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  • Words: 2,459
  • Pages: 13
Dear Diatribe; It’s me! Remember? I am the only one you know. I am on my first trip to Europe! Only thing is that I found out about four hours before I left Is it wrong of me to be anything but joyful about this trip? It could be seen that way. We discussed an idea that prompted agreement that it couldn’t work unless there was a head start with a drug idea. Without being far down the line of what the FDA calls “Phase 1”, you would either run out of interest quickly or get squashed by the many foes that you would gather. If he proposes this as an idea at the conference, maybe the gaps could be covered. He would need help with that, but I am certainly not the pedigree of assistance that he should be looking for. I have a Bud Powell album called “Un Poco Loco” right on Diatribes hard drive, but this flight is a lot more than one albums worth.

Tribal Title: Iberia LAE My seditious acts have had me sent of to Iberia, the Spanish airline. I don’t know what Geeta’s expectations are, but they are all that matters. I wrote and expanded on a concept to possibly someday inspire. Maybe you draw a helicopter in the 1490’s, but it is a brilliant idea … In 1907. I thought it would go that sort of way. He agrees that this couldn’t be done without a drug ready to go. So should I assume he has one, or that he just wants to inspire someone who does? He could start the organization that way. I would man the phones and ask folks “So you got a drug?” That would digress into “Got any drugs?” It would be said that I should wait for the real skinny and not sit and speculate. I have half of a day to spend on a plane. Speculation is the most intriguing diversion available. That could be a little bit crazy, and I do have “Un Poco Loco” to listen to while I write. That might inspire some thoughts. It's got "Night in Tunisia" on it. renditions of that I own.

I don't know how many

It is one that either, like in this

case, places the artist, in other cases defines their influences.

I could have shown my influences by playing it, but

I never got on top of a big enough combo to give it justice. Reading through these last couple of days diatribes, I realize what I forgot to mention.


I was not able to

write while I was hearing it, and I was too tired when it was over.

I was puzzled as to why the doc was interested in

continuing to engage me on this.

I think I had three glasses of

Chianti when I asked It floored me that an MD was interested in commiserating with an inferior species; I thought you guys ran as a pack? That has always been my take on them. I dated a Medical Student with a heart surgeon father for a few months in college. That was my closest contact with this. I have also consulted in the health care industry to cement my opinions. (I call it the health care industry and take offense when it is referred to as the "Health Care System".

I have a friend who

lost two teeth due to our nations "Bar Brawl System".

Yes we

have some laws, mostly local, that have some association with Bar Brawls.

Whether it is brawling or medicine, we do not apply

a systemic approach to medicine in the US.

Many consider it

equally foolish to apply anything standardized, methodical or comprehensive to either.

If someone were to ask where they can

find an alcohol-fueled melee, I can say that we have some of the best in the world.

Whether you will get into one or where you

can find one, I can't tell you that.) When I asked this question, both the Doctor and his wife started laughing.

I know this as a conversational technique.

When someone asks you a question that crosses the line into being too accusatory or pointedly critical you can just laugh. This is a way of saying that you consider the question to be in jest.

More accurately, you are saying "that better be a joke

that we will just let lye".

Not in this case.

That type of

laughter would never extend more than four or five seconds. The Gerhardstein's continued laughing and whispering back and forth for at least ten.

Once silent, Helen smiled and said

"You have experience with Physicians who aren't ashamed of their professional choice." I had thought that was all of them.

"It is Peter" "That remains true until you meet the one who feels he soullessly sold out to 'second-hand science' for a buck" "I must admit that I am the one who led the good doctor down this woeful path.

I was the one who sought out security above

scientific altruism." Her Husband piped in. "I dreamed that if I fell in love with a musician, she would hold me to the amity of my youth that I wished to never lose" "When you find one that is as pretty as she is, you move in whatever direction they point you." She challenged "Did you end up losing your ethical way? AIDS is not the big-money specialty I could have pushed you over to." "You're right, I have no complaints" I didn't know where or what he sold out to become a doctor. Medicine is a profession where you can never be called greedy while you making a ton of money.

No matter how princely your

compensation may get, you are above ever having it mentioned. Geeta was somehow aware of this.

She added "That Malcolm".

"You know he just needed to keep something he could hold onto as your tutor."

"Having your student begin to match you is what a

teacher strives for; but then loses his position." "Dr. Blythe's position is safe."

I had to question this inside talk. doctor too?

Isn't This Blythe a

He is a double PhD without an MD.

He has

Microbiology and Biochemistry sheepskins in the bag. Gerhardstein's only got one PhD, hardly a slouch from my perspective.

To it, he added a silly tech school certification

called MD just to make money.

Gerhardstein put it like this.

"The undergraduate track called 'premed' is composed of all the classes that I took.

There are a rare few that care about

those sciences themselves.

Usually there are two or three

currently committed scientists in a big university department. The rest are taking prerequisites for their house in the suburbs." I had never thought of it that way.

Hearing it; I had to

assume and ask the question, So your type does better than the saw bones? "No, but we should.

That money motivation provides

an unshakable concentration." "Is this going to be on the test?" "That is all we ever heard from them.

They got together and

knew absolutely everything that was on the exams.

You can ace a

science class as long as you’re someone who won’t be distracted

by science.

Even then I had a tendency to straddle both sides

of that fence.

I read a paper by this Dr. Blythe at Oxford in

my sophomore year. study with him.

I became transfixed.

I had to get there to

So I started to run the premed study groups.

