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3-23 経済活動別の国内総生産(生産側)・要素所得(名目,実質,デフレーター)- 93SNA(平成2年~15年) 3-23 Gross Domestic Product (production approach) and Factor Income Classified by Economic Activities (At Current Prices, At Constant Prices, Deflators) - 93SNA (1990--200 (単位 金額 10億円) (Value in billions of yen) 年次,経済活動の種類

名目 At Current Prices 産出額


Gross output

Intermediate input

Calendar year and classification of economic activities (平成 2年)   1 産 業    (1) 農林水産業    (2) 鉱   業    (3) 製 造 業      a 食 料 品      b 繊   維      c パルプ・紙      d 化   学      e 石油・石炭製品      f 窯業・土石製品      g 一次金属      h 金属製品      i 一般機械      j 電気機械      k 輸送用機械      l 精密機械      m その他の製造業    (4) 建 設 業    (5) 電気・ガス・水道業    (6) 卸売・小売業    (7) 金融・保険業    (8) 不動産業    (9) 運輸・通信業    (10) サービス業   2 政府サービス生産者    (1) 電気・ガス・水道業    (2) サービス業    (3) 公   務   3 対家計民間非営利サービス生産者    (1) サービス業   小計     輸入品に課される税・関税     (控除) 総資本形成に係る消費税     帰属利子   合計 (平成 3年)   1 産 業    (1) 農林水産業    (2) 鉱   業    (3) 製 造 業      a 食 料 品      b 繊   維      c パルプ・紙      d 化   学      e 石油・石炭製品      f 窯業・土石製品      g 一次金属      h 金属製品      i 一般機械      j 電気機械      k 輸送用機械      l 精密機械      m その他の製造業    (4) 建 設 業    (5) 電気・ガス・水道業    (6) 卸売・小売業    (7) 金融・保険業    (8) 不動産業    (9) 運輸・通信業    (10) サービス業   2 政府サービス生産者    (1) 電気・ガス・水道業

(1990) 1 Industries (1) Agriculture ,forestry and fishing (2) Mining (3) Manufacturing a Food products and beverages b Textiles c Pulp ,paper and paper products d Chemicals e Petroleum and coal products f Non-metallic mineral products g Basic metal h Fabricated metal products i Machinery j Electrical machinery ,equipment and supplies k Transport equipment l Precision instruments m Others (4) Construction (5) Electricity ,gas and water supply (6) Wholesale and retail trade (7) Finance and insurance (8) Real estate (9) Transport and communications (10) Service activities 2 Producers of government services (1) Electricity ,gas and water supply (2) Service activities (3) Public administration 3 Producers of private non-profit services to households (1) Service activities Sub-total Taxes and duties on imports (less) Consumption taxes for gross capital formation Imputed bank service charge Total (1991) 1 Industries (1) Agriculture ,forestry and fishing (2) Mining (3) Manufacturing a Food products and beverages b Textiles c Pulp ,paper and paper products d Chemicals e Petroleum and coal products f Non-metallic mineral products g Basic metal h Fabricated metal products i Machinery j Electrical machinery ,equipment and supplies k Transport equipment l Precision instruments m Others (4) Construction (5) Electricity ,gas and water supply (6) Wholesale and retail trade (7) Finance and insurance (8) Real estate (9) Transport and communications (10) Service activities 2 Producers of government services (1) Electricity ,gas and water supply



806,549.3 18,483.0 2,164.6 333,874.5 34,431.2 6,087.1 10,052.9 27,105.8 11,076.2 10,341.8 35,558.0 16,682.0 32,444.5 50,192.9 45,039.5 4,832.4 50,030.4 89,314.0 18,897.9 86,849.5 31,495.1 51,310.4 44,290.2 129,870.1 43,708.2 3,814.9 12,408.8 27,484.6 9,430.6 9,430.6 859,688.1 2,736.9 2,306.6 0.0 860,118.5

392,607.6 7,566.9 1,043.5 216,559.0 22,681.2 4,164.6 6,688.2 17,725.1 6,935.6 5,962.0 26,095.6 9,527.2 19,331.0 30,776.2 33,680.8 2,744.3 30,247.2 45,908.1 7,665.6 28,525.2 6,679.8 4,544.7 15,199.8 58,915.0 11,489.7 1,029.4 1,743.9 8,716.4 2,808.9 2,808.9 406,906.2 0.0 0.0 15,450.0 422,356.2

853,363.8 18,489.3 2,120.6 349,492.6 35,400.9 6,047.5 10,130.7 27,967.0 11,966.5 10,651.5 35,977.7 18,083.3 34,947.4 53,871.9 46,640.7 5,136.1 52,671.3 94,224.9 20,320.7 96,969.5 30,397.4 54,945.4 47,563.7 138,839.6 46,829.9 4,103.1

411,565.6 7,650.3 1,019.1 224,985.0 23,199.2 4,115.7 6,708.6 18,319.1 6,995.2 6,114.6 26,191.4 10,284.2 20,671.1 33,024.9 34,966.9 2,894.6 31,499.6 49,280.2 8,341.6 31,065.9 5,580.2 5,269.4 16,280.4 62,093.5 12,801.4 1,140.0

   (2) サービス業    (3) 公   務   3 対家計民間非営利サービス生産者  (1) サービス業   小計     輸入品に課される税・関税     (控除) 総資本形成に係る消費税     帰属利子   合計 (平成 4年)   1 産 業    (1) 農林水産業    (2) 鉱   業    (3) 製 造 業      a 食 料 品      b 繊   維      c パルプ・紙      d 化   学      e 石油・石炭製品      f 窯業・土石製品      g 一次金属      h 金属製品      i 一般機械      j 電気機械      k 輸送用機械      l 精密機械      m その他の製造業    (4) 建 設 業    (5) 電気・ガス・水道業    (6) 卸売・小売業    (7) 金融・保険業    (8) 不動産業    (9) 運輸・通信業    (10) サービス業   2 政府サービス生産者    (1) 電気・ガス・水道業    (2) サービス業    (3) 公   務   3 対家計民間非営利サービス生産者  (1) サービス業   小計     輸入品に課される税・関税     (控除) 総資本形成に係る消費税     帰属利子   合計 (平成 5年)   1 産 業    (1) 農林水産業    (2) 鉱   業    (3) 製 造 業      a 食 料 品      b 繊   維      c パルプ・紙      d 化   学      e 石油・石炭製品      f 窯業・土石製品      g 一次金属      h 金属製品      i 一般機械      j 電気機械      k 輸送用機械      l 精密機械      m その他の製造業    (4) 建 設 業    (5) 電気・ガス・水道業    (6) 卸売・小売業    (7) 金融・保険業    (8) 不動産業    (9) 運輸・通信業    (10) サービス業   2 政府サービス生産者    (1) 電気・ガス・水道業    (2) サービス業    (3) 公   務   3 対家計民間非営利サービス生産者  (1) サービス業   小計

(2) Service activities (3) Public administration 3 Producers of private non-profit services to households (1) Service activities Sub-total Taxes and duties on imports (less) Consumption taxes for gross capital formation Imputed bank service charge Total (1992) 1 Industries (1) Agriculture ,forestry and fishing (2) Mining (3) Manufacturing a Food products and beverages b Textiles c Pulp ,paper and paper products d Chemicals e Petroleum and coal products f Non-metallic mineral products g Basic metal h Fabricated metal products i Machinery j Electrical machinery ,equipment and supplies k Transport equipment l Precision instruments m Others (4) Construction (5) Electricity ,gas and water supply (6) Wholesale and retail trade (7) Finance and insurance (8) Real estate (9) Transport and communications (10) Service activities 2 Producers of government services (1) Electricity ,gas and water supply (2) Service activities (3) Public administration 3 Producers of private non-profit services to households (1) Service activities Sub-total Taxes and duties on imports (less) Consumption taxes for gross capital formation Imputed bank service charge Total (1993) 1 Industries (1) Agriculture ,forestry and fishing (2) Mining (3) Manufacturing a Food products and beverages b Textiles c Pulp ,paper and paper products d Chemicals e Petroleum and coal products f Non-metallic mineral products g Basic metal h Fabricated metal products i Machinery j Electrical machinery ,equipment and supplies k Transport equipment l Precision instruments m Others (4) Construction (5) Electricity ,gas and water supply (6) Wholesale and retail trade (7) Finance and insurance (8) Real estate (9) Transport and communications (10) Service activities 2 Producers of government services (1) Electricity ,gas and water supply (2) Service activities (3) Public administration 3 Producers of private non-profit services to households (1) Service activities Sub-total

13,060.8 29,666.0 10,130.5 10,130.5 910,324.2 2,879.8 2,396.0 0.0 910,808.0

1,840.0 9,821.4 3,032.3 3,032.3 427,399.4 0.0 0.0 15,028.2 442,427.6

857,013.5 17,918.5 2,065.0 335,577.7 36,083.4 5,627.1 9,788.5 27,621.9 11,441.3 10,375.2 32,150.5 17,594.6 31,834.9 49,799.6 47,002.6 4,719.4 51,538.7 93,895.3 21,090.1 100,740.8 33,575.5 58,538.9 48,731.8 144,879.9 49,066.3 4,391.3 13,589.6 31,085.5 10,972.3 10,972.3 917,052.1 2,899.7 2,115.9 0.0 917,836.0

402,737.0 7,305.2 997.5 212,384.7 22,999.6 3,569.4 6,423.8 17,560.6 6,172.9 5,723.3 22,733.4 9,778.9 18,399.1 30,382.7 35,246.2 2,705.9 30,688.9 48,906.4 8,727.5 31,390.4 8,270.1 5,469.4 16,517.9 62,767.9 13,492.9 1,252.6 1,936.0 10,304.3 3,279.7 3,279.7 419,509.6 0.0 0.0 17,863.7 437,373.3

841,180.2 16,703.5 1,870.4 315,577.7 35,287.8 4,739.7 9,357.3 26,283.4 11,056.9 9,771.7 29,130.0 17,022.2 27,529.8 47,318.8 44,702.4 4,092.1 49,285.7 93,613.7 21,335.8 100,069.8 34,028.5 61,919.3 49,875.4 146,186.2 50,924.4 4,682.0 13,973.4 32,269.0 11,481.3 11,481.3 903,585.9

384,164.4 6,924.7 910.3 198,570.2 22,242.8 2,761.7 5,961.0 16,540.0 5,732.6 5,313.8 20,754.5 9,470.3 15,964.0 29,049.7 33,355.4 2,286.9 29,137.4 48,220.7 8,769.7 29,880.6 7,944.0 5,247.2 17,021.7 60,675.4 14,006.9 1,354.0 1,966.5 10,686.5 3,407.5 3,407.5 401,578.8

    輸入品に課される税・関税     (控除) 総資本形成に係る消費税     帰属利子   合計 (平成 6年)   1 産 業    (1) 農林水産業    (2) 鉱   業    (3) 製 造 業      a 食 料 品      b 繊   維      c パルプ・紙      d 化   学      e 石油・石炭製品      f 窯業・土石製品      g 一次金属      h 金属製品      i 一般機械      j 電気機械      k 輸送用機械      l 精密機械      m その他の製造業    (4) 建 設 業    (5) 電気・ガス・水道業    (6) 卸売・小売業    (7) 金融・保険業    (8) 不動産業    (9) 運輸・通信業    (10) サービス業   2 政府サービス生産者    (1) 電気・ガス・水道業    (2) サービス業    (3) 公   務   3 対家計民間非営利サービス生産者  (1) サービス業   小計     輸入品に課される税・関税     (控除) 総資本形成に係る消費税     帰属利子   合計 (平成 7年)   1 産 業    (1) 農林水産業    (2) 鉱   業    (3) 製 造 業      a 食 料 品      b 繊   維      c パルプ・紙      d 化   学      e 石油・石炭製品      f 窯業・土石製品      g 一次金属      h 金属製品      i 一般機械      j 電気機械      k 輸送用機械      l 精密機械      m その他の製造業    (4) 建 設 業    (5) 電気・ガス・水道業    (6) 卸売・小売業    (7) 金融・保険業    (8) 不動産業    (9) 運輸・通信業    (10) サービス業   2 政府サービス生産者    (1) 電気・ガス・水道業    (2) サービス業    (3) 公   務   3 対家計民間非営利サービス生産者  (1) サービス業   小計     輸入品に課される税・関税     (控除) 総資本形成に係る消費税     帰属利子   合計 (平成 8年)

Taxes and duties on imports (less) Consumption taxes for gross capital formation Imputed bank service charge Total (1994) 1 Industries (1) Agriculture ,forestry and fishing (2) Mining (3) Manufacturing a Food products and beverages b Textiles c Pulp ,paper and paper products d Chemicals e Petroleum and coal products f Non-metallic mineral products g Basic metal h Fabricated metal products i Machinery j Electrical machinery ,equipment and supplies k Transport equipment l Precision instruments m Others (4) Construction (5) Electricity ,gas and water supply (6) Wholesale and retail trade (7) Finance and insurance (8) Real estate (9) Transport and communications (10) Service activities 2 Producers of government services (1) Electricity ,gas and water supply (2) Service activities (3) Public administration 3 Producers of private non-profit services to households (1) Service activities Sub-total Taxes and duties on imports (less) Consumption taxes for gross capital formation Imputed bank service charge Total (1995) 1 Industries (1) Agriculture ,forestry and fishing (2) Mining (3) Manufacturing a Food products and beverages b Textiles c Pulp ,paper and paper products d Chemicals e Petroleum and coal products f Non-metallic mineral products g Basic metal h Fabricated metal products i Machinery j Electrical machinery ,equipment and supplies k Transport equipment l Precision instruments m Others (4) Construction (5) Electricity ,gas and water supply (6) Wholesale and retail trade (7) Finance and insurance (8) Real estate (9) Transport and communications (10) Service activities 2 Producers of government services (1) Electricity ,gas and water supply (2) Service activities (3) Public administration 3 Producers of private non-profit services to households (1) Service activities Sub-total Taxes and duties on imports (less) Consumption taxes for gross capital formation Imputed bank service charge Total (1996)

2,554.6 1,900.7 0.0 904,239.7

0.0 0.0 18,935.0 420,513.9

842,388.3 17,343.0 1,707.4 303,602.1 34,898.3 4,232.6 9,002.7 25,041.8 10,886.5 9,851.6 26,691.4 15,553.7 26,469.0 47,431.7 42,600.8 3,903.0 47,039.0 93,300.1 22,346.8 102,589.5 37,202.9 64,244.9 51,774.3 148,277.1 52,666.9 4,917.4 14,276.0 33,473.5 11,987.2 11,987.2 907,042.4 2,681.1 1,772.9 0.0 907,950.6

