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st. andrew catholic church  675 Riverside Road Roswell, GA 30075 ~ www.standrewcatholic.com 770/641-9720 ~ 770/641-8584 fax Rev. Msgr. Hugh Marren, Pastor ~ Rev. Juan Areiza, Parochial Vicar Deacons: Rev. Mr. William Keen, Rev. Mr. Tom Gotschall, Rev. Mr. Alberto Figueredo, Rev. Mr. Jose Campos Ja n u a r y 11, 2009: t h e b a pt ism o f t h e lo r d

OFFICE HOURS: Monday ~ Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm REGULAR MASSES: Monday ~ Thursday: 9:00am, 12:15pm; Friday: 6:30am, 9:00am, 12:15pm Saturday: 9:00am, 5:00pm Family Vigil Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm, 5:00pm Life Teen 7:00pm Spanish NURSERY: Sunday 9:00am and 10:30am Masses ADORATION: Monday ~ Friday 9:30am ~ 9:00pm MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA IN CHAPEL: Mondays at 7:15pm CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 9:30am ~ 10:30am & on request Spanish: Mondays 6:00pm VISITATION OF SICK: Please keep us informed so that we can be attentive to those who are ill.

st. andrew catholic church Mass Intentions             For The Week 

o ur t ıme


Monday, January 12 9:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m.

Marie Oswald

We have just celebrated the birth of Christ, but the real question is how will this celebration translate into our everyday lives in the year 2009?  Someone once described a cynic as “one who knows  the price of everything and the value of nothing”.  The description  of course was first used by Oscar Wilde in describing modern society.

Tuesday, January 13 9:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m.

Margaret Hallam

Wednesday, January 14 9:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m.

Holy Souls For all those in the Armed Forces and their families

Later, Alvin Toffler, in his book Future Shock would describe modern society as the throw away society. And there have been other descriptions of our society. It has been described as the age of sellout in which everything is for sale. Honesty, integrity, and even people themselves are all for sale for money and power.

Thursday, January 15 9:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m.

Tony Pilcer

Friday, January 16 6:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m.

This may seem to be somewhat of an exaggeration of our times, however for us who have just celebrated the birth of our Savior, we believe there is enough truth in these statements to get us to pause and ask ourselves, where do we stand in the midst of it all?

Bob Macey

Saturday, January 17 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.

Kate Cheney (S.I.) Rafael Navarro, Jr.

Whether or not we live in an age of sellout, fallout, blowout or today bailout, this is nevertheless our age, this is our time into which we who call ourselves followers and disciples of Christ are called upon by the One whose birth we have just celebrated to be a light to the world, a light shining in the darkness. Yes, this is our year, our opportunity to be and to add a preserving quality to our times, to be in the words of Jesus Himself, “The salt of the Earth”.

Sunday, January 18 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Chester Somers Mr. Kim Lynch People of the Parish Wanda Davis Deceased Priests of the Archdiocese Spanish Mass

Msgr. Hugh Marren, Pastor

Readings for the week Sunday: The Baptism of the Lord (Is 42:1­4, 6­7 or Is 55:1­11; Ps 29; Acts 10:34­38 or 1 Jn 5:1­9; Mk 1:7­11) The Spirit and the water and the blood. Monday: (Heb 1:1­6; Ps 97; Mk 1:14­20) Repent, and believe in the Gospel. Tuesday: St. Hilary (Heb 2:5­12; Ps 8; Mk 1:21­28) Jesus taught them as one having authority. Wednesday: (Heb 2:14­18; Ps 105; Mk 1:29­39) Jesus cured many who were sick with various diseases. Thursday: (Heb 3:7­14; Ps 95; Mk 1:40­45) The leprosy left him, and he was made clean. Friday: (Heb 4:1­5, 11; Ps 78; Mk 2:1­12) The Son of Man has authority to forgive sins on earth. Saturday: St. Anthony (Heb 4:12­16: Ps 19; Mk 2:13­17) I did not come to call the righteous but sinners. Sunday: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (1 Sm 3:3b­10, 19; Ps 40; 1 Cor 6:13c­15a, 17­20; Jn 1:35­42) They saw where He was staying and they stayed with Him.


