a motion adopted by a majority of the members present, or unless the member has a conflict that legally precludes participation in the vote. Each member shall determine whether he or she has a conflict of interest that precludes participation in a vote and may consult with the City Attorney in making this determination.

ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Roll Call President’s Report General Manager’s / Staff Reports Consent Calendar General Calendar

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Public Comment Commissioners’ Matters New Business/Agenda Setting Communications Adjournment


Deleted: Commissioners’ Matters

The Commission may adjourn any regular or special meeting to a time and place specified in the order of adjournment. The order of adjournment must be posted at the front entry to meeting location (room) within 24 hours of the time of adjournment. The notice and agenda of the original meeting shall serve as the notice and agenda for the adjourned meeting. A separate notice and agenda shall not be required so long as the date to which the meeting is adjourned is not more than five days after the original meeting.

Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

Deleted: Public Comment

REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION Response to requests for information or documents under the Commission’s control will be made in accordance with all applicable provisions of the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance.

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