381,771.6 7,110.4 843.6 190,768.1 21,952.2 2,511.7 5,769.2 15,527.6 5,229.5 5,370.7 18,898.7 8,841.9 15,869.4 29,002.4 31,914.0 2,258.9 27,621.8 49,256.0 9,258.2 29,929.2 9,076.3 5,459.2 18,038.6 62,032.0 14,550.2 1,403.9 2,006.6 11,139.8 3,509.7 3,509.7 399,831.5 0.0 0.0 20,532.1 420,363.6

855,410.0 16,329.2 1,657.6 309,193.8 34,350.3 3,949.3 9,475.8 26,275.3 10,611.4 9,701.2 27,453.6 15,515.5 28,643.7 50,678.3 41,701.7 3,802.7 47,034.9 88,412.3 22,975.8 107,174.0 39,903.2 65,371.3 54,110.4 150,282.4 54,957.7 5,196.2 14,712.0 35,049.6 12,569.7 12,569.7 922,937.4 2,889.4 1,886.6 0.0 923,940.1

388,150.4 6,983.7 796.9 194,525.1 21,448.0 2,395.5 6,076.8 16,496.3 5,225.6 5,281.3 19,272.9 8,789.6 17,289.8 31,219.9 30,783.6 2,160.8 28,085.0 47,570.9 9,646.5 31,385.8 10,604.3 5,637.4 18,846.2 62,153.6 15,378.4 1,495.6 2,061.5 11,821.2 3,708.7 3,708.7 407,237.4 0.0 0.0 23,802.0 431,039.5

  1 産 業    (1) 農林水産業    (2) 鉱   業    (3) 製 造 業      a 食 料 品      b 繊   維      c パルプ・紙      d 化   学      e 石油・石炭製品      f 窯業・土石製品      g 一次金属      h 金属製品      i 一般機械      j 電気機械      k 輸送用機械      l 精密機械      m その他の製造業    (4) 建 設 業    (5) 電気・ガス・水道業    (6) 卸売・小売業    (7) 金融・保険業    (8) 不動産業    (9) 運輸・通信業    (10) サービス業   2 政府サービス生産者    (1) 電気・ガス・水道業    (2) サービス業    (3) 公   務   3 対家計民間非営利サービス生産者  (1) サービス業   小計     輸入品に課される税・関税     (控除) 総資本形成に係る消費税     帰属利子   合計 (平成 9年)   1 産 業    (1) 農林水産業    (2) 鉱   業    (3) 製 造 業      a 食 料 品      b 繊   維      c パルプ・紙      d 化   学      e 石油・石炭製品      f 窯業・土石製品      g 一次金属      h 金属製品      i 一般機械      j 電気機械      k 輸送用機械      l 精密機械      m その他の製造業    (4) 建 設 業    (5) 電気・ガス・水道業    (6) 卸売・小売業    (7) 金融・保険業    (8) 不動産業    (9) 運輸・通信業    (10) サービス業   2 政府サービス生産者    (1) 電気・ガス・水道業    (2) サービス業    (3) 公   務   3 対家計民間非営利サービス生産者  (1) サービス業   小計     輸入品に課される税・関税     (控除) 総資本形成に係る消費税     帰属利子   合計 (平成10年)   1 産 業    (1) 農林水産業    (2) 鉱   業    (3) 製 造 業      a 食 料 品

1 Industries (1) Agriculture ,forestry and fishing (2) Mining (3) Manufacturing a Food products and beverages b Textiles c Pulp ,paper and paper products d Chemicals e Petroleum and coal products f Non-metallic mineral products g Basic metal h Fabricated metal products i Machinery j Electrical machinery ,equipment and supplies k Transport equipment l Precision instruments m Others (4) Construction (5) Electricity ,gas and water supply (6) Wholesale and retail trade (7) Finance and insurance (8) Real estate (9) Transport and communications (10) Service activities 2 Producers of government services (1) Electricity ,gas and water supply (2) Service activities (3) Public administration 3 Producers of private non-profit services to households (1) Service activities Sub-total Taxes and duties on imports (less) Consumption taxes for gross capital formation Imputed bank service charge Total (1997) 1 Industries (1) Agriculture ,forestry and fishing (2) Mining (3) Manufacturing a Food products and beverages b Textiles c Pulp ,paper and paper products d Chemicals e Petroleum and coal products f Non-metallic mineral products g Basic metal h Fabricated metal products i Machinery j Electrical machinery ,equipment and supplies k Transport equipment l Precision instruments m Others (4) Construction (5) Electricity ,gas and water supply (6) Wholesale and retail trade (7) Finance and insurance (8) Real estate (9) Transport and communications (10) Service activities 2 Producers of government services (1) Electricity ,gas and water supply (2) Service activities (3) Public administration 3 Producers of private non-profit services to households (1) Service activities Sub-total Taxes and duties on imports (less) Consumption taxes for gross capital formation Imputed bank service charge Total (1998) 1 Industries (1) Agriculture ,forestry and fishing (2) Mining (3) Manufacturing a Food products and beverages

874,335.3 15,950.8 1,689.7 315,327.6 33,993.1 3,747.6 9,448.2 26,484.6 11,921.9 9,750.3 27,132.4 15,878.7 30,104.8 53,798.9 42,186.8 3,826.3 47,054.3 89,938.1 23,360.1 110,237.9 39,661.4 67,215.6 53,976.5 156,977.6 56,647.1 5,442.9 15,155.7 36,048.5 12,950.3 12,950.3 943,932.7 3,036.7 2,005.8 0.0 944,963.5

396,389.0 6,579.4 822.9 198,108.2 21,433.7 2,283.4 6,008.1 16,705.9 6,050.9 5,287.3 18,894.4 8,950.1 18,144.2 33,538.5 30,673.8 2,115.5 28,022.3 48,969.9 9,776.4 32,649.2 10,613.9 5,766.2 18,813.6 64,289.3 15,748.2 1,554.4 2,164.7 12,029.2 3,809.5 3,809.5 415,946.7 0.0 0.0 22,807.0 438,753.7

899,639.9 15,251.3 1,588.7 326,818.4 34,489.9 3,710.8 9,468.4 27,649.5 13,097.4 9,776.4 28,747.1 16,044.6 31,073.7 56,724.1 44,675.8 4,175.3 47,185.5 90,770.8 24,118.3 113,820.7 41,424.9 69,234.5 55,317.2 161,295.2 58,027.9 5,711.3 15,483.9 36,832.7 13,137.5 13,137.5 970,805.3 3,824.2 3,415.7 0.0 971,213.8

409,693.1 6,888.7 778.8 207,401.6 21,774.3 2,252.7 6,109.4 17,784.5 6,719.8 5,357.9 20,325.3 9,059.9 18,779.0 35,471.5 33,289.0 2,371.9 28,106.5 49,470.1 9,933.1 33,191.0 11,011.1 6,039.0 19,849.7 65,129.9 15,963.7 1,634.6 2,221.5 12,107.5 3,759.3 3,759.3 429,416.1 0.0 0.0 24,682.1 454,098.2

872,322.1 14,774.3 1,429.4 304,688.8 34,568.6

390,071.9 6,523.7 686.9 191,243.3 21,860.7

     b 繊   維      c パルプ・紙      d 化   学      e 石油・石炭製品      f 窯業・土石製品      g 一次金属      h 金属製品      i 一般機械      j 電気機械      k 輸送用機械      l 精密機械      m その他の製造業    (4) 建 設 業    (5) 電気・ガス・水道業    (6) 卸売・小売業    (7) 金融・保険業    (8) 不動産業    (9) 運輸・通信業    (10) サービス業   2 政府サービス生産者    (1) 電気・ガス・水道業    (2) サービス業    (3) 公   務   3 対家計民間非営利サービス生産者  (1) サービス業   小計     輸入品に課される税・関税     (控除) 総資本形成に係る消費税     帰属利子   合計 (平成11年)   1 産 業    (1) 農林水産業    (2) 鉱   業    (3) 製 造 業      a 食 料 品      b 繊   維      c パルプ・紙      d 化   学      e 石油・石炭製品      f 窯業・土石製品      g 一次金属      h 金属製品      i 一般機械      j 電気機械      k 輸送用機械      l 精密機械      m その他の製造業    (4) 建 設 業    (5) 電気・ガス・水道業    (6) 卸売・小売業    (7) 金融・保険業    (8) 不動産業    (9) 運輸・通信業    (10) サービス業   2 政府サービス生産者    (1) 電気・ガス・水道業    (2) サービス業    (3) 公   務   3 対家計民間非営利サービス生産者  (1) サービス業   小計     輸入品に課される税・関税     (控除) 総資本形成に係る消費税     帰属利子   合計 (平成12年)   1 産 業    (1) 農林水産業    (2) 鉱   業    (3) 製 造 業      a 食 料 品      b 繊   維      c パルプ・紙      d 化   学      e 石油・石炭製品      f 窯業・土石製品

b c d e f g h

Textiles Pulp ,paper and paper products Chemicals Petroleum and coal products Non-metallic mineral products Basic metal Fabricated metal products

i Machinery j Electrical machinery ,equipment and supplies k Transport equipment l Precision instruments m Others (4) Construction (5) Electricity ,gas and water supply (6) Wholesale and retail trade (7) Finance and insurance (8) Real estate (9) Transport and communications (10) Service activities 2 Producers of government services (1) Electricity ,gas and water supply (2) Service activities (3) Public administration 3 Producers of private non-profit services to households (1) Service activities Sub-total Taxes and duties on imports (less) Consumption taxes for gross capital formation Imputed bank service charge Total (1999) 1 Industries (1) Agriculture ,forestry and fishing (2) Mining (3) Manufacturing a Food products and beverages b Textiles c Pulp ,paper and paper products d Chemicals e Petroleum and coal products f Non-metallic mineral products g Basic metal h Fabricated metal products i Machinery j Electrical machinery ,equipment and supplies k Transport equipment l Precision instruments m Others (4) Construction (5) Electricity ,gas and water supply (6) Wholesale and retail trade (7) Finance and insurance (8) Real estate (9) Transport and communications (10) Service activities 2 Producers of government services (1) Electricity ,gas and water supply (2) Service activities (3) Public administration 3 Producers of private non-profit services to households (1) Service activities Sub-total Taxes and duties on imports (less) Consumption taxes for gross capital formation Imputed bank service charge Total (2000) 1 Industries (1) Agriculture ,forestry and fishing (2) Mining (3) Manufacturing a Food products and beverages b Textiles c Pulp ,paper and paper products d Chemicals e Petroleum and coal products f Non-metallic mineral products

3,338.8 8,997.8 26,025.8 12,074.7 8,852.6 25,235.9 14,632.1 29,085.1 51,440.1 41,500.4 4,252.5 44,684.4 85,763.5 24,031.9 109,417.6 40,498.0 70,882.7 54,913.7 165,922.1 59,681.0 5,958.8 15,675.4 38,046.8 13,879.4 13,879.4 945,882.4 3,710.9 3,454.1 0.0 946,139.2

2,042.5 5,753.4 16,781.4 5,919.9 4,854.9 18,116.9 8,328.0 17,738.0 31,720.8 29,446.1 2,438.8 26,241.9 46,021.3 9,488.9 32,036.5 11,111.5 6,784.2 20,261.5 65,914.2 16,550.8 1,694.2 2,191.5 12,665.1 3,831.9 3,831.9 410,454.6 0.0 0.0 24,278.5 434,733.2

852,820.5 13,963.3 1,346.0 292,457.5 34,105.8 3,060.5 8,556.1 25,754.3 11,701.5 8,304.6 22,965.9 13,272.7 26,422.0 51,441.1 40,464.0 3,890.5 42,518.5 82,883.7 23,921.5 103,422.8 40,941.3 72,097.7 54,488.2 167,298.6 61,021.8 6,218.9 15,777.9 39,025.1 13,782.5 13,782.5 927,624.8 3,581.5 3,169.4 0.0 928,037.0

378,556.9 6,380.4 690.9 181,466.3 21,155.2 1,891.1 5,474.6 16,106.4 5,631.4 4,548.0 16,192.5 7,444.0 16,194.4 31,442.5 28,436.9 2,150.1 24,799.2 44,387.2 9,497.8 30,322.6 10,718.1 6,968.1 21,552.7 66,573.0 17,194.9 1,740.6 2,281.3 13,173.0 3,805.6 3,805.6 399,557.4 0.0 0.0 23,850.4 423,407.7

866,922.8 13,435.9 1,375.1 301,827.1 33,408.9 2,864.0 8,701.1 26,412.5 13,834.8 8,416.7

390,978.3 6,326.0 713.3 189,713.1 20,613.5 1,722.4 5,491.9 17,271.3 7,437.4 4,578.3

     g 一次金属      h 金属製品      i 一般機械      j 電気機械      k 輸送用機械      l 精密機械      m その他の製造業    (4) 建 設 業    (5) 電気・ガス・水道業    (6) 卸売・小売業    (7) 金融・保険業    (8) 不動産業    (9) 運輸・通信業    (10) サービス業   2 政府サービス生産者    (1) 電気・ガス・水道業    (2) サービス業    (3) 公   務   3 対家計民間非営利サービス生産者  (1) サービス業   小計     輸入品に課される税・関税     (控除) 総資本形成に係る消費税     帰属利子   合計 (平成13年)   1 産 業    (1) 農林水産業    (2) 鉱   業    (3) 製 造 業      a 食 料 品      b 繊   維      c パルプ・紙      d 化   学      e 石油・石炭製品      f 窯業・土石製品      g 一次金属      h 金属製品      i 一般機械      j 電気機械      k 輸送用機械      l 精密機械      m その他の製造業    (4) 建 設 業    (5) 電気・ガス・水道業    (6) 卸売・小売業    (7) 金融・保険業    (8) 不動産業    (9) 運輸・通信業    (10) サービス業   2 政府サービス生産者    (1) 電気・ガス・水道業    (2) サービス業    (3) 公   務   3 対家計民間非営利サービス生産者  (1) サービス業   小計     輸入品に課される税・関税     (控除) 総資本形成に係る消費税     帰属利子   合計 (平成14年)   1 産 業    (1) 農林水産業    (2) 鉱   業    (3) 製 造 業      a 食 料 品      b 繊   維      c パルプ・紙      d 化   学      e 石油・石炭製品      f 窯業・土石製品      g 一次金属      h 金属製品      i 一般機械      j 電気機械      k 輸送用機械

g h i j k l m

Basic metal Fabricated metal products Machinery Electrical machinery ,equipment and supplies Transport equipment Precision instruments Others

