المدخل إلى المحادثة النكليزية Introduction to English Conversation الباب الول Section One ترجمة وإعداد /قحطـان فؤاد الخطيب
تبنى المحادثة النكليزية على عنصرين وهما : ) السؤال (Questionو ) الجواب (Answer ولكي ن ُ ّ كون سؤال نتبع إحدى الطريقتين التاليتين : )أ( تكوين سؤال باستعمال أحد الفعال المساعدة Helping) . (Verbs )ب( استعمال إحدى الكلمات الستفهامية (Question Words) . )أ( تكوين سؤال باستعمال أحد الفعال المساعدة التالية : ملحظة -:إذا بدأت الجملة بأحد هذه الفعال المساعدة يكون الجواب إما مثبتا أو منفيا حسب أصل الجملة .نبدأ بـ ) (,Yesإذا كان الجواب مثبتا ثم ضمير الفاعل ثم نفس الفعل المساعد .كما نبدأ بـ ) (,Noإذا كان الجواب منفيا ثم ضمير الفاعل ثم نفس الفعل المساعد في حالة النفي المختصر .
couldn’t wouldn’t shouldn’t might not
: is, am, are, was, wereأفعال الكينونة a. Verb to Be : has, have, hadأفعال التملك b. Verb to Have : do, does, didأفعال العمل c. Verb to Do الفعال الناقصة d. Defective Verbs can could can’t will would won’t shall should shan’t may might may not ought to oughtn’t to need needn’t
واليك أمثلة حول تكوين السئلة المبدوءة بفعل مساعد مع الجابة عنها: ? 1-Mrs. Arthur is a clever teacher . Is Mrs. Arthur a clever teacher -Yes, she is. ? 2-I am reading English now. Are you reading English now -Yes, I am. ? 3-Mary is very beautiful . Is Mary very beautiful -Yes, she is. ? طموحا . Was Cliff ambitiousطموحا 4-Cliff was ambitious -Yes, he was. ? 5-The boys were not ill yesterday . Were the boys ill yesterday -No, they weren’t. الملحظات العامة -:
-1يتحول الضمير )أنت أو انتم (Youإلى )أنا (Iأو )نحن (Weحسب سياق الجملة . -2أفعال الكينونة ) (Verb to Beالدالة على الزمن المضارع Tense Presentهي (is, am, are) :وأفعال الكينونة الدالة على الزمن الماضي Tense Pastهي ) :للجمع wereللمفرد . (wasمع الضمير ) (Iنحتاج إلى ) (amفي الزمن المضارع . ? 6-Tom has just eaten the food . Has Tom just eaten the food -Yes, he has. 7-Daivid and his brother have studied English well already . ? -Have David and his brother studied English well already Yes, they have. it .زيارتنا before we visitedالصحراء 8-It had not rained in the desert -Had it rained in the desert before we visited it ? -No, it hadn’t. -3لحظنا بأن أفعال التملك المساعدة التالية ) (has, have, hadاحتاجت إلى فعل رئيسي لكي يكتمل معناها .وهذا الزمن يدعى بـ )الزمن المضارع التام (Present Perfect Tenseالذي يدل على الماضي القريب. -4يأتي الزمن المضارع التام مع كلمات معينة مثل : 2-already منذ 3-since لمدة 4-for لحد 5-yet قبل الن الن 7-recently أبدا 8-ever مطلقا 9-never حديثا
توا 1-just 6-lately في الونة الخيرة
-5يستعمل الفعل المساعد ) (hadمع التصريف الثالث للفعل للدللة على زمن حدث في الماضي البعيد .ول يأتي لوحده بل يحتاج إلى زمن آخر هو الماضي البسيط .والروابط التي تأتي معه هي ) :بعد ( after )قبل ) (beforeعندما . (when -6إذا كانت الجملة خالية من فعل مساعد نلجأ إلى أفعال العمل )Verb . (to Doإذا كان الفعل في أصل الجملة خاليا من ) (sالشخص الثالث المفرد الغائب أو خاليا من ) (edنستعمل )هل . (Doإذا كان الفعل في أصل الجملة منتهيا بـ ) (sالشخص الثالث المفرد الغائب أو ) (esنستعمل )هل (Doesمع حذف ) (esأو ) (sالشخص الثالث المفرد الغائب .إذا كان الفعل في أصل الجملة في الزمن الماضي المعروف من النهاية ) (edأو كان شاذا نستعمل )هل (Didمع إرجاع الفعل إلى صيغة المصدر المجرد من الزيادة .مثل : every month .مرضاه his patientsيساعد 9-Dr. Nelson helps -Does Dr. Nelson help his patients every month ? -Yes, he does. .بصورة جيدة 10-Engineer Tom and engineer Martin speak English well ? English wellيتكلمان -Do engineer Tom and engineer Martin speak -Yes, they do. ? . Did it rain last nightالليلة nightالماضية 11-It did not rain last -No, it didn’t very well .كرة القدم footballيلعب 12-Mr. Black can play -Can Mr. Black play football very well ? -Yes, he can. 13-Dr. Philip could not come to the lecture because he was very busy . Dr. Philip come to the lecture ? -No, he couldn’t.هل استطاع -Could ملحظة :مع الضميرين ) (Iو) (weنستعمل ) (shallأو ) (shan’tومع البقية نستعمل )
(won’t) ( أوwill
14-The doctor will سوفnot go to hospital المستشفىtomorrow morning. -Will the doctor go to hospital tomorrow morning ? -No, he won’t. 15-We shall سوفnot study ندرسEnglish next القادمmonth الشهر. -Shall we study English next month ? -No, we shan’t.
Exercise (1): Make questions and then answer them : 16-He must يجب عليهhelp مساعدةthe baby . Must ..................................................... ? .................................... 17-Jane ought to study تدرسday and night . Ought ....................................... ? ...................................................... 18-The examination المتحانwill not be يكونdifficult. Will .......................................... ? .................................................. 19-Spring الربيعis good in Sweden السويد. Is ................................................. ? .................................... 20-Gold الذهبwas very common شائعاin the past الماضي. Was .................................... ? ................................................. 21-The market السوقdoes not لsell يبيعgood جيدةcarpets . Does .................................... ? ................................................ : )ب( استعمال إحدى الكلمات الستفهامية التالية 1-How 7-How much 13-Where 2-How deep 8-How often 14-Which 3-How far 9-How tall 15-Who 4-How high 10-How wide 16-Whom 5-How long 11-What 17-Whose 6-How many 12-When 18-Why وتكون دللتها. ( وتسأل عن الواسطة أو الصحةHow )كيف-1 : ( مثلwith ( أو )معby )بواسطة 1-Susan comes to school المدرسةby بواسطةcar السيارة. -How كيفdoes Susan come to school ? وتكون دللتها. ( وتسأل عن عمق الشيءHow deep )كم عمق-2 : مثل. أرقاما قياسية بالمتار أو السنتيمترات أو الياردات أو القدام 2-This well البئرis fifty meters deep عمقا. -How deep كم عمقis this well ? وتكون دللتها. ( وتسأل عن بعد الشيء أو المكانHow far )كم بعد-3 : مثل. أرقاما قياسية بالمتار أو السنتيمترات أو الياردات أو القدام 3-The city is 400 kilometers from the capital. -How far كم بعدis the city from the capital ? العاصمة وتكون دللتها. ( وتسأل عن ارتفاع الشيءHow high )كم ارتفاع-4 : مثل. أرقاما قياسية بالمتار أو السنتيمترات أو الياردات أو القدام 4-This mountain الجبلis seventy meters high ارتفاعا. -How high كم ارتفاعis this mountain ? ( وتسأل عن طول المسافة وتكون دللتهاHow long )كم طول-5 أرقاما قياسية بالمتار أو السنتيمترات أو الياردات أو القدام أو
الكيلومترات كما تسأل عن طول الفترة الزمنية أو بداية الفترة الزمنية : مثل 5-a. This street الشارعis fifty kilometers long طول. -How long كم طولis this street ? b. William has been studying English for six days . -How long كم طولhas William been studying English ? c. Lawyer James has been كانin London since منذMay. -How long كم طولhas lawyer James been in London ? .( الجمعs, a, an) ( ل يأتيsince الجمع ( وبعد )منذs, a, an) ( يأتيfor بعد )لمدة: ملحظة
( وتسأل عن العدد وتكون دللتها أرقاما متبوعةHow many )كم عدد-6 : مثل. ( الجمعs) بأسماء منتهية بـ 6-There are يوجدseven days in a week . -How many كم عددdays are there in a week ? ( وتسأل عن الكميات وتكون دللتها كمياتHow much )كم كمية-7 : كما تعني )كم ثمن( مثل. ( الجمعs) خالية من 7-There is a lot of كمية كبيرةmilk in the bottle القنينة. -How much كم كميةmilk is there in the bottle ? ( وتسأل عن عدد المرات وتكون دللتها )مرةHow often )كم مرة-8 : مثل. (three times ( )ثلث مراتtwice ( )مرتانonce واحدة 8-Pupils go to school six times مراتa week . -How often كم مرةdo pupils go to school ? : مثل. ( وتسأل عن طول النسانHow tall )كم طول-9 9-My brother is 165 centimeters tall طول. How tall كم طولis your brother ? ( وتسأل عن عرض الشياء وتكون دللتهاHow wide )كم عرض-10 : مثل. أرقاما قياسية بالمتار أو السنتيمترات أو الياردات أو القدام 10-This wall الجدارis forty centimeters wide. -How wide كم عرضis this wall ? ( أوSubject ( وتسأل عن الشيء الجامد )كفاعلWhat )ماذا-11 : مثل. (Object )مفعول به 11-a.Hunger الجوعmade جعلthe baby cry يبكي. -What made جعلthe baby cry ? يبكي b. I am studying ادرسEnglish now . -What ماذاare you studying now ? : مثل. ( وتسأل عن الزمانWhen )متى-12 12-They should يجب عليهم أنsleep for eight hours ساعاتevery night . -When متىshould they sleep ينامواfor لمدةeight ثمانhours ? ساعات ( وتسأل عن المكان الذي يعرف أحيانا من حروفWhere )أين-13 : مثل. الجر وما بعدها أو من ظروف المكان 13-France lies تقعsouth جنوبof England . -Where أينdoes France lie ?