Our Preschool Program at St. Andrew provides a safe and nurturing environment for one year old through four year old preschoolers. The program allows your child to be part of a Catholic based, social, yet structured setting as well as getting our four year olds ready for kindergarten. Registration for the fall will be: The week of January 12th for currently enrolled students and their siblings, January 29th for parishioners of St. Andrew not currently enrolled, and on January 30th all others are welcome.

Time: 9:30 am - 12:00 noon Where: Parish Library The staff at St. Andrew are all very dedicated, quality teachers. Whether you are looking for a couple of free hours without your one year old or a kindergarten readiness program, St. Andrew Preschool may just be your answer. For more information, call the preschool office at 770-642-1636.


JANUARY 11, 2009

The week ahead in our parish 


  hh th LIFE TEEN  will kick off the spring semester this Sunday, January 11 with a

We invite you to register and become a part of our St. Andrew parish family!

Trivia Night at 6:00pm. All teens in 9th-12th grade are welcome to join us!

  RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES will resume January 11th and 12th.  

Please fill out a registration form, located on the information wall in the narthex (main church entrance) or stop by the parish office during the week. Welcome!

JIFF (Journeys in Faith Formation)


JIFF is kicking off a string of hot topic series' for those interested in learning more about the faith, how we fit into it, and how we can take a better active part in our vocations as Catholic Christians. We'll be meeting on Monday evenings from 5:45-6:45pm beginning January 12th in the multi-purpose room. We'll have several different topics and a good mix of presenters to keep things lively! No RSVP necessary, just stop by, join us for coffee and treats and get your weekly faith fix!

at the foot of Our Lady burns this week for Courtney Capano. To have the Candle of Life burn for your intentions, sign up by the chapel door. $10 Donation to Pro-Life Ministry.


Series #1: The Four Temperaments of Man

The Elijah Cup is a chalice that is given to parishioners and families to take home from Mass to use as a focal point while praying for vocations. You may sign up for the Mass of your choice in the main church entrance or call Liz Schantz: 7/518-6836. 5:00pm The Logan Family Sat. 1/10 9:00am The DeLise Family Sun. 1/11 10:30am The Barry Family  

Socrates, one of the most renowned of the Greek sages, used and taught as an axiom to his hearers: "Know Yourself." One of the most reliable means of learning to know oneself is the study of the temperaments. For if a man is fully cognizant of his temperament, he can learn easily to direct and control himself. If he is able to discern the temperament of others, he can better understand and help them. Can you imagine knowing yourself so well that you could actually help weed out your most common vices and grow spiritually by using the positive aspects of your temperament? Wouldn't you love to know why your mother never gets your sarcasm or why your best friend goes to Church every Sunday, but never makes it through the homily?


welcome Lillian Aida Trovato, Sarah Velia, Ella Katherine Daly & Lily Claire Rogers

Come join us as we venture into a 4 part series on The Four Temperaments of Man. If you enjoy learning about yourself and others, if you like knowing what makes people "tick", and if you would like to work on spiritually perfecting yourself, you will not be disappointed! Contact Cassi Villanueva for more information: [email protected] or 770-490-1229

  WOMEN’S  FELLOWSHIP  /  GIFT: All St. Andrew women are invited to

who were baptized into our Christian Community.



Grow In Faith Together! This is a time for fellowship and spiritual growth, to nurture our faith through friendship, inspiration, reflection, and most importantly, prayer. As women, to find time for ourselves is indeed a GIFT! Join us Tuesday, January 13th at 6:30pm for a Rosary in church, and then at 7:00pm in the Multi-Purpose Room. GIFT meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesday each month. 