(4) Construction (5) Electricity ,gas and water supply (6) Wholesale and retail trade (7) Finance and insurance (8) Real estate (9) Transport and communications (10) Service activities 2 Producers of government services (1) Electricity ,gas and water supply (2) Service activities (3) Public administration 3 Producers of private non-profit services to households (1) Service activities Sub-total Taxes and duties on imports (less) Consumption taxes for gross capital formation Imputed bank service charge Total (2001) 1 Industries (1) Agriculture ,forestry and fishing (2) Mining (3) Manufacturing a Food products and beverages b Textiles c Pulp ,paper and paper products d Chemicals e Petroleum and coal products f Non-metallic mineral products g Basic metal h Fabricated metal products i Machinery j Electrical machinery ,equipment and supplies k Transport equipment l Precision instruments m Others (4) Construction (5) Electricity ,gas and water supply (6) Wholesale and retail trade (7) Finance and insurance (8) Real estate (9) Transport and communications (10) Service activities 2 Producers of government services (1) Electricity ,gas and water supply (2) Service activities (3) Public administration 3 Producers of private non-profit services to households (1) Service activities Sub-total Taxes and duties on imports (less) Consumption taxes for gross capital formation Imputed bank service charge Total (2002) 1 Industries (1) Agriculture ,forestry and fishing (2) Mining (3) Manufacturing a Food products and beverages b Textiles c Pulp ,paper and paper products d Chemicals e Petroleum and coal products f Non-metallic mineral products g Basic metal h Fabricated metal products i Machinery j Electrical machinery ,equipment and supplies k Transport equipment

24,067.1 13,193.6 27,942.2 55,409.6 41,870.1 3,796.7 41,909.8 82,133.0 24,286.6 99,473.4 41,738.3 73,154.6 55,869.5 173,629.5 61,682.3 6,472.4 15,956.7 39,253.2 12,930.4 12,930.4 941,535.5 3,871.7 3,413.3 0.0 941,994.0

16,892.2 7,365.9 17,493.4 34,059.5 30,379.2 2,061.6 24,346.5 44,195.1 10,068.3 29,403.2 10,619.3 6,812.4 23,249.9 69,877.5 17,142.9 1,799.0 2,359.0 12,984.9 3,587.6 3,587.6 411,708.8 0.0 0.0 23,204.1 434,912.9

854,937.1 12,955.1 1,370.4 288,856.1 32,847.1 2,625.8 8,199.3 25,935.8 14,707.6 8,031.4 23,074.3 12,699.7 26,273.7 48,827.6 42,542.3 3,749.3 39,342.3 78,877.4 24,535.1 98,296.1 43,725.2 74,403.0 56,274.4 175,644.2 62,537.7 6,723.4 15,920.2 39,894.1 12,926.5 12,926.5 930,401.2 3,980.3 3,430.3 0.0 930,951.2

385,116.3 6,174.2 686.9 183,635.3 20,255.4 1,614.5 5,153.0 16,937.9 7,775.8 4,408.4 16,385.1 7,255.6 16,411.3 31,575.0 30,738.2 2,039.4 23,085.8 42,608.4 10,029.4 29,020.9 10,515.2 7,019.2 23,623.3 71,803.4 17,192.2 1,847.5 2,329.8 13,014.9 3,493.3 3,493.3 405,801.7 0.0 0.0 25,777.8 431,579.6

836,353.3 12,888.5 1,321.7 275,809.9 32,002.0 2,372.4 7,764.2 25,273.4 14,640.2 7,269.5 22,383.7 12,008.9 23,883.9 42,140.2 45,441.1

373,604.5 6,197.1 716.0 174,016.3 19,712.9 1,440.1 4,965.0 16,273.9 7,448.5 3,962.8 16,230.0 7,076.8 15,017.8 26,592.9 31,721.1

     l 精密機械      m その他の製造業    (4) 建 設 業    (5) 電気・ガス・水道業    (6) 卸売・小売業    (7) 金融・保険業    (8) 不動産業    (9) 運輸・通信業    (10) サービス業   2 政府サービス生産者    (1) 電気・ガス・水道業    (2) サービス業    (3) 公   務   3 対家計民間非営利サービス生産者  (1) サービス業   小計     輸入品に課される税・関税     (控除) 総資本形成に係る消費税     帰属利子   合計 (平成15年)   1 産 業    (1) 農林水産業    (2) 鉱   業    (3) 製 造 業      a 食 料 品      b 繊   維      c パルプ・紙      d 化   学      e 石油・石炭製品      f 窯業・土石製品      g 一次金属      h 金属製品      i 一般機械      j 電気機械      k 輸送用機械      l 精密機械      m その他の製造業    (4) 建 設 業    (5) 電気・ガス・水道業    (6) 卸売・小売業    (7) 金融・保険業    (8) 不動産業    (9) 運輸・通信業    (10) サービス業   2 政府サービス生産者    (1) 電気・ガス・水道業    (2) サービス業    (3) 公   務   3 対家計民間非営利サービス生産者  (1) サービス業   小計     輸入品に課される税・関税     (控除) 総資本形成に係る消費税     帰属利子   合計

l Precision instruments m Others (4) Construction (5) Electricity ,gas and water supply (6) Wholesale and retail trade (7) Finance and insurance (8) Real estate (9) Transport and communications (10) Service activities 2 Producers of government services (1) Electricity ,gas and water supply (2) Service activities (3) Public administration 3 Producers of private non-profit services to households (1) Service activities Sub-total Taxes and duties on imports (less) Consumption taxes for gross capital formation Imputed bank service charge Total (2003) 1 Industries (1) Agriculture ,forestry and fishing (2) Mining (3) Manufacturing a Food products and beverages b Textiles c Pulp ,paper and paper products d Chemicals e Petroleum and coal products f Non-metallic mineral products g Basic metal h Fabricated metal products i Machinery j Electrical machinery ,equipment and supplies k Transport equipment l Precision instruments m Others (4) Construction (5) Electricity ,gas and water supply (6) Wholesale and retail trade (7) Finance and insurance (8) Real estate (9) Transport and communications (10) Service activities 2 Producers of government services (1) Electricity ,gas and water supply (2) Service activities (3) Public administration 3 Producers of private non-profit services to households (1) Service activities Sub-total Taxes and duties on imports (less) Consumption taxes for gross capital formation Imputed bank service charge Total

3,366.5 37,263.8 75,316.8 24,086.0 95,955.8 44,573.9 75,389.4 56,020.4 174,990.8 63,533.8 6,911.3 16,068.5 40,554.0 13,625.5 13,625.5 913,512.7 3,892.3 3,032.9 0.0 914,372.1

1,859.4 21,715.1 41,055.0 9,951.4 28,332.6 10,549.2 6,990.7 24,149.5 71,646.8 17,542.2 1,878.4 2,347.1 13,316.7 3,823.8 3,823.8 394,970.5 0.0 0.0 26,817.7 421,788.2

840,200.1 376,216.1 12,844.4 6,359.0 1,297.4 662.5 281,732.3 178,106.1 31,497.6 19,336.1 2,292.7 1,408.8 7,692.5 4,864.7 25,993.6 16,841.0 15,352.4 8,218.6 7,166.6 3,898.0 23,691.5 16,823.8 11,293.7 6,520.2 24,884.7 15,181.9 44,057.2 27,631.8 47,450.7 33,696.7 3,411.4 1,875.0 36,947.7 21,809.5 73,792.7 40,093.4 23,599.4 9,901.8 94,015.0 27,943.8 44,632.1 9,816.9 76,203.7 7,052.6 56,466.9 24,680.4 175,616.3 71,599.7 62,996.0 17,372.6 7,020.0 1,907.3 15,896.4 2,438.0 40,079.6 13,027.2 13,698.1 3,923.6 13,698.1 3,923.6 916,894.2 397,512.3 4,036.2 0.0 3,168.7 0.0 0.0 25,856.4 917,761.6 423,368.7 〔資料〕内閣府経済社会総合研究所ホームページ「国民経済計算(SNA)統計 国民経済計算確報 平成15年度確報」(国民経済計算部企画調査課) Source: Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan.

nt Prices, Deflators) - 93SNA (1990--2003)

実質(平成7年基準) 国内総生産(支出 側) Gross domestic product (production approach) (3)=(1)-(2)


生産・輸入品に課さ 国内要素所得 れる税(控除)補助 金 Consumption of fixed Net domestic product Taxes on production Domestic factor capital and imports less income subsides (4)






At constant prices (At market prices in calendar year of 営業余剰・混合所得 産出額 (生産者価格表示)

Compensation of employees

Operating surplus and Gross output mixed income (at producers' prices)




413,941.7 10,916.1 1,121.2 117,315.5 11,750.0 1,922.5 3,364.7 9,380.7 4,140.6 4,379.7 9,462.5 7,154.8 13,113.5 19,416.6 11,358.7 2,088.1 19,783.1 43,405.8 11,232.4 58,324.3 24,815.3 46,765.7 29,090.4 70,955.1 32,218.5 2,785.5 10,664.9 18,768.2 6,621.7 6,621.7 452,781.9 2,736.9 2,306.6 -15,450.0 437,762.3

62,353.8 2,142.0 258.3 18,206.0 1,092.2 245.7 731.2 2,019.3 317.1 690.3 1,695.5 1,031.3 2,101.5 3,772.0 1,782.4 272.3 2,455.2 4,298.3 4,180.2 4,129.9 1,767.3 12,399.7 5,633.9 9,338.2 6,162.1 2,014.9 1,274.0 2,873.2 631.1 631.1 69,147.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 69,147.0

351,588.0 8,774.2 862.9 99,109.5 10,657.8 1,676.8 2,633.6 7,361.4 3,823.5 3,689.4 7,766.9 6,123.5 11,011.9 15,644.6 9,576.3 1,815.8 17,328.0 39,107.6 7,052.2 54,194.3 23,048.0 34,365.9 23,456.4 61,616.9 26,056.4 770.5 9,390.9 15,894.9 5,990.6 5,990.6 383,635.0 2,736.9 2,306.6 -15,450.0 368,615.3

29,661.0 323.6 48.1 13,112.1 4,077.8 150.9 247.0 611.3 2,538.0 314.8 740.7 439.6 773.4 1,098.5 858.8 119.1 1,142.2 1,957.3 1,065.3 4,191.2 247.6 2,851.6 1,293.6 4,570.6 51.0 0.0 1.6 49.4 107.1 107.1 29,819.1 2,736.9 2,306.6 0.0 30,249.5

321,927.0 8,450.5 814.8 85,997.4 6,580.0 1,525.9 2,386.5 6,750.1 1,285.4 3,374.6 7,026.3 5,683.9 10,238.5 14,546.1 8,717.6 1,696.7 16,185.8 37,150.3 5,986.9 50,003.1 22,800.4 31,514.4 22,162.9 57,046.3 26,005.4 770.5 9,389.3 15,845.5 5,883.5 5,883.5 353,815.9 0.0 0.0 -15,450.0 338,365.8

195,566.9 2,215.0 455.6 59,396.7 4,923.8 1,483.1 1,515.4 2,998.5 292.2 2,377.3 3,626.0 4,656.2 7,541.1 10,329.5 6,046.5 1,402.8 12,204.4 22,637.2 2,727.2 35,063.7 12,939.8 3,009.4 18,238.8 38,883.4 26,005.4 770.5 9,389.3 15,845.5 5,883.5 5,883.5 227,455.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 227,455.8

126,360.1 6,235.5 359.2 26,600.7 1,656.2 42.9 871.1 3,751.6 993.2 997.3 3,400.3 1,027.7 2,697.4 4,216.6 2,671.0 293.9 3,981.4 14,513.1 3,259.7 14,939.4 9,860.6 28,504.9 3,924.1 18,162.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 126,360.1 0.0 0.0 -15,450.0 110,910.1

804,910.0 19,003.3 2,454.2 312,732.4 34,381.2 5,340.9 10,016.4 25,413.9 9,577.4 10,245.6 29,636.8 15,524.5 32,100.0 42,015.8 42,897.1 4,678.8 50,904.0 93,522.4 19,024.5 86,119.9 31,156.2 57,720.8 45,741.4 137,434.8 46,982.0 3,951.3 13,635.7 29,395.1 9,926.1 9,926.1 861,818.2 2,059.6 2,159.2 0.0 861,718.6

441,798.2 10,839.1 1,101.5 124,507.6 12,201.7 1,931.9 3,422.2 9,647.9 4,971.3 4,536.9 9,786.4 7,799.1 14,276.2 20,847.0 11,673.8 2,241.5 21,171.7 44,944.7 11,979.1 65,903.6 24,817.2 49,676.1 31,283.3 76,746.1 34,028.4 2,963.1

68,939.5 2,225.2 288.1 20,728.2 1,204.9 271.8 768.6 2,156.8 359.4 752.0 1,905.1 1,185.7 2,469.0 4,339.5 2,210.6 327.0 2,777.8 4,723.9 4,038.1 4,962.4 1,952.2 13,429.2 6,146.7 10,445.5 6,643.5 2,149.7

372,858.7 8,613.8 813.4 103,779.3 10,996.8 1,660.0 2,653.6 7,491.1 4,611.9 3,784.9 7,881.3 6,613.4 11,807.3 16,507.4 9,463.3 1,914.5 18,393.9 40,220.8 7,941.0 60,941.2 22,865.0 36,246.9 25,136.6 66,300.6 27,384.9 813.3

29,394.7 98.8 49.9 12,630.0 3,556.4 152.6 249.4 618.4 2,436.1 325.2 765.1 458.2 802.4 1,120.4 863.2 121.4 1,161.3 1,923.9 1,055.9 4,281.8 174.0 2,830.4 1,916.1 4,433.8 46.5 0.0

343,464.0 8,515.0 763.5 91,149.3 7,440.4 1,507.4 2,404.3 6,872.7 2,175.8 3,459.7 7,116.3 6,155.2 11,004.8 15,387.1 8,600.0 1,793.1 17,232.7 38,296.9 6,885.1 56,659.4 22,691.0 33,416.4 23,220.5 61,866.9 27,338.4 813.3

212,102.4 2,219.1 467.3 63,504.1 5,443.0 1,479.9 1,610.4 3,268.6 315.4 2,596.3 3,742.7 4,925.2 8,310.8 10,888.7 6,236.5 1,464.9 13,221.8 25,181.9 2,906.9 38,243.5 13,343.0 3,257.2 19,306.2 43,673.1 27,338.4 813.3

131,361.7 6,295.9 296.2 27,645.2 1,997.4 27.5 793.8 3,604.1 1,860.4 863.4 3,373.6 1,230.0 2,694.0 4,498.4 2,363.6 328.2 4,010.9 13,115.0 3,978.2 18,415.9 9,348.0 30,159.2 3,914.3 18,193.7 0.0 0.0