: مثل. ( وتسأل عن الختيارWhich )أي-14 14- I like green color اللون. -Which color do you like ? تحب : مثل. ( وتسأل عن النسان الفاعلWho )من للنسان-15 15-The teacher teaches يعلمthe pupils الطلب. -Who منteaches يعلمthe pupils ? الطلب : مثل. (Whom )من للنسان في حالة المفعول به-16 16-The doctor treats يعالجhis patients مرضاهin فيhospital. -Whom منdoes the doctor treat in hospital ? : مثل. ( وتسأل عن التملك النسان أو الجمادWhose )لمن-17 17-This is Margaret’s book كتاب. -Whose منbook كتابis this ? ( because ( وتسأل عن السبب ودللتها الكلمات )بسببWhy )لماذا-18 : مثل. (to ( )لكيfor )لجل 18-We go to cinema السينماto see the film . -Why do you go to cinema ?
Exercise (2): Make questions for these answers : 19-They will travel يسافرونto London next القادمsummer الصيف. -When ............................................................................................... ? 20-He goes to theatre المسرحto see the play المسرحية. -Why ................................................................................................ ? 21-There are يوجدtwelve months شهراin a year السنة. -How many ....................................................................................... ? 22-This is Robert’s book كتاب. -Whose ............................................................................................. ? 23-This school المدرسةis one kilometer wide عرضا. -How wide ......................................................................................... ? 24-He didn’t come because he was very جداill مريضا. -Why ................................................................................................. ? 25-My name is Sue . -What .............................................................................................. ? 26-They will سوفneed a little food . -How much ....................................................................................... ? 27-My friend goes to zoo twice a month في الشهر. -How often ....................................................................................... ? 28-They may give يعطونmy brother a gift هدية. -Whom ............................................................................................ ?
Part One
الجزء الول Exercises in English conversations تمارين في المحادثة النكليزية Exercise (3) : Answer , choose or complete these questions :1-What is your full الكاملname ?
-My full name is ............................................................................. . 2-Where are أينyou from ? -I am from ....................................................................................... . 3-What is your religion ( ? دينكChoose ):-I am …………………… . (a. Moslem b. Christian c. Yazidi) 4-What are هلyou ? ( Choose) :-I am ............................................ . (a. married b. bachelor c. divorced d. widower e. widow) 5-What is your passport جواز سفركnumber ? -My passport number is: (Choose):a. ............................................. . b. I have no passport yet. c. I don’t know. d. It is mentioned مذكورon the passport. 6-a) When was it issued ? صدر -It was issued on ........................................................................... . b) When متىwill سوفit expire ? ينتهي -It will سوفexpire ينتهيon ........................................................... . c) Where was it issued ? صدر -It was issued in ............................................................................. . 7-Where are you traveling ( ? مسافرChoose) :a. I don’t know yet b. I may travel abroad c. To the States d. To Dubai e. To Germany f. Home 8-Are you traveling مسافرby airplane , ship , bus or train ? القطار -I may travel either by ship or by ................................... بالطائرة. 9-How much does it cost from Jordan to New York by air in US $ ? -It approximately تقريباcosts تكلف...........................................US $ . 10-Did you go ذهبتon a trip رحلةto Paris ? ( Choose ) -Yes, I .............................................. (a. is b. was c. do d. did) 11-What is the telephone هاتفcode مفتاحnumber رقمof ( Qatar )? -The telephone code مفتاحnumber of Qatar is …………….…… . 12-Mrs. Brown is very clever . .......................................... ( )وكذلكis her husband . ( Choose ):(a. Neither b. So c. But d. And) 13-a) Hello . Is Mr. David there ? موجود -No, he ........................................................................................ . b) When will he be back ? -He will be back ........................................................................ . c) Can I leave اتركa message رسالة شفويةfor him? -Yes, go ahead تفضلor …………………………………………. d) His line is engaged مشغولnow . Can you call him later ? - a. I think so اعتقد ذلكor …………………………………. 14-a) Can I reserve حجزa single room in your hotel for two nights ? -Of course بالطبعyou can . Or ………………………………… b) How much كم ثمنis the single room and the double room ? -The single بسرير واحدroom غرفةis ten US $ a day but the .............................. is ............................. US $ with breakfast.
c) How much كم ثمنis it a night في الليلةfull board ? -It is .............................................................. US $ with full board. d) Does it have هل الغرفة تملكa bath or a shower ?(Choose):1) It has a bath but not a ......................................................... . 2) It has neither a ل............................... nor a ول........................ . 15-Are the hotel الفندقguests نزلءlocal citizens or foreigners ? أجانب -They are ...................................................................................... . 16-Is there a lift مصعدin this hotel ? الفندق -Yes, there is one near the ……………………………….......... . 17-Where is the restaurant المطعم, please ? من فضلك -It is in front of أمامthe ............................................................... . 18-I want to cash this traveler’s check . Is the bank open ? (Choose) :(a. I think so b. I’m sorry today is a holiday c. Try حاولto ask the cashier d. Yes, there is) 19-How كيفis the weather الطقسtoday ? ( Choose) :-Today the weather is .............................................................. . (a. sunny مشمسb. windy عاصفc. cold d. hot e. moderate )معتدل 20-Is there يوجدa form استمارةto fill in ( ? املهاChoose):-Yes, there is .............................. (a. one b. two c. three d. four) 21-Where is the customs الكماركoffice دائرة, please ? -It is near بالقرب منthe ................................................... office . 22-Do you have لديكanything أي شيءto declare للحفظ فقط ? تصرح به -Yes, I do. I have …………………………………………….. . a. 200 cigarettes سيكارة b. a bottle قنينةof perfume عطور c. my personal الشخصيةcamera d. a mobile نقالtelephone هاتف e. a personal computer f. a gold ذهبيةwatch ساعة 23-Is there هناكany duty رسومon them ( ? عليهاChoose):-Yes, there ........................................ (a. is b. are c. was d. were) 24-Is smoking allowed مسموحhere or is it forbidden ? ممنوع -I think اعتقدit is ............................................................................. . 25-Where is the waiting النتظارroom ? -It is opposite مقابلthe ........................................................... room. 26-Where is أينthe luggage المتعةroom ? - .............................................................. behind وراءthe cafeteria . 27-Is there any time table جدولfor the train ? للقطار - Yes, ............................................................................................. . 28-Where is the reservation الحجزoffice ? -It is beside بجانبthe customs دائرة........................................ الكمارك. 29-Have you got لديكyour tickets ? تذاكرك -I’m sorry . I’ve lost .......................................................... ضيعتها. 30-Is هلthe ticket التذاكرtester فاحصcoming ? قادم -Yes, ................................................. is coming. 31-Where is أينthe railway محطة................................. القطار, please ?
-It is on the second الثانيةturning الستدارة. 32-How do you want your ticket تذكرتك: one wayor round trip جع ّ ? مر -It is up to you . Either إماone way or ............................... . 33-Is the trip السفرةa direct مباشرway from Syria to Canada ? -Yes, it ............................................................................. . 34-What ماذاare there يوجدin your suitcase ? حقيبة سفرك -There are : للحفظ فقط (a) two suits بدلتان (h) one hair شعرbrush فرشاة (b) one over coat معطف (i) one tooth-paste معجون أسنان (c) two shirts قمصان ذو أكمام (j) one small صغيرةknife سكين (d) one T-shirt قمصان ذو أكمام (k) one towel منشفة (e) four ties أربطة عنق (L) three handkerchiefs مناديل (f) six pairs أزواجof socks (m) a mirror and a razor . (g) one belt حزام (n) a mobile 35-What is ما هوyour threefold الثلثيname ? اسمك -My threefold الثلثيname is ............................................................. . 36-How old are you ? كم عمرك -I am ........................................................................ years old عمري. 37-Where أينdo you live ? تعيش -I live أعيشin ................................................................................ . 38-What is ما هوtoday ? -Today is ......................................................................................... . 39-What ماذاwas yesterday ? البارحة -Yesterday was ................................................................................ . 40-What will tomorrow be ? سيكون -Tomorrow will be ............................................................................ . 41-How many كم عددdays are there توجدin a week ? -There are .................................................................... days in a week. 42-Is summer الصيفcold or hot ? -Summer is ......................................................................................... . 43-Does هلFriday come يأتيbefore or after Saturday ? -Friday comes .................................................................................... . 44-What كمtime is it now ? -It is ................................................................................................. . 45-How many كم عددbrothers do you have ? تملك -I have ............................................................................................. . 46-How tall are you ? كم طولك -I am ..................................................................... centimeters tall. 47-How much do you weigh ? كم تزن -I weigh أزن............................................. kilograms . -I weigh ............................................. pounds رطل.
