Then those who have believed and worked righteous deeds, shall be made happy in a Mead of Delight.
(The Romans) In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
١ 1.
Alif Lam Mim.
ا و ُم ِ َُِ
٢ 2.
The Roman Empire has been defeated --
ض ِ ِْ َأدَْ اَْر 3.
In a land close by;
ن َ ُِْ َ!َ" ِْ#ََِ $ِ ْ%ََوهُ )(' ﺏ
but they, (even) after (this) defeat of theirs, will soon be victorious --
' َ !ِ,ِ" -ِ ْ.ِِ ﺏ 4.
Within a few years.
$ُ ْ%َ َو)ِ' ﺏ2ُ َْ/ 'ِ) ُ ْ)َْ ا0ِ 1ِ With Allah is the Decision, in the Past and in the Future:
ن َ ُ,ِ)ْ3ُ4ْح ا ُ َ ْ6َ ی9ٍ ِ:َ)ََْوی
on that Day shall the Believers rejoice --
0ِ 1َ<ْ ِ ا,ِﺏ 5.
With the help of Allah.
<ُ ُ )َ' یَ?َ>ء,َی He helps whom He will,
ُ !ِ@ 1 اAُ ِیAَ%َْوهُ َ ا
and He is Exalted in Might, Most Merciful.
0ِ 1 ا$َ ْCَو 6.
(It is) the promise of Allah.
ن َ ُ4َْ%َس َ> ی ِ >1,َ َ اEْ' َأآ 1 ِGَ َوHُ $َ ْC َو0ُ 1 اI ُ ِْJَُ> ی
Never does Allah depart from His promise: but most men understand not.
>َ!ْ$ َ!َ> ِة اMْ' ا َ () َ>هِ ًاO ن َ ُ4َْ%َی 7.
They know but the outer (things) in the life of this world:
ن َ ُِ>َ ُْﺥِ َ ِة هQْ' ا ِ َC َُْوه
but of the End of things they are heedless.
ِْ#ِTُ6َ ُوا ِ أ1Gَ6َSََأ َوَْ ی 8.
Do they not reflect in their own minds?
U4َT) 2ٍ َV َوَأW ( َMْ>ِ> ﺏ1َ> ِإ4ُ#َ,ْ!َض َو)َ> ﺏ َ ْت وَاَْر ِ َ>وَا41T ا0ُ 1 اW َ ََ)َ> ﺥ Not but for just ends and for a term appointed, did Allah create the heavens and the earth, and all between them:
ن َ َ>ِ ُوGَ ِْ#(َ>ء َرﺏZِِس ﺏ ِ >1,' ا َ () ِ! ًاEَن آ 1 َوِإ
yet are there truly many among men who deny the meeting with their Lord (at the Resurrection)!
ِْ#َِْ/ 'ِ) ' َ ِی91َِ ُ\ ا/>َC ن َ >َ آI َ ْ!َ]ُ ُوا آ,َ!َ ض ِ ِْ! ُوا ِ اَْرTََأ َوَْ ی 9.
Do they not travel through the earth, and see what was the End of those before them?
>ََ ُوه4َC >14ِ) َ َEَْ ُوهَ> َأآ4َCض َو َ ْ ًة َوَأﺙَ>رُوا اَْر1 ُ/ ُْ#ْ,ِ) $1 َآَ>ُا َأﺵ They were superior to them in strength: they tilled the soil and populated it in greater numbers than these have done:
ت ِ >َ,(!َْ>ُِ ﺏ#ُُ"ُْ ُر#َْ>ءﺕVَو there came to them their apostles with Clear (Signs), (which they rejected, to their own destruction):
ن َ ُ4ِْ]َُْ ی#َTُ6َِ' آَ>ُا أGَُْ َو#َ4ِْ]َ!ِ 0ُ 1ن ا َ >ََ> آ4َ
it was not Allah Who wronged them but they wronged their own souls.
أَىT' َأ"َ>ؤُوا ا َ ِی91َِ َ\ ا/>َC ن َ >َ آ1 ُﺙ 10. In the long run evil in the extreme will be the End of those who do evil;
ؤُونAِ ْ#َSْTََ> ی#ِ َوآَ>ُا ﺏ0ِ 1ت ا ِ >َیQِﺏُا ﺏ91 َأَن آ
for that they rejected the Signs of Allah, and held them up to ridicule.