  MEN’S FELLOWSHIP: All men are invited to join us Friday, January 16th for 6:30am Mass followed by fellowship at 7:00am. We will have coffee and doughnuts in the multi-purpose room, a brief speaker, a group discussion, and close with a prayer promptly at 8:00am. This is a forum for men of our parish to develop supportive relationships, deepen their faith, and enjoy themselves. The Men’s Fellowship meets every Friday; feel free to join us when you can.

  FRIDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY  meets weekly in the RCIA room in Bldg. B

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION  Monday-Friday 9:30am to 9pm To spend time as a Eucharistic guardian, please sign up in the chapel during the week or in the narthex on weekends. Guardians commit to one hour a week (of your choice) for one month at a time.

ARE YOU A NON­CATHOLIC  THINKING ABOUT JOINING THE  CHURCH OR SIMPLY HAVE  QUESTIONS ABOUT THE FAITH?  Join us for Q&A sessions most Sundays from 9-10am in the RCIA room (upstairs in Building B). Questions? Please call Deacon Tom Gotschall: 7/490-9436.

from 7:30-9:30pm. Our study is on St. Paul with a companion video called “Contending for the Faith” by Stephen Ray.  For details, call Elaine: 7/754-6104.

IMPORTANT  UPCOMING  DATES  FOR  FIRST  RECONCILIATION:     There will be a mandatory children’s meeting for all children preparing for First Reconciliation this Saturday, January 17th beginning with the 5:00pm Family Mass and ending at 7:30pm. Dinner will be provided. First Reconciliation will be next Monday, January 19th from 6-8pm in the church. If you have any questions, contact Eileen DeJulio: 7/641-9720 x228.


Christmas Offertory Sunday, December 28, 2008 Catholic Charities Sunday, January 4, 2009  

Visit Our Website at www.standrewcatholic.com

$26,725.06 $18,149.00 $5,293.00 $20,180.00

st. andrew catholic church week at a glance S U N D A Y  Masses: 7:30am, 9am, 10:30am, 12pm  Life Teen Mass                          5:00pm  Spanish Mass                            7:00pm  Baptisms  1:00pm  Respect Life Rosary  1:00pm  Life Teen Life Night  6:00pm  M O N D A Y Daily Masses           9:00am & 12:15pm  Eucharistic Adoration  9:30am­9pm  Pre­school   9:30am­12:30pm  Rosary  12:45pm  Kids of the Kingdom  4:45pm  Religious Education  5:30­6:45pm  JIFF  5:45­6:45pm  Spanish Confessions  6:00pm  English Class Level 1  7:00­8:30pm  Miraculous Medal Novena         7:15pm 

Parish news and upcoming events WOMEN’S  GUILD  CHILI  AND  BINGO  NIGHT: The  St.  Andrew  Women’s  Guild  meeting  is  Tuesday, January 20th. We will recite the rosary in the Church at 7:00pm followed by the meeting in the Parish Hall at 7:30. This is our annual Chili and Bingo night. Bring a friend and a dessert to share!  

CRHP BRUNCH: All parishioners who have attended a CRHP weekend are invited to join Monsignor Marren for a special brunch following the 9:00am Mass on Sunday, January 25th. Please RSVP to Cassi Villanueva at [email protected] or 770-490-1229.

BAPTISM  PREPARATION:    All parents who wish to have children baptized in February need to attend pre-baptism class on Monday, January 26th. Please call the parish office to register.  

ST.  MARTIN  DE  PORRES  VOLUNTEER  OPPORTUNITIES: We will be providing dinner and lunches for two shelters, Central Presbyterian Church (~70 men) and Immaculate Conception (~35 men) on the following dates: February 2 and March 2. Volunteers are needed in 3 areas: Preparing food, serving at the shelter, and staying overnight. If you are able to help, or if you need more information, please email [email protected].