48-What ماcolor is your hair ? شعرك - My hair is ........................... color . 49-What color is your eyes ? عينيك - My eyes is ............................................. color . 50-How كيفdo you come تأتيto your office ? دائرتك -I come to my office ............................................ . 51-How many months are there يوجدin a year ? -There are .................................. months in a year. 52-Which أيday of the week is a holiday عطلةin your country ? -......................................... is a holiday in my country. 53-How many months are there in spring ? الربيعWhat are they ? -There are ..................... months in spring. They are ......................... . 54-How many كم عددdays does June حزيرانhave ? يملك -June has ........................................................ days . 55-Is May شهر أيارhot or cold in Sweden ? - l think May is ................................................... in Sweden. 56-Are you interested in watching TV ? -.............................................................................. . 57-What is ما هيyour favorite المفضلةhobby ? هوايتك -My favorite hobby is ................................................... . 58-What ماذاwould you like تفضلto be in the future ? المستقبل -I would like to be a ................................................... . 59-Is هلAlgeria in Asia آسياor in Africa ? أفريقيا - Algeria is in ................................................... . 60-What does ماذاItaly export ? يصدر - l think Italy exports ...................... and ........................................... . 61-When متىdo people wear يرتدونthin رقيقةclothes ? ملبس -People wear thin clothes in ................................................... . 62-What does ماذاa butcher sell ? يبيع -A butcher sells ...................................................................... . 63-What are some tables الطاولتand chairs usually عادةmade of ? -Some tables and chairs are usually made of .................. or ........................ .
64-What is ما هوyour telephone number ? رقم -My telephone number is ............................................. . 65-What is your business ? عملك -I am ....................................................................... . 66-Have you ever سبق وأنtraveled abroad ? خارج القطر - .............................................................................. . 67-Do you هلintend تعتزمto travel السفرabroad ? - ............................................................................. . 68-Do you like تحبpicnics ? السفراتWhy ? - ............................................................................. . 69-Can you adapt تكييفyourself to the climate المناخin Canada ? - .............................................................................. .
70-Hello . Is Miss Ann there موجودة, please ? -No, she went to ................................................... . 71-Mr. Brown went to the Customs Office , didn’t he ? أليس كذلك - ........................................................................... . 72-I would like to notify بإبلغIstanbul about the coming مجيءof ten trucks شاحنات. Do you know where the manifests بوليصات الشحنare ? - ................................................... . 73-Why do you want to go abroad ? -I want to go abroad to ................................................... . 74-Name some of the largest towns in the States? -Miami and ................................................... . 75-What is the capital عاصمةof the USA? - ................................................... is the capital of the USA. 76-What two main languages are spoken in Canada ? -They are ........................................ and ................................... . 77-If you want to go to New Zealand, what should you have in advance ? سلفا - If I go to New Zealand, I should have ........................... in advance . 78-What is the currency العملةof Switzerland ? -The ................................................... is the currency of Switzerland . 79-How كيفis the climate in Canada ? -It is arctic قطبيand .......................................................................... . 80-Are Americans friendly يحب الصداقةpeople ? - ............................................................................................... .
81-Learn the full words of the following abbreviations :( ) للحفظ فقط a) U.N. = United Nations هيئة المم المتحدة b) UNESCO = United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Culture Organization منظمة التربية والعلم والثقافة التابعة لهيئة المم المتحدة، الونيسكو أو اليونسكو c) UNICEF = United Nations Children’s Fund صندوق رعاية الطفولة التابع لهيئة المم المتحدة d) UNRWA = United Nations Relief and Works Agency وكالة الغاثة والتشغيل التابعة لهيئة المم المتحدة: الونروا e) WFP = World Food Program برنامج الغذاء العالمي
Part Two
الجزء الثاني
Answer these questions about traveling by road and business dialogues or fill in the blanks :1-Hello . Is Mr. Sam there ? موجود -No, he’s انهout خارجright تماماnow . -No , he went ذهبto Turkey . -No , he went to ………………….. السوق. 2-How many كم عددtrucks الشاحناتare coming to the boarders ? الحدود - ........................................... trucks are coming to the boarders. -I think اعتقد.................................... trucks شاحناتare coming to the boarders.
-I’m sorry . Mr. Brown knows يعرفthe exact بالضبطnumber . 3-What is all the cargo ? الحمولة -All the cargo الحمولةis plate . -I think it is ………………………………………………………..s 4-What is the name of the driver ? السائق -The name of the driver is Mr. .................................................... . 5-What is the total الكليweight ? الوزن -The total weight is ............................................. tons . 6-Do you want a fax ? Shall I هلfax you ? أرسل لك فاكسا - ....................................................................................... . 7-What ماis the situation موقفof the trucks ? الشاحنات -It is انهfine جيد. -It is ……………………….. على ما يرام. 8-Do you هلwant تريدanything أي شيءfrom the manager ? المدير -No , thanks شكرا. -Please tell him أخبرهthat …………………….. اتصلت. 9-What is today’s program ? برنامج -Today’s program is ......................................................... . 10-Was هلthe Paris to Istanbul fax correct ? صحيحة -Yes, it was نعم. Or -It was كانmissing يفتقدthe manager’s المديرsignature توقيع. 11-When متىwill سوفMr. Smith come ? يأتيWhen will he go ? -Mr. Smith will come on ............................................ He will go on ......................................................... . 12-What is the day today ? -The day today is ....................................................................... . 13-Who منis the director المديرgeneral ? العام -Mr. David is ............................................................................. . 14-Who is the administrative الداريmanager ? المدير -Mr. Adams is ............................................................................ . 15-Who is London manager ? -Mr. George is ............................................................................ . 16-Who is Paris managing director ? -Mr. Miller is ................................................................................... . 17-Who منis Oslo Branch فرعmanager ? مدير -Dr. Eric is ......................................................................................... . 18-What is the total freight ( الوزنcargo ? ) الحمولة -It is انه.............................................................................. tons طنا. 19-What ماذاdo you want me to send you in the fax ? الفاكس - Your phone number please. 20-I would like to notify إشعارour office about حولthe coming مجيءof (10) trucks شاحناتto the Customs الجمركOffice دائرةand about وحول their unloading تفريغهمhere. Do you mind that? - ………………………………………………………………….. 21-What ماare the customs الجمركrequirements ? مستلزمات -They are انهما: (a) specification المواصفات ………………………… المطابقة (b) ………………. التخليصfrom the customs الجمركoffice 22-What ماare هيthe requirements مستلزماتof unloading ? التفريغ
-They are انهما: (a) complete كاملةpapers أوراق. (b) presence حضورof the company ……………. الشركة ممثل. 23-When متىwill سوفthe new work start ? يبدأ -The new work will start يبدأ ………………………غدا. 24-I received استلمتthe sum مبلغof ( ) dollars , dinars , Euro . 25-In testimony بناءاwhereof على ذلك, signature was put ثبت, wasn’t it? - ........................................................................................................... . 26-What ما هوtime الوقتis it ? الن -It is ............................................................................................. . 27-Please put ضعthe money in the safe الخزانة. -Put ضعthe files الملفاتin the ……………………. الدولب. 28-How كيفdoes Mr. Arthur travel يسافرto Italy ? -Mr. Arthur travels to Italy by ........................................ سيارته. -Mr. Arthur travels to Italy by ........................................ القطار. -Mr. Arthur travels to Italy by .............................................. الطائرة. 29-How many كم عددtrucks الشاحناتenter تدخلthis garage everyday ? -Twenty ....................................... شاحنةenter this garage everyday ? 30-Who منtelephoned me تلفننيfrom منGermany ? - ............................................ زوجتكtelephoned you from Germany . - ..................................... مديركtelephoned you تلفنكfrom Germany . - ............................. المدير العامtelephoned you from Germany . 31-When متىwill Mr. Jack arrive ? -Mr. Jack will arrive ............................................. (Choose):a. in 2008 b. at eight a.m. c. during خللthe day 32-How much كم كميةcrude الخامoil will you import ? تستوردون -I don’t لknow أعرف. Mr. Martin …………….. يعرف ذلك. 33-Does the Understanding Memorandum include importing soap, rice and foodstuffs? - ………………………………………. اعتقد ذلك.
Exercise (4) : Answer these questions or complete the following :1-Are you ready مستعدfor the interview ? للمقابلة - .......................................................................................................... . 2-What أيkind of job العملdo you want ? تريد -I want ............................................................................................... . 3-Do you هلwant to work as a storekeeper ? كأمين مخزن - .......................................................................................................... . 4-What is ما هوyour present الحاليbusiness ? عملك -My present business is .................................................................... . 5-Do you هلspeak تتكلمEnglish properly ? بصورة صحيحة - ........................................................................................................... . 6-Are you married متزوجor أوsingle ? أعزب - I am .................................................................................................. . 7-Why لماذاdo people want to work for لجلthe U.N. ? المم المتحدة
-People want to work for the U.N. in order to ................................................................................................. . 8-Can you هل تستطيعdrive سياقةa car ? سيارة - ........................................................................................................ . 9-What is ما هوyour telephone number ? -My telephone number is ................................................................. . 10-What is your native القوميةlanguage ? لغتك -My native language is ..................................................................... . 11-(Two plus five is .............. ) (Nine minus three is .....................) (14 X 1 = ............................) (Eight divided by two is ………..…..) 12-What أيةdegree درجةdo you hold ? تحمل -I hold ..................................................................................... degree. 13-Do you هلknow where أينthe customhouse دائرة الجمركis ? - ........................................................................................................... . 14-There is the customs الجماركofficer موظف, isn’t he ? أليس كذلك - ......................................................................................................... . 15-Do you هلhave لديكanything أي شيءto declare ? تصرح به -Yes, I do. I have a bottle of perfume, a gold watch , 200 cigarettes , ....................... , ......................... and .......................... . 16-What is ما هوa rear-mirror المرآة الخلفيةused for ? تستعمل -A rear-mirror is used for seeing what is behind ............................................................................ . 17-Choose the right preposition : a) I get up أنهض................... six o’clock in the morning . a. in b. at c. on b) ................... Friday I don’t لgo to work . a. in b. at c. on c) I enjoy استمتعwalking بالمشي............... the evening . a. in b. at c. on d) We always دائماgo to office الدائرة................. car . a. by b. at c. on e) I am good ............. mathematics الرياضيات. a. in b. at c. on 18-What does ماذاyour company import تستوردfrom Hungary ? -Our company imports a lot of things from Hungary such as مثل : ......................... , …………….., …………… and …………… 19- Give the Arabic meaning of the following words :1-porter 2-vehicle
11-loading 12-unloading
21-fit 22-Hi = Hello
3-lorry 4-trailer 5-canteen 6-technician 7-supervisor 8-superintendent 9-clerk 10-store
13-today is off 14-register 15-employee 16-employer 17-pay sheet 18-visitor 19-salary 20-wage
23-get in 24-get out 25-sit down 26-petition 27-customs 28-goods 29-currency 30-interview
Exercise (5) : Answer these questions or complete the following :1-Where أينand when were you born ? ُولدت -I was born in ................................................. on / /19 2-What are you? -I am a .................................................................................... . 3-How old are you? -I am ............................................................................. years old. 4-Is your father Iraqi or foreigner? -My father is ............................................................................... . 5-Where are you from? -I am from ..................................................................................... . 6-How many languages do you speak? -I speak .......................................................................... . 7-How many foreign languages do you speak? -I speak ....................................................................................... . 8-When must you see the doctor? -I must see the doctor when ........................................................ . 9-Why do you go to the railway station? -I go to the railway station to ........................................................ . 10-Why do you go to the bus station? -I go to the bus station to .................................................................... . 11-Why do you go to the airport? -I go to the airport to ........................................................................ . 12-Do you deal with the internet? - .............................................................................................. . 13-How are you today? -I am ..................................................................................... today. 14-What is your e-mail number? -My e-mail number is ..................................................................... . 15-Do you enjoy chatting? - ......................................................................................... . 16-What is your mobile number? - My mobile number is ................................................................. . 17-What is your favorite cold drink ?
