Any who is (so) grateful does so to the profit of his own soul:
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
١ 1.
Alif Lam Mim.
٢ 2.
# َ ِ$ِ%ْ ُْ ً َْهُ!ًى َو َرﺡ
A Guide and a Mercy to the Doers of Good, --
٤ 4.
ِ ِ َ ْب ا ِ َِ ْت ا ُ َ َ ِْ
These are Verses of the Wise Book, --
٣ 3.
ن َ (ُ$ِ)(ُ ُْ ِة ه+َ ِ,-ِْ. ُآَ َة َوه10 ن ا َ (ُْ2َُ َة َو03ن ا َ (ُ ِ4ُ # َ ِ50ا
Those who establish regular Prayer, and give regular Charity, and have (in their hearts) the assurance of the Hereafter.
ِْ7.ر0 # هُ!ًى ﻡ9ََ: َ ِ;َُْأو 5.
These are on (true) guidance from their Lord;
ن َ (ُ ِْ=ُْ هُ ُ ا َ ِ;ََْوُأو
and these are the ones who will prosper.
? ِ ِ!َ ْْ َ( ا7َ ِي+َْAَ #َس ﻡ ِ 0$ ا# َ َِوﻡ 6.
But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales,
وًا1ُ ُهَ ه5َ ِC0َِْ ٍ َو: +ِ ْ َEِ. Fِ 0 اGِ ِHَ ﺱ#َ: G0 ِJُ ِ without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path):
ٌ# ِ7Lَابٌ ﻡ5َ: ُْ7َ َ ِ;َأُو
for such there will be a humiliating Penalty.
ًا+ِHْ َْ%ُ ﻡ90َ َو$َُ Fِ ْ ََ: 9َُْ َوِإذَا 7.
When Our Signs are rehearsed to such a one, he turns away in arrogance,
َ7ْPَْ%َ ْ0 َنQَآ as if he heard them not,
ًا+ْ) َوFِ ْ َ ُأ ُذﻥSِT ن 0 َQَآ as if there were deafness in both his ears:
ٍ ِب َأ ٍ َا5َPِ. Uُ ْ+AَHَT
announce to him a grievous Penalty.
ِ٨ ِP0$ت ا ُ 0$َW ُْ7َ ت ِ َ ِ03َُِ(ا ا:ُ(ا َو$َ ﻡ# َ ِ50ن ا 0 ِإ 8.
For those who believe and work righteous deeds, there will be Gardens of Bliss. --
َ7 ِT # َ ِ!َِ, 9.
To dwell therein.
Y4َ ﺡFِ 0ْ َ! ا:َو The promise of Allah is true:
ُ ِ َ ْ ا1ُ ِ1َPَْوهُ َ( ا
and He is Exalted in power, Wise.
َ7َوْﻥ+َ َ !ٍ ََ: +ِ ْ َEِ. ت ِ َوَا0%[ ا َ ََ, 10. He created the heavens without any pillars that ye can see;
ُْ ِ. !َ َِ أَنS َ ِض َروَاﺱ ِ َْرQْ اSِT 9َ4َْوَأ He set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you;
ٍ 0. دَاG ُ آ#َِ ﻡ7 ِT ? 0 َ.َو and He scattered through it beasts of all kinds.
ٍ ِ+َج آ ٍ ْ َزوG ُ آ#َِ ﻡ7 ِT َ$َْHَﻥQَT َء ﻡَء0% ا# َ َِ ﻡ$ْ1َ َوأَﻥ
We send down rain from the sky, and produce on the earth every kind of noble creature, in pairs.
Fِ 0[ ا ُ َْ, َا5َه 11. Such is the Creation of Allah:
Fِ ِ دُوﻥ#ِ ﻡ# َ ِ50[ ا َ ََ, ﻡَذَاSَِرُوﻥQَT now show Me what is there that others besides Him have created:
# ٍ ِHL ﺽََ ٍل ﻡSِT ن َ (ُِ0d اGِ َ.
nay, but the Transgressors are in manifest error.
Fِ 0ِ ْ+ُ ْن اﺵ ِ ن اْ ِ َْ َ َأ َ َْ4ُ َ$ْ َ ْ!َ4ََو 12. We bestowed (in the past) wisdom on Luqman: "Show (thy) gratitude to Allah."
Fِ ِ%ْ=َ$ِ +ُ ُ ْAَ َ0ﻥfِ َT ْ+ُ ْAَ #ََوﻡ Any who is (so) grateful does so to the profit of his own soul:
ٌ! َِ ﺡS g ِ$َh Fَ 0ن ا 0 fِ َT +َ َ=َ آ#ََوﻡ
but if any is ungrateful, verily Allah is free of all wants, worthy of all praise.