ن َ ُ%َVْ ُ ﺕ0ِ ْ!َ ِإ1 ُ ﺙHُ $ُ !ِ%ُ ی1 ُ ﺙW َ َْJُْأ ا$َ َْ ی0ُ 1ا
11. It is Allah Who begins (the process of) creation; then repeats it; then shall ye be brought back to Him.
ن َ ُ) ِ ْeُ4ْ اf ُ َُِْ ُ\ یC>1Tُ ُم اZََویَْ َم ﺕ
12. On the Day that the Hour will be established, the guilty will be struck dumb with despair.
َ>ء%َ6ُِْ ﺵ#ُِ )(' ﺵُ َ آَ>ﺉ#1 'ُGََوَْ ی 13. No intercessor will they have among their "Partners,"
' َ ِْ آَ>ِ ِی#َِوآَ>ُا ﺏِ?ُ َ آَ>ﺉ
and they will (themselves) reject their "Partners."
ن َ ُ/ 1 َ6َSَ ی9ٍ ِ:َ)ََْ ُ\ یC>1Tُ ُم اZََویَْ َم ﺕ
14. On the Day that the Hour will be established, -- that Day shall (all men) be sorted out.
ن َ َْ ُوMُُْ ِ َروْﺽَ ٍ\ ی#َ ت ِ >َMِ>1<ُِا ا4َCُا َو,َ)i ' َ ِی91> ا1)ََ
15. Then those who have believed and worked righteous deeds, shall be made happy in a Mead of Delight.
ﺥِ َ ِةQَْ>ء اZَِ> َو,ِیَ>ﺕQِﺏُا ﺏ91 ََ ُوا َوآ6َ' آ َ ِی91> ا1)َوَأ 16. And those who have rejected Faith and falsely denied Our Signs and the meeting of the Hereafter,
ن َ َ ُو.ْMُ) ب ِ َا9َ%ْ ِ اk َ ِ:ََُْو
such shall be brought forth to Punishment.
ن َ ُMِْ<ُ' ﺕ َ !ِ@ن َو َ ُTْ4ُ' ﺕ َ !ِ@ 0ِ 1ن ا َ >َMُْTَ
17. So (give) glory to Allah, when ye reach eventide and when ye rise in the morning;
ن َ ِ ُو#ْ]ُ' ﺕ َ !ِ@> َوU!ِ?َCض َو ِ ْت وَاَْر ِ َ>وَا41T ِ ا$ُ ْ4َMْ ا0ُ ََو
18. Yea, to Him be praise, in the heavens and on earth; and in the late afternoon and when the day begins to decline.
( َMْ' ا َ ِ) َ (!َ4ْج ا ُ ِ ْJُ َوی ِ (!َ4ْ' ا َ ِ) 1َMْج ا ُ ِ ْJُی 19. It is He Who brings out the living from the dead, and brings out the dead from the living,
>َ#ِ )َْﺕ$َ ْ%َض ﺏ َ ْْ!ِ اَْرMَُوی and Who gives life to the earth after it is dead:
ن َ ُV َ ْJُ ﺕk َ ِ9َ ََوآ
and thus shall ye be brought out (from the dead).
ن َ َ?ِ ُوS,َُ ﺏَ?َ ٌ ﺕSَ ِإذَا أ1 ُب ﺙ ٍ ُ )(' ﺕُ َاGَZََ َأنْ ﺥ0ِ ِیَ>ﺕi ْ'ِ)َو
20. Among His Signs is this, that He created you from dust; and then, behold, ye are men scattered (far and wide)!
>َ#ْ!َُا ِإ,ُGْTَS( >ًVُْ َأزْوَاGِTُ6َُ )('ْ أGَ W َ ََ َأنْ ﺥ0ِ ِیَ>ﺕi ْ'ِ)َو 21. And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them,
\ً َ4ْ@د ًة َو َر1 َ 1) ُGَ,ْ!َ ﺏ2َ َ%َVَو and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts);
ن َ ُو1Gَ6َSََْ ٍم یZ( ت ٍ >َیQَ k َ ِن ِ َذ 1 ِإ
verily in that are Signs for those who reflect.