- ......................................................................... . 18-How many days are there in a week? -There are .................................................................... days in a week. 19-What do you see with? -I see with my .......................................................................... عيوني. 20-What do you hear with? -I hear with my ..................................................................... أذاني. 21-What do you taste with? -I taste with my ................................................................... لساني. 22-What do you smell with? -I smell with my ..................................................................... أنفي. 23-How many days does September have? -September has .......................................................................... days. 24-Has May thirty or thirty one days? -May has ................................................................................... days. 25-What does your country export? -My country exports ........................................ , .................................. and .......................... . 26-When do people wear thin clothes? -People wear thin clothes .............................................................. . 27-Who brings letters to our houses? -A ....................................................... brings letters to our houses. 28-What makes roads wet in winter? -The .................................................. makes roads wet in winter. 29-How often do you brush your teeth a day? -I brush my teeth .............................................................................. . 30-Do you speak English? - ....................................................................................................... . 31-Have you ever been abroad ? خارج البلد - ........................................................................................................ . 32-Can you drive a car? - ........................................................................................................... . 33-Will you travel abroad when you have a spare time? - ........................................................................................................... . 34-Does your country export maize? - ........................................................................................................... . 35-When do you have your hair cut? -I have my hair cut .............................................................................. . 36-Do you enjoy traveling by subway (underground, metro)? - ........................................................................................................... . 37-Why do people go to zoo? -People go to zoo .......................................................................... . 38-Do you smoke? -............................................................................................................ .
39-Do you have a bank account? - ........................................................................................................... . 40-What is your bank number? -My bank number is ........................................................................... . 41-How often do you go to cinema? -I go to cinema .................................................................................. . 42-Where must you go if you want to buy a book? -If I want to buy a book, I must go to ................................................ . 43-Where must you go if you want to borrow a book? -If I want to borrow a book, I must go to .......................................... . 44-Why do we wear thick clothes in winter? -We wear thick clothes in winter because ......................................... . 45-Why do we wear thin clothes in summer? -We wear thin clothes in summer because ......................................... . 46-Is it easy or أوdifficult to use a computer? -It is ................................................ to use a computer. 47-Why do people reserve a ticket for the airplane in advance ? سلفا -People reserve a ticket for the airplane in advance so as to ................................................................................................ . 48-Which is better carrying traveler's checks or cash money? -Carrying ............................................................................ is better. 49-Why do people put their money in banks? -People put their money in banks so as to.......................................... . 50-What do you do at a post office? -I .............................................................................. at a post office. 51-Have you ever driven a motorcycle? - .......................................................................................................... . 52-When you feel hungry, where do you go? -When I feel hungry, I go to .............................................................. . 53-When you feel thirsty, what do you do? -When I feel thirsty, I ......................................................................... . 54-Why is a passport necessary? -A passport is necessary because ........................................................ . 55-When you have a toothache, where do you go? -When I have a toothache, I go to ....................................................... . 56-What do you say when you first meet a foreigner ? أجنبي -When I first meet a foreigner, I say, “................................................” 57-What is the importance of a driving license? -The importance of a driving license is .............................................. . 58-What can you see in a commercial exhibition? -I can see ................................................ in a commercial exhibition. 59-Are you a member of a Chamber غرفةof Commerce ? تجارة - ........................................................................................................... . 60-Is it necessary for every merchant to know a foreign language?
-............................................................................................................ . 61-What kind of commodities سلعdoes your country need? -My country needs commodities such as ............................................ . 62-Have you ever had any trouble with your passport? - ........................................................................................................... . 63-How many years are there in a century? -There are .............................................................. years in a century. 64-Which country is very famous for technology? -............................................................ is very famous for technology. 65-Is Turkey a good inlet for importing goods as for Iraq? -......................................................................................................... . 66-What does Japan import from Saudi Arabia? - Japan imports ...................................................... from Saudi Arabia. 67-At what time do you have your breakfast ? فطورك -I have my breakfast at ...................................................................... . 68-At what time do you have your lunch ? غداءك -I have my lunch at ............................................................................ . 69-At what time do you have your supper (dinner) ? عشاءك -I have my supper (dinner) at ........................................................... . 70-Are you interested مولعin dancing ? - ........................................................................................................ . 71-Do you always renew your Chamber of Commerce I.D. card in time? - ......................................................................................................... . 72-Which is higher in price a Euro or a Dollar? -........................................................................................ is higher.
Exercise (6) : Fill in the blanks , answer these questions or complete the following :1-First name : ........................................................................... Middle name : ........................................................................ Surname أسم العائلة/ اللقب: ..................................................................... Nickname الكنية: .................................................................................. Sex : الجنس............................................................ . Maiden name اسم أسرة المرأة قبل الزواج: ................................................ Sect الطائفة: ............................................................................ Nationalism القومية: .................................................................. 2-Age العمر: (Month شهر, Day يوم, Year ) سنة........../.........../................. Place مكانof birth الميلد: ........................................................... . Date of birth ................................................... . 3-Nationality الجنسية: ..................................................... Religion الديانة: .......................................................... Blood الدمgroup فصيلة: ..............................................
4-Marital الزوجيةStatus الحالة: ................................................................ Number عددof children الطفال: .......................................................... 5-Your present الحاليjob عملك: ............................................. Your previous السابقjob : .................................................. 6-Your passport جواز سفركnumber رقم: ........................................ Issued صدرin في: ............................. On بتاريخ: ........./…...../............. 7-Your identity التعريفcard رقم# بطاقة: ............................................. Issued صدرتin في: .......................... On بتاريخ: …....../….../…......... 8-Nationality الجنسيةcertificate رقم# شهادة: ....................................... Issued صدرتin في: ....................... On بتاريخ: …...../…...../........... 9-Is your father dead ميتor alive ? حي................................................ Is your mother dead or alive? ............................................................ 10-Number of brothers الخوة: ......................................................... Number of sisters الخوات: ............................................................ 11-Number عددof uncles العمام أو الخوال: ............................ Number of aunts العمات أو الخالت: ................................ 12-Number of cousins أبناء وبنات العم أو الخال: ....................................... Number of males الذكور: ................................................................ Number of females الناث: .............................................................. 13-a) Finished أنهىsecondary school in year : ........................................ b) Finished undergraduate الجامعية الوليةstudy in year ........................ 14-Type of university الجامعيةdegree الشهادة: ........................................ Name of university : ........................................................................ 15-Address العنوانat home : ................................................................... 16-Permanent الدائمaddress : .................................................................... 17-Address abroad خارج البلد: ................................................................. 18-Telephone number at home : ............................................................. Telephone number abroad : ................................................................. 19-What is your balance in the bank in US $ ? ……………………….. 20-You belong to the ................ sect الطائفة, don’t you ? ........................ 21-Are you applying تتقدم بطلب الحصول علىfor a permanent دائمية residence إقامةabroad ? -..................................................................................................... . 22-Which أيةprovince مقاطعةdo you like to live تعيشin abroad ? It is ................................................................................................. . 23-Which city do you like to work in abroad ? I like to work in ............................................................................ 24-What do you know about Canada ?
-....................................................................................................... . 25-Do you like parties ? الحفلتWhy ? -.................................................................................................. . 26-Do you smoke ? تدخنWhy ? -..................................................................................................... . 27-How often كم مرةdo you drink wine a week ? -..................................................................................................... . 28-How often do you drink تشربbeer الجعةa month ? -....................................................................................................... . 29-How often كم مرةdo you go تذهبto cinema ? السينما -....................................................................................................... . 30-Do you هلenjoy يعجبكdancing ? الرقص -....................................................................................................... . 31-When متىdo you go تذهبto theatre ? المسرح -....................................................................................................... . 32-What are your hobbies ? هواياتك -....................................................................................................... . 33-Are هلyou interested مولعin magazines ? بالمجلت -....................................................................................................... . 34-Do هلyou enjoy cooking بطهي الطعامor does someone شخص ماcook it يطبخهfor you ? -....................................................................................................... . 35-Do you like to go swimming on the beach ? البلج -....................................................................................................... .