835,820.3 17,712.9 2,312.3 325,394.8 34,684.8 5,201.5 10,003.7 25,591.8 10,351.4 10,203.6 30,568.1 16,331.4 34,072.7 46,706.6 44,506.0 4,954.7 52,218.5 95,002.2 20,286.8 93,997.0 30,035.5 59,702.8 48,039.1 143,337.0 48,465.5 4,115.8

11,220.7 19,844.6 7,098.2 7,098.2 482,924.8 2,879.8 2,396.0 -15,028.2 468,380.4

1,365.4 3,128.4 669.7 669.7 76,252.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 76,252.7

9,855.3 16,716.2 6,428.5 6,428.5 406,672.1 2,879.8 2,396.0 -15,028.2 392,127.7

1.5 45.0 109.7 109.7 29,550.9 2,879.8 2,396.0 0.0 30,034.7

9,853.8 16,671.2 6,318.8 6,318.8 377,121.2 0.0 0.0 -15,028.2 362,093.0

9,853.8 16,671.2 6,318.8 6,318.8 245,759.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 245,759.5

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 131,361.7 0.0 0.0 -15,028.2 116,333.5

13,779.1 30,570.7 10,369.4 10,369.4 894,655.3 2,304.8 2,252.0 0.0 894,708.1

454,276.5 10,613.4 1,067.6 123,193.0 13,083.8 2,057.8 3,364.7 10,061.3 5,268.5 4,651.9 9,417.1 7,815.7 13,435.7 19,417.0 11,756.3 2,013.5 20,849.7 44,988.8 12,362.6 69,350.4 25,305.4 53,069.5 32,213.9 82,112.0 35,573.5 3,138.7 11,653.6 20,781.2 7,692.6 7,692.6 497,542.5 2,899.7 2,115.9 -17,863.7 480,462.7

73,688.9 2,138.9 252.6 21,902.8 1,298.8 272.7 767.1 2,323.3 367.0 810.7 2,028.5 1,188.5 2,560.1 4,566.8 2,463.9 320.1 2,935.4 5,365.1 4,113.2 5,383.7 2,690.2 14,364.9 6,389.4 11,088.1 7,177.8 2,290.6 1,466.3 3,420.9 742.0 742.0 81,608.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 81,608.7

380,587.6 8,474.4 815.0 101,290.2 11,785.1 1,785.1 2,597.6 7,738.0 4,901.4 3,841.2 7,388.6 6,627.3 10,875.7 14,850.2 9,292.4 1,693.4 17,914.3 39,623.7 8,249.4 63,966.7 22,615.2 38,704.6 25,824.4 71,023.9 28,395.6 848.0 10,187.3 17,360.3 6,950.6 6,950.6 415,933.8 2,899.7 2,115.9 -17,863.7 398,853.9

32,713.1 341.4 49.8 13,777.7 4,055.0 173.4 270.2 692.8 2,688.0 362.8 835.2 494.4 828.5 1,142.5 883.4 120.2 1,231.4 2,024.3 1,167.4 4,889.9 275.3 3,181.4 2,275.2 4,730.7 47.8 0.0 1.3 46.5 112.5 112.5 32,873.4 2,899.7 2,115.9 0.0 33,657.3

347,874.5 8,133.0 765.2 87,512.5 7,730.0 1,611.7 2,327.4 7,045.2 2,213.4 3,478.4 6,553.3 6,132.9 10,047.2 13,707.7 8,409.0 1,573.2 16,682.9 37,599.4 7,082.0 59,076.8 22,339.9 35,523.2 23,549.3 66,293.2 28,347.8 848.0 10,186.0 17,313.8 6,838.1 6,838.1 383,060.4 0.0 0.0 -17,863.7 365,196.7

218,600.3 2,191.3 439.2 64,115.7 5,523.6 1,516.4 1,653.9 3,286.8 326.3 2,524.1 3,798.7 5,075.2 8,139.2 10,910.3 6,678.0 1,388.4 13,294.6 26,606.3 2,891.2 39,837.1 13,262.0 3,381.8 19,755.5 46,120.3 28,347.8 848.0 10,186.0 17,313.8 6,838.1 6,838.1 253,786.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 253,786.2

129,274.2 5,941.7 326.0 23,396.8 2,206.4 95.3 673.5 3,758.4 1,887.1 954.3 2,754.6 1,057.7 1,908.0 2,797.4 1,731.0 184.8 3,388.3 10,993.1 4,190.8 19,239.7 9,077.9 32,141.5 3,793.8 20,172.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 129,274.2 0.0 0.0 -17,863.7 111,410.4

837,315.8 17,725.8 2,205.1 316,355.9 34,841.9 5,051.4 9,813.5 26,520.2 10,343.0 9,955.2 28,960.2 15,904.9 30,957.4 44,210.1 44,619.0 4,541.8 50,637.1 93,351.3 20,906.9 97,503.0 33,177.1 61,577.5 48,591.1 145,922.1 49,638.4 4,341.6 13,978.2 31,318.6 11,084.3 11,084.3 898,038.5 2,426.0 2,072.9 0.0 898,391.7

457,015.8 9,778.8 960.1 117,007.5 13,045.0 1,978.1 3,396.3 9,743.3 5,324.3 4,457.8 8,375.5 7,551.9 11,565.7 18,269.0 11,347.0 1,805.2 20,148.3 45,393.0 12,566.1 70,189.3 26,084.5 56,672.1 32,853.7 85,510.7 36,917.5 3,328.1 12,006.9 21,582.5 8,073.8 8,073.8 502,007.0

76,294.6 1,988.5 233.4 22,062.1 1,418.4 259.5 771.7 2,393.2 433.4 817.9 2,127.9 1,279.0 2,364.8 4,386.5 2,603.9 295.0 2,910.9 5,907.4 4,393.5 5,654.8 3,018.8 15,212.6 6,443.2 11,380.3 7,742.4 2,449.7 1,574.3 3,718.4 791.6 791.6 84,828.6

380,721.2 7,790.2 726.7 94,945.4 11,626.7 1,718.5 2,624.5 7,350.1 4,890.9 3,639.9 6,247.6 6,272.9 9,200.9 13,882.5 8,743.1 1,510.2 17,237.4 39,485.6 8,172.6 64,534.5 23,065.7 41,459.5 26,410.6 74,130.4 29,175.1 878.4 10,432.5 17,864.1 7,282.1 7,282.1 417,178.4

31,598.9 370.9 57.2 13,141.4 3,989.4 164.9 261.3 645.9 2,721.1 340.4 763.2 458.2 711.2 1,030.9 818.5 105.3 1,131.1 1,901.9 1,153.8 4,891.5 357.4 3,151.2 2,160.1 4,413.5 49.5 0.0 1.4 48.1 115.4 115.4 31,763.7

349,122.3 7,419.4 669.5 81,804.0 7,637.3 1,553.6 2,363.2 6,704.2 2,169.8 3,299.5 5,484.5 5,814.6 8,489.7 12,851.6 7,924.6 1,404.9 16,106.3 37,583.7 7,018.9 59,643.0 22,708.3 38,308.3 24,250.4 69,716.9 29,125.6 878.4 10,431.1 17,816.1 7,166.8 7,166.8 385,414.7

223,009.1 2,211.7 436.8 62,876.4 5,423.9 1,395.0 1,644.8 3,327.5 328.5 2,526.1 3,593.3 5,235.4 7,601.3 10,849.4 6,661.2 1,266.8 13,023.0 28,018.8 3,098.2 40,928.8 13,482.0 3,324.1 20,410.2 48,222.0 29,125.6 878.4 10,431.1 17,816.1 7,166.8 7,166.8 259,301.5

126,113.2 5,207.6 232.7 18,927.6 2,213.4 158.6 718.4 3,376.7 1,841.3 773.4 1,891.1 579.2 888.5 2,002.2 1,263.3 138.1 3,083.3 9,564.9 3,920.7 18,714.2 9,226.3 34,984.2 3,840.2 21,494.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 126,113.2

828,174.0 16,457.3 2,014.0 304,978.5 34,406.4 4,572.6 9,580.2 26,261.9 10,529.2 9,511.0 27,866.2 15,982.7 27,038.5 43,749.3 43,044.1 3,950.9 48,485.4 93,184.0 21,086.1 97,335.3 33,913.7 63,468.8 49,843.1 145,893.3 51,041.1 4,644.6 14,180.3 32,216.2 11,589.9 11,589.9 890,805.0

2,554.6 1,900.7 -18,935.0 483,725.8

0.0 0.0 0.0 84,828.6

2,554.6 1,900.7 -18,935.0 398,897.2

2,554.6 1,900.7 0.0 32,417.5

0.0 0.0 -18,935.0 366,479.7

0.0 0.0 0.0 259,301.5

0.0 0.0 -18,935.0 107,178.2

2,391.6 1,872.0 0.0 891,324.7

460,616.7 10,232.7 863.8 112,834.0 12,946.1 1,721.0 3,233.5 9,514.2 5,657.0 4,480.9 7,792.7 6,711.8 10,599.6 18,429.3 10,686.8 1,644.0 19,417.2 44,044.1 13,088.6 72,660.4 28,126.6 58,785.7 33,735.6 86,245.2 38,116.7 3,513.6 12,269.4 22,333.7 8,477.6 8,477.6 507,210.9 2,681.1 1,772.9 -20,532.1 487,587.0

77,555.5 2,114.9 205.5 21,032.5 1,439.2 234.3 734.6 2,294.4 484.7 822.9 2,114.2 1,133.7 2,104.5 4,075.9 2,590.2 290.0 2,713.9 6,041.6 4,651.8 5,482.3 3,389.1 16,130.9 6,573.3 11,933.8 8,332.7 2,618.5 1,683.0 4,031.3 844.1 844.1 86,732.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 86,732.3

383,061.1 8,117.8 658.3 91,801.5 11,506.9 1,486.6 2,498.8 7,219.8 5,172.3 3,658.0 5,678.5 5,578.2 8,495.1 14,353.3 8,096.6 1,354.1 16,703.3 38,002.4 8,436.8 67,178.1 24,737.5 42,654.9 27,162.4 74,311.4 29,783.9 895.1 10,586.5 18,302.4 7,633.5 7,633.5 420,478.6 2,681.1 1,772.9 -20,532.1 400,854.6

32,111.8 424.0 47.8 13,281.7 4,106.3 159.1 261.8 649.3 2,857.3 351.2 766.0 435.4 685.3 1,043.8 745.9 100.8 1,119.4 1,904.0 1,171.3 5,248.0 209.9 3,280.1 2,346.9 4,198.0 50.7 0.0 1.5 49.3 120.0 120.0 32,282.6 2,681.1 1,772.9 0.0 33,190.8

350,949.3 7,693.8 610.5 78,519.8 7,400.6 1,327.5 2,237.0 6,570.6 2,314.9 3,306.8 4,912.5 5,142.8 7,809.8 13,309.5 7,350.7 1,253.3 15,583.9 36,098.4 7,265.5 61,930.2 24,527.5 39,374.7 24,815.5 70,113.3 29,733.2 895.1 10,585.0 18,253.1 7,513.5 7,513.5 388,196.0 0.0 0.0 -20,532.1 367,663.8

227,181.8 2,144.5 448.5 62,135.6 5,634.4 1,261.4 1,682.7 3,384.1 343.1 2,607.6 3,397.9 4,993.4 7,204.9 10,817.2 6,546.8 1,243.2 13,018.8 29,335.1 3,241.3 41,174.8 13,553.1 3,535.2 20,727.6 50,886.1 29,733.2 895.1 10,585.0 18,253.1 7,513.5 7,513.5 264,428.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 264,428.4

123,767.5 5,549.3 162.0 16,384.3 1,766.2 66.1 554.3 3,186.5 1,971.9 699.2 1,514.6 149.3 604.9 2,492.3 803.9 10.1 2,565.1 6,763.4 4,024.2 20,755.4 10,974.4 35,839.5 4,087.8 19,227.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 123,767.5 0.0 0.0 -20,532.1 103,235.4

836,781.1 16,909.2 1,745.6 300,445.0 34,299.3 4,164.9 9,383.1 25,638.1 10,908.4 9,777.4 26,930.8 15,303.2 26,256.4 45,320.6 41,871.8 3,830.0 46,760.9 92,921.2 22,351.3 100,785.7 37,111.9 64,759.8 51,986.6 147,764.9 52,795.6 4,906.9 14,396.8 33,491.9 12,020.0 12,020.0 901,596.7 2,663.7 1,756.1 0.0 902,504.3

467,259.6 9,345.5 860.7 114,668.7 12,902.4 1,553.8 3,399.1 9,779.0 5,385.8 4,420.0 8,180.7 6,725.9 11,354.0 19,458.4 10,918.1 1,641.9 18,949.8 40,841.4 13,329.3 75,788.3 29,298.9 59,734.0 35,264.2 88,128.8 39,579.3 3,700.5 12,650.4 23,228.4 8,861.0 8,861.0 515,699.9 2,889.4 1,886.6 -23,802.0 492,900.6 (1)名目

79,327.5 2,096.5 187.9 18,496.0 1,368.0 206.3 654.5 2,010.2 446.4 716.9 1,836.7 914.0 1,742.3 3,795.7 2,224.6 248.2 2,332.0 6,016.1 5,276.2 6,166.0 3,744.8 16,823.4 7,192.4 13,328.1 8,944.8 2,790.1 1,784.9 4,369.7 844.7 844.7 89,116.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 89,116.9

387,932.2 7,248.9 672.8 96,172.7 11,534.3 1,347.4 2,744.5 7,768.8 4,939.4 3,703.0 6,343.9 5,812.0 9,611.6 15,662.7 8,693.4 1,393.7 16,617.8 34,825.3 8,053.1 69,622.2 25,554.1 42,910.5 28,071.8 74,800.7 30,634.5 910.5 10,865.5 18,858.6 8,016.3 8,016.3 426,583.0 2,889.4 1,886.6 -23,802.0 403,783.7

33,163.1 416.8 51.3 13,595.3 4,087.3 157.3 275.3 679.6 2,918.5 360.2 809.0 447.4 733.0 1,110.6 777.7 102.7 1,136.7 1,838.5 1,229.0 5,521.0 71.5 3,575.4 2,509.1 4,355.3 55.4 0.0 1.4 54.0 124.5 124.5 33,343.0 2,889.4 1,886.6 0.0 34,345.7

354,769.1 6,832.1 621.5 82,577.4 7,447.0 1,190.2 2,469.2 7,089.2 2,020.9 3,342.8 5,535.0 5,364.5 8,878.6 14,552.1 7,915.7 1,291.0 15,481.1 32,986.8 6,824.2 64,101.2 25,482.6 39,335.1 25,562.7 70,445.5 30,579.1 910.5 10,864.1 18,804.6 7,891.8 7,891.8 393,240.0 0.0 0.0 -23,802.0 369,438.0