ُْGُِْ َوَأَْاGِSَ,ِTْف َأ ُ >َِSْض وَاﺥ ِ ْت وَاَْر ِ َ>وَا41T اW ُ َْ ﺥ0ِ ِیَ>ﺕi ْ'ِ)َو 22. And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors:
' َ !ِ4ِ>َ%ْ( ت ٍ >َیQَ k َ ِن ِ َذ 1 ِإ
verily in that are Signs for those who know.
0ِ ِْ.َ '() ُِ َ> ُؤآSَْ> ِر وَاﺏ#1, وَا2ِ ْ!1>ُِ ﺏGُ)>َ,َ) 0ِ ِیَ>ﺕi ْ'ِ)َو 23. And among His Signs is the sleep that ye take by night and by day, and the quest that ye (make for livelihood) out of His Bounty:
ن َ ُ%َ4ْTََْ ٍم یZ( ت ٍ >َیQَ k َ ِن ِ َذ 1 ِإ
verily in that are Signs for those who hearken.
َ>ء )َ>ء41T' ا َ ِ) ُلA( َ,ًُ> َوی%َ4َrق ﺥًَْ> َو َ ْ َُْ ُ اG یُ ِی0ِ ِیَ>ﺕi ْ'ِ)َو 24. And among His Signs, He shows you the lightning, by way both of fear and of hope, and He sends down rain from the sky
>َ#ِ )َْﺕ$َ ْ%َض ﺏ َ ْ اَْر0ِ ِْ!ِ ﺏMُ!َ and with it gives life to the earth after it is dead:
ن َ ُِZْ%ََْ ٍم یZ( ت ٍ >َیQَ k َ ِن ِ َذ 1 ِإ
verily in that are Signs for those who are wise.
Hِ ِ ْ)َِض ﺏ ُ َْ>ء وَاَْر41Tُ َم اZَ أَن ﺕ0ِ ِیَ>ﺕi ْ'ِ)َو 25. And among His Signs is this, that heaven and earth stand by His Command:
ن َ ُV ُ ْJَُْ ﺕSَض ِإذَا أ ِ ْ' اَْر َ () ْ َ ًةCَ>آُْ َدC ِإذَا َد1 ُﺙ
then when He calls you, by a single call, from the earth, behold, ye (straightway) come forth.
ض ِ ْت وَاَْر ِ َ>وَا41T )َ' ِ ا0ُ ََو 26. To Him belongs every being that is in the heavens and on earth:
ن َ ُSِ>َ/ 0ُ 1 2t ُآ
all are devoutly obedient to Him.
0ِ ْ!ََC ن ُ َ ْ َوهُ َ َأهHُ $ُ !ِ%ُ ی1 ُ ﺙW َ َْJُْأ ا$َ َِْي ی91َوهُ َ ا 27. It is He Who begins (the process of) creation; then repeats it; and for Him it is most easy.
ض ِ ْت وَاَْر ِ َ>وَا41Tَْ ِ اCَْ ا2ُ َEَ4ْ ا0ُ ََو To Him belongs the loftiest similitude (We can think of) in the heavens and the earth:
ُ !ِGَMْ اAُ ِیAَ%َْوهُ َ ا
for He is Exalted in Might, Full of Wisdom.
ُْGِTُ6ًََ> )ِ'ْ أE1) ُGَ ب َ َ َﺽ 28. He does propound to you a similitude from your own (experience):
َُْ>آ,ْ/ُ )(' ﺵُ َ آَ>ء ِ )َ> َر َزGُ>َ4َْْ َأیGََ) >1) '() ُG1 2َه do ye have partners among those whom your right hands possess, to share as equals in the wealth We have bestowed on you?
ُْGَTُ6َُْ أGِSَ6!ِJَُْ آ#َُ>َJَ "ََاء ﺕ0ِ !ِ ُْSََ Do ye fear them as ye fear each other?
ن َ ُِZْ%ََْ ٍم یZِ ت ِ >َیQْ ا2ُ (<َ6ُ k َ ِ9َ َآ
Thus do We explain the Signs in detail to a people that understand.