Exercise (7) : Fill in the blanks , answer these questions or complete the following :1-Do هلyou like to eat ham ? لحم الخنزير -....................................................................................................... . 2-How كيفwill you سوفtravel abroad ? خارج البلد -....................................................................................................... . 3-Do هلyou have a driving permit ( رخصةlicense ?) رخصة -....................................................................................................... . 4-Can هل تستطيعyou drive a car ? -....................................................................................................... . 5-When متىwere you married ? تزوجت -....................................................................................................... . 6-Are you هلin good harmony انسجامwith your neighbors ? جيرانك -....................................................................................................... .
7-How long ما طول الفترة الزمنيةhave you been studying تدرسEnglish ? -....................................................................................................... . 8-What’s ما هوyour favorite المفضلaim هدفكin life ? -....................................................................................................... . 9-What do ماذاyou want to be تكونin the future ? -....................................................................................................... . 10-Do you هلknow how to use the computer ? -....................................................................................................... . 11-What is ما هوyour job وظيفتكtitle ? -....................................................................................................... . 12-What do you intend تعتزمto work at any أيةcorporation ? شركة -....................................................................................................... . 13-How much كم مبلغsalary ( الراتبwage ) الجر السبوعي أو اليوميdo you expect تتوقعto get تحصل عليهfrom منthe company الشركةin $ US ? -....................................................................................................... . 14-How many employees المستخدمينdoes your employer رب عملكwant to employ ? التعيين -....................................................................................................... . 15-Do هلyou have a legalized موثقاcontract ? عقدا -....................................................................................................... . 16-How much كم مبلغis your net الصافيincome دخلكand how much is your gross الكليincome? -....................................................................................................... . 17-Do هلyou like a full-time بدوام كاملjob or a part-time جزئيjob ? عمل -....................................................................................................... . 18-What ماkind of business do you exercise تمارسهnow ? -....................................................................................................... . 19-What ماذاwill you do if your contract عقدكis over ? انتهى -....................................................................................................... . 20-Can you هل تستطيعimport استيرادanything أي شيءfrom Hong Kong ? -....................................................................................................... . 21-Iraq exports النفط......................... , التمور......................... يصدر, .......................... الكبريتand .......................... الجلود. 22-Iraq imports المكائن..................... , السيارات...................... يستورد, ................ الدوات الحتياطيةand …………........ إطارات العجلت الخارجية. 23-Do هلyou have لديكa membership عضويةof any sports club ? -....................................................................................................... . 24- Why do goods البضائعgo through خللthe customs الكماركoffices ?
-....................................................................................................... . 25-Is there a duty free market at فيan international دوليairport ? مطار -....................................................................................................... . 26-How do merchants transfer يحولونtheir money abroad ? خارج البلد -....................................................................................................... . 27-Why does an agent الوكيلtake commission ? عمولة -....................................................................................................... . 28-Does هلa bank give a rate معدلof interest فائدةfor the current الجاري account or for the deposit (savings) التوفيرaccount ? حساب -....................................................................................................... . 29-What do you need if you want to withdraw money from a bank ? -....................................................................................................... . 30-Which is better to carry cash money or travelers’ checks ? شيكات -....................................................................................................... . 31-How كيفdoes a wholesaler بائع الجملةsell يبيعcommodities السلعand how does the retailer بائع المفردsell them ? -....................................................................................................... . 32-What do merchants store in their warehouses مستودعاتهم, ?مخازنهم -Merchants التجارstore يخزنون.............................. in their warehouses. 33-What كمtime is it now ? -It الوقتis ................................................................................... . 34-What do subways (metros, undergrounds) do to passengers ? للركاب -Subways (metros, undergrounds) transport تنقل................................... 35-The secretary works in the secretariat السكرتارية, doesn’t she ? -............................................................................................. .
Questions and answers about cars : 1-What is a seat المقعدbelt حزامused for ? يستعمل -It is used for the safety of the driver and the passenger والمسافر. 2-What do you do if there is a puncture ثقبin the left-side tire ? عجلة -I replace it استبدلهwith the spare الحتياطيةone بالعجلة. 3-When do you use a full light ? -I use a full light when there is no vehicle مركبةahead on a road outside the city. 4-Do هلyou use the gear الترسwhen the car is parking ? واقفة -No , I don’t . 5-If the car does not work تعمل, what do you check ? تفحص -First I check افحصthe heads of the battery . Then I check the wires السلك. At last I check افحصthe fuses الصمامات الكهربائية. 6-Is هلthe reverse الخلفيةmirror المرآةnecessary ? ضروريةWhy ? -Yes, it is , because the driver السائقcan يستطيعsee what ماذاis behind وراءhis vehicle المركبة. 7-Which is faster a four-cylinder car or a six-cylinder car ?
-A six-cylinder ذات ست اسطواناتcar is faster أسرع. 8-Does each car have a bonnet ( ? غطاء محرك السيارة المعدنيUS hood) -Of course it is. 9-What do you put in the boot ( ? صندوق السيارة لوضع المتعةUS trunk) -I put a fire extinguisher آلة إطفاء الحريق, a jack رافعة,a spare part wheel عجلةand my luggage .أمتعتي 10-What does ماذاthe bumper تخفيف الصدمات مصدmake ? -It makes shocks الصدماتless اقل.
Learn the meaning of the following words :1-exhaust-pipe = silencer النبوب العادم 2-hubcap سدادة محور العجلة 3-indicator light (US turn signal) ضوء الشارة 4-number-plate (US license plate) رقم لوحة السيارة 5-rear light (US taillight) الضوء الخلفي 6-tyre (US tire) العجلة 7-wing (US fender) الجناح 8-wing mirror (US side mirror) مرآة الجناح الجانبية 9-accelerator pedal(US gas pedal) دواسة المعجل 10-brake pedal دواسة الكابح
21-rear window
النافذة الخلفية
22-roof-rack رف سقف سيارة 23-petrol tank خزان الوقود 24-sidelight (US parking light) الضوء الجانبي 25-windscreen wiper ماسحة الزجاج المامي 26-choke الخانق )يمنع دخول الهواء ليزداد الحتراق (بسرعة 27-clutch pedal عتلة الفاصل 28-dashboard / fascia لوحة العدادات الداخلية 29-door handle مقبض الباب
30-gear-lever (US gearshift) عتلة ترس 11-glove compartment خزانة داخلية 31-dip-stick عصا قياس الدهن 12-hand-brake كابح يدوي 32-air filter مرشح الهواء 13-head-rest مخدة الرأس 33-axle محور الدولب 14-heater مدفأة34-brake-drum المكبح 15-horn منبه35-carburetor (US carburetor) مكربن كربوريتور 16-ignition switch مفتاح التشغيل 36-chassis الهيكل 17-rear-view mirror المرآة الخلفية37-clutch واصل )كلتش أو دبرياج، )قابض 18-speedometer عداد السرعة38-radiator جهاز احرار: مشعاع، مشع الجزاء الخارجية أو تبريد الجزاء الداخلية 19-steering wheel المقود39-differential gear مجموعة تروس )مسننات( تفاضلية 20-petrol tank (US gas tank) 40-dynamo خزان الوقود ( دينامو )دنام، دنمو، (مولد )كهربائي
Question (9)
Answer these questions :-
1-Do you have an international license (permit ? ) رخصة قيادة المركبات - …………………………………………………………….. . 2-What kind of fuel do you use in your car ?
- …………………………………………………………….. . 3-What is the name of the place in which your car is checked and maintained ? تصان - …………………………………………………………….. . 4-Who repairs your car ? - …………………………………………………………….. . 5-How long have you been driving a car? - …………………………………………………………….. . 6-Where do you buy petrol? - …………………………………………………………….. . 7-If you have a puncture in one of your tires, where do you mend it? - …………………………………………………………….. . 8-If the road is sloppy, how do you park your car? - …………………………………………………………….. . 9-What is the meaning of (a driving license)? - …………………………………………………………….. . 10-Is your driving permit valid ? سارية المفعول - …………………………………………………………….. . 11-Why do you go to the workshop ? الورشة - …………………………………………………………….. . 12-What can a fitter do? - …………………………………………………………….. . 13-What is a car electrician الكهربائيin charge مسؤولof ? - …………………………………………………………….. .
Exercise (10)
Answer these questions :-
1-Are هلyou أنتmarried متزوجor bachelor ? أعزب - …………………………………………………………….. . 2-Where are أينyou traveling ? مسافر - …………………………………………………………….. . 3-Are you traveling by airplane الطائرة, ship السفينة, bus الحافلةor train ? - …………………………………………………………….. . 4-How much كم ثمنdoes it cost تكلفfrom Dubai to China by sea ? بحرا - …………………………………………………………….. . 5-Was هل كانتyour trip رحلتكto Qatar comfortable ? مريحة - …………………………………………………………….. . 6-What is ما هوthe telephone code مفتاحnumber of your country ? - …………………………………………………………….. . 7- What is the telephone code number of UAE ? المارات العربية المتحدة - …………………………………………………………….. . 8-Hello مرحبا. Is Mr. Brown there ? موجود - …………………………………………………………….. . a)When متىwill سوفhe come back ? يعود - …………………………………………….. . b)Can I هل أستطيعleave اتركa message رسالة شفويةfor him ? - …………………………………………….. . c)His line خط هاتفهis engaged مشغولnow . Can you call him later ? - …………………………………………….. . 9-Can I reserve حجزa single room in your hotel for two nights ?
- ………………………………………………………….. . a)How much كم ثمنis the single room and the double room ? - …………………………………………….. . b)How much is it الغرفةa night في الليلةwith breakfast ? فطور - …………………………………………….. . c)How much is it الغرفةa night with full board ?وجبات كاملة - …………………………………………….. . d)Does it have هل الغرفة تملكa bath حماماor a shower ? دوشا - …………………………………………….. . 10-Are هلthe hotel guests نزلءforeigners or Iraqis ? - ………………………………………………………….. . 11-Is هلthere يوجدa lift مصعدin this hotel ? - ………………………………………………………….. . 12-Where is أينthe restaurant المطعم, please ? - ………………………………………………………….. . 13-I want to cash this travelers’ المسافرينcheck . Is the bank open ? - ………………………………………………………….. . 14-How is the weather الطقسtoday ? (Choose):it sunny مشمس, windy عاصف, cold, hot or moderate ? معتدل - ………………………………………………………….. . 15-Is there a form استمارةto لكيfill in ? املها - ………………………………………………………….. . 16-Where is the customs الكماركoffice دائرة, please ? - ………………………………………………………….. . 17-Do you هلhave لديكanything أي شيءto declare تصرح به ? حفظ \I have 200 cigarettes سيكارة, a bottle قنينةof perfume عطورand my personal الشخصيةcamera .