T U E S D A Y Daily Masses           9:00am & 12:15pm  Eucharistic Adoration  9:30am­9pm  Pre­school   9:30am­12:30pm  Rosary  12:45pm  GIFT Women’s Fellowship        7:00pm  Spanish Bible Study  7:00­8:30pm   

W E D N E S D A Y Daily Masses           9:00am & 12:15pm  Eucharistic Adoration  9:30am­9pm  Pre­school   9:30am­12:30pm  Rosary  12:45pm  Adult Choir Practice  7:00­8:30pm  English Class Level 1  7:00­8:30pm   

T H U R S D A Y Daily Masses           9:00am & 12:15pm  Eucharistic Adoration  9:30am­9pm  Pre­school   9:30am­12:30pm  Rosary  12:45pm  Divine Mercy Chaplet  6:00pm  Vocal Ensemble  7:00pm  Spanish Choir   7:00­8:30pm  Toastmasters (YAM)  7:30­9pm 

DO YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? St. Andrew has recently started a Prayer Shawl Ministry. All skill levels are welcome, we can even teach you! We meet the first Thursday each month at 6:30pm in room 201. Please join us! We are also accepting donations of yarn to be made into “prayer  shawls”.    If  you  can  donate  and  help  make  this wonderful ministry possible, or if you would like more information, please call Christy Medina: 7/521-2857.

THERE ARE STILL BENCHES AVAILABLE TO SPONSOR!  If you are interested in sponsoring a bench for the Stations of the Cross, for $1500, stop by the display in the Narthex for more info or email Danny Piper at [email protected].  Benches will have a 4”x8” etched bronze plaque with a 20 word  (maximum) dedication. We would like to thank all parishioners who have already sponsored benches for making this project possible!

ST. ANDREW NOW ACCEPTS ONLINE CONTRIBUTIONS!   We initiated a new website-based Electronic Giving Program to help facilitate your personal stewardship. You can easily create automatic recurring donations, or perform one-time transactions. Go to www.standrewcatholic.com and click on the “Giving” tab.  We hope this service provides a welcome option for the increasing number of people who  prefer to manage their finances electronically. For those who prefer to use the regular envelopes, please continue to do so.

Religious education news and schedule Eileen DeJulio: 7/641-9720 x228 or [email protected]



F R I Daily Masses 


A Y  6:30am, 9am  & 12:15pm  Men’s Fellowship  7:00am  Eucharistic Adoration  9:30am­9pm  Pre­school   9:30am­12:30pm  Bible Study  10:00am  Rosary  12:45pm  Divine Mercy Chaplet  3:00pm  Friday Night Bible Study            7:00pm  Spanish Young Adults  7:30­9:30pm   

S A T U R D A Y  Daily Mass  9:00am  Confessions  9:30­10:30am  Family Vigil Mass  5:00pm  First Reconciliation  6:00­7:30pm  Children’s Meeting 


Mandatory First Reconciliation Children’s Meeting Celebration of First Reconciliation

Champs / edge youth group news and events For questions, contact Christen Barrett: 7/641-9720 ext.230 or [email protected]


Please join us for a youth retreat in the mountains on February 13th-15th 2009. This retreat is open to all children in grades 6th, 7th, & 8th. The cost is $140/child and it includes meals, transportation, housing, and weekend activities! Money is due by January 15, 2009! We need to have at least 25 youth to make this event possible. Children are welcome to bring friends, as long as their parents know this is a Catholic retreat. All children will need to fill out permission slips and complete medical release forms! Please watch the bulletin for more information as the date nears, or you may email Christen Barrett.


S U N D A Y  Masses: 7:30am, 9am, 10:30am, 12pm  Life Teen Mass                          5:00pm  Spanish Mass                            7:00pm  RCIA class  8:15­10am  Spanish Doctrina,  5:30pm  RCIA, Confirmation   Life Teen Life Night  6:00pm 

Life teen / high school youth group news and events Meghan Austin: 4/293-2999, [email protected]   

January 11th: Life Teen spring semester kick off - with Trivia Night! If you are 21 or older and want to give your time to serve our teens, contact Meghan Austin.