230,569.6 2,089.7 424.0 62,163.5 5,616.0 1,247.5 1,659.1 3,271.6 325.0 2,483.0 3,311.6 5,013.0 7,585.2 11,102.8 6,555.5 1,210.9 12,782.2 29,308.9 3,336.5 41,874.4 14,036.4 3,465.4 21,396.3 52,474.4 30,579.1 910.5 10,864.1 18,804.6 7,891.8 7,891.8 269,040.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 269,040.5

124,199.5 4,742.4 197.5 20,413.9 1,830.9 -57.4 810.2 3,817.6 1,695.9 859.8 2,223.4 351.5 1,293.4 3,449.3 1,360.3 80.1 2,698.9 3,677.8 3,487.7 22,226.8 11,446.2 35,869.7 4,166.5 17,971.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 124,199.5 0.0 0.0 -23,802.0 100,397.4

855,410.0 16,329.2 1,657.6 309,193.8 34,350.3 3,949.3 9,475.8 26,275.3 10,611.4 9,701.2 27,453.6 15,515.5 28,643.7 50,678.3 41,701.7 3,802.7 47,034.9 88,412.3 22,975.8 107,174.0 39,903.2 65,371.3 54,110.4 150,282.4 54,918.5 5,195.8 14,699.9 35,022.7 12,569.8 12,569.8 922,898.3 2,889.4 1,888.6 0.0 923,899.0

477,946.4 9,371.4 866.8 117,219.5 12,559.4 1,464.2 3,440.1 9,778.7 5,871.0 4,463.1 8,237.9 6,928.6 11,960.6 20,260.3 11,513.0 1,710.9 19,031.9 40,968.2 13,583.8 77,588.7 29,047.5 61,449.3 35,162.9 92,688.3 40,898.9 3,888.6 12,991.0 24,019.3 9,140.8 9,140.8 527,986.0 3,036.7 2,005.8 -22,807.0 506,209.9

81,818.7 2,078.2 215.6 18,588.4 1,334.0 189.8 634.2 2,011.7 446.4 703.7 1,825.2 911.2 1,762.9 4,048.6 2,202.8 227.1 2,290.7 5,325.6 5,642.9 6,352.0 3,412.9 17,741.6 7,476.4 14,985.0 9,550.7 2,968.9 1,882.5 4,699.3 845.4 845.4 92,214.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 92,214.9

396,127.7 7,293.1 651.2 98,631.1 11,225.3 1,274.4 2,805.9 7,767.0 5,424.6 3,759.4 6,412.7 6,017.4 10,197.7 16,211.7 9,310.1 1,483.8 16,741.2 35,642.5 7,940.9 71,236.7 25,634.7 43,707.8 27,686.4 77,703.2 31,348.1 919.7 11,108.5 19,320.0 8,295.4 8,295.4 435,771.2 3,036.7 2,005.8 -22,807.0 413,995.0

34,821.2 446.9 59.7 14,312.2 4,156.8 164.7 294.0 716.8 3,088.0 383.1 856.3 483.3 802.7 1,203.2 848.4 111.1 1,203.8 1,843.4 1,272.0 5,967.4 161.4 3,626.7 2,501.6 4,630.0 57.3 0.0 1.5 55.7 127.5 127.5 35,006.0 3,036.7 2,005.8 0.0 36,036.8

361,306.4 6,846.2 591.5 84,318.8 7,068.6 1,109.6 2,511.8 7,050.1 2,336.6 3,376.2 5,556.4 5,534.1 9,395.0 15,008.5 8,461.8 1,372.7 15,537.4 33,799.2 6,668.9 65,269.3 25,473.3 40,081.1 25,184.8 73,073.3 31,290.9 919.7 11,107.0 19,264.3 8,167.8 8,167.8 400,765.1 0.0 0.0 -22,807.0 377,958.2

233,929.7 2,117.3 418.7 62,773.5 5,746.9 1,309.6 1,686.5 3,191.1 319.7 2,434.9 3,321.0 4,963.9 7,898.3 11,382.3 6,704.2 1,203.5 12,611.5 29,895.6 3,270.6 43,164.8 13,679.2 3,509.9 21,063.2 54,036.9 31,290.9 919.7 11,107.0 19,264.3 8,167.8 8,167.8 273,388.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 273,388.4

127,376.7 4,728.9 172.8 21,545.3 1,321.6 -199.9 825.3 3,859.0 2,016.8 941.3 2,235.4 570.2 1,496.6 3,626.2 1,757.6 169.3 2,926.0 3,903.5 3,398.3 22,104.5 11,794.1 36,571.2 4,121.6 19,036.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 127,376.7 0.0 0.0 -22,807.0 104,569.8

879,731.3 15,897.2 1,734.9 318,827.6 33,507.4 3,680.3 9,442.2 26,902.5 11,176.1 9,852.2 27,827.8 16,017.2 30,177.7 57,351.1 41,893.0 3,817.5 47,182.5 89,684.0 23,781.6 111,482.9 39,643.9 66,774.7 54,244.4 157,660.2 56,335.0 5,446.7 14,973.6 35,914.6 12,845.4 12,845.4 948,911.7 2,741.8 2,022.7 0.0 949,630.8

489,946.8 8,362.7 809.8 119,416.7 12,715.6 1,458.0 3,359.0 9,865.0 6,377.6 4,418.5 8,421.8 6,984.8 12,294.7 21,252.6 11,386.8 1,803.4 19,079.0 41,300.7 14,185.1 80,629.7 30,413.8 63,195.5 35,467.5 96,165.3 42,064.3 4,076.7 13,262.4 24,725.2 9,378.2 9,378.2 541,389.3 3,824.2 3,415.7 -24,682.1 517,115.6

83,263.6 1,900.2 274.5 18,960.5 1,351.2 180.0 654.0 1,993.4 473.9 711.0 1,861.6 921.5 1,800.2 4,216.9 2,241.5 233.5 2,321.7 5,155.5 5,610.2 6,099.1 3,448.9 18,780.0 7,475.1 15,559.6 10,122.8 3,150.6 1,972.8 4,999.5 850.8 850.8 94,237.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 94,237.2

406,683.2 6,462.4 535.4 100,456.3 11,364.4 1,278.0 2,705.0 7,871.6 5,903.6 3,707.4 6,560.2 6,063.3 10,494.5 17,035.7 9,145.3 1,569.9 16,757.3 36,145.2 8,575.0 74,530.6 26,964.9 44,415.4 27,992.4 80,605.7 31,941.4 926.2 11,289.6 19,725.7 8,527.4 8,527.4 447,152.1 3,824.2 3,415.7 -24,682.1 422,878.4

35,814.6 405.2 41.2 14,294.0 3,861.1 161.9 297.6 749.7 3,003.0 385.6 861.0 507.3 857.0 1,339.5 872.5 122.5 1,275.2 1,992.5 1,368.7 6,369.0 111.6 3,502.8 2,670.8 5,058.8 57.3 0.0 1.8 55.5 135.3 135.3 36,007.2 3,824.2 3,415.7 0.0 36,415.7

370,868.6 6,057.3 494.2 86,162.2 7,503.3 1,116.0 2,407.4 7,122.0 2,900.7 3,321.8 5,699.2 5,556.0 9,637.5 15,696.2 8,272.7 1,447.4 15,482.0 34,152.6 7,206.3 68,161.5 26,853.2 40,912.7 25,321.6 75,547.0 31,884.1 926.2 11,287.7 19,670.2 8,392.1 8,392.1 411,144.8 0.0 0.0 -24,682.1 386,462.7

240,227.3 2,120.9 409.0 64,274.4 5,803.2 1,280.2 1,726.5 3,348.2 328.7 2,546.2 3,357.7 4,883.7 8,073.0 11,589.4 7,107.5 1,271.6 12,958.5 30,568.1 3,300.3 44,061.6 13,594.1 3,597.7 20,962.2 57,339.0 31,884.1 926.2 11,287.7 19,670.2 8,392.1 8,392.1 280,503.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 280,503.5

130,641.4 3,936.4 85.2 21,887.9 1,700.1 -164.2 680.9 3,773.7 2,571.9 775.6 2,341.5 672.3 1,564.5 4,106.8 1,165.3 175.8 2,523.5 3,584.5 3,906.0 24,100.0 13,259.2 37,315.0 4,359.4 18,208.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 130,641.4 0.0 0.0 -24,682.1 105,959.2

898,205.8 15,469.3 1,637.8 328,598.8 33,609.4 3,551.3 9,468.1 27,429.1 11,564.1 9,818.4 28,465.4 15,957.0 30,804.0 63,199.9 43,793.0 4,142.3 46,796.9 88,940.7 23,556.5 114,214.6 41,465.2 67,931.4 56,619.3 159,772.1 57,066.7 5,679.4 15,084.2 36,303.2 12,816.4 12,816.4 968,088.8 3,237.7 2,252.0 0.0 969,074.6

482,250.1 8,250.5 742.5 113,445.5 12,708.0

84,675.9 2,171.3 207.0 18,893.2 1,347.0

397,574.2 6,079.2 535.5 94,552.3 11,361.0

38,929.3 490.1 76.1 15,447.2 4,060.3

358,644.9 5,589.1 459.4 79,105.1 7,300.7

236,354.3 2,067.3 411.0 62,028.4 5,676.6

122,290.6 3,521.9 48.4 17,076.7 1,624.1

880,583.8 14,946.0 1,519.8 309,797.9 33,574.3

1,296.3 3,244.3 9,244.4 6,154.8 3,997.7 7,119.0 6,304.1 11,347.1 19,719.3 12,054.2 1,813.7 18,442.5 39,742.2 14,543.1 77,381.1 29,386.6 64,098.5 34,652.3 100,008.0 43,130.2 4,264.6 13,483.9 25,381.7 10,047.5 10,047.5 535,427.8 3,710.9 3,454.1 -24,278.5 511,406.0

165.1 680.7 2,009.3 428.5 712.4 1,710.6 830.3 1,841.1 4,285.3 2,303.4 291.4 2,288.0 5,299.2 5,513.4 5,565.9 3,295.3 19,673.5 7,291.9 16,765.3 10,758.8 3,335.9 2,057.0 5,365.9 836.3 836.3 96,271.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 96,271.0

1,131.2 2,563.6 7,235.1 5,726.4 3,285.3 5,408.3 5,473.8 9,506.1 15,434.0 9,750.8 1,522.2 16,154.5 34,443.0 9,029.6 71,815.3 26,091.3 44,425.0 27,360.4 83,242.6 32,371.4 928.7 11,426.9 20,015.8 9,211.1 9,211.1 439,156.8 3,710.9 3,454.1 -24,278.5 415,135.0

171.7 327.9 826.5 3,164.0 414.2 892.5 543.9 938.2 1,480.8 1,045.3 142.4 1,439.7 2,320.4 1,568.4 6,818.0 -51.1 3,602.0 3,078.5 5,579.7 64.9 0.0 2.7 62.2 165.3 165.3 39,159.6 3,710.9 3,454.1 0.0 39,416.3

959.5 2,235.7 6,408.6 2,562.4 2,871.1 4,515.9 4,929.9 8,567.9 13,953.2 8,705.5 1,379.9 14,714.7 32,122.6 7,461.2 64,997.3 26,142.3 40,823.1 24,281.9 77,662.9 32,306.5 928.7 11,424.2 19,953.6 9,045.8 9,045.8 399,997.2 0.0 0.0 -24,278.5 375,718.6

1,213.1 1,601.2 3,355.6 333.5 2,459.3 3,114.4 4,644.6 7,902.7 11,358.3 6,810.9 1,221.4 12,336.7 29,141.2 3,356.6 43,264.7 13,541.9 3,576.8 20,722.7 58,243.6 32,306.5 928.7 11,424.2 19,953.6 9,045.8 9,045.8 277,706.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 277,706.6

-253.6 634.5 3,053.0 2,228.9 411.8 1,401.5 285.3 665.2 2,594.9 1,894.6 158.4 2,378.0 2,981.4 4,104.6 21,732.6 12,600.4 37,246.2 3,559.2 19,419.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 122,290.6 0.0 0.0 -24,278.5 98,012.1

3,251.0 9,210.1 26,393.4 11,364.7 8,989.7 25,595.2 14,823.7 28,838.3 58,765.7 40,121.8 4,229.0 44,641.0 85,658.7 24,146.5 110,911.6 41,203.4 69,197.9 58,425.9 164,776.0 58,793.7 6,019.3 15,195.7 37,578.8 13,536.5 13,536.5 952,914.0 3,308.0 2,118.3 0.0 954,103.8

474,263.6 7,582.9 655.1 110,991.2 12,950.6 1,169.4 3,081.5 9,647.8 6,070.1 3,756.7 6,773.4 5,828.7 10,227.6 19,998.5 12,027.1 1,740.5 17,719.4 38,496.5 14,423.7 73,100.1 30,223.2 65,129.6 32,935.5 100,725.6 43,827.0 4,478.3 13,496.5 25,852.1 9,976.9 9,976.9 528,067.5 3,581.5 3,169.4 -23,850.4 504,629.2

83,254.6 1,971.1 201.2 18,706.5 1,518.7 152.7 660.1 2,026.8 383.3 664.0 1,635.2 792.6 1,795.0 4,315.1 2,309.3 235.2 2,218.5 4,725.8 5,262.3 5,328.7 3,232.9 20,055.1 6,695.5 17,075.5 11,380.9 3,561.4 2,139.7 5,679.9 793.3 793.3 95,428.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 95,428.8

391,009.0 5,611.9 453.9 92,284.7 11,431.9 1,016.7 2,421.4 7,621.1 5,686.8 3,092.7 5,138.2 5,036.1 8,432.6 15,683.4 9,717.8 1,505.3 15,500.8 33,770.7 9,161.4 67,771.4 26,990.3 45,074.5 26,240.0 83,650.1 32,446.0 916.9 11,356.9 20,172.2 9,183.6 9,183.6 432,638.7 3,581.5 3,169.4 -23,850.4 409,200.4

38,140.5 456.6 73.5 15,480.6 3,974.3 168.1 327.7 873.6 3,193.5 410.4 898.4 532.1 900.8 1,546.1 1,068.2 142.4 1,445.0 2,203.4 1,556.8 6,746.9 -149.0 3,473.2 3,027.0 5,271.4 67.9 0.0 3.1 64.8 173.8 173.8 38,382.2 3,581.5 3,169.4 0.0 38,794.3

352,868.5 5,155.3 380.4 76,804.1 7,457.6 848.6 2,093.7 6,747.5 2,493.2 2,682.3 4,239.8 4,503.9 7,531.8 14,137.3 8,649.6 1,362.9 14,055.8 31,567.3 7,604.6 61,024.5 27,139.3 41,601.3 23,213.0 78,378.7 32,378.1 916.9 11,353.8 20,107.4 9,009.9 9,009.9 394,256.5 0.0 0.0 -23,850.4 370,406.1