18- Is there any أيduty رسومon them ? عليهم - ………………………………………………………….. . 19-Is هلsmoking التدخينallowed مسموحhere or is it forbidden ? ممنوع - ………………………………………………………….. . 20-Where is أينthe waiting room ? Where is the luggage المتعةroom ? - ………………………………………………………….. . 21-Is هلthere هناكany time table جدولfor the train ? Where is reservation الحجزoffice ? - ………………………………………………………….. . 22-Have you got your tickets ? The ticket tester فاحصis coming ? قادم - ………………………………………………………….. . 23-Where is أينthe railway القطارstation محطة, please ? - ………………………………………………………….. . 24-How do you want your ticket تذكرتك: one way or round trip ? مرجع - ………………………………………………………….. . 25-Is it a direct مباشرway from Kuwait to Thailand ? - ………………………………………………………….. . 26-What ماذاare يوجدthere in your suitcase حقيبتك ? حفظ -There are two suits بدلتين, one over coat معطف, three shirts قمصان ذو أكمام, one T-shirt قميص نصف أكمام, four ties أربطة عنق, six pairs أزواجof
socks الجوارب القصيرة, one belt حزام, one hair brush فرشاة, one toothpaste معجون أسنان, one small knife , one towel منشفة, three handkerchiefs مناديل, a mirror مرآةand a razor ماكنة حلقة. 27-What is ماyour business ? عملك - ………………………………………………………….. . 28- Do you wish to visit Canada ? - ………………………………………………………….. . 29-What are ماذاyou allowed مسموح لكto import تستوردfrom Greece? - ………………………………………………………….. . 30-What كمtime is it now ? - ………………………………………………………….. . 31-Do you هلenjoy تستمتعtraveling بالسفرduring the day or at night ? - ………………………………………………………….. . 32-Do you هلcarry تحملyour luggage أمتعتكor does a porter الحمالcarry it ? يحملها - ………………………………………………………….. . 33-At what time متىshould يجبI عليbe أكونat the airport ? At what time will the airplane leave ? تغادر - ………………………………………………………….. . 34-Excuse me . Can you tell me تخبرنيthe way الطريقto the market ? - ………………………………………………………….. . 35-Excuse me عفوا. How كيفcan I get اصعدupstairs ? للطابق العلوي - ………………………………………………………….. . 36-Is هلthe cafeteria small or أوlarge ? - ………………………………………………………….. .
Pronouns الضمائر Subject Pronouns I we you you he she it they
Object Pronouns
me us you you هو him هي her لغير العاقل it هم them nd 2 Possessive Pronouns
mine ours yours yours his hers its theirs
نحن أنت انتم
ضمائر التملك الول وتقع في بداية الجملة أو وسطها قبل السماء
Possessive Pronouns ضمائر الفاعلmy ضمائر المفعول وتقع في بدايةour به الجملة أوyour في وتقع وسطها قبل وسط الفعالyour الجملة his بعد الفعال her المتعدية its وبعد حروف their الجر Reflexive الضمائرPronouns المنعكسة myself نفسي ضمائر التملك في الثاني وتقع ourselves أنفسنا نهاية الجملة yourself نفسك ول يليها أسماء yourselves أنفسكم himself نفسه herself نفسها itself لغير العاقل themselves أنفسهم
Exercise (11) Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns :-
1-This is my passport جواز سفري. It is ………………. . a. I b. me c. my d. mine 2-These are Tom’s suitcases حقائب سفر. They are ………………. . a. he b. him c. his d. our 3-This skirt belongs تعودto Helen. It’s ………………. . a. hers b. she c. her d. him 4-I went to our club نادينا. It is ………………. . a. ours b. our c. we d. us 5-The food belongs to the dog. It is ………………. . a. it b. its c. they d. her 6-Your balls are here. They’re ………………. . a. you b. your c. yours d. they 7-Whose bags are these? They’re………………. . a. they b. them c. their d. theirs 8-Please look at ………………. . a. I b. me c. my d. mine 9-The neighbors الجيرانalways help ………………. . a. we b. us c. our d. ours 10-We shall go with ………………. to cinema. a. you b. your c. yours d. our 11-The children always call ………………. dad. a. he b. him c. his d. I 12-I like ………………. very much indeed. a. she b. hers c. her d. they 13-The man is feeding ……………….very well. a. its b. it c. she d. he 14-Close اغلقواour books. Close ………………. , please. a. we b. us c. our d. ours 15-I am happy. ………………. am optimistic متفائل, too. a. I b. Me c. My d. Mine 16-He is sad. ………………. is pessimistic متشائم, too. a. Him b. His c. He d. They 17-She is poor. ………………. is ill, too. a. Hers b. Her c. She d. It 18-The man is fat, so is ………………. . a. I b. they c. we d. she 19-The cats are thirsty. So is ………………. . a. it b. they c. we d. you 20-Martin is a doctor. He’s ………………. friend. a. I b. my c. mine d. me 21-This is Mrs. Sam. She is ………………. mother. a. our b. ours c. we d. us 22-Where is ………………. umbrella? a. you b. yours c. mine d. your 23- ………………. father is an architect مهندس معماري. a. He b. Him c. Hers d. His 24-Ann is an orphan يتيمة. ………………. father is dead. a. His b. My c. Your d. Her
25-The bird is ill. ………………. wing جناحهis hurt مصاب. a. It b. Its c. It’s d. He 26-………………. uncle is absent غائب. He’s abroad خارج البلد. a. Their b. They c. Them d. Theirs 27-I’ve got a baby. How old is ………………. ? a. his b. hers c. he d. them 28-Helen is tall, but ………………. brother isn’t. a. he b. she c. hers d. her 29-Tom succeeded in the quiz , but …………. friends failed. a. he b. him c. his d. I 30-Is that ………………. father? No, he’s my grandfather. a. I b. mine c. your d. yours 31-Excuse me عفوا, how old are ………………. ? I’m 17 years old. a. your b. yours c. I d. you 32-My wife زوجتيand ………………. live in Canada. a. him b. I c. her d. them
Clothes – ملبسwomen النساءand girls والبنات A) Translate the answers of these questions into Arabic :1-Who is wearing a dressing gown? -A woman is wearing a dressing gown. /gaun/ 2-Is the belt on the dressing gown or under it? -The belt is on the dressing gown. 3-How many pairs of pants can you see? -I can see one pair of pants. 4-What color are the tights? -The tights are black color. 5-Who is wearing a shawl? -A girl is wearing a shawl. 6-Is the girl’s nightdress (nightgown) red, white or black? -The girl’s nightdress (nightgown) is white. 7-Is the girl’s slipper old or new? -The girl’s slipper is new. 8-Where is the ring? -The ring is on the woman’s finger. 9-Around which hand is the bracelet? -The bracelet is around the right hand. 10-How many ear-rings can a woman put on her ears? -A woman can put two ear-rings on her ears. 11-Where is the necklace ?قلدة -The necklace is round the woman’s neck رقبة. 12-What is a nail-file used for? -A nail-file is used for making rough nails smooth. 13-Is the compact powder open or closed? -The compact powder is open. 14-Where is the mascara? -The mascara is on the table. 15-Is the nail-varnish /va:niS/ open or closed?
-The nail-varnish is closed. 16-Do you use a scent perfume? -Yes, I do. Or -No, I don’t. 17-How many colors does an eye shadow have? -An eye shadow has a lot of colors. 18-What is a face-cream used for? -A face-cream is used for the face. 19-Is the lipstick open or closed? -The lipstick is open. 20-Is the carpet square or oblong -It is oblong. 21-Is there any open drawer? -No, there isn’t. B) Give the Arabic meaning of the following :(1) a pair of ear-rings (2) a pair of socks (3) a pair of shoes (4) a pair of gloves (5) a pair of tights (6) a pair of scissors (7) a table lamp
(8) hair (9) drawer (10) mirror (11) wall (12) floor (13) lip (14) finger
(15) bear (16) stool (17) hand (18) head (19) arm (20) carpet (21) drawer
C) Choose the correct choice (a, b, c or d) to complete the meaning :1-The woman is wearing her dressing gown because she is at ………. a. office b. hospital c. home d. theatre 2-A belt can be used by both a man and a………. a. bird b. fish c. ant d. woman 3-In Britain the word (pants) has another meaning which is ………. a. under pants b. underground c. underneath d. understand 4-A pair of tights is a piece of ………. clothing worn by a woman. a. thick b. thin c. long d. short 5-A shawl is a large piece of cloth that is worn by a ………. round the head. a. women b. woman c. man d. fireman 6-A nightdress is a loose dress that a girl or woman wears in ………. a. school b. court c. bed d. cinema 7-A pair of slippers is a light pair of shoes that is worn at ………. a. party b. office c. interview d. home 8-Both men and women can put rings on their ………. a. toes b. fingers c. hands d. legs
Exercise (12)Fill in the blanks , answer , complete or choose the correct choice in the following : 1-What is your business? -I am ……………………….…. 2-How do you go to your business? -I go to my business ……………………….…. 3-Why do you study English?