ٍ ِْC ِ ْ!َ ُِا َأهَْاءهُ ﺏ4ََO ' َ ِی91 ا-َ َ1 اﺕ2ِ َﺏ 29. Nay, the wrongdoers (merely) fellow their own lusts, being devoid of knowledge.
0ُ 1 ا21 َِي )َ'ْ َأﺽ$ْ#ََ' ی4َ But who will guide those whom Allah leaves astray?
' َ >ﺹِ ِی1 '() ُ#َ >َ)َو
To them there will be no helpers.
>ً6!ِ,َ@ ' ِ (ی$ِ k َ َ#ْVِْ َو/ََ 30. So set thou thy face steadily and truly to the Faith:
>َ#ْ!ََC س َ >1,َ َ اwَ ِS1 ا0ِ 1ْ َ َة اwِ (Establish) Allah's handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made mankind:
0ِ 1 اW ِ َْJِ 2َ ِی$ََْ> ﺕ no change (let there be) in the work (wrought) by Allah:
ن َ ُ4َْ%َس َ> ی ِ >1,َ َ اEْ' َأآ 1 ِGََ!( ُ َوZْ' ا ُ (ی$ اk َ َِذ
that is the standard Religion: but most among mankind understand not.
' َ !ُِ?ْ ِ آ4ْ' ا َ ِ) ُُاGََ> َة َوَ> ﺕ1<ُا ا4!ِ/ َوَأHُ ُZ1 وَاﺕ0ِ ْ!َ' ِإ َ !ِ!ِ,ُ)
31. Turn ye back in repentance to Him, and fear Him: establish regular prayers, and be not ye among those who join gods with Allah, --
>ً%َ!ُِْ َوآَ>ُا ﺵ#َ,ُا دِی/ 1 َ ' َ ِی91' ا َ ِ) 32. Those who split up their Religion, and become (mere) Sects, --
ن َ ُ@ ِ َ ِْ#ْی$َ َ >َ4ِب ﺏ ٍ ْAِ@ 2 ُآ
each party rejoicing in that which is with itself!
0ِ ْ!َ' ِإ َ !ِ!ِ,) ُ#1َْا َرﺏC َدt ُس ﺽ َ >1, ا1fَ) َوِإذَا 33. When trouble touches men, they cry to their Lord, turning back to Him in repentance:
ن َ ُِْ یُ?ْ ِ آ#(ُ ﺏِ َ ﺏ#ْ,() ٌWَ ً\ ِإذَا َ ِی4ْ@ َر0ُ ْ,() ُ#َ/ ِإذَا َأذَا1 ُﺙ
but when He gives them a taste of Mercy as from Himself, behold, some of them pay partworship to other gods besides their Lord. --
َُْ>ه,ْ!َﺕi >َ4ُِ ُوا ﺏ6ْGَ!ِ 34. (As if) to show their ingratitude for the (favors) We have bestowed on them!
ن َ ُ4َْ%َف ﺕ َ َْTَ ُا%1Sَ4َSَ
Then enjoy (your brief day); but soon will ye know (your folly).
>ً>َwُْ" ِْ#ْ!ََC >َ,ْAَ ََأمْ أ 35. Or have We sent down authority to them,
ن َ ُ یُ?ْ ِ آ0ِ َِ> آَ>ُا ﺏ4ِ ُ ﺏ1َGَSَُ َ ی#َ
which points out to them the things to which they pay part-worship?
>َ#َِ ً\ َ ِ @ُا ﺏ4ْ@س َر َ >1,َ> ا,ْ/َوِإذَا َأ َذ 36. When We give men a taste of Mercy, they exult thereat:
ن َ ُwَ,ْZَِْ ِإذَا هُْ ی#ِی$ْ)َْ َأی$1 َ/ >َ4َِ\ٌ ﺏ:(!َ" ُْ#ِْ<َُوإِن ﺕ
and when some evil afflicts them because of what their (own) hands have sent forth, behold, they are in despair!
ُر$ِ ْZََ' یَ?َ>ء َوی4ِ ق َ ُْ ا ( زxُTَْ ی0َ 1 ا1َأ َوَْ یَ َ وْا َأن 37. See they not that Allah enlarges the provision and restricts it, to whomsoever He pleases?
ن َ ُ,ِ)ْ3َُْ ٍم یZ( ت ٍ >َیQَ k َ ِن ِ َذ 1 ِإ
Verily in that are Signs for those who believe.