231,728.7 2,056.6 401.3 60,060.6 5,359.4 1,131.1 1,501.8 3,183.1 292.9 2,241.7 2,982.8 4,568.1 7,722.9 11,527.8 6,657.7 1,241.5 11,649.6 28,463.8 3,391.5 42,122.5 13,270.7 3,276.9 20,359.2 58,325.7 32,378.1 916.9 11,353.8 20,107.4 9,009.9 9,009.9 273,116.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 273,116.6

121,139.9 3,098.7 -20.9 16,743.5 2,098.2 -282.5 591.9 3,564.4 2,200.3 440.6 1,257.0 -64.2 -191.2 2,609.5 1,992.0 121.4 2,406.2 3,103.5 4,213.1 18,902.0 13,868.6 38,324.5 2,853.8 20,053.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 121,139.9 0.0 0.0 -23,850.4 97,289.5

878,545.5 14,484.8 1,521.2 307,462.7 32,946.6 3,091.7 9,042.2 26,839.5 10,921.8 8,587.3 24,577.7 13,839.2 26,985.7 62,998.4 40,658.7 3,960.1 43,013.7 84,295.0 24,573.0 106,184.4 42,339.9 70,532.4 59,445.3 167,706.9 61,263.6 6,417.1 15,583.1 39,263.4 13,575.3 13,575.3 953,384.4 3,386.2 2,011.9 0.0 954,758.7

475,944.5 7,109.9 661.8 112,113.9 12,795.4 1,141.7 3,209.2 9,141.3 6,397.4 3,838.3

85,041.6 2,129.6 205.9 18,137.1 1,565.9 133.5 629.6 1,970.3 359.8 634.8

390,902.9 4,980.2 455.9 93,976.8 11,229.4 1,008.2 2,579.6 7,170.9 6,037.6 3,203.5

37,730.3 321.0 72.1 15,661.8 3,973.0 165.3 336.4 854.6 3,279.9 415.6

353,172.6 4,659.2 383.7 78,315.0 7,256.5 843.0 2,243.2 6,316.3 2,757.7 2,787.9

234,348.2 1,976.5 405.1 59,505.9 5,369.0 1,039.0 1,473.7 3,307.8 282.0 2,258.1

118,824.4 2,682.7 -21.3 18,809.1 1,887.5 -196.1 769.5 3,008.5 2,475.7 529.8

900,572.5 14,591.3 1,624.6 321,876.4 32,759.3 2,937.6 9,031.8 26,636.9 11,276.1 8,895.1

7,174.9 5,827.7 10,448.8 21,350.1 11,490.9 1,735.1 17,563.3 37,937.8 14,218.2 70,070.2 31,119.0 66,342.2 32,619.5 103,751.9 44,539.4 4,673.4 13,597.7 26,268.3 9,342.8 9,342.8 529,826.7 3,871.7 3,413.3 -23,204.1 507,081.0

1,587.0 755.4 1,733.7 4,132.7 2,316.5 222.3 2,095.7 4,413.2 5,603.7 5,168.4 3,062.3 20,905.8 5,713.4 19,702.1 12,118.6 3,778.2 2,394.0 5,946.3 834.9 834.9 97,995.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 97,995.1

5,587.9 5,072.3 8,715.1 17,217.4 9,174.4 1,512.8 15,467.6 33,524.6 8,614.5 64,901.8 28,056.7 45,436.5 26,906.1 84,049.8 32,420.8 895.2 11,203.7 20,322.0 8,507.8 8,507.8 431,831.5 3,871.7 3,413.3 -23,204.1 409,085.9

916.5 533.3 919.2 1,637.9 1,044.5 143.1 1,442.5 2,134.1 1,522.8 6,579.8 -413.9 3,451.0 3,059.2 5,342.2 69.2 0.0 2.7 66.4 159.5 159.5 37,959.0 3,871.7 3,413.3 0.0 38,417.5

4,671.4 4,539.0 7,795.9 15,579.5 8,129.9 1,369.7 14,025.0 31,390.5 7,091.7 58,321.9 28,470.6 41,985.4 23,846.9 78,707.6 32,351.6 895.2 11,200.9 20,255.5 8,348.3 8,348.3 393,872.5 0.0 0.0 -23,204.1 370,668.4

2,931.0 4,522.6 7,820.1 11,317.3 6,482.6 1,197.2 11,505.5 28,642.5 3,269.4 42,780.8 12,999.0 3,454.8 20,206.9 61,107.3 32,351.6 895.2 11,200.9 20,255.5 8,348.3 8,348.3 275,048.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 275,048.2

1,740.4 16.4 -24.2 4,262.2 1,647.4 172.5 2,519.5 2,748.0 3,822.3 15,541.2 15,471.6 38,530.7 3,640.0 17,600.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 118,824.4 0.0 0.0 -23,204.1 95,620.3

25,736.9 13,768.1 28,956.1 71,760.0 43,398.8 3,893.8 42,825.9 83,306.7 24,742.8 103,002.7 43,014.2 71,599.2 61,804.7 175,009.9 62,636.2 6,689.5 15,964.2 39,982.5 12,731.1 12,731.1 975,939.8 3,485.0 2,249.8 0.0 977,175.0

469,820.8 6,780.9 683.5 105,220.9 12,591.8 1,011.3 3,046.4 8,997.9 6,931.7 3,622.9 6,689.2 5,444.1 9,862.3 17,252.7 11,804.2 1,710.0 16,256.4 36,268.9 14,505.7 69,275.2 33,210.0 67,383.8 32,651.1 103,840.8 45,345.5 4,875.9 13,590.4 26,879.2 9,433.2 9,433.2 524,599.5 3,980.3 3,430.3 -25,777.8 499,371.7

85,868.1 1,944.4 220.5 17,739.6 1,540.3 126.3 595.1 1,897.3 341.4 642.0 1,588.6 747.0 1,636.5 4,269.4 2,146.4 219.7 1,989.7 4,180.1 5,363.9 4,938.1 3,010.5 21,476.1 6,005.8 20,989.0 12,588.3 3,990.5 2,322.4 6,275.4 924.0 924.0 99,380.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 99,380.4

383,952.7 4,836.5 462.9 87,481.3 11,051.4 885.0 2,451.2 7,100.7 6,590.3 2,980.9 5,100.6 4,697.1 8,225.9 12,983.3 9,657.7 1,490.2 14,266.8 32,088.8 9,141.8 64,337.1 30,199.5 45,907.6 26,645.3 82,851.8 32,757.2 885.4 11,268.0 20,603.8 8,509.2 8,509.2 425,219.1 3,980.3 3,430.3 -25,777.8 399,991.3

38,067.0 275.9 58.0 15,253.6 3,904.5 157.7 327.5 841.5 3,339.8 401.7 883.4 514.2 890.4 1,405.7 1,067.7 142.6 1,377.0 2,169.2 1,554.8 6,614.7 -158.1 3,659.8 3,047.9 5,591.2 71.8 0.0 3.1 68.7 146.1 146.1 38,284.9 3,980.3 3,430.3 0.0 38,834.9

345,885.7 4,560.6 404.9 72,227.7 7,147.0 727.3 2,123.7 6,259.2 3,250.6 2,579.2 4,217.2 4,182.9 7,335.5 11,577.5 8,590.1 1,347.6 12,889.7 29,919.6 7,587.1 57,722.4 30,357.6 42,247.9 23,597.4 77,260.6 32,685.5 885.4 11,264.9 20,535.2 8,363.1 8,363.1 386,934.2 0.0 0.0 -25,777.8 361,156.4

232,324.2 2,022.7 378.5 58,363.2 5,285.9 991.7 1,467.0 3,274.4 271.2 2,145.4 2,853.2 4,433.3 7,680.3 11,003.4 6,712.7 1,164.3 11,080.4 27,160.3 3,302.3 42,242.8 12,638.8 3,212.9 19,548.8 63,454.0 32,685.5 885.4 11,264.9 20,535.2 8,363.1 8,363.1 273,372.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 273,372.8

113,561.5 2,537.9 26.4 13,864.5 1,861.1 -264.4 656.7 2,984.7 2,979.4 433.8 1,364.0 -250.4 -344.8 574.1 1,877.4 183.3 1,809.3 2,759.3 4,284.8 15,479.6 17,718.8 39,034.9 4,048.6 13,806.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 113,561.5 0.0 0.0 -25,777.8 87,783.6

898,529.4 14,039.9 1,656.3 313,003.6 32,513.5 2,668.9 8,568.7 26,264.9 11,533.8 8,611.2 25,037.1 13,275.4 27,375.1 68,283.6 44,364.4 3,838.6 40,668.4 80,816.9 25,033.5 103,364.8 45,456.1 72,752.9 63,964.7 178,440.8 63,711.6 7,022.2 15,937.7 40,751.6 12,720.7 12,720.7 974,961.7 3,458.5 2,268.9 0.0 976,151.3

462,748.8 6,691.4 605.7 101,793.6 12,289.1 932.3 2,799.3 8,999.5 7,191.7 3,306.7 6,153.7 4,932.1 8,866.0 15,547.3 13,720.1

84,290.1 1,915.2 194.8 16,786.9 1,497.3 112.6 573.9 1,877.0 285.5 599.9 1,534.4 726.4 1,551.4 3,861.0 2,103.0

378,458.7 4,776.2 410.9 85,006.7 10,791.9 819.7 2,225.4 7,122.5 6,906.1 2,706.8 4,619.3 4,205.7 7,314.7 11,686.3 11,617.1

36,550.6 228.4 64.2 14,534.6 3,697.0 150.6 306.0 816.4 3,245.2 373.6 828.3 469.7 805.9 1,265.1 1,153.8

341,908.1 4,547.8 346.8 70,472.1 7,094.9 669.1 1,919.4 6,306.1 3,660.9 2,333.2 3,791.0 3,736.0 6,508.8 10,421.2 10,463.2

225,533.4 1,993.3 323.4 55,719.1 5,318.0 923.3 1,391.3 3,199.5 250.0 1,944.4 2,625.2 4,152.4 7,140.5 9,930.4 7,129.6

116,374.7 2,554.5 23.4 14,753.0 1,776.8 -254.2 528.2 3,106.6 3,410.9 388.8 1,165.7 -416.4 -631.6 490.8 3,333.7

889,454.5 14,427.6 1,632.9 302,448.6 32,020.2 2,429.5 8,331.9 26,094.3 10,954.9 7,903.5 24,044.8 12,603.0 25,240.1 62,763.2 47,589.8

1,507.1 15,548.7 34,261.9 14,134.6 67,623.2 34,024.7 68,398.8 31,870.9 103,344.1 45,991.6 5,032.9 13,721.4 27,237.3 9,801.8 9,801.8 518,542.2 3,892.3 3,032.9 -26,817.7 492,583.9

204.8 1,859.8 3,861.8 5,107.9 4,686.1 3,005.0 21,599.6 6,010.8 21,122.1 13,114.0 4,153.4 2,342.4 6,618.2 1,150.1 1,150.1 98,554.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 98,554.2

1,302.3 13,688.9 30,400.0 9,026.7 62,937.0 31,019.7 46,799.2 25,860.1 82,222.0 32,877.6 879.4 11,379.1 20,619.1 8,651.7 8,651.7 419,988.0 3,892.3 3,032.9 -26,817.7 394,029.7

126.5 1,296.5 2,010.2 1,549.7 6,088.3 140.0 3,457.4 3,072.2 5,405.6 70.1 0.0 2.9 67.2 199.6 199.6 36,820.3 3,892.3 3,032.9 0.0 37,679.7

1,175.8 12,392.4 28,389.8 7,477.0 56,848.8 30,879.7 43,341.8 22,787.9 76,816.4 32,807.5 879.4 11,376.1 20,551.9 8,452.1 8,452.1 383,167.7 0.0 0.0 -26,817.7 356,350.0

1,089.2 10,625.4 25,747.0 3,261.8 40,729.0 12,492.1 3,189.8 18,802.8 63,275.2 32,807.5 879.4 11,376.1 20,551.9 8,452.1 8,452.1 266,793.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 266,793.1

86.6 1,767.0 2,642.7 4,215.3 16,119.8 18,387.6 40,152.0 3,985.1 13,541.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 116,374.7 0.0 0.0 -26,817.7 89,557.0

3,537.2 38,936.1 78,105.3 25,150.4 102,394.6 46,942.9 73,841.9 64,817.2 179,693.0 64,965.1 7,275.5 16,119.6 41,570.1 13,746.4 13,746.4 968,165.9 3,421.0 2,052.1 0.0 969,534.9

463,984.0 6,485.4 635.0 103,626.2 12,161.5 883.9 2,827.9 9,152.6 7,133.7 3,268.6 6,867.7 4,773.5 9,702.8 16,425.4 13,754.0 1,536.4 15,138.2 33,699.3 13,697.6 66,071.2 34,815.3 69,151.1 31,786.4 104,016.6 45,623.4 5,112.7 13,458.4 27,052.4 9,774.5 9,774.5 519,381.9 4,036.2 3,168.7 -25,856.4 494,392.9 民経済計算部企画調査課)

86,451.9 1,950.8 208.4 16,834.1 1,648.1 105.7 653.2 2,195.8 226.9 568.0 1,511.0 682.0 1,549.8 3,682.8 2,057.9 206.0 1,746.8 4,358.4 5,009.3 4,857.2 2,721.4 21,799.3 6,161.0 22,552.1 13,601.5 4,276.2 2,413.1 6,912.2 1,247.5 1,247.5 101,300.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 101,300.9

377,532.1 4,534.6 426.6 86,792.1 10,513.3 778.2 2,174.6 6,956.8 6,906.8 2,700.6 5,356.6 4,091.4 8,153.1 12,742.6 11,696.1 1,330.4 13,391.4 29,340.9 8,688.3 61,214.0 32,093.9 47,351.8 25,625.5 81,464.5 32,021.9 836.4 11,045.3 20,140.2 8,526.9 8,526.9 418,080.9 4,036.2 3,168.7 -25,856.4 393,092.0

35,442.5 138.3 70.0 14,454.0 3,608.7 142.9 301.1 813.3 3,260.8 363.0 849.9 451.6 840.5 1,300.6 1,139.5 126.6 1,255.4 1,854.8 1,440.0 5,894.5 40.3 3,391.5 2,974.6 5,184.5 68.7 0.0 3.1 65.7 183.8 183.8 35,695.0 4,036.2 3,168.7 0.0 36,562.4