Fُ ُdِPَ (َ ُ َوهFِ ِ$ْ.ِ ن ُ َْ4ُ َوِإذْ )َ َل 13. Behold, Luqman said to his son by way of instruction:
Fِ 0ِ. ْك+ِ ْAُ َ S 0 َ$ُ. َ "O my son! Join not in worship (others) with Allah:
ٌ ِdَ: ٌُْdَ ك َ ْ+Aن ا 0 ِإ
for false worship is indeed the highest wrongdoing."
Fِ ْ!َ ِِ(َا. ن َ َ%ِﻥfَْ ا$ْ 0َو َوﺹ 14. And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents:
# ٍ ْ َوه9ََ: ً$ْ َوهFُ L ُأﻡFُ َََْﺡ in travail upon travail did his mother bear him,
# ِ ْ ََﻡ: SِT Fُ َُ3ِTَو and in years twain was his weaning:
َ ْ!َ ِ َوِ(َاSِ ْ+ُ ْن اﺵ ِ َأ (hear the command), "Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents:
+ُ ِ3َْ اS 0 َِإ
to Me is (thy final) Goal.
َُ7ْPِkُ ََT ٌِْ: Fِ ِ. َ َ l َ ْ َ َ ﻡSِ. ك َ +ِ ْAُ أَن9َ: ك َ َهَ!َاW َوإِن 15. "But if they strive to make thee join in worship with Me things of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not;
ًTُو+ْPَ!ﻥْ َ ﻡL اSِT َُ7ْHَِوﺹَﺡ yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration),
S 0 َب ِإ َ َْ َأﻥ#َ ﻡGَ ِHَْ ﺱmِH0وَا and follow the way of those who turn to Me (in love):
ن َ (َُْPَ ُْ$َُِ آ. ُ ُ;HَُﻥQَT ُْ ُPِWْ+َ ﻡS 0 َ ِإ0 ُn
in the End the return of you all is to Me, and I will tell you the truth (and meaning) of all that ye did."
ٍة+َ ْCَ ﺹSِT #ُ ََT ْ َد ٍل+َ, ْ# ٍ ﻡ0Hََ َل ﺡ4ْoِ ﻡ ُ َ َ إِن70 ِإﻥS 0 َ$ُ. َ 16. "O my son!" (said Luqman), "If there be (but) the weight of a mustard-seed and it were (hidden) in a rock,
Fُ 0َ ا7ِ. ت ِ ْQَ ض ِ َْرQْ اSِT ْت َأو ِ َوَا0% اSِT َْأو or (anywhere) in the heavens or on earth, Allah will bring it forth:
ٌ+ ِHَ, ٌp ِkَ Fَ 0ن ا 0 ِإ
for Allah understands the finest mysteries, (and) is well-acquainted (with them).
َ َة03 َأ)ِ ِ اS 0 َ$ُ. َ 17. "O my son! -
establish regular prayer,
+ِ َ $ُْ ا# ِ َ: Fَ ْف وَاﻥ ِ ُو+ْPَِْ. ْ+َُوأْﻡ -
enjoin what is just, and forbid what is wrong:
َ َ.َ ﻡَ َأﺹ9ََ: ْ+ِHْوَاﺹ -
and bear with patient constancy whatever betide thee;
ُﻡُ( ِرQْْ ِم ا1َ: ْ#ِ ﻡ َ ِن َذ 0 ِإ
for this is firmness (of purpose) in (the conduct of) affairs.
ًﺡ+َ َض ﻡ ِ َْرQْ اSِT s ِ َْ َس َو ِ 0$ِ ك َ !0 َ, ْ+Pَ3ُ ََو 18. -
"And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth;
ُ( ٍرCَT َْ ٍلCُ ﻡG0 ُ آt L ِ ُ َ Fَ 0ن ا 0 ِإ
for Allah loveth not any arrogant boaster.
َ ِْ(َ ﺹ#ِْ ﻡuُJْh وَا َ ِ ْAَ ﻡSِT ْ!ِ3ْ)وَا 19. -
"And be moderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice;
+ِ َِ ْت ا ُ ْ(َ3َ ت ِ َﺹْ(َاQْ ا+َ َ ن أَﻥ 0 ِإ
for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of the ass."
ض ِ َْرQْ اSِT َت َوﻡ ِ َوَا0% اSِT 0 َ ُ ﻡ+َ 0Cَ ﺱFَ 0ن ا 0 وْا َأ+َ َ ََْأ 20. Do ye not see that Allah has subjected to your (use) all things in the heavens and on earth,
ً َ$ِvَ. ًة َو+َ َِهw Fُ ََPََِ ْ ُْ ﻥ: xَ َHَْوَأﺱ and has made His bounties flow to you in exceeding measure, (both) seen and unseen?