2ِ !ِ1T' ا َ ْ' وَاﺏ َ !ِGْTِ4ْ وَا0ُ 1Zَ@ َُ ْﺏZْت ذَا ا ِ Qَ 38. So give what is due to kindred, the needy, and the wayfarer.
0ِ 1 ا0َ ْVن َو َ ُو$' یُ ِی َ ِی91( ٌ ْ!َ ﺥk َ َِذ That is best for those who seek the Countenance, of Allah,
ن َ ُMِْ6ُ4ْ هُ ُ اk َ ِ:ََْوُأو
and it is they who will prosper.
0ِ 1 ا$َ ,ِC ُس ََ> یَ ْﺏ ِ >1,ُ )(' (رﺏً> (!َ ْﺏَُ ِ َأ)َْا ِل اSْ!َﺕi >َ)َو 39. That which ye lay out for increase through the property of (other) people, will have no increase with Allah:
ن َ ُ6ِ%ْ.ُ4ْ هُ ُ اk َ ِ:َْ َُو0ِ 1 ا0َ ْVن َو َ ُو$ُ )(' َزآَ> ٍة ﺕُ ِیSْ!َﺕi >َ)َو
but that which ye lay out for charity, seeking the Countenance of Allah, (will increase): it is these who will get a recompense multiplied.
ُْG!ِ!ْMُ ی1 ُُْ ﺙGُS!ِ4ُ ی1 ُُْ ﺙGَ/ َر َز1 ُُْ ﺙGَZََِي ﺥ91 ا0ُ 1ا 40. It is Allah Who has created you: further, He has provided for your sustenance; then He will cause you to die; and again He will give you life.
ُ )(' ﺵَْ ٍءGِ )ِ' َذ2ُ َ%ْ6َ' ی1) ُGِْ )ِ' ﺵُ َ آَ>ﺉ2َه Are there any of your (false) "Partners" who can do any single one of these things?
ن َ ُ> یُ?ْ ِ آ14َC َ>َ%َ َوﺕ0ُ َ>َMُْ"
Glory to Him! and High is He above the partners they attribute (to Him)!
س ِ >1,ِي ا$ََْْ َأیTََ> آ4ِْ ِ ﺏMََْ> ُد ِ اَْ ( وَاTَ6َْ َ ا#َO 41. Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of (the meed) that the hands of men have earned,
ن َ ُ%ِVْ َُْ ی#1َ%َ ُِا4َC ِي91 اy َ ْ%َُ ﺏ#َZِی9ُ!ِ
that (Allah) may give them a taste of some of their deeds: in order that they may turn back (from Evil).
2ُ َْ/ 'ِ) ' َ ِی91َِ ُ\ ا/>َC ن َ >َ آI َ ْ!َض َ>]ُ ُوا آ ِ ْْ "ِ! ُوا ِ اَْر2ُ/ 42. Say: "Travel through the earth and see what was the End of those before (you):
' َ !َِ ُ هُ )?ْ ِ آEْن َأآ َ >َآ
most of them worshipped others besides Allah."
0ِ 1' ا َ ِ) 0ُ َ د1 َ َ) >1 ٌ یَْم َ ِ أَن یَْﺕ2ِ َْ/ 'ِ) ِ (!َZْ' ا ِ (ی$ِ k َ َ#ْVِْ َو/ََ 43. But set thou thy face to the right Religion, before there come from Allah the Day which there is no chance of averting:
ن َ ُC$1 1<َ ی9ٍ ِ:َ)َْی
on that Day shall men be divided (in two).
Hُ ُ ْ6ُ آ0ِ ْ!ََ%َ َ َ6َ)َ' آ 44. Those who reject Faith will suffer from that rejection:
ن َ ُو$َ#ْ4َِْ ی#ِTُ6ََِ >ًMِ>َ ﺹ2َ ِ4َC ْ'َ)َو
and those who work righteousness will spread their couch (of repose) for themselves (in heaven):
0ِ ِْ.َ 'ِ) ت ِ >َMِ>1<ُِا ا4َCُا َو,َ)i ' َ ِی91ي ا َ Aِ ْeَ!ِ 45. That He may reward those who believe and work righteous deeds, out of His Bounty:
' َ َ>ِ ِیGْ اz ِMُ َ> ی0ُ 1ِإ
for He loves not those who reject Faith.