342,089.6 4,396.2 356.6 72,338.1 6,904.6 635.3 1,873.5 6,143.5 3,646.0 2,337.6 4,506.7 3,639.8 7,312.5 11,442.0 10,556.6 1,203.8 12,136.0 27,486.1 7,248.3 55,319.5 32,053.5 43,960.3 22,650.9 76,280.0 31,953.2 836.4 11,042.2 20,074.5 8,343.2 8,343.2 382,386.0 0.0 0.0 -25,856.4 356,529.5

225,188.5 1,913.4 296.9 55,604.0 5,293.1 822.7 1,345.0 3,189.4 247.4 1,946.7 2,632.8 4,162.3 7,325.6 10,068.1 7,140.7 1,115.2 10,314.9 25,035.1 3,199.6 40,252.3 11,956.4 3,183.8 18,781.2 64,965.8 31,953.2 836.4 11,042.2 20,074.5 8,343.2 8,343.2 265,484.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 265,484.8

116,901.2 2,482.9 59.8 16,734.0 1,611.5 -187.4 528.5 2,954.1 3,398.6 390.9 1,873.9 -522.5 -13.1 1,373.9 3,416.0 88.5 1,821.1 2,451.0 4,048.7 15,067.3 20,097.1 40,776.5 3,869.7 11,314.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 116,901.2 0.0 0.0 -25,856.4 91,044.8

906,100.3 13,701.4 1,620.1 317,909.9 31,716.2 2,361.5 8,152.4 26,553.7 10,944.3 7,960.6 24,471.4 11,736.4 26,822.2 74,117.4 50,369.0 3,730.1 38,974.7 76,348.2 25,105.8 100,883.0 47,464.4 74,878.1 66,121.3 182,068.0 65,488.0 7,479.9 16,251.6 41,756.5 14,100.6 14,100.6 985,688.9 3,573.3 2,230.2 0.0 987,032.1

デフレーター (平成7年基準) Deflators (Base year = Calendar year of 1995) 産出デフレーター 中間投入デフレー ター

ant prices (At market prices in calendar year of 1995) 中間投入 国内総生産(生産 側) (生産者価格表示) Intermediate input Gross domestic product Deflators on output (production approach) (at producers' prices) (2)

Deflators on input

国内総生産(生産 側)デフレーター Deflators on gross domestic product (production approach)


374,065.7 7,292.8 1,051.9 200,056.1 22,702.2 3,782.4 6,265.2 16,655.1 4,543.6 5,814.2 20,854.1 8,900.6 18,807.9 27,871.0 32,435.7 2,605.3 28,818.7 45,516.9 6,625.9 28,668.2 6,747.8 4,619.3 14,919.7 58,567.1 11,147.1 1,000.2 1,733.0 8,413.9 2,816.0 2,816.0 388,028.8 0.0 0.0 14,574.3 402,603.2

430,844.3 11,710.5 1,402.3 112,676.3 11,679.0 1,558.5 3,751.2 8,758.8 5,033.8 4,431.4 8,782.7 6,623.9 13,292.1 14,144.7 10,461.4 2,073.5 22,085.3 48,005.5 12,398.6 57,451.7 24,408.4 53,101.5 30,821.8 78,867.7 35,834.9 2,951.1 11,902.7 20,981.2 7,110.1 7,110.1 473,789.3 2,059.6 2,159.2 -14,574.3 459,115.4

100.2 97.3 88.2 106.8 100.1 114.0 100.4 106.7 115.6 100.9 120.0 107.5 101.1 119.5 105.0 103.3 98.3 95.5 99.3 100.8 101.1 88.9 96.8 94.5 93.0 96.5 91.0 93.5 95.0 95.0 99.8 132.9 106.8 99.8

105.0 103.8 99.2 108.2 99.9 110.1 106.8 106.4 152.6 102.5 125.1 107.0 102.8 110.4 103.8 105.3 105.0 100.9 115.7 99.5 99.0 98.4 101.9 100.6 103.1 102.9 100.6 103.6 99.7 99.7 104.9 106.0 104.9

96.1 93.2 80.0 104.1 100.6 123.4 89.7 107.1 82.3 98.8 107.7 108.0 98.7 137.3 108.6 100.7 89.6 90.4 90.6 101.5 101.7 88.1 94.4 90.0 89.9 94.4 89.6 89.5 93.1 93.1 95.6 132.9 106.8 106.0 95.3

388,231.6 7,317.3 1,017.0 207,060.3 22,558.5 3,688.5 6,461.2 16,587.6 4,980.1 5,847.5 21,828.0 9,518.9 19,821.3 30,125.1 33,445.8 2,740.3 29,457.5 47,551.4 7,230.3 30,652.1 5,518.2 5,231.7 15,780.1 60,873.3 12,307.1 1,098.8

447,588.7 10,395.6 1,295.3 118,334.6 12,126.3 1,513.0 3,542.5 9,004.3 5,371.3 4,356.1 8,740.1 6,812.5 14,251.4 16,581.5 11,060.2 2,214.5 22,761.0 47,450.8 13,056.5 63,344.9 24,517.2 54,471.1 32,258.9 82,463.7 36,158.4 3,017.0

102.1 104.4 91.7 107.4 102.1 116.3 101.3 109.3 115.6 104.4 117.7 110.7 102.6 115.3 104.8 103.7 100.9 99.2 100.2 103.2 101.2 92.0 99.0 96.9 96.6 99.7

106.0 104.6 100.2 108.7 102.8 111.6 103.8 110.4 140.5 104.6 120.0 108.0 104.3 109.6 104.5 105.6 106.9 103.6 115.4 101.3 101.1 100.7 103.2 102.0 104.0 103.7

98.7 104.3 85.0 105.2 100.6 127.7 96.6 107.1 92.6 104.2 112.0 114.5 100.2 125.7 105.5 101.2 93.0 94.7 91.7 104.0 101.2 91.2 97.0 93.1 94.1 98.2

1,807.4 9,400.9 2,998.0 2,998.0 403,536.7 0.0 0.0 14,159.8 417,696.4

11,971.6 21,169.8 7,371.4 7,371.4 491,118.6 2,304.8 2,252.0 -14,159.8 477,011.6

94.8 97.0 97.7 97.7 101.8 124.9 106.4 101.8

101.8 104.5 101.1 101.1 105.9 106.1 105.9

93.7 93.7 96.3 96.3 98.3 124.9 106.4 106.1 98.2

384,459.7 7,045.9 982.9 200,360.6 22,488.2 3,350.2 6,380.9 16,753.2 4,730.4 5,506.1 20,549.3 9,173.9 17,721.8 28,226.6 33,705.9 2,587.2 29,186.9 47,003.7 7,814.8 30,591.4 8,076.8 5,367.7 15,960.3 61,255.5 12,956.4 1,209.0 1,896.8 9,850.6 3,217.8 3,217.8 400,633.8 0.0 0.0 16,988.8 417,622.7

452,856.1 10,679.9 1,222.1 115,995.2 12,353.7 1,701.3 3,432.5 9,767.0 5,612.6 4,449.1 8,410.9 6,731.0 13,235.7 15,983.4 10,913.1 1,954.6 21,450.3 46,347.6 13,092.1 66,911.6 25,100.3 56,209.8 32,630.8 84,666.6 36,682.0 3,132.6 12,081.4 21,468.0 7,866.6 7,866.6 497,404.7 2,426.0 2,072.9 -16,988.8 480,769.1

102.4 101.1 93.6 106.1 103.6 111.4 99.7 104.2 110.6 104.2 111.0 110.6 102.8 112.6 105.3 103.9 101.8 100.6 100.9 103.3 101.2 95.1 100.3 99.3 98.8 101.1 97.2 99.3 99.0 99.0 102.1 119.5 102.1 102.2

104.8 103.7 101.5 106.0 102.3 106.5 100.7 104.8 130.5 103.9 110.6 106.6 103.8 107.6 104.6 104.6 105.1 104.0 111.7 102.6 102.4 101.9 103.5 102.5 104.1 103.6 102.1 104.6 101.9 101.9 104.7 105.1 104.7

100.3 99.4 87.4 106.2 105.9 121.0 98.0 103.0 93.9 104.6 112.0 116.1 101.5 121.5 107.7 103.0 97.2 97.1 94.4 103.6 100.8 94.4 98.7 97.0 97.0 100.2 96.5 96.8 97.8 97.8 100.0 119.5 102.1 105.1 99.9

374,413.1 6,753.7 902.1 193,228.7 22,158.3 2,734.7 6,230.4 16,373.9 5,106.8 5,215.5 20,074.3 9,155.7 15,604.5 27,977.4 32,216.3 2,219.2 28,161.7 46,881.4 8,280.9 29,100.7 7,791.5 5,175.5 16,620.3 59,678.3 13,541.1 1,324.1 1,939.9 10,277.1 3,363.1 3,363.1 391,317.3

453,760.9 9,703.6 1,111.9 111,749.8 12,248.1 1,837.9 3,349.8 9,888.0 5,422.4 4,295.5 7,791.8 6,827.0 11,434.0 15,771.9 10,827.8 1,731.7 20,323.6 46,302.6 12,805.2 68,234.6 26,122.2 58,293.3 33,222.8 86,215.0 37,500.1 3,320.5 12,240.4 21,939.1 8,226.8 8,226.8 499,487.7

101.6 101.5 92.9 103.5 102.6 103.7 97.7 100.1 105.0 102.7 104.5 106.5 101.8 108.2 103.9 103.6 101.7 100.5 101.2 102.8 100.3 97.6 100.1 100.2 99.8 100.8 98.5 100.2 99.1 99.1 101.4

102.6 102.5 100.9 102.8 100.4 101.0 95.7 101.0 112.3 101.9 103.4 103.4 102.3 103.8 103.5 103.1 103.5 102.9 105.9 102.7 102.0 101.4 102.4 101.7 103.4 102.3 101.4 104.0 101.3 101.3 102.6

100.7 100.8 86.3 104.7 106.5 107.6 101.4 98.5 98.2 103.8 107.5 110.6 101.2 115.8 104.8 104.2 99.1 98.0 98.1 102.9 99.9 97.2 98.9 99.2 98.4 100.2 98.1 98.4 98.1 98.1 100.5

0.0 0.0 18,398.4 409,715.7

2,391.6 1,872.0 -18,398.4 481,608.9

106.8 101.5 101.4

102.9 102.6

106.8 101.5 102.9 100.4

379,556.7 6,969.2 842.5 190,337.9 21,831.1 2,502.9 6,174.8 15,898.2 5,246.3 5,361.2 19,087.4 8,830.7 15,770.3 28,492.0 31,508.1 2,231.9 27,403.0 48,936.9 9,202.4 29,432.1 8,981.3 5,425.7 17,929.3 61,499.5 14,349.1 1,396.7 1,999.2 10,953.2 3,487.7 3,487.7 397,393.4 0.0 0.0 20,312.1 417,705.5

457,224.3 9,940.0 903.1 110,107.1 12,468.2 1,662.0 3,208.4 9,739.9 5,662.1 4,416.2 7,843.3 6,472.6 10,486.2 16,828.6 10,363.7 1,598.1 19,357.9 43,984.3 13,148.9 71,353.6 28,130.6 59,334.1 34,057.3 86,265.4 38,446.5 3,510.2 12,397.6 22,538.7 8,532.4 8,532.4 504,203.2 2,663.7 1,756.1 -20,312.1 484,798.7

100.7 102.6 97.8 101.1 101.7 101.6 95.9 97.7 99.8 100.8 99.1 101.6 100.8 104.7 101.7 101.9 100.6 100.4 100.0 101.8 100.2 99.2 99.6 100.3 99.8 100.2 99.2 99.9 99.7 99.7 100.6 100.7 101.0 100.6

100.6 102.0 100.1 100.2 100.6 100.4 93.4 97.7 99.7 100.2 99.0 100.1 100.6 101.8 101.3 101.2 100.8 100.7 100.6 101.7 101.1 100.6 100.6 100.9 101.4 100.5 100.4 101.7 100.6 100.6 100.6 101.1 100.6

100.7 102.9 95.6 102.5 103.8 103.5 100.8 97.7 99.9 101.5 99.4 103.7 101.1 109.5 103.1 102.9 100.3 100.1 99.5 101.8 100.0 99.1 99.1 100.0 99.1 100.1 99.0 99.1 99.4 99.4 100.6 100.7 101.0 101.1 100.6

388,150.4 6,983.7 796.9 194,525.1 21,448.0 2,395.5 6,076.8 16,496.3 5,225.6 5,281.3 19,272.9 8,789.6 17,289.8 31,219.9 30,783.6 2,160.8 28,085.0 47,570.9 9,646.5 31,385.8 10,604.3 5,637.4 18,846.2 62,153.6 15,373.3 1,495.7 2,061.6 11,816.0 3,708.8 3,708.8 407,232.5 0.0 0.0 23,802.0 431,034.5

467,259.6 9,345.5 860.7 114,668.7 12,902.4 1,553.8 3,399.1 9,779.0 5,385.8 4,420.0 8,180.7 6,725.9 11,354.0 19,458.4 10,918.1 1,641.9 18,949.8 40,841.4 13,329.3 75,788.3 29,298.9 59,734.0 35,264.2 88,128.8 39,545.2 3,700.2 12,638.3 23,206.7 8,861.0 8,861.0 515,665.8 2,889.4 1,888.6 -23,802.0 492,864.5

100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.0 100.1 100.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 100.0

100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.0 100.1 100.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 100.0 100.0

397,419.7 6,329.6 812.9 199,303.3 20,936.7 2,265.1 6,096.8 16,655.1 5,059.7 5,295.0 19,353.6 9,148.4 18,425.1 34,819.9 31,164.1 2,158.0 27,925.7 49,125.4 9,406.9 32,906.4 10,729.2 5,778.4 18,628.2 64,399.4 15,850.2 1,545.8 2,165.6 12,138.8 3,812.5 3,812.5 417,082.4 0.0 0.0 22,894.7 439,977.1

482,311.6 9,567.6 922.0 119,524.3 12,570.7 1,415.3 3,345.5 10,247.4 6,116.3 4,557.2 8,474.1 6,868.8 11,752.6 22,531.2 10,729.0 1,659.5 19,256.8 40,558.5 14,374.7 78,576.5 28,914.7 60,996.3 35,616.2 93,260.8 40,484.8 3,901.0 12,808.0 23,775.8 9,032.9 9,032.9 531,829.3 2,741.8 2,022.7 -22,894.7 509,653.7

99.4 100.3 97.4 98.9 101.4 101.8 100.1 98.4 106.7 99.0 97.5 99.1 99.8 93.8 100.7 100.2 99.7 100.3 98.2 98.9 100.0 100.7 99.5 99.6 100.6 99.9 101.2 100.4 100.8 100.8 99.5 110.8 99.2 99.5