JANUARY 11, 2009

Catholic therapists  


St. Andrew has several professional therapists who provide services in an office area here at church. Each is a licensed and independent practitioner, and a member of the Catholic Therapist Association. You may call them individually for an appointment: Tom Spudic, Ph.D. (7/596-5869); Ann Howe, Ph.D. (6/887-7800); Mary Cheryl Henderson, L.P.C. (4/936-1144).   

News and events around the archdiocese


G.R.A.C.E. SCHOLARS:  If you, or your company, have tax liability in the State of Georgia, you may be eligible to redirect a portion of that liability to qualifying families desiring a Catholic education for their children but who find the cost of Catholic School tuition prohibitive. Your contribution allows for a STRAIGHT TAX CREDIT when filing your state income taxes. Archbishop Gregory and Bishop Boland have approved G.R.A.C.E. Scholars as the official student scholarship organization for Catholic schools in Georgia. For more info, contact Dan Wiseman at 4/885-7491 or [email protected].  

NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING:  There will be a 3 part series of Natural Family Planning (SymptoThermal Method) offered at St. Monica Catholic Church in Duluth starting on January 18 from 10am to 12:30pm. For registration or information, please call Kate and Bryan Sell at 7/844-1806 or email [email protected]. For additional info about NFP, please go to www.archatl.com/offices/familylife or call Lynn Crutchfield at the Family Life Office: 4/885-7450 or [email protected].  

MARRIAGE  ENCOUNTER: Start your year with a commitment to your Marriage. Join us at a Marriage Encounter Weekend! The next dates are January 23–25 & February 20-22 at the Holiday Inn Doraville at I-285 & Buford Hwy. Register or learn other dates for 2009 at www.wwmeatlanta.org or call Bob & Joy Lambie at 7/587-1506. We also offer Spanish speaking weekends. Call Esteban & Gloria Nolasco at 7/425-1328 for dates. World Wide Marriage Encounter - Making Good Marriages Great.

BLESSED TRINITY SOCCER FEEDER TEAMS FOR 2009! Blessed Trinity Catholic High School

invites 7th and 8th grade boys and girls to attend try-outs for the 2009 Soccer Feeder Teams. Tryouts will be held at the BT Soccer Field on: Saturday, January 24 (Girls from 11am- 1pm, Boys from 1–3pm) and Saturday, January 31 (Boys from 11am–1pm, Girls from 1–3pm). Players should plan to attend both days. Questions? Girls: Gilbert Jean-Baptiste, [email protected], 6/277-9083 ext. 731; Boys: Don Gillig, [email protected], 678-277-9083 ext. 703.

QUEEN OF ANGELS CATHOLIC SCHOOL is now accepting applications for the 2009-10 school year. Visit www.qaschool.org, for admissions information and deadlines. Applications are available for download from our website or they can be picked up at the school. Applications and all supporting documents will be due on January 30, 2009. Interested applicants and their families are invited to attend our Open House on Sunday, January 25, from 2:00-3:30 PM.  

THE 2009 WORLD MARRIAGE BALL  honoring married couples will be held at the Atlanta Marriott Northwest at 200 Interstate N. Pkwy on February 14, 2009 from 6:30pm until 1am. The cost is $95 per couple and includes fine dining and dancing. All married couples are welcome. Couples wishing to attend my contact Ed and Nancy Poorbaugh at 678/682-9246 or visit www.wwmeatlanta.org.  


