02 - Intelligent Agents Handout

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Objectives Intelligent Agents

You should !


Dr. Richard J. Povinelli

 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli


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rev 1.1, 8/28/2003

Agents and environments

 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

rev 1.1, 8/28/2003

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Vacuum-cleaner world

Agents include humans, robots, softbots, thermostats, …. The agent function maps from percept histories to actions: !

be able to provide a definition of a rational agent. be able to compare and contrast various agents including reflex, goal-based, and utility-based agents. be able to classify the environment in which a particular agent operates.

Percepts: location and contents, e.g., [A,Dirty] Actions: Left, Right, Suck, NoOp

f : P* -> A

The agent program runs on the physical architecture to produce f  Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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A vacuum-cleaner agent Percept sequence [A,Clean] [A,Dirty] [B,Clean] [B,Dirty] [A,Clean], [A,Clean] [A,Clean], [A,Dirty]

 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

Fixed performance measure evaluates the environment sequence


Right Suck Left Suck Right Suck

! !


What is the right function? Can it be implemented in a small agent program?

 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

one point per square cleaned up in time T? one point per clean square per time step, minus one per move? penalize for > k dirty squares?

A rational agent chooses whichever action maximizes the expected value of the performance measure given the percept sequence to date Rational ≠ omniscient Rational ≠ clairvoyant Rational ≠ successful Rational ⇒ exploration, learning, autonomy

if status = Dirty then return Suck else if location = A then return Right else if location = B then return Left

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function Reflex-Vacuum-Agent([location, status]) returns an action

 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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CAT – PEAS for an Automatic Taxi

PEAS To design a rational agent, we must specify the task environment Consider, e.g., the task of designing an automated taxi: Performance measure !

Describe the ! ! ! !

What we measure an agents against.

For an automatic taxi. Work with a partner for 5 minutes.

Environment !

Preformance measures Environment Actuators Sensors

The world in which the agent operates.

Actuators !

How the agent can modify its environment

Sensors !

How the agent can sense its environment.

 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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PEAS for an Automatic Taxi

 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

Agent functions and programs

Performance measures

An agent is completely specified by the agent function mapping percept sequences to actions In principle, one can supply each possible sequence to see what it does. Obviously, a lookup table would usually be immense. One agent function (or a small equivalence class) is rational Aim: find a way to implement the rational agent function concisely An agent program takes a single percept as input, keeps internal state:


Environment !

Actuators !


function SKELETON-AGENT(percept) returns action static: memory, the agent’s memory of the world memory ← UPDATE-MEMORY (memory, percept) action ← CHOOSE-BEST-ACTION (memory) memory ← UPDATE-MEMORY (memory, action) return action


AIMA Slides © Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, 1998 Chapter 2  Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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Agent types

AIMA Slides © Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, 1998 Chapter 2  Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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Simple Reflex Agent

Four basic types in order of increasing generality simple reflex agents reflex agents with state goal-based agents utility-based agents

AIMA Slides © Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, 1998 Chapter 2  Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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Reflex Agents with State

 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

Goal-based Agents

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Utility-based Agents

 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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Environment Types Accessible vs. hidden Deterministic vs. stochastic Episodic vs. nonepisodic Static vs. dynamic Discrete vs. continuous

 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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CAT – Environment Types

 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

Environment Types Example

With a partner fill in the following table. You have 5 minutes Solitaire



Internet shopping

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Internet shopping


Observable?? Deterministic??

Accessible?? Deterministic??




Static?? Discrete??


 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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AlMA code The code for each topic is divided into four directories: ! !




agents: code defining agent types and programs algorithms: code for the methods used by the agent programs environments: code defining environment types, simulations domains: problem types and instances for input to algorithms Often run algorithms on domains rather than agents in environments.

AIMA Slides © Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, 1998 Chapter 2  Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

rev 1.1, 8/28/2003

 Copyright Richard J. Povinelli

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