+ٍ ِ$Lب ﻡ ٍ َِِْ ٍ َوَ هُ!ًى َوَ آ: +ِ ْ َEِ. ِF0 اSِT َ ِد ُلyُ #َس ﻡ ِ 0$ ا# َ َِوﻡ
Yet there are among men those who dispute about Allah, without knowledge and without guidance, and without a Book to enlighten them!
)َُ(اFُ 0 َل ا1َ ُ(ا ﻡَ أَﻥPِH0ُ ُ ا7َ Gَ ِ) َوِإذَا 21. When they are told to follow the (revelation) that Allah has sent down, they say:
ََءﻥ. Fِ ْ ََ: ََ!ْﻥW ﻡَ َوmُ ِH0َْ ﻥGَ. "Nay, we shall follow the ways that we found our fathers (following)."
+ِ ِP0%ب ا ِ َا5َ: 9َُ(هُْ ِإ:ْ!َ ن ُ َkْ 0Aن ا َ ََأ َوَ(ْ آ
What! even if it is Satan beckoning them to the Penalty of the (Blazing) Fire!
9َ4ْn(ُ ْْ َو ِة ا+ُPِْ. َ َ%ََْْ ِ! اﺱ4َT ٌ#ِ%ْ ُ َوهُ َ( ﻡFِ 0 ا9َ ِإFُ َ7ْWِْْ َو%ُ #ََوﻡ 22. Whoever submits his whole self to Allah, and is a doer of good, has grasped indeed the most trustworthy hand-hold:
ُﻡُ( ِرQَْ ُ اHِ)َ: Fِ 0 ا9ََوِإ
and with Allah rests the End and Decision of (all) affairs.
Uُ +ُ ْ=ُ آ َ ُﻥ1ْ َ ََT +َ َ=َ آ#ََوﻡ 23. But if any reject Faith, let not his rejection grieve thee:
َُِ(ا: َِ. ُ7ُ;Hَ$ُ$َT ُْ7ُPِWْ+ََ ﻡ$ْ َِإ to Us is their return, and We shall tell them the truth of their deeds:
!ُو ِرL3ت ا ِ َا5ِ. ٌ َِ: Fَ 0ن ا 0 ِإ
for Allah knows well all that is in (men's) hearts.
ٍz َِh ب ٍ َا5َ: 9َهُْ ِإ+L َkْJَ ﻥ0 ُn ً َِ) ُْ7ُPَُﻥ
24. We grant them their pleasure for a little while: in the end shall We drive them to a chastisement unrelenting.
ض َ َْرQْت وَا ِ َوَا0%[ ا َ ََ, ْ#0ُ ﻡ7ََْQَ ﺱ#ِ;ََو 25. If thou ask them, who it is that created the heavens and the earth,
Fُ 0 ا# 0 ُ(ُ4َ َ they will certainly say, "Allah."
Fِ 0ِ !ُ َْ ْ اGِ ُ) Say: "Praise be to Allah!"
ن َ (َُْPَ َ ُْه+ُ َoْْ َأآGَ.
But most of them understand not.
ض ِ َْرQْت وَا ِ َوَا0% اSِT َ ﻡFِ 0ِ 26. To Allah, belong all things in heaven and earth:
!ُ َِ ْ اS L ِ$َEْ هُ َ( اFَ 0ن ا 0 ِإ
verily Allah is He (that is) free of all wants, worthy of all praise.
Uُ !L َُ +ُ ْ َHْ ٍة َأ)َْمٌ وَا+َ َyَ ﺵ#ِض ﻡ ِ َْرQْ اSِT َ0َوَ(ْ َأﻥ 27. And if all the trees on earth were pens and the Ocean (were ink),
Fِ 0ت ا ُ ََِ ﻥَ=ِ َ!تْ آ0 ﻡ+ٍ ُ ْ.َ ُ َأPْHَ ﺱUِ !ِ ْPَ. #ِﻡ with seven Oceans behind it to add to its (supply), yet would not the Words of Allah be exhausted (in the writing):
ٌ ِ ٌَ ﺡ1ِ1َ: Fَ 0ن ا 0 ِإ
for Allah is Exalted in power, Full of Wisdom.
وَاﺡِ َ! ٍةl ٍ ْ=َ$َ آ0ُ ُْ ِإoْPَ. َُ ُْ َو4َْ, 0ﻡ 28. And your creation or your resurrection is in no wise but as an individual soul:
ٌ+ ِ3َ. ٌm َِ ﺱFَ 0ن ا 0 ِإ
for Allah is He Who hears and sees (all things).