Please Pray For Our Sick   

Jean Austin, Donald Bedell, David Benjamin, Rebecca Benjamin, Kim Weber Bertschi, Settembrina Biagioni, Rick Bowers, Pat Bratton, Ann Brown, Don Browne, Stephen Capano, Grace Carroll, Lorelei Clapper, Paula Coddington, Josh Davis, Elizabeth DeBuys, Jane Demaso, Hank Deren, Jeannette Derum, Margit Dvorak, Kathleen Ebeling, Bill Ellerman, Claire Ehrmana, Linda Frescona, Marie Gaede, Lucille Gallagher, Margaret Gavin, Iris Gotschall, Elizabeth Jane Gricus, Mary Ann Gulitozi, Brittany Healy, Michael Healy, Kim Henderson, Will Hodges, Harry Hodgins, Jill Ingenito, Tom Loesch, Marie Lourdes Joseph, Martha Kassis, Johnny Kranyecz, Dolores Lamb, James Lasneski, Laura Lawton, Mary-Gay Li, Jane Mayer, Theo McCarten, Gary Meader, Sharon Metzler, Sr. Janice Miller, James Nielsen, Carol Anne Palermo, Maggie Paoletti, Erin Patrick, Paulette Pettorosi, Peggy Plunkett, Bill Plunkett, Mary V. Quinlan, Alice Reid, David Rundell, Schneider, Paul Scibona, Julie Shannon, Jack Smith, Wayne Smith, Donna St. Pierre, Elaine Stephens, Rick Stradtman, Nilca Trujillo, Tim Truxillo, Ruth Voorhis, Colton Walker, Julie Walker, Reilly Walsh, Calvin Ray White, Debbie Williams, Janet Viney, Ave Wolfe, Mary Veronica Wolney, Pinkie Wright, Gene Wright, Brian Wynn-Higgins

Names will be removed from our Sick List at the beginning of each month. For a name to remain, contact Jacki Webb: 7/641-9720 x243 or [email protected] .  

Visit Our Website at www.standrewcatholic.com


Ministry contacts  

Altar Care Trudy Scully 770/998-8752 Altar Servers Sheryl Hess 770/998-6766 American Heritage Girls Kim Wunschel 770/363-2012 Bereavement Ministry Jenny Smentek 770/645-2307 Bible Study (Friday Night) Elaine Ruppenthal 770/754-6104 Bible Study (Friday morning) Gene O’Brien 770/664-5639 Bible Study (Tuesday / Wednesday) Christine Caveness 770/393-1816 Caring Connection Ginny Boll 770/993-8738 Catholics Returning Home Larry/Tracie Vicario 770/998-5971 CHAMPS Youth Group: 4th & 5th Grade Christen Barrett 770/641-9720 x230 Christ Renews His Parish Deborah Stevens 678/461-0868 Columbian Squires Don Boyle 770/410-9237 Cub Scout Pack 2006 Phil Vance 770/597-1401 EDGE Youth Group Christen Barrett 770/641-9720 x230 Elijah Cup Liz Schantz 770/518-6836 Eucharistic Adoration Guardians Carol Meurer 770/641-9720 x222 Eucharistic Ministers Parish Office 770/641-9720 Familia Lydia Hazelwood 770/752-7381 GIFT (Growing In Faith Together) Christy Medina 770/521-2857 Homeschoolers of St. Andrew Carolyn Rittmueller 770/346-7557 Homestretch Karen Schneider 770/998-9398 Knights of Columbus Tom Hoover 770-641-9720 Lectors Gert Mullin 770/772-6280 Legion of Mary Carol Albright 770/993-7903 Life Teen / High School Youth Group Meghan Austin 404/293-2999 Marriage Encounter Dave/Ronnie Gorzynski 770/594-7608 Men’s Fellowship Mike Lerch 678/521-1583 Moms of St. Andrew Meg Clark 770/642-1652 Chris Curtin 770/643-0358 Music Ministry Bernie Sotola 770/641-9720 x231 Natural Family Planning Don / Sara Boyle 770/410-9237 Over 55 Club Gert Mullin 770/772-6280 Parish Council Renay Miller 770/645-8709 Prayer Shawl Ministry Christy Medina 770/521-2857 Pre-School Carol Hastings, Dir. 770/642-1636 Chris Lovejoy, Asst. Religious Education Eileen DeJulio 770/641-9720 x228 R.C.I.A. Tom Gotschall 770/490-9436 Respect Life Eileen Schuster 770/587-2611 Rosary Devotion Bill Plunkett 770/594-7662 Sea Scout Ship 300 Bill Leach 770/594-2462 St. Martin De Porres Sandy Lashley 770/641-9720 Spanish Ministry Cecilia Campos 770/649-9392 Ushers Guild John Miles 770/518-8512 Wedding Coordinators Carol Meurer 770-641-9720 Welcoming Committee Pat Powers 770/649-0554 Women’s Guild Lisa Biagioni 770/777-5912