99.7 103.9 101.2 99.4 102.4 100.8 98.5 100.3 119.6 99.9 97.6 97.8 98.5 96.3 98.4 98.0 100.3 99.7 103.9 99.2 98.9 99.8 101.0 99.8 99.4 100.6 100.0 99.1 99.9 99.9 99.7 99.6 99.7

99.1 97.9 94.0 98.1 99.9 103.5 102.8 95.4 96.0 97.9 97.2 100.9 101.8 89.9 107.3 103.1 98.8 101.0 94.5 98.7 100.5 100.7 98.7 99.4 101.0 99.7 101.4 101.0 101.2 101.2 99.3 110.8 99.2 99.6 99.3

404,432.5 6,494.9 755.2 205,028.2 21,069.4 2,172.1 6,139.5 16,899.8 5,053.0 5,246.3 19,699.9 9,046.0 18,865.9 37,335.1 33,539.8 2,427.8 27,533.5 48,860.4 9,117.1 33,345.8 11,079.6 5,966.1 19,320.4 64,464.9 15,830.9 1,592.0 2,187.8 12,051.2 3,725.4 3,725.4 423,988.8 0.0 0.0 24,822.3 448,811.1

493,773.3 8,974.4 882.7 123,570.7 12,540.0 1,379.2 3,328.6 10,529.3 6,511.1 4,572.1 8,765.4 6,911.0 11,938.1 25,864.8 10,253.2 1,714.5 19,263.4 40,080.3 14,439.4 80,868.8 30,385.6 61,965.3 37,298.9 95,307.2 41,235.8 4,087.4 12,896.4 24,252.0 9,090.9 9,090.9 544,100.0 3,237.7 2,252.0 -24,822.3 520,263.5

100.2 98.6 97.0 99.5 102.6 104.5 100.0 100.8 113.3 99.6 101.0 100.5 100.9 89.8 102.0 100.8 100.8 102.1 102.4 99.7 99.9 101.9 97.7 101.0 101.7 100.6 102.6 101.5 102.5 102.5 100.3 118.1 151.7 100.2

101.3 106.1 103.1 101.2 103.3 103.7 99.5 105.2 133.0 102.1 103.2 100.2 99.5 95.0 99.3 97.7 102.1 101.2 109.0 99.5 99.4 101.2 102.7 101.0 100.8 102.7 101.5 100.5 100.9 100.9 101.3 99.4 101.2

99.2 93.2 91.7 96.6 101.4 105.7 100.9 93.7 97.9 96.6 96.1 101.1 103.0 82.2 111.1 105.2 99.0 103.0 98.2 99.7 100.1 102.0 95.1 100.9 102.0 99.7 102.8 102.0 103.2 103.2 99.5 118.1 151.7 99.4 99.4

392,922.0 6,248.8 682.6 193,560.5 21,477.8

487,661.8 8,697.2 837.3 116,237.4 12,096.5

99.1 98.9 94.1 98.4 103.0

99.3 104.4 100.6 98.8 101.8

98.9 94.9 88.7 97.6 105.1

2,043.2 5,916.2 16,423.0 5,331.4 4,845.9 18,244.3 8,458.3 17,960.0 34,130.2 29,825.0 2,461.9 26,443.5 46,574.0 9,255.4 32,534.9 11,293.1 6,800.5 20,236.3 65,736.0 16,642.1 1,682.1 2,183.4 12,776.6 3,833.7 3,833.7 413,397.8 0.0 0.0 24,891.3 438,289.1

1,207.9 3,293.9 9,970.4 6,033.4 4,143.8 7,351.0 6,365.4 10,878.3 24,635.4 10,296.9 1,767.1 18,197.5 39,084.7 14,891.2 78,376.7 29,910.3 62,397.4 38,189.6 99,040.0 42,151.6 4,337.1 13,012.3 24,802.2 9,702.8 9,702.8 539,516.2 3,308.0 2,118.3 -24,891.3 515,814.6

102.7 97.7 98.6 106.2 98.5 98.6 98.7 100.9 87.5 103.4 100.6 100.1 100.1 99.5 98.7 98.3 102.4 94.0 100.7 101.5 99.0 103.2 101.2 102.5 102.5 99.3 112.2 163.1 99.2

100.0 97.2 102.2 111.0 100.2 99.3 98.5 98.8 92.9 98.7 99.1 99.2 98.8 102.5 98.5 98.4 99.8 100.1 100.3 99.5 100.7 100.4 99.1 100.0 100.0 99.3 97.5 99.2

107.3 98.5 92.7 102.0 96.5 96.8 99.0 104.3 80.0 117.1 102.6 101.3 101.7 97.7 98.7 98.2 102.7 90.7 101.0 102.3 98.3 103.6 102.3 103.6 103.6 99.2 112.2 163.1 97.5 99.1

390,164.3 6,277.5 685.7 189,285.2 21,343.6 1,981.9 5,856.1 16,188.0 5,187.0 4,682.7 17,360.2 7,807.7 16,758.1 35,040.2 29,182.1 2,263.5 25,634.1 45,779.6 9,502.5 31,231.0 11,057.8 7,110.8 21,904.1 67,329.9 17,633.6 1,749.2 2,306.4 13,578.0 3,864.3 3,864.3 411,662.2 0.0 0.0 25,150.8 436,813.0

488,381.2 8,207.2 835.6 118,177.5 11,603.0 1,109.8 3,186.0 10,651.5 5,734.8 3,904.6 7,217.6 6,031.5 10,227.6 27,958.3 11,476.6 1,696.6 17,379.6 38,515.3 15,070.4 74,953.4 31,282.1 63,421.6 37,541.2 100,376.9 43,629.9 4,667.9 13,276.7 25,685.4 9,711.0 9,711.0 541,722.2 3,386.2 2,011.9 -25,150.8 517,945.7

97.1 96.4 88.5 95.1 103.5 99.0 94.6 96.0 107.1 96.7 93.4 95.9 97.9 81.7 99.5 98.2 98.8 98.3 97.3 97.4 96.7 102.2 91.7 99.8 99.6 96.9 101.3 99.4 101.5 101.5 97.3 105.8 157.5 97.2

97.0 101.6 100.8 95.9 99.1 95.4 93.5 99.5 108.6 97.1 93.3 95.3 96.6 89.7 97.4 95.0 96.7 97.0 100.0 97.1 96.9 98.0 98.4 98.9 97.5 99.5 98.9 97.0 98.5 98.5 97.1 94.8 96.9

97.1 92.4 78.4 93.9 111.6 105.4 96.7 90.6 105.8 96.2 93.8 96.6 100.0 71.5 104.8 102.6 102.0 100.0 95.7 97.5 96.6 102.7 87.7 100.3 100.5 95.9 101.7 100.6 102.7 102.7 97.5 105.8 157.5 94.8 97.4

399,888.2 6,253.0 685.9 195,186.0 21,088.8 1,818.4 5,702.7 16,236.2 5,126.6 4,711.1

500,684.3 8,338.3 938.6 126,690.4 11,670.5 1,119.2 3,329.1 10,400.7 6,149.5 4,184.1

96.3 92.1 84.6 93.8 102.0 97.5 96.3 99.2 122.7 94.6

97.8 101.2 104.0 97.2 97.7 94.7 96.3 106.4 145.1 97.2

95.1 85.3 70.5 88.5 109.6 102.0 96.4 87.9 104.0 91.7

17,780.9 7,695.4 18,154.9 38,293.6 31,359.6 2,174.0 25,043.9 45,715.6 9,285.5 30,305.1 10,995.0 6,951.8 23,450.8 71,059.5 17,648.9 1,775.4 2,370.6 13,503.0 3,654.1 3,654.1 421,191.3 0.0 0.0 24,534.8 445,726.1

7,956.0 6,072.7 10,801.2 33,466.4 12,039.2 1,719.8 17,782.0 37,591.1 15,457.3 72,697.6 32,019.2 64,647.5 38,353.9 103,950.4 44,987.3 4,914.1 13,593.6 26,479.5 9,076.9 9,076.9 554,748.5 3,485.0 2,249.8 -24,534.8 531,448.9

93.5 95.8 96.5 77.2 96.5 97.5 97.9 98.6 98.2 96.6 97.0 102.2 90.4 99.2 98.5 96.8 100.0 98.2 101.6 101.6 96.5 111.1 151.7 96.4

95.0 95.7 96.4 88.9 96.9 94.8 97.2 96.7 108.4 97.0 96.6 98.0 99.1 98.3 97.1 101.3 99.5 96.2 98.2 98.2 97.7 94.6 97.6

90.2 96.0 96.7 63.8 95.4 100.9 98.8 100.9 92.0 96.4 97.2 102.6 85.0 99.8 99.0 95.1 100.0 99.2 102.9 102.9 95.5 111.1 151.7 94.6 95.4

396,380.5 6,042.9 662.5 190,602.9 20,609.3 1,703.6 5,432.7 15,848.8 5,066.9 4,542.9 17,559.8 7,694.9 17,241.8 36,702.3 32,180.1 2,178.4 23,841.5 44,210.1 9,171.2 30,107.0 11,015.0 7,216.9 24,045.7 73,306.2 17,641.0 1,816.8 2,342.6 13,481.6 3,564.4 3,564.4 417,585.9 0.0 0.0 27,496.0 445,082.0

502,148.9 7,997.0 993.8 122,400.7 11,904.1 965.3 3,136.1 10,416.1 6,467.0 4,068.3 7,477.4 5,580.5 10,133.3 31,581.3 12,184.2 1,660.1 16,826.9 36,606.8 15,862.2 73,257.8 34,441.1 65,535.9 39,919.0 105,134.6 46,070.6 5,205.5 13,595.1 27,270.0 9,156.3 9,156.3 557,375.8 3,458.5 2,268.9 -27,496.0 531,069.4

95.1 92.3 82.7 92.3 101.0 98.4 95.7 98.7 127.5 93.3 92.2 95.7 96.0 71.5 95.9 97.7 96.7 97.6 98.0 95.1 96.2 102.3 88.0 98.4 98.2 95.7 99.9 97.9 101.6 101.6 95.4 115.1 151.2 95.4

97.2 102.2 103.7 96.3 98.3 94.8 94.9 106.9 153.5 97.0 93.3 94.3 95.2 86.0 95.5 93.6 96.8 96.4 109.4 96.4 95.5 97.3 98.2 97.9 97.5 101.7 99.5 96.5 98.0 98.0 97.2 93.8 97.0

93.6 84.8 68.8 86.0 105.8 104.8 97.1 86.4 107.2 89.1 89.5 97.6 97.3 54.6 96.9 103.0 96.6 99.1 91.4 94.6 96.4 102.8 81.8 98.8 98.4 93.7 100.0 98.6 103.0 103.0 94.1 115.1 151.2 93.8 94.0

388,931.9 6,057.6 669.0 183,209.3 20,325.0 1,535.6 5,375.9 15,488.1 4,866.9 4,133.2 16,998.5 7,558.0 15,947.3 32,325.2 33,789.0

500,522.5 8,370.0 964.0 119,239.3 11,695.2 893.8 2,956.0 10,606.2 6,088.0 3,770.3 7,046.4 5,045.0 9,292.8 30,438.0 13,800.7

94.0 89.3 80.9 91.2 99.9 97.6 93.2 96.9 133.6 92.0 93.1 95.3 94.6 67.1 95.5

96.1 102.3 107.0 95.0 97.0 93.8 92.4 105.1 153.0 95.9 95.5 93.6 94.2 82.3 93.9

92.5 79.9 62.8 85.4 105.1 104.3 94.7 84.9 118.1 87.7 87.3 97.8 95.4 51.1 99.4

2,021.5 22,845.0 42,849.5 9,162.6 29,576.3 11,193.0 7,273.7 24,822.6 74,118.3 18,027.8 1,846.5 2,378.8 13,802.6 3,930.1 3,930.1 410,889.8 0.0 0.0 29,019.6 439,909.5

1,515.7 16,091.1 35,255.8 15,987.7 72,818.3 35,749.9 66,568.2 39,994.6 105,574.7 46,937.3 5,429.0 13,740.8 27,767.5 9,816.3 9,816.3 557,276.1 3,421.0 2,052.1 -29,019.6 529,625.4

95.2 95.7 96.4 95.8 93.7 95.0 102.1 86.4 97.4 97.8 95.0 99.7 97.6 99.1 99.1 94.4 113.8 147.8 94.3

92.0 95.1 95.8 108.6 95.8 94.2 96.1 97.3 96.7 97.3 101.7 98.7 96.5 97.3 97.3 96.1 92.4 95.9

99.4 96.6 97.2 88.4 92.9 95.2 102.7 79.7 97.9 98.0 92.7 99.9 98.1 99.9 99.9 93.0 113.8 147.8 92.4 93.0

391,989.0 6,077.2 632.0 187,256.8 19,668.2 1,476.2 5,186.7 15,457.3 5,125.1 4,073.1 16,818.2 6,839.3 16,271.5 35,016.8 36,406.4 2,060.4 22,857.6 41,794.6 9,051.8 29,138.4 10,511.0 7,378.4 25,483.6 74,665.1 17,974.3 1,878.5 2,480.4 13,615.5 4,049.9 4,049.9 414,013.3 0.0 0.0 28,293.0 442,306.3

514,111.2 7,624.1 988.2 130,653.2 12,048.0 885.3 2,965.8 11,096.4 5,819.2 3,887.5 7,653.2 4,897.1 10,550.7 39,100.7 13,962.6 1,669.7 16,117.1 34,553.6 16,054.0 71,744.5 36,953.4 67,499.7 40,637.7 107,402.9 47,513.7 5,601.4 13,771.2 28,141.0 10,050.7 10,050.7 571,675.6 3,573.3 2,230.2 -28,293.0 544,725.8

92.7 93.7 80.1 88.6 99.3 97.1 94.4 97.9 140.3 90.0 96.8 96.2 92.8 59.4 94.2 91.5 94.8 96.7 94.0 93.2 94.0 101.8 85.4 96.5 96.2 93.9 97.8 96.0 97.1 97.1 93.0 113.0 142.1 93.0

96.0 104.6 104.8 95.1 98.3 95.4 93.8 109.0 160.4 95.7 100.0 95.3 93.3 78.9 92.6 91.0 95.4 95.9 109.4 95.9 93.4 95.6 96.8 95.9 96.7 101.5 98.3 95.7 96.9 96.9 96.0 91.4 95.7

90.2 85.1 64.3 79.3 100.9 99.8 95.4 82.5 122.6 84.1 89.7 97.5 92.0 42.0 98.5 92.0 93.9 97.5 85.3 92.1 94.2 102.4 78.2 96.8 96.0 91.3 97.7 96.1 97.3 97.3 90.9 113.0 142.1 91.4 90.8

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