01 Fairness Cream Research

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 13



*Fairness cream market in India is about 800 crores. *The market growth is 15-20% on year to year basis. *New entrants in personal care sector.


THE MAJOR PLAYERS … * Fair n lovely * Fairever * Fair n Handsome O th e rs in clu d e M e n z a ctive e tc .




• REGULAR DEMAND-- Fairness cream use depends  upon personas personal care  segment have steady demand. • LATENT DEMAND– Fairness creams generate hidden  desire. 10/26/09




P ro d u cts- Fair n Lovely , Fairever e tc P rice -Currently low price stra te g y is b e in g fo llo w e d b y co m p a n ie s. P la ce -is represented for market ; ru ra lm a rke t b e in g exp lo re d . P ro m o tio n -advertising through TV C , p rin t 5

BUYER’S CHARACTERISTICS • AGE &LIFE CYCLE-Generally age of users is 15-45 yrs. of age i.e. from teenage to middle age.

• ECONOMIC SITUATION-The buyer’s of face cream brands are price sensitive. 


-is between two main competitors they are ‘fair n handsome’ & ‘fairever’.This type of competition is called 6 10/26/09

COMPETITIVE POSITION MARKET LEADER - Fair n lovely is the market leader,due to large distribution network of 12 townships. -Product extensions -Strong brand name MARKET CHALLENGER –Fairever is the market challenger for fairness creams,with others.



COMPETITOR STRATEGIES • Growth strategiesa)Market Penetration- Lowering of prices by the companies.  stressing on importance of fairness cream  in life of non-users in ads. b)Product Development-improvement in quality& upgradation of 

the product. c)Diversification-existing brand is extended into new product. 

 

THE FAIRNESS CREAM MARKET IS IN GROWTH STAGE i.e.increase of distribution channel,more scope for market penetration.



SEGMENTING,TARGETING&POSITIONIN G SEGMENTING ON THE BASIS OFa ) Geographic- target is generally the south zone and then north and west. b ) Demographic Age-users of the age of 15 to 45 yrs.  Gender-female are more ardent buyers of fairness cream. Income-1 to 3 lakh income group is a big customer group for fairness cream. c ) Social class-users mainly from upper-middle to 10/26/09 lower middle group.


TARGETING -- As it involves selecting the market segment which can be served efficiently and profitably. • Attractiveness- of the segment is found out,generally  the product choosen is new so as  there is scope for penetration. • Growth rate- there should be scope for growth. 10/26/09 


POSITIONING • In involves locating the product in customers mind which has some value. • Product differentiation-use of special formula  ‘niacinamide‘ ,logo of fair n lovely  brand. • Image- use of celebrity to enhance value of product;  as Fair n hansome’s use of Shahrukh Khan for ads . 10/26/09 11

FINDINGS OF THE PROJECT The sample size for the project was 20. The data collected was generally primary data.thesampling technique was convenience sampling.  It was found out that most of the consumers prefer ‘fair n lovely’.The awareness level of it was also higher.Consistent amount of people preferred ‘fairever cream brand.  Most of the people using fairness creams were using the fairness cream in order to get fairness. TVC’s played important role in creating awareness towards various brands of fairness creams.  The age group using fairness cream the most is between the age group of 25 to 35 yrs. of age.  Women usually use the fairness cream in more number,but now men constitute for 35% in the fairness cream market.  Thus, plenty of scope for growth in this segment. 



Presented By—

Girijesh tripathi R. No.1001 10/26/09


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