-I study English in order to ……………..……. 4-Where are vehicles kept ? - Vehicles are kept ............................................. 5-Has your passport been stamped by the police? -Yes, it ........................... -No, it ................................ 6-Excuse me, can you help me change this banknote into US dollars? -Yes, I ............................ -No, I ................................. 7-Excuse me, can you tell me the time? -It is ....................................
Exercise (13) Give the Arabic meaning to these words :1-airport 2-suitcase 3-immigration 4-luggage 5-airplane 6-land 7-check in 8-steward 9-pilot 10-officer
11-reservation 12-passport 13-valid 14-check out 15-ticket 16-stewardess 17-passenger 18-trip 19-visa 20-seat belt
21-by air 22-reserve 23-customs 24-porter 25-take off 26-cafeteria 27-inspection 28-duty-free markets 29-log in 30-log out
Exercise (14) Translate the following sentences into Arabic :1-An airport is a place where travelers come to take an airplane and travel abroad. - ………………………………………………. . 2-A steward is a man who serves passengers in an airplane. - ………………………………………………. . 3-Every traveler should have a ticket when taking an airplane. - ………………………………………………. . 4-The tourist always enjoys traveling abroad by air. - ………………………………………………. . 5-If you travel abroad, you must take a suitcase with you. - ………………………………………………. . 6-The pilot of our plane is very young. - ………………………………………………. . 7-When the airplane takes off, the stewardess gives out refreshments. - ………………………………………………. . 8-Before traveling abroad, you must reserve your ticket. - ………………………………………………. . 9-The immigration officer is responsible for passports. - ………………………………………………. . 10-The customs officer is responsible for passengers’ effects.
Read these telephone numbers :1-Excuse me, what’s your phone number? 551 0773 Double five one oh double seven three. Double five one oh double seven three?
Yes, that’s right. Thanks. 2-Excuse me, what’s your phone number? 831 5761 3-Excuse me, what’s your phone number? 235 1544 4-Excuse me, what’s your phone number? 473 2121 Sorry, wrong number.
Listen to these conversations and study them . Then make similar conversations and practice them with a partner : 1-Helen Mary Helen Mary Helen Mary 2-Ann Jack Ann Jack Ann Jack Ann Jack Ann
Hello. Oxford 49382. Hello. Could I speak to Helen, please? Speaking. Who is that? This is Mary. Oh, hello, Mary. How are you? Fine, thanks. Listen Helen, I got a surprise for you. Hello. Hello. Can I speak to Jill, please? One moment, please ........... I’m sorry. She’s not here. Can I take a message? Pardon? Can I take a message? Yes. Could you tell her Jack called? Yes, of course. Thanks very much. Goodbye. You're welcome. Goodbye.
Choose the right word a, b, c or d to complete the meaning :1-When David is hungry, he goes to a ........... a. school b. supermarket c. restaurant 2-When Sid is thirsty, he drinks a glass of ........... a. water b. ice cream c. eggs 3-When Arthur is bored, he goes to ........... a. laboratory b. market c. cinema 4-When Fred is hot, he goes to the ........... a. swimming b. library c. theatre pool 5-When the worker is dirty, he has a ........... a. kitchen b. bed room c. garden 6-When Lucy is happy, she ........... a. cries b. weeps c. sings 7-When Oliver is unhappy, he goes to ........... a. bed b. dentist c. laundry 8-If somebody drives a car, he is a ........... a. mechanic b. fitter c. electrician 9-Those men who act on stage are known as ........... a. actions b. actresses c. actors
d. cinema d. oranges d. hospital d. stadium
d. bath d. sleeps d. TV d. driver d. acts
10-Passengers are known as ........... a. cyclists b. motorists
c. travelers
d. engineers
Part Three ثثثثث ثثثثثث Match the words in list (A) with those from list (B) to complete meaning : List ( القائمةA) 1-What is your name? 2-How old are you? 3-Where do you live? 4-Why do you study English? 5-Who is that woman? 6-How deep is this well? 7-How often do you go to cinema? 8-How wide is this wall? 9-How much is this suitcase? 10-How many brothers do you have? 11-Indira أنديرا (First name)
List ( القائمةB) a-To go to England. b-Mrs. Brown. c-Arthur Smith. d-32 years old. e-In Belgium . a-Twice a week. b-Six meters deep. c-70 centimeters wide. d-Two. e-$ 21.00. a-Fonda. (Surname) ببببب 12-Brigitte بريجيت b-Onassis. 13-Jean جين c-Bardot. 14-Jacqueline جاكلين d-Shakespeare. 15-William وليام e-Ghandi. 16-Dr. Thomas works at hospital. He a-electricians. is a ..................... . 17-I’m an engineer. I work at b-dentist. a ....................... . 18-Tom’s a photographer. He works c-workshop. in a ..................... . 19-The ................. treats people’s d-studio. teeth. He has a beautiful clinic. 20-They deal with wires and cables. e-physician. They are ……….…..... . 21-Bob is from England. He a-Italian. is ............ . 22-Erik is from Germany. He b-English. is .......... . 23-This girl is from the United c-German. States. She’s ................ . 24-That tourist is from Italy. d-American. He’s ....................... . 25-This car was made in Japan. e-Japanese. It is a ................. car 26-Goodbye and good luck. a-Good morning. 27-Hello. b-Certainly. 28-Thank you very much. c-Hello. 29-Could you shut the door, please? d-Not at all.
30-Good morning. 31-A man who is not married is .......... . 32-A girl who is not married is ........... . 33-A husband and wife are ................ . 34-A husband whose wife is dead is .................... . 35-A wife whose husband is dead is ................... . 36-Mr. Brown is my uncle. I am his ................... . 37-Mrs. Eric is my mother. I’m her .................... . 38-Tom is Mr. Pat’s son. Mr. Pat is Tom’s .................... . 39-Judy is Ann’s mother. Ann is Judy’s .................... . 40-Mrs. Sam is married to Mr. Sam. Mr. Sam is Mrs. Sam’s .................... . 41-Where’s Canberra? It’s in ......................... . 42-Where’s Edinburgh? It’s in ......................... . 43-Where’s Montreal? It’s in ........................ . 44-Where’s Stockholm? It’s in ....................... . 45-Where’s Athens? It’s in ....................... . 46-It is 5:00 47-It is 9:30 48-It is 3:15 49-It is 5:33 50-It is 8:45 51-A place where we cook our food is a ...................... . 52-A place where we sleep is a ........... . 53-A place where we meet our guests is a .................... . 54-A place where we take a shower is a ....................... . 55-A place where we wash our faces a ....................... .
e-Thank you. Goodbye. a-widower. b-widow. c-virgin or spinster. d-bachelor. e-married people, spouses. a-daughter. b-husband. c-nephew. d-son. e-father. a-Sweden. b-Greece. c-Australia. d-Scotland. e-Canada. a-It’s a quarter past three. b-It’s five o’clock. c-It’s twenty seven to six. d-It’s half past nine. e-It’s a quarter to nine. a-bed room. b-kitchen. c-bath room. d-toilet. e-living room.
Exercise (13): Give the meaning of the following commands and fill in the blank spaces with the missing words :1-Show me your passport. -This is my passport. 2-Show me your visa. -This is my visa. 3-Show me your ticket. -This is my .................. . 4-Show me your license. -This is ............. driving license. 5-Show me your photograph. - ................... my photograph.
-It’s mine. -It’s ..................... . -It’s mine. -It’s mine. -It’s mine
Exercise (14) :Change the following words into plural :Singular مفرد 1-door باب 2-chair كرسي 3-blackboard سبورة 4-desk رحلة
Plural جمع
Singular مفرد 11-window شباك 12-table طاولة 13-ruler مسطرة
Plural جمع
14-telephone هاتف 15-dish طبق 16-child طفل 17-deer غزال 18-fish سمكة 19-loaf رغيف خبز 20-spoon ملعقة
5-church كنيسة 6-glass كأس 7-foot قدم 8-class صف 9-wife زوجة 10-branch فرع
Exercise (15) :Give the opposite of the following words :Word الكلمة 1-big كبير 2-long طويل 3-high عالي 4-here هنا للقريب 5-clean نظيف 6-sharp حاد 7-easy سهل 8-light خفيف 9-cheap رخيص 10-safe أمين
Opposite عكسها
Word الكلمة Opposite عكسها 11-good جيد 12-new جديد 13-narrow ضيق 14-this هذا للقريب 15-boy ولد 16-sick مريض 17-import يستورد 18-begin يبدأ 19-rich غني 20-modren عصري
Exercise(16): Give the Arabic meaning of the following colors :Color اللون 1-red 2-green
Meaning المعنى
Color اللون 6-yellow 7-blue
Meaning المعنى
3-orange 4-black 5-white
8-brown 9-grey
Exercise(17): Learn the following words and their Arabic meaning :words 1- door 2- (door-) knocker 3-(door-) bell
Arabic meaning words باب16- stair مطرقة، مقرعة17- staircase الباب جرس الباب18- banister
4- doorstep 5-letter-box 6- keyhole 7- lock and chain 8- bolt
عتبة الباب صندوق الرسائل ثقب المفتاح قفل ذو سلسلة مزلج، رتاج
9- hinge 10- (door) mat
( مفصل ) رزة
11- floor 12- rug 13- (coat) rack
أرضية، أرض الحجرة
14- peg 15- key
ممسحة الرجل
19- handrail 20- upstairs 21- downstairs 22- light 23- (light-) switch 24- clock 25- telephone / phone 26- receiver 27- dial 28- cord / flex
كليم، بساط، سجادة حامل، مشجب للملبس علقة، مشجب29- (tele) phone directory / book مفتاح
Arabic meaning َدَرج، سلم بيت السلم ، عمود الدرابزين درابزين حاجز يدوي إلى الدور العلوي إلى الدور السفلي نور مفتاح النور ساعة الحائط (هاتف )تلفون سماعة الهاتف فرص الهاتف حبل الهاتف دليل الهاتف
Exercise (18) Give the Arabic meaning of the following words :Word الكلمة 1-door 2-(door-) knocker 3-(door-) bell 4-doorstep 5-letter-box 6-keyhole 7-lock and chain 8-bolt 9-hinge
Meaning معناها
Word الكلمة 10-(door) mat 11-floor
Meaning معناها
12-rug 13-(coat) rack 14-peg 15-key 16-stair 17-staircase 18-banister
The Hall
1-Define عرفa hall ? الصالة -A hall is a large room, a passage or a building that is inside the front entrance in meetings, concerts, dances, etc can be held.