Gِ ْ 0 اSِT َ َر70${ ا ُ ِ(َُ ِر َو70$ اSِT Gَ ْ 0{ ا ُ ِ(ُ Fَ 0ن ا 0 َأ+َ َ ََْأ 29. Seest thou not that Allah merges Night into Day and He merges Day into Night;
9Yَ%L ﻡGٍ َW َأ9َِي ِإ+ْyَ Gg ُ آ+َ ََ4ْ وَاl َ ْ0A ا+َ 0Cََوﺱ that He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His Law), each running its course for a term appointed:
ٌ+ ِHَ, ن َ (َُْPَ َِ. Fَ 0ن ا 0 َوَأ
and that Allah is well acquainted with all that ye do?
Gُ ِvَHْ اFِ ِ دُوﻥ#ِن ﻡ َ (ُ:ْ!َ َن ﻡ 0 [ َوَأ L َ ْ هُ َ( اFَ 0ن ا 0 َQِ. َ َِذ 30. That is because Allah is the (only) Reality, and because whatever else they invoke besides Him is Falsehood;
+ُ ِHَ ْ اS L َِPْ هُ َ( اFَ 0ن ا 0 َوَأ
and because Allah, -- He is the Most High, Most Great.
Fِ َِ ْ#َ ُ ﻡ+ِ ُ ِ Fِ 0| ا ِ َْPِ$ِ. +ِ ْ َHْ اSِT ِي+ْyَ َ ُْ=ْن ا 0 َأ+َ َ ََْأ 31. Seest thou not that the ships sail through the Ocean by the grace of Allah? -- that He may show you of His Signs?
ٍر ﺵَ ُ( ٍر0Hَ ﺹG ُ ت ٍ َ-َ َ ِ َذSِT ن 0 ِإ
Verily in this are Signs for all who constantly persevere and give thanks.
# َ ! اFُ َ # َ ِ3ِْCُ ﻡFَ 0َ(ُا ا: َدGِ َLdَ(ْجٌ آ0ُ ﻡ7َ ِAَh َوِإذَا 32. When a wave covers them like the canopy (of clouds), they call to Allah, offering Him sincere devotion.
ٌ!ِ3َْ4Lُ ﻡ7ْ$َِT + َHْ ا9َهُْ ِإ0yَ ﻥ0ََT But when He has delivered them safely to land, there are among them those that halt between (right and wrong).
ٍر آَ=ُ( ٍر0َ, GL ُ آ0َ ِإ$َِ-ِ. !ُ َ ْyَ ََوﻡ
But none reject Our Signs except only a perfidious ungrateful (wretch)!
ُْ 0.ُ(ا َر40س ا ُ 0$َ ا7Lَ َأ 33. O mankind! do your duty to your Lord,
ً;ْ َ ﺵUِ !ِ ِ وَا#َ: َ ٍزW (َ ُِ َوَ ﻡَ(ُْ(دٌ هU!ِ َ َو#َ: ٌ!ِِي وَا1ْyَ 0 ًَ(ْا َ(ْﻡAْ,وَا and fear (the coming of) a Day when no father can avail aught for his son, nor a son avail aught for his father.
[ g َ ﺡFِ 0ْ َ! ا:ن َو 0 ِإ Verily, the promise of Allah is true:
ُو ُر+َEْ اFِ 0ِ. ُ 0ﻥ+0 ُEَ َ!ﻥْ َ َوL ُ ُ اْ َ َ ُة ا0ﻥ+0 ُEَ ََT
let not then this present life deceive you nor let the Chief Deceiver deceive you about Allah.
ِ َ:0%ِْ ُ ا: Uُ !َ $ِ: Fَ 0ن ا 0 ِإ 34. Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with Allah (alone).
? َ ْ َEْ ُل ا1 َ$َُو It is He Who sends down rain,
َرْﺡَ ِمQْ اSِT ََْ ُ ﻡPََو and He Who knows what is in the wombs.
َ!ًاh t ُ ِ%ْ َ ذَا0ٌ ﻡlْ=ََوﻡَ َ!ْرِي ﻥ Nor does anyone know what it is that he will earn on the morrow:
ت ُ (َُ ض ٍ ْي َأر َQِ. ٌlْ=ََوﻡَ َ!ْرِي ﻥ nor does anyone know in what land he is to die.
ٌ+ ِHَ, ٌ َِ: Fَ 0ن ا 0 ِإ
Verily with Allah is full knowledge and He is acquainted (with all things).
© Copy Rights: Zahid Javed Rana, Abid Javed Rana
Lahore, Pakistan