ت ٍ ح )َُ?( َا َ >َ ا ( ی2َ ِ"ْ ُ أَن ی0ِ ِیَ>ﺕi ْ'ِ)َو 46. Among His Signs is this, that He sends the Winds, as heralds of Glad Tidings,
0ِ ِSَ4ْ@ر1 '() ُGَZِی9ُ!َِو giving you a taste of His (Grace and) Mercy, --
0ِ ِْ.َ 'ِ) َ ُاSَْSِ َوHِ ِ ْ)َِ ﺏk ُ ُْ6ْْ ِ يَ اeَSَِو that the ships may sail (majestically) by His Command and that ye may seek of His Bounty:
ن َ ُ ُوGْ?َُْ ﺕG1َ%ََو
in order that ye may be grateful.
ِْ#ِ)َْ/ َ ُر"ًُ> ِإk َ َِْ/ 'ِ) >َ,َْ"ْْ َأر$َZََو 47. We did indeed send, before thee, apostles to their (respective) peoples,
ْ َ )ُاV' َأ َ ِی91' ا َ ِ) >َ,ْ4َZَS>َ ت ِ >َ,(!َْ>َِ>ؤُوهُ ﺏeَ and they came to them with Clear Signs: then, to those who transgressed, We meted out Retribution:
' َ !ِ,ِ)ْ3ُ4َْ> َ<ْ ُ ا,ْ!ََC >UZَ@ ن َ >ََوآ
and it was due from us to aid those who believed.
>ًَ>ﺏMَ" ُ !ِEُSَ ح َ >َ ا ( ی2ُ ِ"ْ ُِي ی91 ا0ُ 1ا 48. It is Allah Who sends the Winds, and they raise the Clouds:
یَ?َ>ءI َ ْ!ََ>ء آ41T ِ ا0ُ ُwُTَْ!َ then does He spread them in the sky as He wills,
0ِ ِ>َِج )ِ'ْ ﺥ ُ ُ ْJَق ی َ َْ َى اْ َدSَ >ً6َTِ آ0ُ َُ%ْeََوی and break them into fragments, until thou seest rain-drops issue from the midst thereof:
ن َ َْ?ِ ُوSْTَ ِإذَا هُْ یHِ َِ> ِدC ْ'ِ) )َ' یَ?َ>ء0ِ ِب ﺏ َ >ََ ِ{ذَا َأﺹ
then when He has made them reach such of his servants as He wills, behold, they do rejoice!
' َ !ِTُِْ4َ 0ِ َِْ/ '() ِ#ْ!ََC َلA1 َ,ُ أَن ی2ِ َْ/ 'ِ) َوإِن آَ>ُا
49. Even though, before they received (the rain) -- just before this -- they were dumb with despair!
>َ#ِ )َْﺕ$َ ْ%َض ﺏ َ ْْ!ِ اَْرMُ یI َ ْ!َ آ0ِ 1َِ ا4ْ@ﺙَ> ِر َرi ََ>]ُ ْ ِإ 50. Then contemplate (O man!) the memorials of Allah's Mercy! -how He gives life to the earth after its death:
ََْﺕ4ْْ!ِ اMُ4َ k َ ِن َذ 1 ِإ verily the Same will give life to the men who are dead:
ٌ ِی$َ/ ﺵَْ ٍء2( ََُ آC َ َُوه
for He has power over all things.
ن َ ُ ُو6ْGَ یHِ $ِ ْ%َ]َا )ِ' ﺏ1 اU َ6ْ<ُ) Hُ ًْ> َ ََأوMَ> رِی,َْ"ِْ'ْ َأر:ََو
51. And if We (but) send a Wind from which they see (their tilth) turn yellow, behold, they become, thereafter, ungrateful (Unbelievers)!
' َ ْﺏِ ِی$ُ) ْا1َ>ء ِإذَا َوC$ ا1 < ا-ُ ِ4ْTَُْﺕَ َوَ> ﺕ4ْ ا-ُ ِ4ْTُ َ> ﺕk َ 1{ِ َ
52. So verily thou canst not make the dead to hear, nor canst thou make the deaf to hear the call, when they show their backs and turn away.