2-Where should a door-knocker be fixed? -It should be fixed on the door. 3-Why is the door-bell used? -It is used to warn لتحذيرpeople inside that somebody is waiting at the door. 4-Where is the doorstep عتبة البابlie ? تقع -It lies at the bottom أسفلof the front door. 5-What is the letter-box صندوق الرسائلused for ? يستعمل -It is used for keeping لحفظletters. 6-Can you see through خللa keyhole ? فتحة المفتاح -Yes, I can. 7-Do you have a lock قفلand chain سلسلةin your room? -Yes, I do. 8-What can fix يثبتa door to the frame ? الطار -A bolt المزلجcan fix a door to the frame. 9-What is a hinge ? المفصل -A hinge is a piece قطعةof metal المعدنthat joins تربطtwo sides of a door, etc together and allows يسمحit to be opened or closed . 10-What is a door mat ? حصيرة -A door mat is a piece of carpet سجادةor other thick سميكة material that you put تضعهاon the floor . 11-A carpet السجادةcan be put يوضعon the floor , can’t it? -Yes, it can. 12-What is a rug ? بساط -A rug is a piece of thick material that covers a small part of a floor. 13-Where do guests الضيوفusually عادةhang يعلقواtheir overcoats معاطفهم ? -Guests usually hang their overcoats on a coat rack حامل، مشجب الملبس. 14-What does a coat rack have? -A coat rack has several pegs علقات. 15-Why do you use a key? -I use a key for locking غلقand unlocking وفتحa door. 16-How do you go upstairs للطابق العلىat home ? -I go upstairs by using the stairs . 17-What does a staircase بيت السلمmean ? -A staircase means a stairway الممر. 18-What is the meaning of banisters (banisters) أعمدة درابزين، درابزين. -Banisters (banisters) are rails أعمدةsupported مسندةby upright قائمة bars أوتادat the side of a staircase بيت السلم, that you hold on تمسكه to when you are going up-or downstairs. 19-When you go upstairs, you sometimes put your hand on the handrail حاجز يدوي, don’t you? -Yes, I do. 20-What does upstairs mean?
-It means to or on the upper العلويfloor of a building للبناية. 21-What does downstairs mean? -It means down the stairs or on, or to the ground الرضيfloor الطابق or a lower السفليfloor. 22-When do you use a light ? -I use a light when عندماit is dark مظلمة. 23-Why do you use a light switch ? مفتاح -I use a light switch in order to connect نربطor disconnect نفصل electric الكهربائيةpower الطاقة. 24-Where is a clock الساعة الجداريةput ? توضع -A clock is put on the wall . 25-If you want to make a telephone call , what do you pick up ? تلتقط -If I want to make a telephone call, I pick up the receiver (handset ). 26-What is a dial ? قرص الهاتف -A dial is the round دائريpart with holes ثقوبin it on some telephones. It is fixed مثبتeither on the receiver سماعة الهاتفor on the phone . 27-You now dial تدير القرصdirect مباشرةto New Your, don’t you? -Yes, I do.
Answer these questions :1-What business does a fireman رجل الطفاءexercise ? يمارس -A fireman exercises the business of extinguishing إطفاءa fire . 2-Why لماذاdoes a fireman wear يرتديa helmet ? خوذة -A fireman wears a helmet to protect يحميhis head رأسهfrom fire . 3-What ماذاruns يجريthrough خللa hose (pipe) ? خرطوم الماء -Water الماءruns through a hose (pipe). 4-What is ما هيa nozzle ? فتحة الخرطوم -A nozzle is a narrow tube أنبوبthat is put يوضعon the end of a pipe النبوب, etc to control يسيطر علىthe liquid السائلor gas الغاز coming out المتدفق. 5-What ما هيis a hydrant ? )الحنفية )صنبور -A hydrant is a pipe in a street from which water can be taken for putting out fires الحرائق, street-cleaning تنظيف الشوارع, etc . 6-When متىdo you use a fire-extinguisher ? -I use a fire-extinguisher when عندthere is fire . 7-What is a fire-engine ? سيارة الطفاء -A fire-engine is a special vehicle مركبةthat carries equipment معدات for fighting large fires. 8-What is a ladder ? السلم -A ladder is a piece قطعةof equipment المعداتthat is used for climbing up لتسلقsomething . It consists يشتملof two long pieces of wood or أوmetal المعدن, with steps درجاتfixed مثبتةbetween them بينهما. 9-Does the fire-engine use the bell الجرسwhen it is parking واقفةor running ? شغالة -The fire-engine uses the bell when it is running.
10-A fire-escape سلم الحريقis necessary during fires , isn’t it ? أليس كذلك -Yes, it is. 11-How كيفcan you extinguish إطفاءa fire ? -I can extinguish a fire by a fire-extinguisher جهاز إطفاء الحريق. 12-Is هلsmoke الدخانgood to health ? للصحة -No, it isn’t. 13-What makes a flame اللهيبbright ? متوهجا -Oxygen الوكسجينmakes a flame bright. 14-With whom does a dental عيادة طب السنانnurse ممرضةwork? -She works with a dentist. 15-Who منsits on a dentist’s chair ? -A patient المريضsuffering الذي يعانيfrom a bad tooth سنsits on a dentist’s chair. 16-A dentist treats people’s teeth أسنان, doesn’t he ? أليس كذلك -Yes, he does. 17-Does every dentist طبيب أسنانhave a drill ? جهاز حفر السنان -Yes, he does. 18-Why does a dentist have يملكa light ضوئاover his head ? -A dentist has a light over his head in order to see the patient’s bad teeth and mouth. 19-Where does أينa patient sleep ينامin the hospital ward ? ردهة -A patient sleeps on a hospital bed )سرير المرضى )فراش. 20-Whom منshould يجب علىa patient المريضsee ? رؤية -A patient should see a doctor .
Questions and answers about : (A) (THE WEATHER ببببب ) 1-What ماذاcan you see during lightning ? البرق -I can see light الضوءduring lightning. 2-In فيwhich season فصلdo we have a storm-thunder سحابة رعديةcloud غيمةmore ? -We have a storm-thunder cloud in winter الشتاءmore. 3-a)Do you هلenjoy يعجبكthe rain ? المطر -Yes, I do. b)What ماis the rain ? -The rain is water falling ساقطةdrops from the clouds الغيوم. 4-When متىcan you تستطيعsee water drops ? قطرات -I can see water drops when it is raining. 5-Does هلit snow يسقط الثلجin summer ? Why ? -No, it doesn’t, because it is very hot. 6-Is it هلeasy سهلor difficult صعبto make a snowball ? كرة ثلجية -It is easy to make a snowball. 7-What ماis a snowman ? رجل الثلجCan you هل تستطيعmake تعملa snowman ? رجل ثلجHow ? كيف -A snowman is a made مصنوعof منsnow الثلج. Yes, I can by hand .
8-When do we see an icicle ? الدلة الجليدية المتدليةIs it natural طبيعيةor unnatural ? غير طبيعية -An icicle is a pointed مدببstick نتوءof منice الثلجformed متكون when running water freezes. 9-Does هلit shine تشرقduring خللthe night or the day ? -It shines during the day. 10-What ماis the color of the sky ? السماء -The color of the sky is blue أزرق. (B) (IN THE GARDEN ) ببببببب 11-Where أينcan you see trees ? -I can see trees in the garden . 12-Does هلevery tree have a trunk ? )جذعا )ساقا -Yes, it does. 13-Can هل تستطيعbirds stand الوقوفon the branch فرعof the tree ? -Yes, they can. 14-Which أيهماis bigger a twig الغصينor a branch ? -A branch is bigger. 15-What ماis the color لونof trees in spring ? الربيع -The color of trees in spring is green . 16-Which is wider اعرضa gate البوابةor a door ? -A gate is wider than a door. 17-Why لماذاis a hedge سياج من الشجيراتused ? -A hedge is used for separating لفصلtwo areas منطقتين. 18-Can you هل تستطيعwalk المشيon the path ? الممر -Yes, I can. 19-Is هلa lawn المرجةbeautiful ? Why ? -Yes, it is, because it is green . 20-How does كيفthe flower الوردةsmell ? تكون رائحتها -The flower smells good زكية. 21-Which أيهماis bigger أكبرa tree or a shrub bush ? الشجيرة -A tree is bigger than a shrub bush. 22-What is ماذاa flower الزهرbed حوضused for ? -A flower bed is used for growing لزرعflowers . 23-What is a watering-can صفيحة الرشuse for ? -A watering-can is used for watering the flowers. 24-Did you هلsee a flower-pot ? أصيص ورودWhere ? -Yes, I did, in the garden . 25-Where أينcan you see a garden-fork ? شوكة -I can see a garden-fork in the garden . 26-Where is the shed السقيفةbuilt ? تبنى -The shed it built in the garden . 27-Do you هلsee a wheelbarrow عجلة يدin gardens only ? -No, I don’t. 28-Why is a wash الغسيلline حبلused ?
-A wash line is used for drying لتجفيفclothes and cloth والقمشة. 29-Where أينis the washing الغسيلput ? يوضع - The washing is put on علىthe wash الغسيلline حبل. 30-Is هلthe clothes-peg ملقط الغسيلnecessary ? When ? -Yes, it is, when the washing الغسيلis on the wash line .