Then, I was more concentrated on the tests for my last three years of undergrad." "In the end, you get good grades doing that.

You get the

exact same grades as everyone in your study group. stand out.

So you don't

You have to write something to get anywhere.

what I wanted out of it.

I got

An MIT Rhodes recommendation was just

as competitive as fighting for grades with the premeds." "But I got there.

Blythe was my mentor before I'd even met

him." We have a different kind of physician here.

I am glad that

he doesn't require me to have a Medical Doctorate. respect people with as little as just one PhD. one; we didn't discuss my education. wants about me from my wife.

He will

I do not have

He has any information he

It projects to be a mix of being

considered honest-by-proxy, and a creepy speculation about what exactly he knows.

I guess I wouldn't be on the plane if there

was something like that.

Either he doesn't know very much or he

knows everything and none of it's too bad.

Most likely it's a

little from Column "A" and a little from Column "B".

Helen filled in the romantic aspects.

That could be a sentence that warms the heart,

or the most goddamn sexist of all the tribes. people read these.

Good thing so few

That I know of.

She explained that she was a student at the New England Conservatory when they met. theory.

She had a degree in violin and

She was moving more and more towards the piano as part

of her theory work and due to urging from her family that she teach music for stability. She had acquiesced and began seeking work teaching, church work, weddings and the like.

She had made a trip to a

hairdresser and wore a sensible frock.

She had boxed up her

grandmother's over-sized cardigan and re-purposed the locks that had more resembled the disheveled look of Beethoven.

She was

making a decision similar to the one she would lead her newfound love to pursue. She said she asked him if he had ever thought about going to medical school with his scientific interests. would be a great fit for you."

"Seems like it

He said he could get in if he wanted.

I asked him where he

could go. “Well, I guess I could go right here in town” He meant Harvard. God damned Harvard! You hear of people really hoping they can get into medical school.

"What if you were a doctor and a scientist?"

claims he hedged for a while.


She thought of giving up.


said that she was sure she wanted to marry him only a few weeks after they met, and that she had lifelong images right then. She could see them in their sixties like they are now. Helen knows that it is only in jest when he mentions this road she took him down. She was given an introduction to the scientific version of the starving artist that is Richard Gerhardstein.

She said she

tried to keep constant check on herself for blatant hypocrisy. She was very eloquent describing her logic and feelings at the time.

I guess it was the sixties.

She talked about how

much she loved him and that biochemistry and microbiology began to "oddly enough, kind of turn her on."

This damn "Un Poco Loco" is a compilation! downside of not buying disks any more. download a Bud Powell Album.

This is the

I saw that I could

I assumed that it was the original

album where "Un Poco Loco" was the title track.

As I listen, I

find tracks that I know come from other disks.

I have done a little bio chem myself over the last year or so. Never gotten a chubby from it Sticking my penis in anything biochemistry related doesn't move me at all.

Perhaps if I had a vagina I would cognize the

biochemical-clitoral association.

I would understand that and

so much more. I will connect with this memory. randy the first few months with Geeta. global identity then.

The smell of curry got me I was a part of a pan-

Largely because I am pretentious and full

of shit Helen struggled trying not to downplay scientific dreams, while emphasizing that the sacrifices she made held far more

risk than what he had to face. arrangement.

It sounds like a nearly perfect

They both had an ideal that was less than

practical considering other opportunities requiring skills they had.

For Helen, teaching music was a good possibility, but was

no the cash cow that a medical practice proposes. The most remarkable thing about our long dialogue was hearing phrases like "Turned me on" in my left ear, while glancing at the stiff, grey-haired German across the table. I cannot sleep sitting up.

Eleven hours on a plane is eleven

hours I need to occupy myself.

I should have downloaded

something about Barcelona before I left.

I know nothing of it.

What do I know?

It is not the capitol, Madrid is

It worked lyrically in parody the song "My Sharona" years ago.

I am reasonably sure that Hemingway and the filmmaker Almodóvar have been or lived there.

To my recollection, that is all I know.

I might just

be nervous as I get to Spain on a plane (with the rain and all). Those might be helpful facts. OK, bring it on.

I am ready.

Did I hear el descender en


I believe I did.

Geeta says there will be a car at

the airport, and at least I know where I am staying. "With him" Where? "With Dr. Gerhardstein" No shit, where? "A hotel No shit, silly. Be nice!" So I don't have a reservation? "He has a room, .... , a suite I think, I didn't make the reservations." I went down a bad road somehow "So,… do you think I’m his secretary. Operations.

I hired the office manager, she hired the person

who makes reservations." Sorry

I am the Director of

"He is a speaker at the conference. booked him.

I don't eve think we

Some other organization was paying for it."

She simmered a bit there.

Then we had the whole cloth

moment. I am staying in a hotel with the Doctor? least two beds I hope.

I ask myself.

Two rooms would be nice.

sound homophobic, but that isn't the case.



I am creep-ed a bit

by staying in a room with someone I am trying to impress.

I am

not there yet, but I feel trapped already. Let me rephrase.

I am there.

I am in Barcelona.

Let's see

how much Diatribe I get during this thing.

Our plane flight

together might be the longest for a while.

I need to spend more

time thinking about… Seeming less Strange!!! Not BEING less Strange, just seem as if I am. onto my own idiosyncrasies.

I can still hold

There was never a genius without a

tincture of madness.

Maybe I can use Aristotle on my resume in

personal references.

That would seem mad.

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