11 DE ENERO, 2009

ATENCION: HORARIO DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO: Martes, miércoles y jueves 10 a 3 de la tarde. Consultas, entrega de documentos e inscripciones los miércoles. Cerrado lunes y viernes. Para información llamar a Cecilia Campos: 770-649-9392. Para la oficina del Padre Juan llamar al 770-641-9720 x233. Deje su nombre, su teléfono y un breve mensaje. Todos los mensajes serán contestados. Recordamos que los fondos del Ministerio Hispano proceden de donaciones y de las ventas de la Tiendita. Es por este motivo que su contribución es tan apreciada. Igualmente se necesitan tres personas para atender las ventas y la limpieza antes y después de la misa. Este es un proyecto comunitario para el beneficio de todos.



Confesiones en Español todos los lunes  desde las 6:00pm en la iglesia (confesionario).  Para recibir SACRAMENTOS en nuestra Iglesia es necesario estar inscrito en la parroquia por un mínimo de tres meses y cumplir con las obligaciones de nuestra religión.

HORARIO: Pláticas de Preparación: Primer martes de mes de 7-9:30pm, asistencia de padres y padrinos requerida. Salón RCIA. No hay guardería. Bautizos: Segundo sábado de mes 11am en la capilla. Requisitos: Registrados en la parroquia por un periodo de tres meses. Acta de nacimiento del niño/a. Padrinos: Practicantes y cumpliendo las reglas de la Santa Iglesia. Certificado de matrimonio. Solteros: Mayores de 16 anos, bautizados, primera Comunión y confirmados. Certificado de bautismo.

Nuestras actividades El coro hace una llamada a personas que sepan tocar piano, guitarra, base, violín y flauta. Practica todos los jueves de 7-9pm en el salón de música.  




GRUPO DE ORACION SEMILLAS DE PAZ Y AMOR: Todos son bienvenidos no importa el nivel de espiritualidad en el que te encuentres. Martes 7-9 p.m. Salón 202. Dirigido por Marina Urrea y el diacono Alberto Figueredo. Salón 202.

R.I.C.A.: Preparación de niños mayores de 8 años para recibir los sacramentos de Bautismo, Reconciliación, Eucaristía y Confirmación. Preparación también para Adultos que les falten todos, algún sacramento o quieran cambiar de otra religión a la Católica. Los participantes en este programa R.I.C.A. recibirán todos los sacramentos este año en la Vigilia del Sábado Santo. Consideren las bendiciones que recibirán desde el momento que Cristo se manifieste en ustedes al recibirlo en los Sacramentos.


MINISTERIO  JOVENES  ADULTOS: Mayores de 18 años. Te invita a sus reuniones semanales todos los viernes de 89:30pm.  

COPA DE ELÍAS: La Copa de Elías se entrega al finalizar la misa a familias/personas dispuesta a orar por vacaciones sacerdotales durante una semana. El cáliz sirve de punto de enfoque durante la oración. Apúntate en el vestíbulo.  

COMUNIDAD  PEQUEÑA  DE  FE  Y  DEVOCIÓN  A  LA  DIVINA MISERICORDIA: Reunión todos los lunes 6-7p.m. en la capilla. Enseñanza de 7-9 p.m. Salón 207.

Clases todos los domingos 5:30-6:45pm en el salon de R.I.C.A. Diacono José Campos 404/933-1045.    

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