ِْ#ِSَ>َََ' ﺽC ِ ْ4ُ%َْ>دِي ا#ِ ﺏ َ ََو)َ> أ 53. Nor canst thou lead back the blind from their straying:
ن َ ُ4ِْT) ُ#َ >َ,ِیَ>ﺕQِ' ﺏ ُ ِ)ْ3ُ> )َ' ی1 ِإ-ُ ِ4ْTُإِن ﺕ
only those wilt thou make to hear, who believe in Our Signs and submit (their wills in Islam).
I ٍ ْ%َُ )(' ﺽGَZََِي ﺥ91 ا0ُ 1ا 54. It is Allah Who created you in a state of (helpless) weakness,
ًة1 ُ/ I ٍ ْ%َ ﺽ$ِ ْ%َ )ِ' ﺏ2َ َ%َV 1 ُﺙ then gave (you) strength after weakness,
\ً َْ!ًَ> َوﺵ6ْ%َ ٍة ﺽ1 ُ/ $ِ ْ%َ )ِ' ﺏ2َ َ%َV 1 ُﺙ then, after strength, give (you) weakness and a hoary head:
)َ> یَ?َ>ءW ُ ُْJَی He creates as He wills,
ُ ِی$َZَِْ! ُ ا%َْوهُ َ ا
and it is He Who has all knowledge and power.
\ٍ َC>َ" َ ْ!َ ُاEَِ >َ) ن َ ُ) ِ ْeُ4ِْ ُ اTْZَُ ُ\ یC>1Tُ ُم اZََویَْ َم ﺕ 55. On the Day that the Hour (of reckoning) will be established, the transgressors will swear that they tarried not but an hour:
ن َ ُGَْ3ُ آَ>ُا یk َ ِ9َ َآ
thus were they used to being deluded!
ن َ >َ4ِْ َ وَاْ{ِی%ْ' أُوﺕُا ا َ ِی91َ> َل ا/َو 56. But those endued with knowledge and faith will say:
| ِ ْ%َْ ِإَ یَْ ِم ا0ِ 1ب ا ِ >َSُِْ ِ آSْEَِ ْ$َZَ "Indeed ye did tarry, within Allah's Decree, to the Day of Resurrection,
ن َ ُ4َْ%َُْ َ> ﺕS,ُُْ آG1,ِGَ| َو ِ ْ%ََْا یَْ ُم ا9َ#َ
and this is the Day of Resurrection: but ye -- ye were not aware!"
ُْ#ُ َرﺕ9ِ ْ%َ) ُا4ََO ' َ ِی91 ا-ُ َ6,َ> ی1 9ٍ ِ:َ)َْ!َ 57. So on that Day no excuse of theirs will avail the Transgressors,
ن َ َُSْ%َSْTَُوَ> هُْ ی
nor will they be invited (then) to seek grace (by repentance).
2ٍ َEَ) 2( ُن )ِ' آ ِ iْ ُZَْا ا9َس ِ ه ِ >1,ِ >َ,ْْ ﺽَ َ ﺏ$َZََو 58. Verily We have propounded for men, in this Qur'án, every kind of Parable:
ن َ ُِwُْ) >1ُْ ِإSََ ُوا ِإنْ أ6َ' آ َ ِی91' ا 1 َُZَ!َ ٍ\َیQُِ ﺏ#َSْ:ِV 'ِ:ََو
but if thou bring to them any Sign, the Unbelievers are sure to say, "Ye do nothing but talk vanities."
ن َ ُ4َْ%َ' َ> ی َ ِی91ب ا ِ ُُ/ ََC 0ُ 1 ا-ُ َْwَ یk َ ِ9َ َآ
59. Thus does Allah seal up the hearts of those who understand not.
W t َ@ 0ِ 1 ا$َ ْCن َو 1 َ>ﺹِْ ْ ِإ 60. So patiently persevere: for verily the promise of Allah is true:
ن َ ُ,ِ/ُ' َ> ی َ ِی91 اk َ 1,16ِJَSْTََوَ> ی
nor let those shake thy firmness, who have (themselves) no certainty of faith.
© Copy Rights: Zahid Javed Rana, Abid Javed Rana
Lahore, Pakistan